Vasselon, V., S.F. Rivera, E. Acs, S.F.P. Almeida, K.B. Andree, L. Apotheloz-Perret-Gentil, B. Bailet, A. Baricevic, K.K. Beentjes, J. Bettig, A. Bouchez, C. Capelli, C. Chardon, M. Duleba, T. Elersek, C. Genthon, M. Jablonska, L. Jacas, M. Kahlert, M.G. Kelly, J.N. Macher, F. Mauri, M. Moletta-Denat, A. Mortagua, J. Pawlowski, J. Perez-Burillo, M. Pfannkuchen, E. Pilgrim, P. Pissaridou, F. Rimet, K. Stanic, K. Tapolczai, S. Theroux, R. Trobajo, B. Van der Hoorn, M.I. Vasquez, M. Vidal, D. Wanless, J. Warren, J. Zimmermann, B. Paix. 2025. Proficiency testing and cross-laboratory method comparison to support standardisation of diatom DNA metabarcoding for freshwater biomonitoring. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 9:35-70. | Journal Article | 2025 | 1416 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding |
Klymus, K.E., J.D. Baker, C.L. Abbott, R.J. Brown, J.M. Craine, Z. Gold, M.E. Hunter, M.D. Johnson, D.N. Jones, M.J. Jungbluth, S.P. Jungbluth, Y. Lor, A. Maloy, C.M. Merkes, R. Noble, N.V. Patin, A.J. Sepulveda, S.F. Spear, J.A. Steele, M. Takahashi, A.W. Watts, S. Theroux. 2024. The MIEM guidelines: Minimum information for reporting of environmental metabarcoding data. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 8:489-518. | Journal Article | 2024 | 1417 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding |
Kelly, R.P., D.M. Lodge, K.N. Lee, S. Theroux, A.J. Sepulveda, C.A. Scholin, J.M. Craine, E.A. Allan, K.M. Nichols, K.M. Parsons, K.D. Goodwin, Z. Gold, F.P. Chavez, R.T. Noble, C.L. Abbott, M.R. Baerwald, A.M. Naaum, P.M. Thielen, A.L. Simons, C.L. Jerde, J.J. Duda, M.E. Hunter, J.A. Hagan, R.S. Meyer, J.A. Steele, M.Y. Stoeckle, H.M. Bik, C.P. Meyer, E.D. Stein, K.E. James, A.C. Thomas, E. Demir-Hilton, M.A. Timmers, J.F. Griffith, M.J. Weise, S.B. Weisberg. 2024. Toward a national eDNA strategy for the United States. Environmental DNA DOI:10.1002/edn3.432. | Journal Article | 2024 | 1336 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding |
Stein, E.D., C.L. Jerde, E. Andruszkiewicz Allan, A.J. Sepulveda, C.L. Abbott, M.R. Baerwald, J. Darling, K.D. Goodwin, R.S. Meyer, M.A. Timmers, P.M. Thielen. 2024. Critical considerations for communicating environmental DNA science. Environmental DNA DOI:10.1002/edn3.472. | Journal Article | 2024 | 1339 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding |
Simons, A.L., S. Theroux, M. Osborne, S. Nuzhdin, R.D. Mazor, J.A. Steele. 2023. Zeta diversity patterns in metabarcoded lotic algal assemblages as a tool for bioassessment. Ecological Applications DOI:10.1002/eap.2812. | Journal Article | 2023 | 1319 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity |
Stepien, C.A., S. Theroux, S.B. Weisberg. 2022. The Second National Workshop on Marine eDNA: A workshop to accelerate the incorporation of eDNA science into environmental management application. Environmental DNA DOI:10.1002/edn3.379. | Journal Article | 2022 | 1300 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding |
Charles, D.F., M.G. Kelly, R.J. Stevenson, S. Poikane, S. Theroux, A. Zgrundo, M. Cantonati. 2021. Benthic algae assessments in the EU and the US: Striving for consistency in the face of great ecological diversity . Ecological Indicators DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107082. | Journal Article | 2021 | 1191 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Eutrophication, Indices Of Biotic Integrity |
Theroux, S., R.D. Mazor, M.W. Beck, P.R. Ode, E.D. Stein, M. Sutula. 2020. Predictive biological indices for algae populations in diverse stream environments. Ecological Indicators DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106421. | Journal Article | 2020 | 1135 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Eutrophication, Indices Of Biotic Integrity |
Aylagas, E., A. Borja, X. Pochon, A. Zaiko, N. Keeley, K. Bruce, P. Hong, G.M. Ruiz, E.D. Stein, S. Theroux, N. Geraldi, A. Ortega, L. Gajdzik, D.J. Coker, Y. Katan, T. Hikmawan, A. Saleem, S. Alamer, B.H. Jones, C.M. Duarte, J. Pearman, S. Carvalho. 2020. Translational Molecular Ecology in practice: Linking DNA-based methods to actionable marine environmental management. Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140780. | Journal Article | 2020 | 1131 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding |
Simons, A.L., R.D. Mazor, S. Theroux. 2019. Using Co‐occurrence Network Topology in Assessing Ecological Stress in Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities. Ecology and Evolution DOI:10.1002/ece3.5751. | Journal Article | 2019 | 1099 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity |
Mazor, R.D., M. Beck, J.S. Brown. 2018. 2017 Report on the Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Regional Stream Survey. Technical Report 1029. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA. | Technical Report | 2018 | 1029 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition |
Kacev, D., D.J. Gillett, A.F. de Carvalho, C. Cash, S. Walther, C.D. Larsen, A. Thompson, L. Thompson, N. Bowlin, K. Goodwin, E.D. Stein. 2018. Assessment of Ichthyoplankton Metabarcoding for Routine Monitoring. Technical Report 1031. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA. | Technical Report | 2018 | 1031 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding |
Gibson, J.F., E.D. Stein, D.J. Baird, C.M. Finlayson, X. Zhang, M. Hajibabaei. 2015. Wetland Ecogenomics - The Next Generation of Wetland Biodiversity and Functional Assessment. Wetland Science and Practice 32:27-32. | Journal Article | 2015 | 0851 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding |
White, B.P., E.M. Pilgrim, L.M. Boykin, E.D. Stein, R.D. Mazor. 2014. Comparison of four species-delimitation methods applied to a DNA barcode data set of insect larvae for use in routine bioassessment. Freshwater Science 33:338-348. | Journal Article | 2014 | 0808 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding |
Stein, E.D., B.P. White, R.D. Mazor, J.K. Jackson, J.M. Battle, P.E. Miller, E.M. Pilgrim, B.W. Sweeney. 2014. Does DNA barcoding improve performance of traditional stream bioassessment metrics?. Freshwater Science 33:302-311. | Journal Article | 2014 | 0803 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity |
Jackson, J.K., J.M. Battle, B.P. White, E.M. Pilgrim, E.D. Stein, P.E. Miller, B.W. Sweeney. 2014. Cryptic biodiversity in streams: a comparison of macroinvertebrate communities based on morphological and DNA barcode identifications. Freshwater Science 33:312-324. | Journal Article | 2014 | 0811 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity |
Stein, E.D., M.C. Martinez, S. Stiles, P.E. Miller, E.V. Zakharov. 2014. Is DNA Barcoding Actually Cheaper and Faster than Traditional Morphological Methods? Results from a Survey of Freshwater Bioassessment Efforts in the United States. PLoS ONE 9:e95525. | Journal Article | 2014 | 0823 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity |
Bourlat, S.J., A. Borja, J. Gilbert, M.I. Taylor, N. Davies, S.B. Weisberg, J.F. Griffith, T. Lettieri, D. Field, J. Benzie, F.O. Glockner, N. Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, D.P. Faith, T.P. Bean, M. Obst. 2013. Genomics in marine monitoring: New opportunities for assessing marine health status. Marine Pollution Bulletin 74:19-31. | Journal Article | 2013 | 0762 | DNA Barcoding, Regional Monitoring |
Stein, E.D., B.P. White, R.D. Mazor, P.E. Miller, E.M. Pilgrim. 2013. Evaluating ethanol-based sample preservation to facilitate use of DNA barcoding in routine freshwater biomonitoring programs using benthic macroinvertebrates. PLoS ONE 8:e51273. | Journal Article | 2013 | 0741 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding |
Ranasinghe, J.A., E.D. Stein, P.E. Miller, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Performance of two southern California benthic community condition indices using species abundance and presence-only data: Relevance to DNA barcoding. PLoS ONE 7:e40875. | Journal Article | 2012 | 0713 | Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity |