Tool for rating BMP performance developed for L.A. County

Posted August 2, 2024

SCCWRP and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works have developed an index scoring tool that rates the overall performance of various structural stormwater BMPs (best management practices) based on multiple discrete metrics.

The BMP performance index tool – which was introduced to end users during a workshop in June – is intended to bring consistency and standardization to how L.A. County stormwater managers determine whether a BMP is helping to achieve downstream water-quality objectives, and whether it is capturing runoff volumes consistent with its design specifications.

Managers historically have not had access to a standardized tool for systematically integrating and comparing BMP performance data.

Researchers are planning to adapt the tool for use across Southern California. The index tool will eventually be able to evaluate BMP performance data collected via the Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition (SMC) Regional BMP Monitoring Network.

More news related to: Stormwater BMPs