Bight ’18 Sediment Quality element nearing completion on assessment reports

The Sediment Quality element of the Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Monitoring Program is scheduled to publish the first of its assessment reports this spring, with four other report volumes to follow over the next 12 months.
The Bight ’18 Sediment Toxicity assessment report is undergoing final review and is scheduled to be published by May.
Meanwhile, the technical committees overseeing sediment chemistry, trawling and bioaccumulation in sport fish have completed their preliminary data analyses, and could begin publishing their assessment reports as early as this summer.
The technical committee overseeing benthic infauna is scheduled to publish its final assessment report in early 2021.
The Sediment Quality element will hold a planning committee meeting February 10 at SCCWRP to review progress to date.
More news related to: Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program