Approach developed to identify suitable streams in north O.C. for capturing dry-weather flows

Posted August 2, 2024

SCCWRP and its partners have developed a novel screening approach for identifying streams in northern Orange County that could be suitable locations for diverting dry-weather flows to boost water recycling and improve water quality.

The runoff diversion screening approach, developed and piloted in May for the Orange County Sanitation District, enables water-quality managers to screen and rank candidate stream sites based on their relative ecological sensitivity to experiencing reductions in their dry-weather flows.

The approach considers multiple factors, including ecological consequences for downstream estuaries, and leverages extensive ecological and bioassessment data from various monitoring programs, including the Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition (SMC) Regional Watershed Monitoring Program.

Researchers are exploring how to adapt the screening approach for use across Southern California.

More news related to: Ecohydrology, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition