Santa Clara River Temperature Effects Study

SCCWRP is working with Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District of the Los Angeles County (District) to implement a temperature study in the Santa Clara River (SCR) to better understand the temperature range protective of the WARM beneficial use and evaluate the presence and thermal tolerance levels of aquatic-dependent taxa. Based on the results of these studies, the District will develop temperature management options that will bring the two WRPs into compliance with the temperature limitation.

The Santa Clara River Waterbody Temperature Study will evaluate temperature threshold protective of the WARM beneficial use considering natural variability and ecological protections.  The Study’s objectives are as follows:

• Objective 1—Determine the wholly or partially aquatic-dependent taxa that are present, were historically present, or could be present given the current habitat conditions.

• Objective 2—For each taxon identified in Objective 1, describe the relationship between waterbody temperatures and the probability (or likelihood) that different aquatic life stages are supported.

• Objective 3—Determine how the relationships between waterbody temperature and the support of aquatic life vary based on the taxon’s location in the SCR and seasonality.

• Objective 4—Determine the critical exposure times, durations, and/or frequencies associated with the temperature relationships described in Objectives 2 and 3.

• Objective 5—Determine how other physical factors in the SCR (e.g., shading, availability of substrate, evapotranspiration, flow, groundwater upwelling) can mediate temperatures and potential effects on biological communities.

Outreach Materials

Reports and Publications

Technical Study Work Plans and Progress Reports

Links to Available Data

  • Coming soon


Technical Advisory Committee Meetings

DateEventSupporting Documents
August 25, 2022Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 1 Presentation
Meeting Notes
June 21, 2023Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 2 Presentation
Meeting Notes
May 30, 2024Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 3 Presentation
Meeting Notes
December 18, 2024Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 4 Presentation
Meeting Notes

Stakeholder Advisory Group Meetings

DateEventSupporting Documents
September 19, 2022Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting 1 Presentation
Meeting Notes
October 16, 2023Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting 2 Presentation
Meeting Notes


For additional information please contact Eric Stein (