SCCWRP is working with Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (Districts) to develop and implement a temperature study to better understand temperature range protective of the WARM beneficial use. To do this, the Districts are evaluating aquatic life uses in each waterbody to then characterize the relationship between water temperature and the ability to support warm water aquatic life. Specifically, the project team, in consultation with a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), identified the following study questions:
1. For each stream reach listed in Table 1, determine the wholly or partially aquatic‐dependent taxa that are present, were historically present, or could be present given the current habitat conditions.
2. For each taxon identified in Study Question 1, describe the relationship between waterbody temperatures and the probability (or likelihood) that different aquatic life stages are supported.
3. Determine how the relationships between waterbody temperature and the support of aquatic life vary based on the taxon’s location in the watershed and seasonality.
4. Determine the critical exposure times, durations, and/or frequencies associated with the temperature relationships described in Study Questions 2 and 3.
Outreach Materials
Reports and Publications
- Coming soon
Technical Study Work Plans and Progress Reports
- Workplan for Assessing the Effects of Waterbody Temperature in the San Gabriel River Watershed and Rio Hondo
- Workplan Progress Report for Assessing the Effects of Waterbody Temperature in the San Gabriel River Watershed and Rio Hondo
Links to Available Data
- Coming soon
Technical Advisory Committee Meetings
Date | Event | Supporting Documents |
November 12, 2021 | Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 1 | • Presentation • Meeting Notes |
May 11, 2022 | Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 2 | • Presentation • Meeting Notes |
March 9, 2023 | Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 3 | • Presentation • Meeting Notes |
February 29, 2024 | Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 4 | • Presentation • Meeting Notes |
Stakeholder Advisory Group Meetings
Date | Event | Supporting Documents |
June 10, 2022 | Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting 1 | • Presentation • Meeting Notes |
For additional information please contact Eric Stein (