We are pleased to announce the 10.5 US Symposium on Harmful Algae,
with the conference theme Emerging Voices and Blooming Careers.
This meeting will be held virtually from May 25-27, 2021.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the local organizing committee and the US National HAB Committee decided to postpone the 11th US Symposium on Harmful Algae in New York until Fall 2022. In the meantime, we wanted to provide an opportunity for the US HAB research and management communities to meet together and elevate the student, postdoctoral, and early career members of our community, many of whom are most impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic at a crucial time in their careers. The program for this meeting will center around presentations (oral and poster sessions) from student, postdoctoral, and early career (< 3 years post terminal degree) community members.

This virtual meeting will not replace our in person meeting, but will provide an opportunity for our community to gather together during these strange times! We still look forward to gathering together in person in New York in 2022!
On behalf of the National HAB Committee (NHC), we would like to welcome everyone to the US HAB Symposium on Harmful Algae 10.5! As most are aware, our 11th symposium was scheduled to be held in New York later this year, however, due to many conferences having to postpone, specifically ICHA, the NHC in consultation with NOAA and the ICHA organizers, made the decision to push back the 11th symposium to Fall 2022. This delay would create a 3-year gap between US HAB symposia. We realized that this extended gap would primarily impact students, post-docs, and early career scientists in the field, so we made the decision to hold an interim virtual meeting to showcase the work exclusively from these groups. The response has been overwhelming – more than 430 registrants! This online venue also provides a way to engage more of the management community, many of whom have been unable to travel to past US HAB meetings due to budget constraints and this has been reflected in the fact that 21% of registrants are joining in from State Management Agencies!
We would like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Jayme Smith for accepting the challenge of leading this unique effort and for putting together a dedicated steering committee to carry out the tasks needed for another successful US HAB meeting!
The planning team has made every effort to incorporate young investigators throughout the planning and execution of this meeting in support of the theme. It is our hope that participants take full advantage of the free registration and enjoy all of the online oral and poster sessions that span our traditional meeting topics. We also urge folks to arrange offline chats during and subsequent to the meeting in order to offer much needed networking opportunities for our young scientists. This meeting serves to support continued collaborations within the research, management and policy communities by creating a forum to exchange scientific information.
While we are looking forward to our next in-person meeting, we are happy to be able to offer this opportunity and are excited to hear about the cutting-edge research from the next generation of HAB scientists!

Holly Bowers
Timothy Davis
NHC Co-Chair
NHC Co-Chair