2023 Symposium Presentations
9th Biennial SCCWRP Symposium
March 24, 2023
Introduction and Plenary
Regional Monitoring
- Overview of the Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program
- Using environmental DNA (eDNA) to expand our capacity for marine biomonitoring
- New directions for the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition’s regional stream bioassessment program
BMPs and Runoff Water Quality
- Impact of homelessness on wet weather quality
- Building the Southern California SMC Regional BMP Monitoring Network
- Translating field sensor data into information
Microbial Water Quality
- Implementation of ddPCR for beach water-quality monitoring
- Differentiating among sources of fecal contamination using biofilm
- Relationships between indicators and pathogens in shellfish and water
Contaminants and Emerging Concern
- Constituents of Emerging Concern (CECs): Advancing knowledge in environmental exposure
- High-throughput toxicology for rapid assessment of emerging contaminants
- How California is charting the global future of microplastics management
Eutrophication and HABs
- Nutrient thresholds protective against toxic cyanobacteria blooms in lakes and reservoirs: Getting past our data gap
- Ocean modeling as a decision support tool to manage eutrophication
- Developing the toolkit to guide management response to HAB effects on marine mammals
- New directions in bioassessment: New habitats, new tools and new approaches
- Molecular methods for bioassessment and biomonitoring
- Monitoring biological integrity and biostimulatory factors in modified channels
Climate Change
- Coastal resiliency assessment to support planning and restoration
- Numerical modeling to inform climate change effects on California ocean chemistry and ecosystem
- Ocean-based solutions to climate change in the Southern California Bight
- Establishing flow ranges and diversion limits to protect beneficial uses
- Assessing stream vulnerability to hydrological alteration
- Evaluating temperature effects on stream beneficial uses
2017 Symposium Presentations
8th Biennial SCCWRP Symposium
March 1, 2017
Introduction and Plenary
Bight ’13
Information Management
Contaminants of Emerging Concern
- Development of a Biological Condition Gradient model to support the State Water Board’s biostimulatory-biointegrity policy (video)
- Using modeling to understand impacts of land-based discharges on Bight biogeochemical cycling (video)
- Improving tools to assess eutrophication in Southern California estuaries (video)
Next-Generation Bioassessment
Sediment Quality
Hydrologic Change
How-To Demonstrations
- Using hydrologic data to support stream condition assessment
- 3D walk-through tours of the Tijuana River estuary: Today vs. 2100
- Next-generation technologies to screen for CECs in receiving waters
- Portable microbial contamination testing device for rapid, in-field results
- Planning the next-generation SCCWRP website
2015 Symposium Presentations
7th Biennial SCCWRP Symposium
February 26, 2015