This page contains information about SCCWRP contracts scheduled to be reviewed and/or approved by the SCCWRP Commission at an upcoming Commission meeting. Please note that when contracts come before the Commission for review and approval, written documentation is not always available. SCCWRP’s intent in seeking Commission endorsement of contracts is to determine if the Commission feels this work is appropriate for SCCWRP to take on. The Commission has delegated responsibility for reviewing all contracts and signing and entering into contracts to the Executive Director.
Documents relating to contracts appearing on the September 11, 2020 Commission meeting agenda
- Contract #2 (COVID-10 surveillance)
- Contract #3 (Technical editing)
- Contract #5 (Flow conditions study)
- Contract #6 (West Coast Ocean Data Portal)
Documents relating to contracts appearing on the December 4, 2020 Commission meeting agenda
- Contract #2 (Evaluation of Biological Water Quality Objectives)