Commission’s Technical Advisory Group (CTAG)

The SCCWRP Commission’s Technical Advisory Group (CTAG) is the scientific advisory committee to the SCCWRP Commission. Each of SCCWRP’s 14 member agencies appoints one representative to CTAG. The panel holds quarterly meetings at SCCWRP approximately one month prior to Commission meetings, to review SCCWRP science, collaborate and partner on emerging research initiatives, make recommendations on forthcoming agenda items, and discuss and set priorities for future research.

Wastewater Treatment Agencies

City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation

Stacee Karnya

Laboratory Manager I

CTAG Representative

Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

Joshua Westfall

Senior Environmental Scientist

CTAG Representative

Shelly Walther

Orange County Sanitation District

Dr. Danny Tang

Environmental Supervisor

CTAG Representative

City of San Diego Public Utilities Department

Dr. Ryan Kempster

Senior Marine Biologist

CTAG Past Chair

Ami Latker

Stormwater Management Agencies

Los Angeles County Flood Control District

Mark Lombos, P.E.

Asst. Deputy Dir., Stormwater Quality

Alternate Commissioner

CTAG Representative

Dr. Melissa Turcotte

Orange County Public Works

Grant Sharp

Manager, South OC Watershed Management Area

Alternate Commissioner

CTAG Vice Chair

San Diego County Watershed Protection Program

Neil Searing

Water Resources Manager

Alternate Commissioner

CTAG Representative

Emily Kochert

Ventura Watershed Protection District

Dave Laak

Stormwater Resources Manager

CTAG Representative

Water-Quality Regulatory Agencies

California State Water Resources Control Board

Lori Webber

Senior Environmental Scientist

CTAG Representative

Katherine Faick

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9

Dr. Eric Dubinsky

Life Scientist

CTAG Representative

California Ocean Protection Council

Dr. Kyla Kelly

Water Quality Program Manager

CTAG Representative

Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board

Dr. Emily Duncan

Senior Environmental Scientist Specialist

CTAG Representative

Adam Taing, P.E.

Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board

Dr. Jason Freshwater

Environmental Scientist

CTAG Chair

Lauren Briggs

San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board

Chad Loflen

Senior Environmental Scientist

CTAG Representative