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All SCCWRP Publications

PublicationPub. TypePub. YearSCCWRP Pub. #Related Topic Areas

Fassman-Beck, E., E. Tiernan, D. Nguyen, R. Butler. 2024. Turf Replacement BMPs to Reduce Dry and Wet Weather Runoff. Technical Report 1391. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20241391Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Sytsma, A., D. Philippus, J.M. Wolfand, K. Irving, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, E.D. Stein, T.S. Hogue. 2024. Channel restoration in urbanized systems: Guiding design using ecological flow targets and future management scenarios. Journal of the American Water Resources Association DOI:10.1111/1752-1688.13232.

Journal Article20241397Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

McWilliams, J.C., P. Damien, F. Kessouri. 2024. Circulation and dispersal in California’s Borderland Basins. Progress in Oceanography 229:103349.

Journal Article20241396Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Keenum, I., N.J. Lin, A. Logan-Jackson, A.J. Gushgari, N. D'Souza, J.A. Steele, D. Kaya, L.R. Gushgari. 2024. Optimizing Wastewater Surveillance: The Necessity of Standardized Reporting and Proficiency for Public Health. American Journal of Public Health 114:859-863.

Journal Article20241394Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Lao, W., G.B. Kim. 2024. Principles of passive sampling for ex situ measurement of hydrophobic organic compounds in sediment: Key considerations on dilution, depletion, and equilibrium. Science of the Total Environment 954:176277.

Journal Article20241395Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Wong, C.S., W. Lao, S. Dial, D. Nguyen, R. Butler, D. Lin. 2024. Characterizing the Removal of Microplastics by California Wastewater Treatment Plants: Implications for Management Strategies. Technical Report 1378. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20241378Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Lohmann, R., B. Vrana, D. Muir, F. Smedes, J. Sobotka, E.Y. Zeng, L.J. Bao, I.J. Allan, P. Astrahan, T. Bidleman, D. Crowley, E. Dykyi, N. Estoppey, G. Fillmann, L. Jantunen, S. Kaserzon, K.A. Maruya, B. McHugh, B. Newman, R.M. Prats, M. Tsapakis, M. Tysklind, B.L. van Drooge, C.S. Wong. 2024. AQUA-GAPS/MONET-Derived Concentrations and Trends of PAHs and Polycyclic Musks across Global Waters. Environmental Science & Technology 58:13456-13466.

Journal Article20241390Emerging Contaminants

Mehinto, A.C., V. McGruer, E. Darin, K. Wong, D. Schlenk. 2024. Development and Standardization of Bioanalytical Screening Tools Part I – Final Report. Technical Report 1381.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20241381.ABioanalytical Cell Screening Assays

Mehinto, A.C., V. McGruer, D. Schlenk. 2024. Development and Standardization of Bioanalytical Screening Tools Part II – Protocols for Laboratory and Data Analysis. Technical Report 1381.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20241381.BBioanalytical Cell Screening Assays

Tiernan, E., E. Fassman-Beck, N. Lombardo. 2024. Effects of Postprocessing Decisions on Flow-Weighted Event Mean Concentrations. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 10:04024005.

Journal Article20241385Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Sherrod, H., N. Leong, H. Hapich, F. Gomez, S. Moore, B. Maurer, S. Coffin, L.M. Thornton Hampton, T. Hale, R. Nelson, C. Murphy-Hagan, O.O. Fadare, A. Kukkola, H.C. Lu, L. Markley, W. Cowger. 2024. One4All: An Open Source Portal to Validate and Share Microplastics Data and Beyond. The Journal of Open Source Software 9:6715.

Journal Article20241386Trash Pollution

Hodges, B.R., S. Sharior, E. Tiernan, E. Jenkins, G. Riano-Briceno, C. Davila-Hernandez, E. Madadi-Kandjani, C.W. Yu. 2024. Introducing SWMM5+. Journal of Environmental Engineering 150:02524003.

Journal Article20241387Stormwater BMPs

Bo, T., J.C. McWilliams, C.A. Frieder, K.A. Davis, M. Chamecki. 2024. Nutrient Replenishment by Turbulent Mixing in Suspended Macroalgal Farms. Geophysical Research Letters DOI:10.1029/2024GL109128.

Journal Article20241382Eutrophication

Xin, D., J.M. Hudson, A. Sigman-Lowery, Y. Chin. 2024. Distribution and composition of redox-active species and dissolved organic carbon in Arctic lacustrine porewaters. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 56:2371534.

Journal Article20241383Climate Change

Rinehart, S.A., J.M. Dybiec, J.B. Walker, L. Simpson, J.A. Cherry. 2024. Effects of burrowing crabs on coastal sediments and their functions: A systematic meta-analysis. Ecosphere 15:e4927.

Journal Article20241384Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Schiff, K.C., J.F. Griffith, J.A. Steele, A. Gonzalez-Fernandez. 2024. Summary of Technical Research: Quantifying Sources of Human Fecal Pollution in the Lower San Diego River Watershed. Technical Report 1380. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20241380Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking

Wong, C.S., S. Dial, W. Lao. 2024. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Laboratory Guidance Document (Fourth Edition). Technical Report 1379. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20241379Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Wang, P., J. Li, M.Y. Xie, C.C. Wu, C.S. Wong, E.Y. Zeng. 2024. Utility of a modified o-DGT passive sampler for measurement of bisphenol analogues in freshwater and coastal waters. Science of the Total Environment 931:172978.

Journal Article20241377Emerging Contaminants

Le-Duy Pham, A., P. Damien, D. McCoy, M. Mar, F. Kessouri, J.C. McWilliams, J. Moffett, D. Bianchi. 2024. The Shelf-To-Basin Transport of Iron From the Northern U.S. West Coast to the Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles DOI:10.1029/2023GB008029.

Journal Article20241376Climate Change, Eutrophication

Brander, S.M., A. Konig, B.C. Almroth, L.M. Thornton Hampton. 2024. The Potential for Toxicity to Fishes from Micro- and Nanoplastics, and Their Additives. in: K.L. Willett, N. Aluru (eds.), Toxicology of Fishes (2nd ed.) pp. 362-391. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL.

Book Chapter20241374Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Mehinto, A.C., S.M. Brander, S. Siddiqui. 2024. Adverse Outcome Pathways and Their Relevance. in: S. Siddiqui, S.M. Brander (eds.), Aquatic Ecotoxicology: Understanding Pollutants, Aquatic Organisms, and their Environments pp. 139-145. Springer Cham. New York, NY.

Book Chapter20241375Emerging Contaminants

Wong, C.S., S. Coffin, C.M. Rochman, S.B. Weisberg. 2024. Informing methods for detecting and quantifying microplastics through the lens of a global intercalibration exercise: An editorial overview of the special issue and beyond. Chemosphere 356:141662.

Journal Article20241371Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Rothman, J.A., A. Saghir, A.G. Zimmer-Faust, K. Langlois, K. Raygoza, J.A. Steele, J.F. Griffith, K.L. Whiteson. 2024. Longitudinal Sequencing and Variant Detection of SARS-CoV-2 across Southern California Wastewater. Applied Microbiology 4:635-649.

Journal Article20241372Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Mayer, P.M., K.D. Moran, E.L. Miller, S.M. Brander, S. Harper, M. Garcia-Jaramillo, V. Carrasco-Navarro, K.T. Ho, R.M. Burgess, L.M. Thornton Hampton, E.F. Granek, M. McCauley, J.K. McIntyre, E.P. Kolodziej, X. Hu, A.J. Williams, B.A. Beckingham, M.E. Jackson, R.D. Sanders-Smith, C.L. Fender, G.A. King, M. Bollman, S.S. Kaushal, B.E. Cunningham, S.J. Hutton, J. Lang, H.V. Goss, S. Siddiqui, R. Sutton, D. Lin, M. Mendez. 2024. Where the rubber meets the road: Emerging environmental impacts of tire wear particles and their chemical cocktails. Science of the Total Environment 927:171153.

Journal Article20241373Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Lie, A., A.G. Zimmer-Faust, R.E. Diner, E. Kunselman, Z. Daniel, K. Van Artsdalen, M.C. Salas Garcia, J.A. Gilbert, D. Shultz, J. Chokry, K. Langlois, J. Smith. 2024. Understanding the risks of co-exposures in a changing world: a case study of dual monitoring of the biotoxin domoic acid and Vibrio spp. in Pacific oyster. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196:447.

Journal Article20241369Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Doughty, C.L., H. Gu, R.F. Ambrose, E.D. Stein, E. Borgnis Sloane, M. Martinez, K.C. Cavanaugh. 2024. Climate drivers and human impacts shape 35-year trends of coastal wetland health and composition in an urban region. Ecosphere DOI:10.1002/ecs2.4832.

Journal Article20241370Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Kessouri, F., M. Sutula, D. Bianchi, M. Ho, P. Damien, J.C. McWilliams, C.A. Frieder, L. Renault, H. Frenzel, K. McLaughlin, C. Deutsch. 2024. Cross-shore transport and eddies promote large scale response to urban eutrophication. Scientific Reports 14:7240.

Journal Article20241368Climate Change, Eutrophication

Mazor, R.D. 2024. Bioassessment Survey of the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition: Workplan for Years 2021 through 2025 Version 4.0 (2024). Technical Report 1174. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20241174Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Gillett, D.J., R.D. Mazor, M. Sutula, A. Holt. 2024. Reach-scale models show heterogeneity of stream benthic invertebrate responses to eutrophication stress. Ecological Indicators 160:111791.

Journal Article20241366Bioassessment, Ecohydrology, Eutrophication

Wong, C.S., S.B. Weisberg. 2024. Development of an accreditation process for analytical methods to measure microplastics in drinking water for regulatory monitoring. Chemosphere 353:141568.

Journal Article20241365Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Mehinto, A.C., E. Darin, D.J. Greenstein, K. Wong. 2024. Screening for Emerging Contaminants in the Santa Ana Region. Technical Report 1358. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20241358Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Hinds, J.B., T. Garg, S. Hutmacher, A. Nguyen, Z. Zheng, J.F. Griffith, J.A. Steele, A. Gonzalez Fernandez, K.C. Schiff. 2024. Assessing the defecation practices of unsheltered individuals and their contributions to microbial water quality in an arid, urban watershed. Science of the Total Environment 920:170708.

Journal Article20241364Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Rogers, J.D., F.D.L. Leusch, B. Chambers, K.D. Daniels, L.J. Everett, R. Judson, K. Maruya, A.C. Mehinto, P.A. Neale, K. Paul-Friedman, R. Thomas, S.A. Snyder, J. Harrill. 2024. High-Throughput Transcriptomics of Water Extracts Detects Reductions in Biological Activity with Water Treatment Processes. Environmental Science & Technology 58:2027-2037.

Journal Article20241362Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Lao, W., S. Dial, M. Salmon, C.S. Wong. 2024. Development and validation of an acid/alkaline digestion method for efficient microplastic extraction from wastewater treatment plant effluents: Sulfuric acid concentration and contact time do matter. Science of the Total Environment 917: 170528.

Journal Article20241361Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Kelly, R.P., D.M. Lodge, K.N. Lee, S. Theroux, A.J. Sepulveda, C.A. Scholin, J.M. Craine, E.A. Allan, K.M. Nichols, K.M. Parsons, K.D. Goodwin, Z. Gold, F.P. Chavez, R.T. Noble, C.L. Abbott, M.R. Baerwald, A.M. Naaum, P.M. Thielen, A.L. Simons, C.L. Jerde, J.J. Duda, M.E. Hunter, J.A. Hagan, R.S. Meyer, J.A. Steele, M.Y. Stoeckle, H.M. Bik, C.P. Meyer, E.D. Stein, K.E. James, A.C. Thomas, E. Demir-Hilton, M.A. Timmers, J.F. Griffith, M.J. Weise, S.B. Weisberg. 2024. Toward a national eDNA strategy for the United States. Environmental DNA DOI:10.1002/edn3.432.

Journal Article20241336Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding

Stein, E.D., C.L. Jerde, E. Andruszkiewicz Allan, A.J. Sepulveda, C.L. Abbott, M.R. Baerwald, J. Darling, K.D. Goodwin, R.S. Meyer, M.A. Timmers, P.M. Thielen. 2024. Critical considerations for communicating environmental DNA science. Environmental DNA DOI:10.1002/edn3.472.

Journal Article20241339Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding

Rinehart, S.A., J.M. Dybiec, P. Richardson, J.B. Walker, J.D. Peabody, J.A. Cherry. 2024. Researcher effects on the biological structure and edaphic conditions of field sites and implications for management. Ecosphere DOI:10.1002/ecs2.4750.

Journal Article20241360Bioassessment

Brown, J.S., R.D. Mazor. 2023. An assessment of the biological condition of streams in the San Francisco Bay. Technical Report 1340. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231340Bioassessment

Smith, J., J.A. Cram, M.P. Berndt, V. Hoard, D. Shultz, A.C. Deming. 2023. Quantifying the linkages between California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) strandings and particulate domoic acid concentrations at piers across Southern California. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1278293.

Journal Article20231359Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Starks, M., C.M. Schaefer, K.M. Jeffries, D. Deslauriers, K.H. Luong, C.S. Wong, M.L. Hanson, C.W. Knapp. 2023. Presence of antibiotic resistance genes in the receiving environment of Iqaluit’s wastewater treatment plant in water, sediment, and clams sampled from Frobisher Bay, Nunavut: a preliminary study in the Canadian Arctic. Arctic Science 9:919-927.

Journal Article20231357Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Fassman-Beck, E., K.C. Schiff, R. Butler. 2023. Development of the SMC Regional BMP Monitoring Network 2020-2023. Technical Report 1352. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231352Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Philo, S.E., K.B. De Leon, R.T. Noble, N.A. Zhou, R. Alghafri, I. Bar-Or, A. Darling, N. D'Souza, O. Hachimi, D. Kaya, S. Kim, K. Gaardbo Kuhn, B.A. Layton, C. Mansfeldt, B. Oceguera, T.S. Radniecki, J.L. Ram, L.P. Saunders, A. Shrestha, L.B. Stadler, J.A. Steele, B.S. Steveson, J.R. Vogel, K. Bibby, A.B. Boehm, R.U. Halden, J. Delgado Vela. 2023. Wastewater surveillance for bacterial targets: current challenges and future goals. Applied and Environmental Microbiology DOI:10.1128/aem.01428-23.

Journal Article20231363Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Ho, M., F. Kessouri, C.A. Frieder, M. Sutula, D. Bianchi, J.C. McWilliams. 2023. Effect of ocean outfall discharge volume and dissolved inorganic nitrogen load on urban eutrophication outcomes in the Southern California Bight. Scientific Reports 13:22148.

Journal Article20231356Climate Change, Eutrophication

Mazor, R.D. 2023. A standard taxonomic effort (STE) for terrestrial arthropods collected from dry streams in California and Arizona. Technical Report 1343. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231343Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Mazor, R.D., J. Olson, T. Clark. 2023. A standard taxonomic effort (STE) for bryophytes collected from dry streambeds in California and Arizona. Technical Report 1344. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231344Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Goodrich, K.A., N. Ulibarri, R. Matthew, E.D. Stein, M. Brand, B.F. Sanders. 2023. Toward improved sediment management and coastal resilience through efficient permitting in California. Environmental Management 72:558–567.

Journal Article20231353Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Damien, P., D. Bianchi, J.C. McWilliams, F. Kessouri, C. Deutsch, R. Chen, L. Renault. 2023. Enhanced Biogeochemical Cycling Along the U.S. West Coast Shelf. Global Biogeochemical Cycles DOI:10.1029/2022GB007572.

Journal Article20231354Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Ulses, C., C. Estournel, P. Marsaleix, K. Soetaert, M. Fourrier, L. Coppola, D. Lefevre, F. Touratier, C. Goyet, V. Guglielmi, F. Kessouri, P. Testor, X. Durrieu de Madron. 2023. Seasonal dynamics and annual budget of dissolved inorganic carbon in the northwestern Mediterranean deep-convection region. Biogeosciences 20:4683-4710.

Journal Article20231355Climate Change, Eutrophication

Gillett, D.J., S.B. Weisberg, S.R. Alin, D. Cadien, R. Velarde, K. Barwick, C. Larsen, A. Latker. 2023. Changes in the macrobenthic infaunal community of the Southern California continental margin over five decades in relation to oceanographic factors. Marine Ecology Progress Series 722:65-88.

Journal Article20231351Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Smith, J., E. Eggleston, M.D.A. Howard, S. Ryan, J. Gichuki, K. Kennedy, A. Tyler, M. Beck, S. Huie, D.A. Caron. 2023. Historic and recent trends of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms and environmental conditions in Clear Lake, California: A 70-year perspective. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene DOI:10.1525/elementa.2022.00115.

Journal Article20231348Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Wolfand, J.M., A. Sytsma, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, E.D. Stein, T.S. Hogue. 2023. Impact of wastewater reuse on contaminants of emerging concern in an effluent-dominated river. Frontiers in Environmental Science DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2023.1091229.

Journal Article20231349Ecohydrology, Emerging Contaminants

Zhou, J., J.G. Izett, C.A. Edwards, P. Damien, F. Kessouri, J.C. McWilliams. 2023. Modeling the dispersal of the San Francisco Bay plume over the northern and central California shelf. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 287:108336.

Journal Article20231350Eutrophication

Damien, P., D. Bianchi, F. Kessouri, J.C. McWilliams. 2023. Modulation of Phytoplankton Uptake by Mesoscale and Submesoscale Eddies in the California Current System. Geophysical Research Letters DOI:10.1029/2023GL104853.

Journal Article20231346Eutrophication

Taniguchi-Quan, K.T., K. Irving, R. Darling, D. Kim, H. McMillan, E.D. Stein. 2023. Risk-Decision Framework for Evaluating Vulnerability of Streams to Hydrologic Alteration. Technical Report 1322. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231322Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Rabe, A., S. Ravuri, E. Burnor, J.A. Steele, R.S. Kantor, S. Choi, S. Forman, R. Batjiaka, S. Jain, T.M. León, D.J. Vugia, A.T. Yu. 2023. Correlation between wastewater and COVID-19 case incidence rates in major California sewersheds across three variant periods. Journal of Water & Health 21:1303-1317.

Journal Article20231345Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking

Brent, R., H. Bailey, T. Norberg-King, L. Van der Vliet, A. John Bailer. 2023. Ceriodaphnia dubia Quality Assurance Guidance Recommendations. Technical Report 1341. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231341Runoff Water Quality

Seybold, E.C., A. Bergstrom, C. Nathan Jones, A.J. Burgin, S. Zipper, S.E. Godsey, W.K. Dodds, M.A. Zimmer, M. Shanafield, T. Datry, R.D. Mazor, M.L. Messager, J.D. Olden, A. Ward, S. Yu, K.E. Kaiser, A. Shogren, R.H. Walker. 2023. How low can you go? Widespread challenges in measuring low stream discharge and a path forward. Limnology and Oceanography Letters DOI:10.1002/lol2.10356.

Journal Article20231342Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Mazor, R.D., J.S. Brown, R. Darling. 2023. Ecological conditions of dry streams in the Los Angeles region. Technical Report 1333. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231333Bioassessment

Gillett, D.J., A. Holt. 2023. Options, Impediments, and Supports for the Development of an Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Habitat Occupancy Model in the Embayments of Southern California. Technical Report 1334. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231334Bioassessment

Arzeno-Soltero, I.B., B.T. Saenz, C.A. Frieder, M.C. Long, J. DeAngelo, S.J. Davis, K.A. Davis. 2023. Large global variations in the carbon dioxide removal potential of seaweed farming due to biophysical constraints. Communications Earth and Environment 4:185.

Journal Article20231337Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Mehinto, A.C., B. Du, E. Wenger, Z. Tian, E.P. Kolodziej, D. Apeti, K.A. Maruya. 2023. Bioanalytical and non-targeted mass spectrometric screening for contaminants of emerging concern in Southern California bight sediments. Chemosphere 331:138789.

Journal Article20231338Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Thornton Hampton, L.M., H. De Frond, K. Gesulga, S. Kotar, W. Lao, C. Matuch, S.B. Weisberg, C.S. Wong, S. Brander, S. Christansen, C.R. Cook, F. Du, S. Ghosal, A.B. Gray, J. Hankett, P.A. Helm, K.T. Ho, T. Kefela, G. Lattin, A. Lusher, L. Mai, R.E. McNeish, O. Mina, E.C. Minor, S. Primpke, K. Rickabaugh, V.C. Renick, S. Singh, B.V. Bavel, F. Vollnhals, C.M. Rochman. 2023. The influence of complex matrices on method performance in extracting and monitoring for microplastics. Chemosphere 334:138875.

Journal Article20231335Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

McLaughlin, K., R.D. Mazor, M. Sutula, K.C. Schiff. 2023. Regional assessment of trash in Southern California coastal watersheds, United States. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11:1210201.

Journal Article20231332Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program, Trash Pollution

Lohmann, R., B. Vrana, D. Muir, F. Smedes, J. Sobotka, E.Y. Zeng, L. Bao, I.J. Allan, P. Astrahan, R.O. Barra, T. Bidleman, E. Dykyi, N. Estoppey, G. Fillmann, N. Greenwood, P.A. Helm, L. Jantunen, S. Kaserzon, J.V. Macias, K.A. Maruya, F. Molina, B. Newman, R.M. Prats, M. Tsapakis, M. Tysklind, B.L. van Drooge, C.J. Veal, C.S. Wong. 2023. Passive-Sampler-Derived PCB and OCP Concentrations in the Waters of the World—First Results from the AQUA-GAPS/MONET Network. Environmental Science and Technology 57:9342-9352.

Journal Article20231331Emerging Contaminants

Zimmer-Faust, A.G., J.F. Griffith, J.A. Steele, B. Santos, Y. Cao, L. Asato, T. Chiem, S. Choi, A. Diaz, J. Guzman, D. Laak, M. Padilla, J. Quach-Cu, M. Woo, S.B. Weisberg. 2023. Relationship between coliphage and Enterococcus at southern California beaches and implications for beach water quality management. Journal of Water Research 230:119383.

Journal Article20231330Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Rothman, J.A., A. Saghir, S. Chung, N. Boyajian, T. Dinh, J. Kim, J. Oval, V. Sharavanan, C. York, A.G. Zimmer-Faust, K. Langlois, J.A. Steele, J.F. Griffith, K.L. Whiteson. 2023. Longitudinal metatranscriptomic sequencing of Southern California wastewater representing 16 million people from August 2020–21 reveals widespread transcription of antibiotic resistance genes. Journal of Water Research 329:119421.

Journal Article20231329Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Schiff, K.C., J.F. Griffith, J.A. Steele, A.G. Zimmer-Faust. 2023. Dry and Wet Weather Survey for Human Fecal Sources in the San Diego River Watershed. Water 15:2239.

Journal Article20231327Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Diner, R.E., A.G. Zimmer-Faust, E. Cooksey, S. Allard, S.M. Kodera, E. Kunselman, Y. Garodia, M.P. Verhougstraete, A.E. Allen, J.F. Griffith, J.A. Gilbert. 2023. Host and Water Microbiota Are Differentially Linked to Potential Human Pathogen Accumulation in Oysters. Applied and Environmental Microbiology DOI:10.1128/aem.00318-23.

Journal Article20231328Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Kenitz, K.M., E.C. Orenstein, C.R. Anderson, A.J. Barth, C. Briseno-Avena, D.A. Caron, M.L. Carter, E. Eggleston, P.J.S. Franks, J.T. Fumo, J.S. Jaffe, K.A. McBeain, A. Odell, K. Seech, R. Shipe, J. Smith, D.A.A. Taniguchi, E.L. Venrick, A.D. Barton. 2023. Convening Expert Taxonomists to Build Image Libraries for Training Automated Classifiers. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin DOI:10.1002/lob.10584.

Journal Article20231326Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Gillett, D.J., R.D. Mazor, A.E. Holt, R. Darling, R. Butler. 2023. Instructions for Application of the Rapid Screening Causal Assessment (RSCA) Tools v 2.0 in California’s Streams. Technical Report 1310. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231310Bioassessment

Munno, K., A.L. Lusher, E.C. Minor, A. Gray, K. Ho, J. Hankett, C.T. Lee, S. Primpke, R.E. McNeish, C.S. Wong, C. Rochman. 2023. Patterns of microparticles in blank samples: A study to inform best practices for microplastic analysis. Chemosphere 333:138883.

Journal Article20231325Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Drewes, J.E., P. Anderson, N. Denslow, D.C.G. Muir, A. Olivieri, D. Schlenk, S.A. Snyder. 2023. Monitoring Strategies for Constituents of Emerging Concern (CECs) in California's Aquatic Ecosystems. Technical Report 1302. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231302Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Sandoval-Belmar, M., J. Smith, A.R. Moreno, C. Anderson, R.M. Kudela, M. Sutula, F. Kessouri, D.A. Caron, F.P. Chavez, D. Bianchi. 2023. A cross-regional examination of patterns and environmental drivers of Pseudo-nitzschia harmful algal blooms along the California coast. Harmful Algae 126:102435.

Journal Article20231323Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Gross, S., K.M. Fritz, T.L. Nadeau, R.D. Mazor, M. Eddy, B. Topping, R.F. Edgerton, K. Nicholas. 2023. Development and Evaluation of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Methods for the Northeast and Southeast. Technical Report 1321. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C..

Technical Report20231321Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Simons, A.L., N. Aulerich, H. Carlson, I. Chandra, J. Chancellor, G. Gemayel, D.J. Gillett, D. Levene, J. Lin, G. Nichol, H. Patel, S. Zhu. 2023. Using Zeta Diversity in Describing the Health of Soft Sediment Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Southern California Bight. Journal of Coastal Research 39:418-430.

Journal Article20231320Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Smith, J., D. Shultz, A. Lie, S. Theroux. 2023. Diversity and Prevalence of Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Los Angeles Region Recreational Lakes and Reservoirs. Technical Report 1309. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231309Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Lao, W., C.S. Wong. 2023. How to establish detection limits for environmental microplastics analysis. Chemosphere 327:138456.

Journal Article20231317Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Siu, J., E.D. Stein, J.S. Brown. 2023. When is Aquatic Resource Type Conversion Appropriate: A Framework for Cleaning Sand out of the Gears and a Case Study for McInnis Marsh. Wetland Science and Practice 41:70-85.

Journal Article20231318Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Simons, A.L., S. Theroux, M. Osborne, S. Nuzhdin, R.D. Mazor, J.A. Steele. 2023. Zeta diversity patterns in metabarcoded lotic algal assemblages as a tool for bioassessment. Ecological Applications DOI:10.1002/eap.2812.

Journal Article20231319Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Stein, E.D., J.B. Walker, K. O'Connor, R. Clark, C. Whitcraft. 2023. Development of a Statewide Estuary Monitoring Program to Evaluate California's Estuarine Marine Protected Areas - Estuary Marine Protected Area Program Overview. Technical Report 1315. California Ocean Protection Council. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20231315Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Walker, J.B., E.D. Stein, K. O'Connor, R. Clark, C. Whitcraft, S. Garcia, B. Hughes, A. Cooper, D. Jacobs, M. Abrecht, J. Largier, R. Roettger, C. Toms. 2023. Estuary Marine Protected Area - Monitoring Protocol. Technical Report 1315.A. Ocean Protection Council. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20231315.ABioassessment, Regional Monitoring

O'Connor, K., R. Clark, B. Fulkerson, J.B. Walker, E.D. Stein, C. Whitcraft, S. Garcia. 2023. Estuary Marine Protected Area - 2021 Data Analysis Report. Technical Report 1315.B. California Ocean Protection Council. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20231315.BBioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Stein, E.D., J.B. Walker, K. O'Connor, C. Toms. 2023. Estuary Marine Protected Area - Monitoring Program Implementation Blueprint. Technical Report 1315.C. California Ocean Protection Council. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20231315Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Lao, W. 2023. Incorporating performance reference compounds in retractable/reusable solid phase microextraction fiber for passive sampling of hydrophobic organic contaminants in water. Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162252.

Journal Article20231313Emerging Contaminants

De Frond, H., W. Cowger, V. Renick, S. Brander, S. Primpke, S. Sukumaran, D. Elkhatib, S. Barnett, M. Navas-Moreno, K. Rickabaugh, F. Vollnhals, B. O'Donnell, A. Lusher, E. Lee, W. Lao, G. Amarpuri, G. Sarau, S. Christiansen. 2023. What determines accuracy of chemical identification when using microspectroscopy for the analysis of microplastics?. Chemosphere DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.137300.

Journal Article20231312Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

DeAngelo, J., B.T. Saenz, I.B. Arzeno-Soltero, C.A. Frieder, M.C. Long, J. Hamman, K.A. Davis, S.J. Davis. 2023. Economic and biophysical limits to seaweed farming for climate change mitigation. Natural Plants 9:45-57.

Journal Article20231311Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Langknecht, T., W. Lao, C.S. Wong, S. Kotar, D.E. Khatib, S. Robinson, R.M. Burgess, K.T. Ho. 2023. Comparison of two procedures for microplastics analysis in sediments based on an interlaboratory exercise. Chemosphere DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.137479.

Journal Article20231308Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality, Trash Pollution

Kenitz, K.M., C.R. Anderson, M.L. Carter, E. Eggleston, K. Seech, R. Shipe, J. Smith, E.C. Orenstein, P.J.S. Franks, J.S. Jaffe, A.D. Barton . 2023. Environmental and ecological drivers of harmful algal blooms revealed by automated underwater microscopy. Limnology and Oceanography 9999:1-18.

Journal Article20231307Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Wang, S., W. Lao, H. Li, L. Guo, J. You. 2023. Assessing bioaccumulation potential of sediment associated fipronil degradates in oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus based on passive sampler measured bioavailable concentration. Science of the Total Environment 863:1-7.

Journal Article20231306Emerging Contaminants

Stepien, C.A., S. Theroux, S.B. Weisberg. 2022. The Second National Workshop on Marine eDNA: A workshop to accelerate the incorporation of eDNA science into environmental management application. Environmental DNA DOI:10.1002/edn3.379.

Journal Article20221300Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding

Gillett, D.J., W. Enright, J.B. Walker. 2022. Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume III. Benthic Infauna. Technical Report 1289. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221289Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Kessouri, F., L. Renault, J.C. McWilliams, P. Damien, D. Bianchi. 2022. Enhancement of Oceanic Eddy Activity by Fine-Scale Orographic Winds Drives High Productivity, Low Oxygen, and Low pH Conditions in the Santa Barbara Channel. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127:1-14.

Journal Article20221299Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Mazor, R.D., B. Topping, T.L. Nadeau, K.M. Fritz, J. Kelso . 2022. Development and Evaluation of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Western Mountains: Data Supplement. Technical Report 1222.B. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C..

Technical Report20221222.BEcohydrology

Thornton Hampton, L.M., S.M. Brander, S. Coffin, M. Cole, L. Hermabessiere, A.A. Koelmans, C.M. Rochman. 2022. Characterizing microplastic hazards: which concentration metrics and particle characteristics are most informative for understanding toxicity in aquatic organisms?. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2:20.

Journal Article20221298Runoff Water Quality, Trash Pollution

Stein, E.D., A.C. Horne, R.E. Tharme, J. Tonkin. 2022. Editorial: Environmental flows in an uncertain future. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:1-5.

Journal Article20221295Ecohydrology

Cheng, Y., D.A. Vaccari, E. Fassman-Beck. 2022. Phosphorus Leaching Behavior from Extensive Green Roof Substrates. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 8:06022003.

Journal Article20221296Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Cheng, Y., D.A. Vaccari, B.G. Johannesson, E. Fassman-Beck. 2022. Multiyear Study on Phosphorus Discharge from Extensive Sedum Green Roofs with Substrate Amendments. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 8:04022014.

Journal Article20221297Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Ainslie, W., E.D. Stein. 2022. Additional Considerations for Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Compensatory Mitigation Programs. in: C.A. Jackson,, T.H. DeWitt (eds.), Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring & Assessment: Frameworks, Tools, and Examples pp. 177-201. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C..

Book Chapter20221294Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Moreno, A.R., C. Anderson, R.M. Kudela, M. Sutula, C. Edwards, D. Bianchi. 2022. Development, calibration, and evaluation of a model Pseudo-nitzschia and domoic acid production for regional ocean modeling studies. Harmful Algae 118:102296.

Journal Article20221291Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

James, A., T.L. Nadeau, K.M. Fritz, B. Topping, R.F. Edgerton, R.D. Mazor . 2022. User Manual for a Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Great Plains of the United States - Version 1.0.. Technical Report 1292. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C..

Technical Report20221292Ecohydrology

Frieder, C.A., C. Yan, M. Chamecki, D. Dauhajre, J.C. McWilliams, J. Infante, M.L. McPherson, R.M. Kudela, F. Kessouri, M. Sutula, I.B. Arzeno-Soltero, K.A. Davis. 2022. A Macroalgal Cultivation Modeling System (MACMODS): Evaluating the Role of Physical-Biological Coupling on Nutrients and Farm Yield. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2022.752951.

Journal Article20221347Eutrophication

Winston, R.J., E. Fassman-Beck. 2022. Permeable Pavement Maintenance: A Review of Literature to Assess Clogging, Predict Maintenance Frequency, and Compare Maintenance Techniques. Technical Report 1280. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221280Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Kim, S., L.C. Kennedy, M.K. Wolfe, C.S. Criddle, D.H. Duong, A. Topol, B.J. White, R.S. Kantor, K.L. Nelson, J.A. Steele, K. Langlois, J.F. Griffith, A.G. Zimmer-Faust, S.L. McLellan, M.K. Schussman, M. Ammerman, K.R. Wigginton, K.M. Bakker, A.B. Boehm. 2022. SARS-CoV-2 RNA is enriched by orders of magnitude in primary settled solids relative to liquid wastewater at publicly owned treatment works. Environmental Science Water Research and Technology 8:757-770.

Journal Article20221301Microbial Water Quality

Kotar, S., R. McNeish, C. Murphy-Hagan, V. Renick, C.T. Lee, C. Steele, A. Lusher, C. Moore, E. Minor, J. Schroeder, P. Helm, K. Rickabaugh, H.D. Frond, K. Gesulga, W. Lao, K. Munno, L.M. Thornton Hampton, S.B. Weisberg, C.S. Wong, G. Amarpuri, R.C. Andrews, S.M. Barnett, S. Christiansen W Cowgeri, K. Crampond, F. Du, A.B. Gray, J. Hankett, K. Ho, J. Jaeger, C. Lilley, L. Mai, O. Mina, E. Lee, S. Primpke, S. Singh, J. Skovly, T. Slifko, S. Sukumaran, B. Bavel, J.V. Brocklin, F. Vollnhals, C. Wu, C.M. Rochman . 2022. Quantitative assessment of visual microscopy as a tool for microplastic research: Recommendations for improving methods and reporting. Chemosphere 308:1-9.

Journal Article20221290Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Walker, J.B., D.J. Gillett, M. Sutula. 2022. Establishing biologically relevant sediment organic matter thresholds for estuaries and embayments of the Southern California Bight, USA. Ecological Indicators 143:1-12.

Journal Article20221288Bioassessment, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Kenkel, C.D., J. Smith, K.A. Hubbard, C. Chadwick, N. Lorenzen, A.O. Tatters, D.A. Caron. 2022. Reduced representation sequencing accurately quantifies relative abundance and reveals population-level variation in Pseudo-nitzschia ssp.. Harmful Algae 118:1-13.

Journal Article20221287Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Brand, M.W., K. Buffington, J.B. Rogers, K. Thorne, E.D. Stein, B.F. Sanders . 2022. The Multi-Decadal Simulation of Marsh Topography Under Sea Level Rise and Episodic Sediment Loads. Journal of Geophysical Research 127:1-20.

Journal Article20221286Climate Change, Runoff Water Quality, Sea Level Rise

Fassman-Beck, E., K.C. Schiff. 2022. SMC Regional BMP Monitoring Network Work Plan 2022-2023 - Version 1.0. Technical Report 1270. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221270Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Stein, E.D., M.E. McClain, A. Sengupta, T.E. Grantham, J. Zimmerman, S.M. Yarnell . 2022. Allocations and Environmental Flows. in: J. Rouillard, C. Babbitt, E. Challies, J.D. Rinaudo (eds.), Water Resources Allocation and Agriculture: Transitioning from Open to Regulated Access pp. 49-59. IWA Publishing. London, UK.

Book Chapter20221281Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Schiff, K.C., E. Darin, E. Fassman-Beck, G. Shusterman, L. Flores, T. Hale, C. Beegan . 2022. Monitoring Guidance To Support Adaptive Watershed Management. Technical Report 1257. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221257Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Mazor, R.D., M. Sutula, S. Theroux, M. Beck, P.R. Ode. 2022. Eutrophication thresholds associated with protection of biological integrity in California wadeable streams. Ecological Indicators 142:109180.

Journal Article20221282Bioassessment, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Sutula, M., J. Butcher, S. Sarkar, S. Roy. 2022. Science Supporting Decisions on Management of Eutrophication in Elkhorn Slough Estuary. Technical Report 1259. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221259Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Biggs, T., A. Zeigler, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan. 2022. Runoff and sediment loads in the Tijuana River: Dam effects, extreme events, and change during urbanization. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 42:101162.

Journal Article20221277Ecohydrology, Runoff Water Quality

Ollison, G.A., S.K. Hu, J.V. Hopper, B.P. Stewart, J. Smith, J.L. Beatty, L.K. Rink, D.A. Caron. 2022. Daily dynamics of contrasting spring algal blooms in Santa Monica Bay (central Southern California Bight). Environmental Microbiology 2022:1-19.

Journal Article20221278Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Wolfand, J.M., A. Sytsma, V.L. Hennon, E.D. Stein, T.S. Hogue. 2022. Dilution and Pollution: Assessing the Impacts of Water Reuse and Flow Reduction on Water Quality in the Los Angeles River Basin. Environmental Science and Technology DOI:10.1021/acsestwater.2c00005.

Journal Article20221283Ecohydrology, Runoff Water Quality

Coffin, S., S.B. Weisberg, C. Rochman, M. Kooi, A.A. Koelmans. 2022. Risk Characterization of Microplastics in San Francisco Bay, California. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2:19.

Journal Article20221284Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Thornton Hampton, L.M., H. Bouwmeester, S.M. Brander, S. Coffin, M. Cole, L. Hermabessiere, A.C. Mehinto, E. Miller, C.M. Rochman, S.B. Weisberg. 2022. Research recommendations to better understand the potential health impacts of microplastics to humans and aquatic ecosystems. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2:18.

Journal Article20221275Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Jenkins, T., B.D. Persaud, W. Cowger, K. Szigeti, D.G. Roche, E. Clary, S. Slowinski, B. Lei, A. Abeynayaka, E.S. Nyadjro, T. Maes, L.M. Thornton Hampton, M. Bergmann, J. Aherne, A.S. Mason, J.F. Honek, F. Rezanezhad, A.L. Lusher, A.M. Booth, R.D.L. Smith, P. Van Cappellan. 2022. Current State of Microplastic Pollution Research Data: Trends in Availability and Sources of Open Data. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:912107.

Journal Article20221276Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Murphy, B.M., K. Russell, C.C. Stillwell, R. Hawley, M. Scoggins, K.G. Hopkins, M.J. Burns, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, K.H. Macneal, R. Smith. 2022. Closing the gap on wicked urban stream restoration problems: A framework to integrate science and community values. Freshwater Science 41:3.

Journal Article20221273Bioassessment, Ecohydrology, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Mehinto, A.C., S. Coffin, A.A. Koelmans, S.M. Brander, M. Wagner, L.M. Thornton Hampton, A.G. Burton, E. Miller, T. Gouin, S.B. Weisberg, C.M. Rochman. 2022. Risk-based management framework for microplastics in aquatic ecosystems. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2:17.

Journal Article20221271Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Florea, K., B. Stewart, E. Webb, D.A. Caron, J. Smith. 2022. Environmental Drivers of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms and Cyanotoxins in Clear Lake: 2020-2021. Technical Report 1261. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221261Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Howard, M.D.A., J. Smith, D.A. Caron, R.M. Kudela, K. Loftin, K. Hayashi, R. Fadness, S. Fricke, J. Kann, M. Roethler, A. Tatters, S. Theroux. 2022. Integrative monitoring strategy for marine and freshwater harmful algal blooms and toxins across the freshwater‐to‐marine continuum. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management DOI:10.1002/ieam.4651.

Journal Article20221279Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring

Thornton Hampton, L.M., H. Lowman, S. Coffin, E. Darin, H. De Frond, L. Hermabessiere, E. Miller, V.N. de Ruijter, A. Faltynkova, S. Kotar, L. Monclus, S. Siddiqui, J. Volker, S. Brander, A.A. Koelmans, C.M. Rochman, M. Wagner, A.C. Mehinto. 2022. A living tool for the continued exploration of microplastic toxicity. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2:13.

Journal Article20221274Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

McLaughlin, K., R.D. Mazor, K.C. Schiff, L.M. Thornton Hampton. 2022. Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IX. Trash and Marine Debris. Technical Report 1263. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221263Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Trash Pollution

Coffin, S., H. Bouwmeester, S. Brander, P. Damdimopoulou, T. Gouin, L. Hermabessiere, E. Khan, A.A. Koelmans, C.L. Lemieux, K. Teerds, M. Wagner, S.B. Weisberg, S. Wright. 2022. Development and application of a health-based framework for informing regulatory action in relation to exposure of microplastic particles in California drinking water. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2:1-30.

Journal Article20221285Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Maruya, K.A., W. Lao, D.R. Vandervort, R. Fadness, M. Lyons, A.C. Mehinto. 2022. Bioanalytical and chemical-specific screening of contaminants of concern in three California (USA) watersheds. Heliyon 8:e09534.

Journal Article20221272Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Bednarsek, N., M.W. Beck, G. Pelletier, S.L. Applebaum, R.A. Feely, R. Butler, M. Byrne, B. Peabody, J. Davis, J. Strus. 2022. Natural Analogues in pH Variability and Predictability across the Coastal Pacific Estuaries: Extrapolation of the Increased Oyster Dissolution under Increased pH Amplitude and Low Predictability Related to Ocean Acidification. Environmental Science and Technology 56:9015-9028.

Journal Article20221388Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Eddy, M., K. Fritz, T.L. Nadeau, J. Kelso, S. Gross, B. Topping, R.F. Edgerton, R.D. Mazor. 2022. Development and Evaluation of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method (SDAM) for the Great Plains (GP). Technical Report 1292.A. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C..

Technical Report20221292.ABioassessment, Ecohydrology

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown, A. Canney, M. Mirkhanian, H. Lowman, K. O'Connor, R. Clark. 2022. Prioritizing Stream Protection, Restoration and Management Actions Using Landscape Modeling and Spatial Analysis. Water 14:1375.

Journal Article20221264Bioassessment

Zimmer-Faust, A.G., J.F. Griffith, J. Freshwater, J. Peng, S. Goong, S.B. Weisberg. 2022. Relationships between indicators and pathogens in shellfish and water in Newport Bay, CA. Technical Report 1193. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221193Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Wade, T.J., B.F. Arnold, K.C. Schiff, J.M. Colford Jr, S.B. Weisberg, J.F. Griffith, A.P. Dufour. 2022. Health risks to children from exposure to fecally-contaminated recreational water. PLOS One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0266749.

Journal Article20221262Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown, A. Canney, M. Mirkhanian, H. Lowman, K. O'Connor, R. Clark. 2022. Prioritizing Stream Protection, Restoration and Management Actions Using Landscape Modeling and Spatial Analysis. Technical Report 1246. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221246Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Coffin, S., S.B. Weisberg. 2022. Understanding health efects pathways and thresholds: flling a critical need to support microplastics management. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2:11.

Journal Article20221267Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Hawley, R.J., K. Russell, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan. 2022. Restoring geomorphic integrity in urban streams via mechanistically‑based storm water management: minimizing excess sediment transport capacity. Urban Ecosystems DOI:10.1007/s11252-022-01221-y.

Journal Article20221260Ecohydrology, Stormwater BMPs

Taniguchi-Quan, K.T., K. Irving, R.A. Wildman Jr., A. Poresky, J.R. Feldman, E.D. Stein, A. Aprahamian, C. Rivers, G. Sharp. 2022. Evaluation of Hydrologic Alteration to Inform Flow Management Decisions in South Orange County Coastal Watersheds. Technical Report 1245. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221245Ecohydrology

Grantham, T.E., D.M. Carlisle, J. Howard, B. Lane, R. Lusardi, A. Obester, S. Sandoval-Solis, B. Stanford, E.D. Stein, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, S.M. Yarnell, J.K.H. Zimmerman. 2022. Modeling Functional Flows in California’s Rivers. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:787473.

Journal Article20221255Ecohydrology

De Frond, H., L.M. Thornton Hampton, S. Kotar, K. Gesulga, C. Matuch, W. Lao, S.B. Weisberg, C.S. Wong, C.M. Rochman . 2022. Monitoring microplastics in drinking water: An interlaboratory study to inform effective methods for quantifying and characterizing microplastics. Chemosphere 298:134282.

Journal Article20221256Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown, N. Bishop, R. Kihslinger, B.J. Topping, P. Hough. 2022. An Integrated Framework for Evaluating Wetland and Stream Compensatory Mitigation. Technical Report 1209. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, DC.

Technical Report20221209Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown, T. Smith, C. Cox, N. Nibbelink, K. Sheehan Hill, B.J. Topping, P. Hough. 2022. An Integrated Framework for Evaluating Wetland and Stream Compensatory Mitigation - Summary of Pilot Applications. Technical Report 1210. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, DC.

Technical Report20221210Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Wolfand, J.M., K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, R. Abdi, E. Gallo, K. Irving, D. Philippus, J.B. Rogers, E.D. Stein, T.S. Hogue. 2022. Balancing water reuse and ecological support goals in an effluent dominated river. Journal of Hydrology X 15:100124.

Journal Article20221250Ecohydrology

Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Monitoring Program Sediment Quality Assessment Planning Committee. 2022. Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Monitoring Program Sediment Quality Assessment Synthesis Report. Technical Report 1248. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221248Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program, Trash Pollution

Elko, N., D. Foster, G. Kleinheinz, B. Raubenheimer, S. Brander, J. Kinzelman, J.P. Kritzer, D. Munroe, C. Storlazzi, M. Sutula, A. Mercer, S. Coffin, C. Fraioli, L. Ginger, E. Morrison, G. Parent-Doliner, C. Akan, A. Canestrelli, M. DiBenedetto, J. Lang, J. Simm. 2022. Human and ecosystem health in coastal systems. Shore & Beach 90:64-91.

Journal Article20221254Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Microbial Water Quality, Trash Pollution

Zimmer-Faust, A.G., J.F. Griffith, J.A. Steele, L. Asato, T. Chiem, S. Choi, A. Diaz, J. Guzman, M. Padilla, J. Quach-Cu, V. Ruiz, B. Santos, M. Woo, S.B. Weisberg. 2022. Assessing cross-laboratory performance for quantifying coliphage using EPA Method 1642. Journal of Applied Microbiology DOI:10.1111/jam.15523.

Journal Article20221268Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown, J.D. Siu. 2022. Aquatic Resource Type Conversion Evaluation Framework Version 2.0. Technical Report 1110. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221110Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Walker, J.B., S. Rinehart, G. Greenberg-Pines, W.K. White, R. DeSantiago, D.A. Lipson, J.D. Long. 2022. Aboveground competition influences density-dependent effects of cordgrass on sediment biogeochemistry. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8722.

Journal Article20221265Bioassessment

Taniguchi-Quan, K.T., K. Irving, E.D. Stein, A. Poresky, R.A. Wildman Jr., A. Aprahamian, C. Rivers, G. Sharp, S.M. Yarnell, J.R. Feldman. 2022. Developing Ecological Flow Needs in a Highly Altered Region: Application of California Environmental Flows Framework in Southern California, USA. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:787631.

Journal Article20221252Ecohydrology

Irving, K., K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, A. Aprahamian, C. Rivers, G. Sharp, R.D. Mazor, S. Theroux, A. Holt, R. Peek, E.D. Stein. 2022. Application of Flow-Ecology Analysis to Inform Prioritization for Stream Restoration and Management Actions. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:787462.

Journal Article20221251Ecohydrology

Wang, P., J.K. Challis, Z.X. He, C.S. Wong, E.Y. Zeng. 2022. Effects of biofouling on the uptake of perfluorinated alkyl acids by organic-diffusive gradients in thin films passive samplers. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 24:242.

Journal Article20221253Emerging Contaminants

Reed, D.J., C. Brown, A.D. Steinman, M. Sutula, D.H. Wardrop. 2022. Restoration in the Context of Climate Change. in: D.H. Wardrop, W.G. Boggess, C. Brown, C.B. Burke, P.M. Dixon, C.T. Driscoll, K.R. Reddy, D.J. Reed, A.D. Steinman, M. Sutula, J.R. Walters (eds.), Progress Toward Restoring the Everglades: The Ninth Biennial Review—2022 pp. 137-168. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Washington, D.C..

Book Chapter20221304Climate Change

Sutula, M., J. Butcher, M. Schmidt, C. Boschen, R.D. Mazor, D.J. Gillett, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, K. Irving, D. Shultz. 2022. Science Supporting Decisions on Biostimulatory Targets and Management of Eutrophication in the Main Stem of the Santa Margarita River Watershed. Technical Report 1185. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221185Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Brander, S.M., J.W. White, B.M. DeCourten, K. Major, S.J. Hutton, R.E. Connon, A.C. Mehinto. 2022. Accounting for transgenerational effects of toxicant exposure in population models alters the predicted long-term population status. Environmental Epigenetics 8(1):1-12.

Journal Article20221303Emerging Contaminants

Ahmed, W., S.L. Simpson, P.M. Bertsch, K. Bibby, A. Bivins, L.L. Blackall, S. Bofill-Mas, A. Bosch, J. Brandão, P.M. Choi, M. Ciesielski, E. Donner, N. D'Souza, A.H. Farnleitner, D. Gerrity, R. Gonzalez, J.F. Griffith, P. Gyawali, C.N. Haas, K.A. Hamilton, H.C. Hapuarachchi, V.J. Harwood, R. Haque, G. Jackson, S.J. Khan, W. Khan, M. Kitajima, A. Korajkic, G. La Rosa, B.A. Layton, E. Lipp, S.L. McLellan, B. McMinn, G. Medema, S. Metcalfe, W.G. Meijer, J.F. Mueller, H. Murphy, C.C. Naughton, R.T. Noble, S. Payyappat, S. Petterson, T. Pitkänen, V.B. Rajal, B. Reyneke, F.A. Roman Jr, J.B. Rose, M. Rusiñol, M.J. Sadowsky, L. Sala-Comorera, Y.X. Setoh, S.P. Sherchan, K. Sirikanchana, W. Smith, J.A. Steele, R. Sabburg, E.M. Symonds, P. Thai, K.V. Thomas, J. Tynan, S. Toze, J. Thompson, A.S. Whiteley, J.C. Wong, D. Sano, S. Wuertz, I. Xagoraraki, Q. Zhang, A.G. Zimmer-Faust, O.C. Shanks. 2022. Minimizing errors in RT-PCR detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA for wastewater surveillance. Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149877.

Journal Article20221225Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Yarnell, S.M., A. Willis, A. Obester, R.A. Peek, R.A. Lusardi, J. Zimmerman, T.E. Grantham, E.D. Stein. 2022. Functional Flows in Groundwater-Influenced Streams: Application of the California Environmental Flows Framework to Determine Ecological Flow Needs. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:788295.

Journal Article20221249Ecohydrology

Ramus, J., E. Garvey, S. Brown, E. Fassman-Beck, E.D. Stein. 2022. Assessing the State of Knowledge and Research Needs for Stormwater Harvesting. Technical Report 1305. The Water Research Foundation. Alexandria, VA .

Technical Report20221305Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Gouin, T., R. Ellis-Hutchings, L.M. Thornton Hampton, C.L. Lemieux, S.L. Wright. 2022. Screening and prioritization of nano- and microplastic particle toxicity studies for evaluating human health risks – development and application of a toxicity study assessment tool. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2:2.

Journal Article20221266Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Abdi, R., A. Rust, J.M. Wolfand, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, K. Irving, D. Philippus, E.D. Stein, T.S. Hogue. 2022. Thermal Suitability of the Los Angeles River for Cold Water Resident and Migrating Fish Under Physical Restoration Alternatives. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:749085.

Journal Article20221241Ecohydrology

Vanderpont, A.K., C. Lobson, Z. Lu, K. Luong, M. Arentsen, T. Vera, D. Moore, M.S. White, R.S. Prosser, C.S. Wong, M.L. Hanson. 2022. Fate of thiamethoxam from treated seeds in mesocosms and response of aquatic invertebrate communities. Ecotoxicology DOI:10.1007/s10646-021-02500-8.

Journal Article20221239Emerging Contaminants

Peek, R., K. Irving, S.M. Yarnell, R. Lusardi, E.D. Stein, R.D. Mazor. 2022. Identifying Functional Flow Linkages Between Stream Alteration and Biological Stream Condition Indices Across California. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:790667.

Journal Article20221240Bioassessment, Ecohydrology, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Irving, K., S.C. Jähnig, M. Kuemmerlen. 2021. Disentangling the effect of climatic and hydrological predictor variables on benthic macroinvertebrate distributions from predictive models. Hydrobiologia 2021:1-20.

Journal Article20211243Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Place, B.J., E.M. Ulrich, J.K. Challis, A. Chao, B. Du, K. Favela, Y. Feng, C.M. Fisher, P. Gardinali, A. Hood, A.M. Knolhoff, A.D. McEachran, S.L. Nason, S.R. Newton, B. Ng, J. Nuñez, K.T. Peter, A.L. Phillips, N. Quinete, R. Renslow, J.R. Sobus, E.M. Sussman, B. Warth, S. Wickramasekara, A.J. Williams. 2021. An Introduction to the Benchmarking and Publications for Non-Targeted Analysis Working Group. Analytical Chemistry 93:16289-16296.

Journal Article20211242Emerging Contaminants

Mazor, R.D., B. Topping, T.L. Nadeau, K.M. Fritz, J. Kelso, R. Harrington, W. Beck, K. McCune, A. Allen, R. Leidy, J.T. Robb, G.C.L. David, L. Tanner. 2021. User Manual for a Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Western Mountains of the United States - Version 1.0. Technical Report 1222.A. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C..

Technical Report20211222.AEcohydrology

Mazor, R.D., B.J. Topping, T. Nadeau, K.M. Fritz, J.E. Kelso, R.A. Harrington, W.S. Beck, K. McCune, A.O. Allen, R. Leidy, J. Robb, G. David. 2021. Implementing an Operational Framework to Develop a Streamflow Duration Assessment Method: A Case Study from the Arid West United States. Water 13:3310.

Journal Article20211236Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Mazor, R.D., B. Topping, T.L. Nadeau, K.M. Fritz, J. Kelso, R. Harrington, W. Beck, K. McCune, H. Lowman, A. Allen, R. Leidy, J.T. Robb, G.C.L. David. 2021. User Manual for a Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Arid West of the United States. Technical Report 1100.A. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C..

Technical Report20211100.AEcohydrology

Abdalla, E.M.H., V. Pons, V. Stovin, S. De-Ville, E. Fassman-Beck, K. Alfredsen, T.M. Muthanna. 2021. Evaluating different machine learning methods to simulate runoff from extensive green roofs. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25:5917–5935.

Journal Article20211244Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Wang, S., W. Lao, Y. He, H. Shi, Q. Ye, J. Ma. 2021. Promoting the stability and adsorptive capacity of Fe3O4-embedded expanded graphite with an aminopropyltriethoxysilane-polydopamine coating for the removal of copper(II) from water. RSC Advances 11:35673-35686.

Journal Article20211293Runoff Water Quality

Schiff, K.C., M. Beck, E. Fassman-Beck. 2021. North Orange County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Monitoring Evaluation. Technical Report 1221. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20211221Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Stein, E.D., J. Zimmerman, S.M. Yarnell, B. Stanford, B. Lane, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, A. Obester, T.E. Grantham, R.A. Lusardi, S. Sandoval-Solis. 2021. The California Environmental Flows Framework: Meeting the Challenges of Developing a Large-Scale Environmental Flows Program. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:769943.

Journal Article20211228Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Kessouri, F., K. McLaughlin, M. Sutula, D. Bianchi, M. Ho, J.C. McWilliams, L. Renault, J. Molemaker, C. Deutsch, A. Leinweber. 2021. Configuration and validation of an oceanic physical and biogeochemical model to investigate coastal eutrophication in the Southern California Bight. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13:e2020MS002296.

Journal Article20211229Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Walker, J.B., E.D. Grosholz, J.D. Long. 2021. Predicting burrowing crab impacts on salt marsh plants. Ecosphere 12:e03803.

Journal Article20211232Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Bednarsek, N., R. Ambrose, P. Calosi, R.K. Childers, R.A. Feely, S.Y. Litvin, W.C. Long, J.I. Spicer, J. Strus, J. Taylor, F. Kessouri, M. Roethler, M. Sutula, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. Synthesis of Thresholds of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Decapods. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:651102.

Journal Article20211235Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Du, B., W. Lao, C.S. Wong, K. McLaughlin, K.C. Schiff. 2021. Scrutinizing surficial sediment along a 600-km-long urban coastal zone: Occurrence and risk assessment of fipronil and its three degradates. Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151071.

Journal Article20211227Emerging Contaminants, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bueno de Mesquita, C.P., J. Zhou, S. Theroux, S.G. Tringe. 2021. Methanogenesis and Salt Tolerance Genes of a Novel Halophilic Methanosarcinaceae Metagenome-Assembled Genome from a Former Solar Saltern. Genes 12:1609.

Journal Article20211231Uncategorized

Estes Jr., M., C. Anderson, W. Appletans, N. Bax, N. Bednarsek, G. Canonico, S. Djavidnia, E. Escobar, P. Fietzek, M. Gregoire, E. Hazen, M. Kavanaugh, F. Lejzerowicz, F. Lombard, P. Miloslavich, K.O. Möller, J. Monk, E. Montes, H. Moustahfid, M.M.C. Muelbert, F. Muller-Karger, L.E. Peavey Reeves, E.V. Satterthwaite, J.O. Schmidt, A.M.M. Sequeira, W. Turner, L.V. Weatherdon. 2021. Enhanced monitoring of life in the sea is a critical component of conservation management and sustainable economic growth. Marine Policy 132:104699.

Journal Article20211234Bioassessment, Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Mazor, R.D., K. McCune. 2021. Review of flow duration methods and indicators of flow duration in the scientific literature: Western Mountains. Technical Report 1222. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20211222Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Ledezma-Espinoza, A., J.K. Challis, F. Roa-Gutierrez, A. Sanchez-Kopper, E. Castellon, C.S. Wong. 2021. Photolysis of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug sulindac: elucidation of kinetic behaviour and photodegradation pathways in water. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts 23:1405-1417.

Journal Article20211224Emerging Contaminants

Rothman, J.A., T.B. Loveless, J. Kapcia III, E.D. Adams, J.A. Steele, A.G. Zimmer-Faust, D. Wanless, M.L. Griffith, L. Mao, J. Chokry, J.F. Griffith, K.L. Whiteson, K. Langlois. 2021. RNA Viromics of Southern California Wastewater and Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Single-Nucleotide Variants. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87:e01448-21.

Journal Article20211237Microbial Water Quality

Smith, J., D. Shultz, M.D.A. Howard, G. Robertson, V. Phonsiri, V. Renick, D.A. Caron, R.M. Kudela, K. McLaughlin. 2021. Persistent domoic acid in marine sediments and benthic infauna along the coast of Southern California. Harmful Algae DOI:10.1016/j.hal.2021.102103.

Journal Article20211223Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bednarsek, N., K.A. Naish, R.A. Feely, C. Hauri, K. Kimoto, A.J. Hermann, C. Michel, A. Niemi, D. Pilcher. 2021. Integrated Assessment of Ocean Acidification Risks to Pteropods in the Northern High Latitudes: Regional Comparison of Exposure, Sensitivity and Adaptive Capacity. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:671497.

Journal Article20211230Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Wang, P., B. Du, J. Smith, W. Lao, C.S. Wong, E.Y. Zeng. 2021. Development and field evaluation of the organic-diffusive gradients in thin-films (o-DGT) passive water sampler for microcystins. Chemosphere 287:132079. DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2021.674214.

Journal Article20211220Emerging Contaminants, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

McClary-Gutierrez, J.S., M.C.M. Mattioli, P. Marcenac, A.I. Silverman, A.B. Boehm, K. Bibby, M. Balliet, F.L. de los Reyes III, D. Gerrity, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden, D. Katehis, G. Kester, N. LaCross, E.K. Lipp, J. Meiman, R.T. Noble, D. Brossard, S.L. McLellan. 2021. SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance for Public Health Action. Emerging Infectious Diseases 27:e210753.

Journal Article20211247Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Parks, A.N., D.J. Greenstein, K.C. Schiff. 2021. Marina del Rey Harbor Site-Specific Objective Study. Technical Report 1208. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20211208Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality

Walker, J.B., A.L. Bijak, L. Blum. 2021. Genetic Diversity and Clonal Structure of Spartina alterniflora in a Virginia Marsh. Northeastern Naturalist 28:357-370.

Journal Article20211219Uncategorized

Sutula, M., D. Senn, L. Fono, M. Ho, F. Karimpour, F. Kessouri, A. King, A. Latker, P. Markle. 2021. Approaches to Quantifying Uncertainty in Coastal Eutrophication Numerical Modeling: A Workshop Summary. Technical Report . Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20211211Eutrophication

McLaughlin, K., J. Davis, A. Bonnema, B. Du, G. Ichikawa, W. Jakl, W. Heim, K.C. Schiff. 2021. Regional assessment of contaminant bioaccumulation in sport fish tissue in the Southern California Bight, USA. Marine Pollution Bulletin DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112798.

Journal Article20211217Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Zimmer-Faust, A.G., J.A. Steele, X. Xiong, C. Staley, M.L. Griffith, M.J. Sadowsky, M. Diaz, J.F. Griffith. 2021. A Combined Digital PCR and Next Generation DNA-Sequencing Based Approach for Tracking Nearshore Pollutant Dynamics Along the Southwest United States/Mexico Border. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2021.674214.

Journal Article20211218Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Diner, R.E., D. Kaul, A. Rabines, H. Zheng, J.A. Steele, J.F. Griffith, A.E. Allen. 2021. Pathogenic Vibrio Species Are Associated with Distinct Environmental Niches and Planktonic Taxa in Southern California (USA) Aquatic Microbiomes. mSystems DOI:10.1128/mSystems.00571-21.

Journal Article20211216Microbial Water Quality

Thornton Hampton, L.M., M.G. Finch, C.J. Martyniuk, B.J. Venables, M.K. Sellin-Jeffries. 2021. Developmental thyroid disruption causes long‑term impacts on immune cell function and transcriptional responses to pathogen in a small fish model. Scientific Reports DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-93929-8.

Journal Article20211213Emerging Contaminants

Mehinto, A.C., J. Smith, E. Wenger, B. Stanton, R. Linville, B.W. Brooks, M.A. Saluta, M.D.A. Howard. 2021. Synthesis of ecotoxicological studies on cyanotoxins in freshwater habitats – Evaluating the basis for developing thresholds protective of aquatic life in the United States. Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148864.

Journal Article20211214Emerging Contaminants, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Smith, J., M. Sutula, K. Bourma-Gregson, M. Van Dyke. 2021. California Water Boards’ Framework and Strategy for Freshwater Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring: Executive Synthesis. Technical Report 1141.A. California State Water Resources Control Board. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20211141.AEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Smith, J., M. Sutula, K. Bourma-Gregson, M. Van Dyke. 2021. California Water Boards’ Framework and Strategy for Freshwater Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring: Full Report with Appendices. Technical Report 1141.B. California State Water Resources Control Board. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20211141.BEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

McClary-Gutierrez, J.S., Z.T. Aanderud, M. Al-faliti, C. Duvallet, R. Gonzalez, J. Guzman, R.H. Holm, M.A. Jahne, R.S. Kantor, P. Katsivelis, K.G. Kuhn, L.M. Langan, C. Mansfeldt, S.L. McLellan, L.M. Mendoza-Grijalva, K.S. Murnane, C.C. Naughton, A.I. Packman, S. Paraskevopoulos, T.S. Radniecki, F.A. Roman, A. Shrestha, L.B. Stadler, J.A. Steele, B.M. Swalla, P. Vikesland, B. Wartell, C.J. Wilusz, J.C. Ching-Wong, A.B. Boehm, R.U. Halden, K. Bibby, J.D. Vela. 2021. Standardizing data reporting in the research community to enhance the utility of open data for SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance. Environmental Science Water Research & Technology DOI:10.1039/d1ew00235j.

Journal Article20211215Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

McLaughlin, K., M.D.A. Howard, G. Robertson, C.D.A. Beck, M. Ho, F. Kessouri, N.P. Nezlin, M. Sutula, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. Influence of anthropogenic nutrient inputs on rates of coastal ocean nitrogen and carbon cycling in the Southern California Bight, United States. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 9:00145.

Journal Article20211233Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Zhou, J., S. Theroux, C.P. Bueno de Mesquita, W.H. Hartman, Y. Tian, S.G. Tringe. 2021. Microbial drivers of methane emissions from unrestored industrial salt ponds. The ISME Journal DOI:10.1038/s41396-021-01067-w.

Journal Article20211226Climate Change

Sutula, M., M. Ho, A. Sengupta, F. Kessouri, K. McLaughlin, K. McCune, D. Bianchi. 2021. A baseline of terrestrial freshwater and nitrogen fluxes to the Southern California Bight, USA. Marine Pollution Bulletin DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112669 .

Journal Article20211212Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Renault, L., J.C. McWilliams, F. Kessouri, A. Jousse, H. Frenzel, R. Chen, C. Deutsch. 2021. Evaluation of high-resolution atmospheric and oceanic simulations of the California Current System. Progress in Oceanography DOI:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102564.

Journal Article20211206Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Deutsch, C., H. Frenzel, J.C. McWilliams, L. Renault, F. Kessouri, E. Howard, J.H. Liang, D. Bianchi, S. Yang. 2021. Biogeochemical variability in the California Current System. Progress in Oceanography DOI:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102565.

Journal Article20211207Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Kessouri, F., J.C. McWilliams, D. Bianchi, M. Sutula, L. Renault, C. Deutsch, R.A. Feely, K. McLaughlin, M. Ho, E.M. Howard, N. Bednarsek, P. Damien, J. Molemaker, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. Coastal eutrophication drives acidification, oxygen loss, and ecosystem change in a major oceanic upwelling system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America DOI:10.1073/pnas.2018856118.

Journal Article20211204Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Ho, M., J.M. Molemaker, F. Kessouri, J.C. McWilliams, T.W. Gallien. 2021. High-Resolution Nonhydrostatic Outfall Plume Modeling: Cross-Flow Validation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001896.

Journal Article20211205Eutrophication

Chaves-Barquero, L.G., B.W. Humeniuk, K.H. Luong, N. Cicek, C.S. Wong, M.L. Hanson. 2021. Crushed recycled glass as a substrate for constructed wetland wastewater treatment: a case study of its potential to facilitate pharmaceutical removal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research DOI:10.1007/s11356-021-14483-4.

Journal Article20211200Emerging Contaminants

Bednarsek, N., P. Calosi, R.A. Feely, R.F. Ambrose, M. Byrne, K.Y. Chan, S. Dupont, J.L. Padilla-Gamino, J.I. Spicer, F. Kessouri, M. Roethler, M. Sutula, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. Synthesis of Thresholds of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Echinoderms. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2021.602601.

Journal Article20211201Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Mekkes, L., W. Renema, N. Bednarsek, S.R. Alin, R.A. Feely, J. Huisman, P. Roessingh, K.T.C.A. Peijnenburg. 2021. Pteropods make thinner shells in the upwelling region of the California Current Ecosystem. Scientific Reports DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-81131-9.

Journal Article20211202Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Niemi, A., N. Bednarsek, C. Michel, R.A. Feely, W. Williams, K. Azetsu-Scott, W. Walkusz, J.D. Reist. 2021. Biological Impact of Ocean Acidification in the Canadian Arctic: Widespread Severe Pteropod Shell Dissolution in Amundsen Gulf. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2021.600184.

Journal Article20211203Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, A.N. Parks, D.J. Gillett, W. Lao, D.W. Diehl. 2021. Sediment Quality Assessment Technical Support Manual. Technical Report 777. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20210777Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Gillett, D.J., L. Gilbane, K.C. Schiff. 2021. Characterizing Community Structure of Benthic Infauna From the Continental Slope of the Southern California Bight. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2021.605858/full.

Journal Article20211197Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Driscoll, C.T., W.G. Boggess, C. Brown, R.K. Craig, T. Dunne, M.S. Fennessy, J.W. Jawitz, E.A. Meselhe, D.J. Reed, J. Saiers, E.P. Smith, M. Sutula, J.R. Walters, D.H. Wardrop. 2021. Progress Toward Restoring the Everglades: The Eighth Biennial Review - 2020. Technical Report 1198. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Washington, DC.

Technical Report20211198Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Rogers, J.B., E.D. Stein, M.W. Beck, K. Flint, A. Kinoshita, R.F. Ambrose. 2021. Modelling future changes to the hydrological and thermal regime of unaltered streams using projected changes in climate to support planning for sensitive species management. Ecohydrology DOI:10.1002/eco.2299.

Journal Article20211199Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Zimmer-Faust, A.G., J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. Quantification of Sources of Fecal Pollution at Mule Creek. Technical Report 1186. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20211186Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Wisenbaker, K., K. McLaughlin, D.W. Diehl, A. Latker, K. Stolzenbach, R. Gartman, K.C. Schiff. 2021. Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Marine Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates. Technical Report 1183. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20211183Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Stein, E.D., K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, J. Wolfand, E. Gallo, K. Irving, D. Philippus, R. Abdi, V. Hennon, A. Tinoco, P. Mohammadi, A. Rust, T.S. Hogue. 2021. Process and Decision Support Tools for Evaluating Flow Management Targets to Support Aquatic Life and Recreational Beneficial Uses of the Los Angeles River: Los Angeles River Environmental Flows Project. Technical Report 1196. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20211196Ecohydrology

Mehinto, A.C., L.M. Thornton Hampton, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, N. Garcia-Reyero, M.A. Arick, K.A. Maruya, W. Lao, C.D. Vulpe, M. Brown-Augustine, A. Loguinov, S.M. Bay. 2021. Transcriptomic response patterns of hornyhead turbot (Pleuronichthys verticalis) dosed with polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics DOI:10.1016/j.cbd.2021.100822.

Journal Article20211194Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Abdi, R., J.B. Rogers, A. Rust, J.M. Wolfand, D. Philippus, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, K. Irving, E.D. Stein, T.S. Hogue. 2021. Simulating the thermal impact of substrate temperature on ecological restoration in shallow urban rivers. Journal of Environmental Management DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112560.

Journal Article20211195Ecohydrology

Crain, C., K. Kezer, S. Steele, J. Owiti, S. Rao, M. Victorio, B. Austin, A. Volner, W. Draper, J.F. Griffith, J.A. Steele, M. Seifert. 2021. Application of ddPCR for detection of Enterococcus spp. in coastal water quality monitoring. Journal of Microbiological Methods DOI:10.1016/j.mimet.2021.106206.

Journal Article20211192Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Hale, T., S.L. Moore, P. Kauhanen, L. Flores, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. California Trash Monitoring Methods and Assessments Playbook. Technical Report 1189. San Francisco Estuary Institute. San Francisco, CA.

Technical Report20211189Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Trash Pollution

Hale, T., S.L. Moore, P. Kauhanen, L. Flores, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. Field Testing Report for the Statewide Trash Monitoring Methods Project. Technical Report 1190. San Francisco Estuary Institute. San Francisco, CA.

Technical Report20211190Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Trash Pollution

Charles, D.F., M.G. Kelly, R.J. Stevenson, S. Poikane, S. Theroux, A. Zgrundo, M. Cantonati. 2021. Benthic algae assessments in the EU and the US: Striving for consistency in the face of great ecological diversity . Ecological Indicators DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107082.

Journal Article20211191Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Eutrophication, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Tatters, A.O., J. Smith, R.M. Kudela, K. Hayashi, M.D.A. Howard, A.R. Donovan, K.A. Loftin, D.A. Caron. 2021. The tide turns: Episodic and localized cross-contamination of a California coastline with cyanotoxins. Harmful Algae DOI:10.1016/j.hal.2021.102003.

Journal Article20211188Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Brand, M.W., L. Guo, E.D. Stein, B.F. Sanders. 2021. Multi-decadal simulation of estuarine sedimentation under sea level rise with a response-surface surrogate model. Advances in Water Resources DOI:10.1016/j.advwatres.2021.103876.

Journal Article20211187Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Fassman-Beck, E., F. Saleh. 2021. Sources and Impacts of Uncertainty in Uncalibrated Bioretention Models Using SWMM 5.1.012. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 7:04021006.

Journal Article20211238Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Stein, E.D., E.M. Gee, J.B. Adams, K. Irving, L.V. Niekerk. 2021. Advancing the Science of Environmental Flow Management for Protection of Temporarily Closed Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons. Water DOI:10.3390/w13050595.

Journal Article20211182Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Mazor, R.D., J.S. Brown, E.D. Stein, J.R. Olson, M.D. Robinson, A. Caudillo, S. Johnson, G. Mak, C. Clarke, K. O'Connor, K.K. Hammerstrom, R. Clark. 2021. Development of an Assessment Framework for Dry Ephemeral and Intermittent Streams in California and Arizona. Technical Report 1176. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20211176Bioassessment, Ecohydrology, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Smith, J., D. Shultz, M.D.A. Howard, G. Robertson, V. Phonsiri, V. Renick, D.A. Caron, R. Kudela, K. McLaughlin. 2021. Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume VIII. Harmful Algal Blooms. Technical Report 1170. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20211170Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Mehinto, A.C., H.L. Schoenfuss, E. Wenger, D.W. Diehl, S.M. Bay. 2021. Application of an Effects‐Based Monitoring Strategy to Assess the Impact of Contaminants on Fish Health in an Urbanized Watershed. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40:402-412.

Journal Article20211177Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Ulses, C., C. Estournel, M. Fourrier, L. Coppola, F. Kessouri, D. Lefevre, P. Marsaleix. 2021. Oxygen budget of the north-western Mediterranean deep-convection region. Biogeosciences 18:937-960.

Journal Article20211178Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Sutula, M., M. Ho, A. Sengupta, F. Kessouri, K. McLaughlin, K. McCune, D. Bianchi. 2021. Dataset of terrestrial fluxes of freshwater, nutrients, carbon, and iron to the Southern California Bight, U.S.A.. Data in Brief DOI:10.1016/j.dib.2021.106802.

Journal Article20211179Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Howard, M.D.A., R.M. Kudela, K. Hayashi, A.O. Tatters, D.A. Caron, S. Theroux, S. Oehrle, M. Roethler, A. Donovan, K. Loftin, Z. Laughrey. 2021. Multiple co-occurring and persistently detected cyanotoxins and associated cyanobacteria in adjacent California lakes. Toxicon 192:1-14.

Journal Article20211172Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Stein, E.D., J. Wolfand, R. Abdi, K. Irving, V. Hennon, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, D. Philippus, A. Tinoco, A. Rust, E. Gallo, C. Bell, T.S. Hogue. 2021. Assessment of Aquatic Life Use Needs for the Los Angeles River. Technical Report 1154. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20211154Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Martyniuk, C.J., A.C. Mehinto, R.C. Colli-Dula, K.J. Kroll, N.J. Doperalski, D.S. Barber, N.D. Denslow. 2020. Transcriptome and physiological effects of toxaphene on the liver-gonad reproductive axis in male and female largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D DOI:10.1016/j.cbd.2020.100746.

Journal Article20201156Emerging Contaminants

DeCourten, B.M., J.P. Forbes, H.K. Roark, N.P. Burns, K.M. Major, J.W. White, J. Li, A.C. Mehinto, R.E. Connon, S.M. Brander. 2020. Multigenerational and Transgenerational Effects of Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Endocrine Disruptors in an Estuarine Fish Model. Environmental Science & Technology DOI:10.1021/acs.est.0c02892.

Journal Article20201157Emerging Contaminants

Kessouri, F., D. Bianchi, L. Renault, J.C. McWilliams, H. Frenzel, C.A. Deutsch. 2020. Submesoscale Currents Modulate the Seasonal Cycle of Nutrients and Productivity in the California Current System. Global Biogeochemical Cycles DOI:10.1029/2020GB006578.

Journal Article20201158Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Howard, E.M., H. Frenzel, F. Kessouri, L. Renault, D. Bianchi, J.C. McWilliams, C.A. Deutsch. 2020. Attributing Causes of Future Climate Change in the California Current System With Multimodel Downscaling. Global Biogeochemical Cycles DOI:10.1029/2020GB006646.

Journal Article20201159Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Tirpak, R.A., N. Afrooz, R.J. Winston, R. Valenca, K.C. Schiff, S.K. Mohanty. 2020. Conventional and amended bioretention soil media for targeted pollutant treatment: A critical review to guide the state of the practice. Water Research DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2020.1166480.

Journal Article20201160Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Rothman, J.A., T.B. Loveless, M.L. Griffith, J.A. Steele, J.F. Griffith, K.L. Whiteson. 2020. Metagenomics of Wastewater Influent from Southern California Wastewater Treatment Facilities in the Era of COVID-19. Microbiology Resource Announcements 9:e00907-20.

Journal Article20201161Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Tian, Z., H. Zhao, K.T. Peter, M. Gonzalez, J. Wetzel, C. Wu, X. Hu, J. Prat, E. Mudrock, R. Hettinger, A.E. Cortina, R.G. Biswas, F.V.C. Kock, R. Soong, A. Jenne, B. Du, F. Hou, H. He, R. Lundeen, A. Gilbreath, R. Sutton, N.L. Scholz, J.W. Davis, M.C. Dodd, A. Simpson, J.K. McIntyre, E.P. Kolodziej. 2020. A ubiquitous tire rubber–derived chemical induces acute mortality in coho salmon. Science 371:185-189.

Journal Article20201162Emerging Contaminants

Harraka, G.T., J.T. Magnuson, B. Du, C.S. Wong, K. Maruya, D. Schlenk. 2020. Evaluating the estrogenicity of an effluent-dominated river in California, USA: Comparisons of in vitro and in vivo bioassays. Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143965.

Journal Article20201163Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Maruya, K., C.S. Wong. 2020. Evaluating Analytical Methods for Detecting Unknown Chemicals in Recycled Water. Technical Report 1164. Water Research Foundation. Alexandria, VA.

Technical Report20201164Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

McLaughlin, K., K.C. Schiff, B. Du, J. Davis, A. Bonnema, G. Ichikawa, B. Jakl, W. Heim. 2020. Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Monitoring Program Volume V: Contaminant Bioaccumulation in Edible Sport Fish Tissue. Technical Report 1155. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201155Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Armbrust, K., J. Constantino, J. Hunt, C. Menzie, D. Parker. 2020. Findings and Recommendations of the Expert Review Panel for the Eastern San Joaquin Surface Water Monitoring Program. Technical Report 1153. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201153Uncategorized

Schiff, K.C., S.M. Bay. 2020. In Memorium: Donald J Reish. Zoosymposia DOI:10.11646/zoosymposia.19.1.4.

Journal Article20201165Uncategorized

Rochman, C.M., S.B. Weisberg, S.L. Moore, A. Whitley. 2020. The Unknowns of Microplastics: We cannot understand what we cannot measure. Applied Spectroscopy 74:966-967.

Journal Article20201166Emerging Contaminants, Trash Pollution

Diehl, D.W. 2020. Key to Combfishes and Greenlings (Families Zaniolepididae and Hexagrammidae). in: M.S. Love, J.K. Passarelli (eds.), Miller and Lea’s Guide to Coastal Marine Fishes of California pp. 175-178. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Davis, CA.

Book Chapter20201167Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Diehl, D.W. 2020. Key to the Jacks (Family Carangidae). in: M.S. Love, J.K. Passarelli (eds.), Miller and Lea’s Guide to Coastal Marine Fishes of California pp. 235-242. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Davis, CA.

Book Chapter20201168Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Love, M.S., D.W. Diehl. 2020. Key to Driftfishes (Family Nomeidae). in: J.K. Passarelli (ed.), pp. 342. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Davis, CA.

Book Chapter20201169Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Henkel, S.K., L. Gilbane, A.J. Phillips, D.J. Gillett. 2020. Cross-Shelf Habitat Suitability Modeling for Benthic Macrofauna. Technical Report 1173. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Camarillo, CA.

Technical Report20201173Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Poti, M., S.K. Henkel, J.J. Bizzarro, T.F. Hourigan, M.E. Clarke, C.E. Whitmire, A. Powell, M.M. Yoklavich, L. Bauer, A.J. Winship, M. Coyne, D.J. Gillett, L. Gilbane, J. Christensen, C.F.G. Jeffrey. 2020. Cross-Shelf Habitat Suitability Modeling: Characterizing Potential Distributions of Deep-Sea Corals, Sponges, and Macrofauna Offshore of the US West Coast. Technical Report 1171. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Camarillo, CA.

Technical Report20201171Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Zimmer-Faust, A.G., J.A. Steele, J.F. Griffith, K.C. Schiff. 2020. The challenges of microbial source tracking at urban beaches for Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA). Marine Pollution Bulletin DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111546.

Journal Article20201175Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Taylor, J., E.D. Stein, M.W. Beck, R.F. Ambrose. 2020. The impact of climate change induced alterations of streamflow and stream temperature on the distribution of riparian species. PLoS ONE DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0242682.

Journal Article20201181Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Winfrey, B.K., M. Ho, W. Wang, Y.J. Li, R.F. Ambrose. 2020. Design aspects and plant species affect pollutant removal in Southern California stormwater biofilters. Blue-Green Systems DOI:10.2166/bgs.2020.012.

Journal Article20201180Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Theroux, S., R.D. Mazor, M.W. Beck, P.R. Ode, E.D. Stein, M. Sutula. 2020. Predictive biological indices for algae populations in diverse stream environments. Ecological Indicators DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106421.

Journal Article20201135Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Eutrophication, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Nissen, K.A., M. Borst, E. Fassman-Beck. 2020. Bioretention planter performance measured by lag and capture. Hydrological Processes DOI:10.1002/hyp.13927.

Journal Article20201152Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Bednarsek, N., J.A. Newton, M.W. Beck, S.R. Alin, R.A. Feely, N.R. Christman, T. Klinger. 2020. Severe biological effects under present-day estuarine acidification in the seasonally variable Salish Sea. Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142689.

Journal Article20201150Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Cai, W.J., R.A. Feely, J.M. Testa, M. Li, W. Evans, S.R. Alin, Y.Y. Xu, G. Pelletier, A. Ahmed, D.J. Greeley, J.A. Newton, N. Bednarsek. 2020. Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Acidification in Large Estuaries. Annual Review of Marine Science DOI:10.1146/annurev-marine-010419-011004.

Journal Article20201151Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Wang, P.F., J.K. Challis, K.H. Luong, T.C. Vera, C.S. Wong. 2020. Calibration of organic-diffusive gradients in thin films (o-DGT) passive samplers for perfluorinated alkyl acids in water. Chemosphere DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128325.

Journal Article20201146Emerging Contaminants

Fritz, K.M., T. Nadeau, J. Kelso, W.S. Beck, R.D. Mazor, R.A. Harrington, B.J. Topping. 2020. Classifying Streamflow Duration: The Scientific Basis and an Operational Framework for Method Development. Water DOI:10.3390/w12092545.

Journal Article20201147Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Mazor, R.D., A. Santana, C. Endris, K. O'Connor. 2020. Assessing the representativeness of bioassessment samples using spatial statistical networks (SSNs) for watersheds in California: A guide for aquatic resource managers. Technical Report 1143. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201143Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Du, B., Z. Tian, K.T. Peter, E.P. Kolodziej, C.S. Wong. 2020. Developing Unique Nontarget High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Signatures to Track Contaminant Sources in Urban Waters. Environmental Science & Technology Letters DOI:10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00749.

Journal Article20201148Emerging Contaminants, Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Lao, W. 2020. Fiproles as a proxy for ecological risk assessment of mixture of fipronil and its degradates in effluent-dominated surface waters. Water Research DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2020.116510.

Journal Article20201149Emerging Contaminants

Wyer, H., D. Polhemus, S.L. Moore, S.B. Weisberg, S. Coffin, C.M. Rochman. 2020. Steps Scientists Can Take to Inform Aquatic Microplastics Management: A Perspective Informed by the California Experience. Applied Spectroscopy 74:971-975.

Journal Article20201145Trash Pollution

Gillett, D.J., L. Gisbane, K.C. Schiff. 2020. Benthic habitat condition of the continental shelf surrounding oil and gas platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel, Southern California. Marine Pollution Bulletin DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111662.

Journal Article20201144Bioassessment

Grantham, T., J. Mount, E.D. Stein, S.M. Yarnell. 2020. Making the Most of Water for the Environment: A Functional Flows Approach for California’s Rivers. Technical Report 1142. Public Policy Institute of California. San Francisco, CA.

Technical Report20201142Ecohydrology

Paul, M.J., B. Jessup, L.R. Brown, J.L. Carter, M. Cantonati, D.F. Charles, J. Gerritsen, D.B. Herbst, R. Stancheva, J. Howard, B. Isham, R. Lowe, R.D. Mazor, P.K. Mendex, P.R. Ode, A. O'Dowd, J. Olson, Y. Pan, A.C. Rehn, S. Spaulding, M. Sutula, S. Theroux. 2020. Characterizing benthic macroinvertebrate and algal biological condition gradient models for California wadeable Streams, USA. Ecological Indicators DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106618.

Journal Article20201140Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Howard, E.M., J.L. Penn, H. Frenzel, B.A. Seibel, D. Blanchi, L. Renault, F. Kessouri, M. Sutula, J.C. McWilliams, C. Deutsch. 2020. Climate-driven aerobic habitat loss in the California Current System. Science Advances DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aay3188 .

Journal Article20201139Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Winship, A.J., J.T. Thorson, M.E. Clarke, H.M. Coleman, B. Costa, S.E. Georgian, D.J. Gillett, A. Gruss, M.J. Henderson, T.F. Hourigan, D.D. Huff, N. Kreidler, J.L. Pirtle, J.V. Olson, M. Poti, C.N. Rooper, M.F. Sigler, S. Veihman, C.E. Whitmire. 2020. Good Practices for Species Distribution Modeling of Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges for Resource Management: Data Collection, Analysis, Validation, and Communication. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2020.00303.

Journal Article20201138Bioassessment

McCune, K., D.J. Gillett, E.D. Stein. 2020. Methods and Guidance on Assessing the Ecological Functioning of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Southern California Estuaries and Embayments. Technical Report 1136. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201136Bioassessment

Taniguchi-Quan, K.T., R.D. Mazor, J.S. Brown, R. Guill, M. Yeager, A. Suter, J. Rudolph, W. Isham, S. Johnson. 2020. 2018-2019 Report on the SMC Stream Survey. Technical Report 1127. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201127Bioassessment, Ecohydrology, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Weisberg, S.B., F. Chan, J. Barry, A. Boehm, S. Busch, S. Cooley, R. Feely, L. Levin. 2020. Enhancing California’s Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Monitoring Network. Technical Report 1137. Ocean Protection Council. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20201137Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Ulibarri, N., K.A. Goodrich, P. Wagle, M. Brand, R. Matthew, E.D. Stein, B.F. Sanders. 2020. Barriers and opportunities for beneficial reuse of sediment to support coastal resilience. Ocean and Coastal Management DOI:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105287.

Journal Article20201134Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Martindale, S., S.B. Weisberg, S. Coffin. 2020. Status of Legislation and Regulatory Drivers for Microplastics in California. Technical Report 1133. Horiba. Irvine, CA.

Technical Report20201133Trash Pollution

Aylagas, E., A. Borja, X. Pochon, A. Zaiko, N. Keeley, K. Bruce, P. Hong, G.M. Ruiz, E.D. Stein, S. Theroux, N. Geraldi, A. Ortega, L. Gajdzik, D.J. Coker, Y. Katan, T. Hikmawan, A. Saleem, S. Alamer, B.H. Jones, C.M. Duarte, J. Pearman, S. Carvalho. 2020. Translational Molecular Ecology in practice: Linking DNA-based methods to actionable marine environmental management. Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140780.

Journal Article20201131Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding

Beck, M.W., C. O'Hara, J.S. Stewart-Lowndes, R.D. Mazor, S. Theroux, D.J. Gillett, B. Lane, G. Gearheart. 2020. The importance of open science for biological assessment of aquatic environments. PeerJ DOI:10.7717/peerj.9539.

Journal Article20201132Bioassessment

Du, B., C.S. Wong, K. McLaughlin, K.C. Schiff. 2020. Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume II. Sediment Chemistry. Technical Report 1130. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201130Emerging Contaminants, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bednarsek, N., G. Pelletier, A. Ahmed, R.A. Feely. 2020. Chemical Exposure Due to Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification Increases Risks for Estuarine Calcifiers in the Salish Sea: Biogeochemical Model Scenarios. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2020.00580.

Journal Article20201129Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Du, B., J. Smith, K. Maruya, C.S. Wong. 2020. Comparison of Novel Passive Sampling Methods to Identify Cyanotoxins and their Sources. Technical Report 1123. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201123Emerging Contaminants, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Bay, S.M., S. Lowe, K. Gehrts. 2020. Survey of Sediment Quality in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Technical Report 686. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20200686Sediment Quality

Major, K.M., B.M. DeCourten, J. Li, M. Britton, M.L. Settles, A.C. Mehinto, R.E. Connon, S.M. Brander. 2020. Early Life Exposure to Environmentally Relevant Levels of Endocrine Disruptors Drive Multigenerational and Transgenerational Epigenetic Changes in a Fish Model. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2020.00471.

Journal Article20201128Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Ashby, K., A. Davis, G. Gearheart, J. Harwood, T. Hogue, D. Kleis, S. Luce, P. Ode, D. Senn. 2020. Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Five-Year Research Agenda 2019-2024. Technical Report 1126. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201126Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Brown, A.K., J. Ackerman, N. Cicek, C.S. Wong. 2020. In situ kinetics of human pharmaceutical conjugates and the impact of transformation, deconjugation, and sorption on persistence in wastewater batch bioreactors. Environmental Pollution DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114852.

Journal Article20201125Emerging Contaminants

Martyniuk, C.J., A.C. Mehinto, N.D. Denslow. 2020. Organochlorine pesticides: Agrochemicals with potent endocrinedisrupting properties in fish. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology DOI:10.1016/j.mce.2020.110764.

Journal Article20201124Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Mignon, C., O. Pasqueron de Fommervault, F. Kessouri. 2020. Emission Sources, Fluxes and Spatiotemporal Distribution of Nutritive Resources. in: C. Mignon, P. Nival, A. Sciandra (eds.), The Mediterranean Sea in the Era of Global Change 1: 30 Years of Multidisciplinary Study of the Ligurian Sea pp. 105-138. Wiley. New York, NY.

Book Chapter20201114Eutrophication

DeFlorio-Barker, S., D. Holman, R. Landolfi, B.F. Arnold, J.M. Colford, S.B. Weisberg, K.C. Schiff, E.A. Sams, T.J. Wade. 2020. Incidence and public health burden of sunburn among beachgoers in the United States. Preventive Medicine DOI:10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106047.

Journal Article20201122Uncategorized

Parks, A.N., D.J. Greenstein, K. McLaughlin, K.C. Schiff. 2020. Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume I. Sediment Toxicity. Technical Report 1117. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201117Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Challis, J.K., A. Parajas, J.C. Anderson, E. Asiedu, J.W. Martin, C.S. Wong, M.S. Ross. 2020. Photodegradation of bitumen-derived organics in oil sands process-affected water. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 22:1243-1255.

Journal Article20201121Emerging Contaminants

Fassman-Beck, E., K.C. Schiff, D. Apt. 2020. Evaluating Potential Methods to Quantify Stormwater Capture. Technical Report 1116. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201116Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Beck, M.W., R.D. Mazor. 2020. A decision framework for evaluating bioassessment samples and landscape models. Technical Report 1115. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201115Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Anderson, J.C., P. Jabari, A. Parajas, E. Loeb, K.H. Luong, A. Vahedi, C.S. Wong. 2020. Evaluation of cold-weather wastewater nitrification technology for removal of polar chemicals of emerging concern from rural Manitoba wastewaters. Chemosphere DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126711.

Journal Article20201120Emerging Contaminants, Eutrophication

Bay, S.M., A.N. Parks. 2020. Occurrence and Bioaccumulation of Dissolved Organochlorines in San Diego Bay. Technical Report 1109. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201109Sediment Quality

Wu, L., R. Wang, C.L. Huang, C.C. Wu, C.S. Wong, L.J. Bao, E.Y. Zeng. 2020. Impact of passive sampler protection apparatus on sediment porewater profiles of hydrophobic organic compounds. Chemosphere DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126534.

Journal Article20201119Eutrophication

Alava, J.J., P. Calle, A. Tirape, G. Biedenbach, O.A. Cadena, K. Maruya, W. Lao, W. Aguirre, P.J. Jimenez, G.A. Dominguez, G.D. Bossart, P.A. Fair. 2020. Persistent Organic Pollutants and Mercury in Genetically Identified Inner Estuary Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Residents of the Guayaquil Gulf, Ecuador: Ecotoxicological Science in Support of Pollutant Management and Cetacean Conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2020.00122.

Journal Article20201118Emerging Contaminants

Wang, S., W. Lao, H. Li, J. You. 2020. Measuring bioconcentration factors of sediment-associated fipronil in Lumbriculus variegatus using passive sampling techniques. Journal of Hazardous Materials DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122420.

Journal Article20201112Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Baalousha, M., J. Wang, M. Nabi, F. Loosli, R. Valenca, S.K. Mohanty, N. Afrooz, E. Cantando, N. Aich. 2020. Stormwater green infrastructures retain high concentrations of TiO2 engineered (nano)-particles. Journal of Hazardous Materials DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122335.

Journal Article20201113Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Nezlin, N.P., C. Beegan, A. Feit, J.R. Gully, A. Latker, K. McLaughlin, M.J. Mengel, G.L. Robertson, A. Steele, S.B. Weisberg. 2020. Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) as a tracer of effluent plumes in the coastal ocean. Regional Studies in Marine Science DOI:10.1016/j.rsma.2020.101163.

Journal Article20201111Sediment Quality

Bednarsek, N., R.A. Feely, M.W. Beck, S.R. Alin, S.A. Siedlecki, P. Calosi, E.L. Norton, C. Saenger, J. Strus, D. Greeley, N.P. Nezlin, M. Roethler, J.I. Spicer. 2020. Exoskeleton Dissolution With Mechanoreceptor Damage in Larval Dungeness Crab Related to Severity of Present-day Ocean Acidification Vertical Gradients. Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136610.

Journal Article20201108Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Harvey, M.E., S.N. Giddings, E.D. Stein, J.A. Crooks, C. Whitcraft, T. Gallien, J.L. Largier, L.L. Tiefenthaler, H. Meltzer, G. Pawlak, K. Thorne, K. Johnston, R. Ambrose, S.C. Schroeter, H.M. Page, H. Elwany. 2020. Effects of Elevated Sea Levels and Waves on Southern California Estuaries During the 2015–2016 El Niño. Estuaries and Coasts DOI:10.1007/s12237-019-00676-1.

Journal Article20201107Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Sultana, R., M. Mroczek, A. Sengupta, S. Dallman, E.D. Stein. 2020. Improving Effective Impervious Estimates to Inform Stormwater Management. Water Resources Management DOI:10.1007/s11269-019-02474-7.

Journal Article20201106Ecohydrology, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Yarnell, S.M., E.D. Stein, J.A. Webb, T. Grantham, R.A. Lusardi, J. Zimmerman, R.A. Peek, B.A. Lane, J. Howard, S. Sandoval-Solis. 2020. A Functional Flows Approach to Selecting Ecologically Relevant Flow Metrics for Environmental Flow Applications. River Research and Applications DOI:10.1002/rra.3575.

Journal Article20201104Ecohydrology

Stein, E.D., C.L. Doughty, J. Lowe, M. Cooper, E. Sloane, D. Bram. 2020. Establishing Targets for Regional Coastal Wetland Restoration Planning Using Historical Ecology and Future Scenario Analysis: The Past, Present, Future Approach. Estuaries and Coasts DOI:10.1007/s12237-019-00681-4.

Journal Article20201105Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Chiotti, D., L. Ritter, D. Schlenk, C. Wilen, K.C. Schiff. 2020. Alternatives to Glyphosate for Vegetation Management in Los Angeles County. Technical Report 1103. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201103Uncategorized

Li, X., M. Sivaganesan, C.A. Kelty, P. Clinton, J.R. Reichman, Y. Johnson, W. Matthews, S. Bailey, O.C. Shanks, A.G. Zimmer-Faust. 2019. Large-scale implementation of standardized quantitative real-time PCR fecal source identification procedures in the Tillamook Bay Watershed. PLoS ONE DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0216827.

Journal Article20191102Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Mazor, R.D., B. Topping, R. Kwok, T. Nadeau, R. Leidy, K. Fritz, R. Harrington, J. Kelso, A. Allen, J. Robb, G. David, S. Jensen. 2019. Validation of Two Streamflow-duration Assessment Methods (SDAMs) in the Arid Southwest of the United States. Technical Report 1100. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191100Ecohydrology

Gomez-Alvarez, V., N.J. Ashbolt, J.F. Griffith, J.S. Domingo, J. Lu. 2019. Whole-Genome Sequencing of Four Campylobacter Strains Isolated from Gull Excreta Collected from Hobie Beach (Oxnard, CA, USA). Microbiology Resource Announcements 8:1-3.

Journal Article20191101Microbial Water Quality

Simons, A.L., R.D. Mazor, S. Theroux. 2019. Using Co‐occurrence Network Topology in Assessing Ecological Stress in Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities. Ecology and Evolution DOI:10.1002/ece3.5751.

Journal Article20191099Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Giraldo, M.A., S. Dark, P. Pendleton, E.D. Stein, R.D. Mazor, J. Andreas. 2019. Environmental predictors of stream flow in semi-arid watersheds for biological assessments. Ecological Indicators 104:429-438.

Journal Article20191098Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Smith, J., A. Lie, E.L. Seubert, N. Crowley, G. Robertson, D.A. Caron. 2019. Co-occurring Dissolved Algal Toxins Observed at Multiple Coastal Sites in Southern California via Solid Phase Adsorption Toxin Tracking. Toxicon DOI:10.1016/j.toxicon.2019.10.005.

Journal Article20191097Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Gillett, D.J., L. Gisbane, K.C. Schiff. 2019. Benthic Infauna of the Southern California Bight Continental Slope: Characterizing Community Structure for the Development of an Index of Disturbance. Technical Report 1096. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Camarillo, CA.

Technical Report20191096Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Leon, P., N. Bednarsek, P. Welsham, K. Cook, S.E. Hartman, D. Wall-Palmer, J. Hindson, K. Mackenzie, L. Webster, E. Bresnan. 2019. Relationship between shell integrity of pelagic gastropods and carbonate chemistry parameters at a Scottish Coastal Observatory monitoring site. ICES Journal of Marine Science DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsz178.

Journal Article20191095Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Mazor, R.D., V.H. Resh, D.M. Rosenberg. 2019. Use of Aquatic Insects in Bioassesment. in: R.W. Merritt, K.W. Cummins, M.B. Berg (eds.), An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America pp. 141-164. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. Dubuque, IA.

Book Chapter20191094Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Baltar, F., B. Bayer, N. Bednarsek, S. Deppeler, R. Escribano, C.E. Gonzalez, R.L. Hansman, R.H. Mishra, M.A. Moran, D.J. Repeta, C. Robinson, E. Sintes, C. Tamburini, L.E. Valentin, G.J. Hemdi. 2019. Towards Integrating Evolution, Metabolism, and Climate Change Studies of Marine Ecosystems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution DOI:10.1016/j.tree.2019.07.003.

Journal Article20191092Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Canonico, G., P.L. Buttigieg, E. Montes, F.E. Muller-Karger, C. Steplen, D. Wright, A. Benson, B. Helmuth, M. Costello, I. Sousa-Pinto, H. Saeedi, J. Newton, W. Appeltabs, N. Bednarsek, L. Bodrossy, B.D. Best, A. Brandt, K.D. Goodwin, K. Iken, A.C. Marques, P. Miloslavich, M. Ostrowski, W. Turner, E.P. Achterberg, T. Barry, O. Defeo, G. Bigatti, L. Henry, B. Ramiro-Sanchez, P. Duran, T. Morato, J.M. Roberts, A. Garchia-Alegre, M.S. Cuadrado, B. Murton. 2019. Global Observational Needs and Resources for Marine Biodiversity. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:1-20.

Journal Article20191093Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Beck, M., R.D. Mazor, S. Theroux, K.C. Schiff. 2019. The Stream Quality Index: A multi-indicator tool for enhancing environmental management. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators DOI:10.1016/j.indic.2019.100004.

Journal Article20191091Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Beck, M., R.D. Mazor, S. Johnson, K. Wisenbaker, J. Westfall, P.R. Ode, R. Hill, C. Loflen, M. Sutula, E.D. Stein. 2019. Prioritizing Management Goals for Stream Biological Integrity Within the Developed Landscape Context. Freshwater Science DOI:10.1086/705996.

Journal Article20191090Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Stein, E.D., Y. Sanchez. 2019. Review of Recreational Uses and Associated Flow Needs Along the Main-stem of Los Angeles River. Technical Report 1088. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191088Ecohydrology

Mazor, R.D., J. Olson, M. Robison, A. Caudillo, J.S. Brown. 2019. Assessing the biological condition of dry ephemeral and intermittent streams. Technical Report 1089. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191089Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Steele, J.A., D. Ebentier, A.G. Zimmer-Faust, J.F. Griffith, K.C. Schiff. 2019. Los Coches Creek Microbial Source Tracking Study. Technical Report 1087. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191087Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Beck, M., E.T. Sherwood, J.R. Henkel, K. Dorans, K. Ireland, P. Varela. 2019. Assessment of the Cumulative Effects of Restoration Activities on Water Quality in Tampa Bay, Florida. Estuaries and Coasts DOI:10.1007/s12237-019-00619-w.

Journal Article20191086Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Le, C., S. Wu, C. Hu, M. Beck, X. Yang. 2019. Phytoplankton decline in the eastern North Pacific transition zone associated with atmospheric blocking. Geophysical Research Letters DOI:10.1111/gcb.14737.

Journal Article20191085Climate Change, Eutrophication

Taylor, J., E.D. Stein, M. Beck, K. Flint, A. Kinoshita. 2019. Vulnerability of Stream Biological Communities in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties to Climate Change Induced Alterations of Flow and Temperature. Technical Report 1084. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191084Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Beck, M., R.D. Mazor, S. Theroux, K.C. Schiff. 2019. The Stream Quality Index: A Multi-Indicator Tool for Enhancing Environmental Management Communication. Technical Report 1080. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191080Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Beck, M., K. Kittleson, K. O’Connor. 2019. Analysis of the Juvenile Steelhead and Stream Habitat Database, Santa Cruz County, California: Web Products and Recommendations. Technical Report 1082. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191082Bioassessment

Afrooz, N., M. Beck, T. Hale, L. McKee, K.C. Schiff. 2019. BMP Performance Monitoring Data Compilation to Support Reasonable Assurance Analysis. Technical Report 1081. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191081Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Gillett, D.J., R.D. Mazor, S.B. Norton. 2019. Selecting comparator sites for ecological causal assessment based on expected biological similarity. Freshwater Science 38:554-565.

Journal Article20191083Bioassessment

Lyon, K., D. Kacev, A. Preti, D.J. Gillett, H. Dwar, S. Kohin. 2019. Species-Specific Characteristics Influence Contaminant Accumulation Trajectories and Signatures Across Ontogeny in Three Pelagic Shark Species. Environmental Science & Technology DOI:10.1021/acs.est.8b07355.

Journal Article20191079Sediment Quality

Cossaboon, J.M., E. Hoh, S.J. Chivers, D.W. Weller, K. Danil, K.A. Maruya, N.G. Dodder. 2019. Apex marine predators and ocean health: Proactive screening of halogenated organic contaminants reveals ecosystem indicator species. Chemosphere 221:656-644.

Journal Article20191077Emerging Contaminants

Gudino-Elizondo, N., T.W. Biggs, R.L. Bingner, E.J. Langendoen, T. Kretzschmar, E.V. Taguas, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, D. Liden, Y. Yuan. 2019. Modelling Runoff and Sediment Loads in a Developing Coastal Watershed of the US-Mexico Border. Water 11:1024.

Journal Article20191078Ecohydrology

Gillett, D.J., A.N. Parks, S.M. Bay. 2019. Calibration of the Multivariate AZTI Marine Biotic Index (M-AMBI) for Potential Inclusion into California Sediment Quality Objective Assessments in San Francisco Bay. Technical Report 1070. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Richmond, CA.

Technical Report20191070Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown, A. Barrera. 2019. Aquatic Resource Type Conversion Evaluation Framework: Literature Review and Summary of Existing State of Practice. Technical Report 1074. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191074Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Bednarsek, N., R.A. Feely, E.L. Howes, B.P.V. Hunt, F. Kessouri, P. Leon, R. Lischka, A.E. Maas, K. McLaughlin, N.P. Nezlin, M. Sutula, S.B. Weisberg. 2019. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Toward Synthesis of Thresholds of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Calcifying Pteropods and Interactions With Warming. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:227.

Journal Article20191076Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Simons, A.L., R.D. Mazor, E.D. Stein, S. Nuzhdin. 2019. Using alpha, beta, and zeta diversity in describing the health of stream‐based benthic macroinvertebrate communities. Ecological Applications DOI:10.1002/eap.1896.

Journal Article20191075Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Buitenhuis, E.T., C.L. Quere, N. Bednarsek, R. Schiebel. 2019. Large Contribution of Pteropods to Shallow CaCO3 Export. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 33:458-468.

Journal Article20191071Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Schiff, K.C., J.F. Griffith, J.A. Steele, A.G. Zimmer-Faust, J.A. Soller. 2019. Inner Cabrillo Beach Microbial Source Tracking and Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA). Technical Report 1068. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191068Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Parker, S.R., S.K. Adams, R.W. Lammers, E.D. Stein, B.P. Bledsoe. 2019. Targeted hydrologic model calibration to improve prediction of ecologically-relevant flow metrics. Journal of Hydrology 573:546-556.

Journal Article20191069Ecohydrology

Engstrom-Ost, J., O. Glippa, R.A. Feely, J.E. Keister, S.R. Alin, B.R. Carter, A.K. McLaskey, K.A. Vuori, N. Bednarsek. 2019. Eco-physiological responses of copepods and pteropods to ocean warming and acidification. Scientific Reports 9:4748.

Journal Article20191072Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Janssen, A.W., S.L. Bush, N. Bednarsek. 2019. The shelled pteropods of the Northeastern Pacific Ocean (Mollusca: Heterobranchia, Pteropoda). Zoosymposia 13:305-346.

Journal Article20191073Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

McCune, K., R.D. Mazor. 2019. Review of Flow Duration Methods and Indicators of Flow Duration in the Scientific Literature: Arid Southwest. Technical Report 1063. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20191063Bioassessment, Ecohydrology

Lao, W., K.A. Maruya, D. Tsukada. 2019. An exponential model based new approach for correcting aqueous concentrations of hydrophobic organic chemicals measured by polyethylene passive samplers. Science of the Total Environment 646:11-18.

Journal Article20191044Emerging Contaminants

Schiff, K.C., K. McLaughlin, S.L. Moore, Y. Cao. 2019. Southern California Bight. in: C. Sheppard (ed.), World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation pp. 465-482. Academic Press. London, UK.

Book Chapter20191051Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Doughty, C.L., K.C. Cavanaugh, R.F. Ambrose, E.D. Stein. 2019. Evaluating regional resiliency of coastal wetlands to sea level rise through hypsometry‐based modeling. Global Change Biology 25:78-92.

Journal Article20191056Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Bednarsek, N., R.A. Feely, M. Beck, O. Glippa, M. Kanerva, J. Engstrom-Ost. 2018. El Niño-Related Thermal Stress Coupled With Upwelling-Related Ocean Acidification Negatively Impacts Cellular to Population-Level Responses in Pteropods Along the California Current System With Implications for Increased Bioenergetic Costs. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:486.

Journal Article20181065Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Zimmer-Faust, A.G., C.A. Brown, A. Manderson. 2018. Statistical models of fecal coliform levels in Pacific Northwest estuaries for improved shellfish harvest area closure decision making. Marine Pollution Bulletin 137:360-369.

Journal Article20181061Microbial Water Quality

Lane, B.A., S. Sandoval-Solis, E.D. Stein, S.M. Yarnell, G.B. Pasternack, H.E. Dahlke. 2018. Beyond Metrics? The Role of Hydrologic Baseline Archetypes in Environmental Water Management. Environmental Management DOI:10.1007/s00267-018-1077-7.

Journal Article20181060Ecohydrology

Afrooz, A.R.M.N., K.C. Schiff. 2018. Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Unified Approach to Stormwater Monitoring. Technical Report 1059. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20181059Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Coates, J., K.C. Schiff, R.D. Mazor, D.J. Pondella II, R.A. Schaffner, E. Whiteman. 2018. Development of a biological condition assessment index for shallow, subtidal rocky reefs in Southern California, USA. Marine Ecology DOI:10.1111/maec.12471.

Journal Article20181062Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring

Afrooz, A.R.M.N., A.K. Pitol, D. Kitt, A.B. Boehm. 2018. Role of microbial cell properties on bacterial pathogen and bacteriophage removal in biochar-modified biofilters. Environmental Science Water Research & Technology 4:2160-2169.

Journal Article20181067Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Collins, J., E.D. Stein. 2018. California Rapid Assessment Method for Wetlands and Riparian Areas (CRAM). in: J. Dorney, R. Savage, R. Tiner, P. Adamus (eds.), Wetland and Stream Rapid Assessments: Development, Validation, and Application pp. 353-362. Elsevier Publishers. London, UK.

Book Chapter20181058Bioassessment

Greenstein, D.J., A.N. Parks, S.M. Bay. 2018. Using spatial and temporal variability data to optimize sediment toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) study designs. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 15:248-258.

Journal Article20181066Sediment Quality

Lowe, J., E.D. Stein, E. Beller, J. Collins, M. Cooper, J. Crooks, H. Dennis, C. Doughty, G. Gauthier, J. Gonzalez, K. Kalchmayr, S. Kelly, K. McKnight, A. Richey, A. Robinson, E. Sloane, M. Sutula, C. Whitcraft. 2018. Wetlands on the Edge: The Future of Southern California’s Wetlands: Regional Strategy 2018. Technical Report 1055. California State Coastal Conservancy. Oakland, CA.

Technical Report20181055Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Peter, K.T., Z. Tian, C. Wu, P. Lin, S. White, B. Du, J.K. McIntyre, N.L. Scholz, E.P. Kolodziej. 2018. Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Identify Organic Contaminants Linked to Urban Stormwater Mortality Syndrome in Coho Salmon. Environmental Science and Technology 52:10317-10327.

Journal Article20181057Emerging Contaminants, Runoff Water Quality

Bittick, S.J., M. Sutula, P. Fong. 2018. A tale of two algal blooms: Negative and predictable effects of two common bloom-forming macroalgae on seagrass and epiphytes. Marine Environmental Research 140:1-9.

Journal Article20181064Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Rehn, A.C., R.D. Mazor, P.R. Ode. 2018. An Index to Measure the Quality of Physical Habitat in California Wadeable Streams. Technical Report 1053. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20181053Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Guo, L., M. Brand, B.F. Sanders, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, E.D. Stein. 2018. Tidal asymmetry and residual sediment transport in a short tidal basin under sea level rise. Advances in Water Resources 121:1-8.

Journal Article20181045Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

McLaughlin, K., N.P. Nezlin, S.B. Weisberg, A.G. Dickson, J.A.T. Booth, C.L. Cash, A. Feit, J.R. Gully, M.D.A. Howard, S. Johnson, A. Latker, M.J. Mengel, G.L. Robertson, A. Steele, L. Terriquez. 2018. Seasonal patterns in aragonite saturation state on the southern California continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research 167:77–86.

Journal Article20181050Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Parks, A.N., M.A. Cashman, M.M. Perron, L. Portis, M.G. Cantwell, D.R. Katz, K.T. Ho, R.M. Burgess. 2018. Magnitude of Acute Toxicity of Marine Sediments Amended with Conventional Copper and Nanocopper. Environmental Toxicology 9999:1-5.

Journal Article20181052Sediment Quality

Smith, J., P. Connell, R.H. Evans, A.G. Gellene, M.D.A. Howard, B.H. Jones, S. Kaveggia, L. Palmer, A. Schnetzer, B.N. Seegers, E.L. Seubert, A.O. Tatters, D.A. Caron. 2018. A decade and a half of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and domoic acid along the coast of southern California. Harmful Algae DOI:10.1016/j.hal.2018.07.007.

Journal Article20181049Climate Change, Emerging Contaminants, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Cao, Y., M.R. Raith, J.F. Griffith. 2018. Testing of General and Human-Associated Fecal Contamination in Waters. in: G. Karlin-Neumann, F. Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols pp. 127-140. Humana Press. New York, NY.

Book Chapter20181046Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Maruya, K.A., A.C. Mehinto, W. Lao, R. Sutton, T. Jabusch, J. Sun, D. Lin, J. Davis, R. Fadness. 2018. Pilot Monitoring of Constituents of Emerging Concern (CECs) in the Russian River Watershed (Region 1). Technical Report 1020. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20181020Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Howard, J.K., K.A. Fesenmyer, T.E. Grantham, J.H. Viers, P.R. Odes, P.B. Moyle, S.J. Kupferburg, J.L. Furnish, A. Rehn, J. Slusark, R.D. Mazor, N.R. Santos, R.A. Peek, A.N. Wright. 2018. A Freshwater Blueprint for California: Prioritizing freshwater habitat for conservation in California to maximize biodiversity and leverage existing protected areas. Freshwater Science DOI:10.1086/697996.

Journal Article20181036Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Sengupta, A., S.K. Adams, B.P. Bledsoe, E.D. Stein, K. McCune, R.D. Mazor. 2018. Tools for managing hydrologic alteration on a regional scale: Estimating changes in flow characteristics at ungauged sites. Freshwater Biology DOI:10.1111/fwb.13074.

Journal Article20181019Ecohydrology

Clatterbuck, C.A., R.L. Lewison, N.G. Dodder, C. Zeeman, K.C. Schiff. 2018. Seabirds as regional biomonitors of legacy toxicants on an urbanized coastline. Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.

Journal Article20181023Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Mehinto, A.C., K.J. Kroll, B.S. Jayasinghe, C.M. Lavelle, D. VanDervort, O.K. Adeyemo, S.M. Bay, K.A. Maruya, N.D. Denslow. 2018. Linking In Vitro Estrogenicity to Adverse Effects in the Inland Silverside (Menidia beryllina). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37:884-892.

Journal Article20181021Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Sengupta, A., R.J. Hawley, E.D. Stein. 2018. Predicting Hydromodification in Streams using Non-Linear Memory Based Algorithms. A Southern California case study. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000853.

Journal Article20181006Ecohydrology

Steele, J.A., A.D. Blackwood, J.F. Griffith, R.T. Noble, K.C. Schiff. 2018. Quantification of pathogens and markers of fecal contamination during storm events along popular surfing beaches in San Diego, California. Water Research 136:137-149.

Journal Article20181026Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Wall-Palmer, D., A.K. Burridge, E. Goetze, F.R. Stokvis, A.W. Janssen, L. Mekkes, M. Moreno-Alcántara, N. Bednarsek, T. Schiøtte, M.V. Sørensen, C.W. Smart, K.T.C.A. Peijnenburg. 2018. Biogeography and genetic diversity of the atlantid heteropods. Progress in Oceanography 160:1-25.

Journal Article20181038Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Jonker, M.T.O., S.A. van der Heijden, D. Adelman, J.N. Apell, R.M. Burgess, Y. Choi, L.A. Fernandez, G.M. Flavetta, U. Ghosh, P.M. Gschwend, S.E. Hale, M. Jalalizadeh, M. Khairy, M.A. Lampi, W. Lao, R. Lohman, M.J. Lydy, K.A. Maruya, S.A. Nutile, A.M.P. Oen, M.I. Rakowska, D. Reible, T.P. Rusina, F. Smedes, Y. Wu. 2018. Advancing the Use of Passive Sampling in Risk Assessment and Management of Sediments Contaminated with Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals: Results of an International Ex Situ Passive Sampling Interlaboratory Comparison. Environmental Science and Technology 52:3574-3582.

Journal Article20181022Sediment Quality

Kessouri, F., C. Ulses, C. Estournel, P. Marsaleix, T. Severin, M. Pujo-Pay, J. Caparros, P. Raimbault, O. Pasqueron de Fommervault, F. D'Ortenzio, V. Taillandier, P. Testor, P. Conan. 2018. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Budgets in the Northwestern Mediterranean Deep Convection Region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 12:9429-9454.

Journal Article20181016Eutrophication

Kacev, D., D.J. Gillett, A.F. de Carvalho, C. Cash, S. Walther, C.D. Larsen, A. Thompson, L. Thompson, N. Bowlin, K. Goodwin, E.D. Stein. 2018. Assessment of Ichthyoplankton Metabarcoding for Routine Monitoring. Technical Report 1031. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20181031Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding

Feely, R.A., R.R. Okazaki, W.J. Cai, N. Bednarsek, S.R. Alin, R.H. Bryne, A. Fassbender. 2018. The combined effects of acidification and hypoxia on pH and aragonite saturation in the coastal waters of the California current ecosystem and the northern Gulf of Mexico. Continental Shelf Research 158:50-60.

Journal Article20181025Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Hallenbeck, T., S.J. Steinberg, A. Lanier, T. Welch. 2018. Extending Esri Geoportal Server to Meet the Needs of the West Coast Ocean Data Network and Inform Regional Ocean Management. in: D.J. Wright (ed.), Ocean Solutions Earth Solutions: Second Edition pp. 167-183. Esri Press. Redlands, CA.

Book Chapter20181027Regional Monitoring

Bajer, P.G., M. Beck, P.J. Hundt. 2018. Effect of non-native versus native invaders on macrophyte richness: Are carp and bullheads ecological proxies?. Hydrobiologia 815:1-13.

Journal Article20181030Eutrophication

Mazor, R.D., J.T. May, A. Sengupta, K. McCune, B.P. Bledsoe, E.D. Stein. 2018. Tools for managing hydrologic alteration on a regional scale: Setting targets to protect stream health. Freshwater Biology DOI:10.1111/fwb.13062.

Journal Article20181015Ecohydrology

Beck, M., T.W. Jabusch, P.R. Trowbridge, D.B. Senn. 2018. Four decades of water quality change in the upper San Francisco Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 212:11-22.

Journal Article20181043Eutrophication

Stein, E.D., J. Taylor, A. Sengupta, S.M. Yarnell. 2018. Evaluating the Effect of Changes in Flow and Water Temperature on Stream Habitats and Communities in the Los Angeles/Ventura Region. Technical Report 1034. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20181034Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, A.N. Parks. 2018. Spatial and Temporal Variability in Sediment Toxicity Identification Evaluations. Technical Report 1014. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20181014Sediment Quality

Pelletier, M.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Hamilton, T. Grayson, V. Hansen, E.W. Leppo, S.B. Weisberg, A. Borja. 2018. Adaptation and application of multivariate AMBI (M-AMBI) in US coastal waters. Ecological Indicators 89:818-827.

Journal Article20181028Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Bausch, A.R., M.A. Gallego, J. Harianto, P. Thibodeau, N. Bednarsek, J.N. Havenhand, T. Klinger. 2018. Influence of bacteria on shell dissolution in dead gastropod larvae and adult Limacina helicina pteropods under ocean acidification conditions. Marine Biology 165:40.

Journal Article20181037Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Mazor, R.D., M. Beck, J.S. Brown. 2018. 2017 Report on the Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Regional Stream Survey. Technical Report 1029. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20181029Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Drewes, J.E., P. Anderson, N. Denslow, W. Jakubowski, A. Olivieri, D. Schlenk, S. Snyder. 2018. Monitoring Strategies for Constituents of Emerging Concern (CECs) in Recycled Water. Technical Report 1032. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20181032Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Parks, A.N., M.G. Cantwell, D.R. Katz, M.A. Cashman, T.P. Luxton, K.T. Ho, R.M. Burgess. 2018. Assessing the Release of Copper from Nanocopper-Treated and Conventional Copper-Treated Lumber into Marine Waters I: Concentration and Rates. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37:1956-1968.

Journal Article20181040

Parks, A.N., M.G. Cantwell, D.R. Katz, M.A. Cashman, T.P. Luxton, J.G. Clar, M.M. Perron, L. Portis, K.T. Ho, R.M. Burgess. 2018. Assessing the release of copper from nanocopper-treated and conventional copper-treated lumber into marine waters II: Forms and bioavailability. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37:1969-1979.

Journal Article20181041

Ulrich, E.M., P.L. TenBrook, L.M. McMillan, Q. Wang, W. Lao. 2018. Enantiomer-Specific Measurements of Current-Use Pesticides in Aquatic Systems. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37:99-106.

Journal Article20181013Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Saarman, E.T., B. Owens, S.N. Murray, S.B. Weisberg, R.F. Ambrose, J.C. Field, K.J. Nielsen, M.H. Carr. 2018. An Ecological Framework for Informing Permitting Decisions on Scientific Activities in Protected Areas. Ecological Applications 13:e0199126.

Journal Article20181042Regional Monitoring

Nezlin, N.P., K. McLaughlin, J.A.T. Booth, C.L. Cash, D.W. Diehl, K.A. Davis, A. Feit, R. Goericke, J.R. Gully, M.D.A. Howard, S Johnson, A. Latker, M.J. Mengel, G.L. Robertson, A. Steele, L. Terriquez, L. Washburn, S.B. Weisberg. 2018. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Chlorophyll Concentration in the Southern California Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123:231-245.

Journal Article20181017Eutrophication, Regional Monitoring

Beck, M.W., K. Cressman, C. Griffin, J. Caffrey. 2018. Water Quality Trends Following Anomalous Phosphorus Inputs to Grand Bay, Mississippi, USA . Gulf and Caribbean Research 29:1-14.

Journal Article20181018Eutrophication

SCCWRP Staff. 2018. SCCWRP 2018 Annual Report. in: S.B. Weisberg, S. Martindale (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2018 Annual ReportSouthern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20182018.01

Arthington, A.H., J.G. Kennen, E.D. Stein, J.A. Webb. 2018. Recent advances in environmental flows science and water management - Innovation in the Anthropocene. Freshwater Biology DOI:10.1111/fwb.13108.

Journal Article20181033Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Kennen, J.G., E.D. Stein, J.A. Webb. 2018. Evaluating and managing environmental water regimes in a water-scarce and uncertain future. Freshwater Biology DOI:10.1111/fwb.13104.

Journal Article20181035Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Kessouri, F., C. Ulses, C. Estournel, P. Marsaleix, F. D'Ortenzio, T. Severin, V. Taillandier, P. Conan. 2018. Vertical Mixing Effects on Phytoplankton Dynamics and Organic Carbon Export in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Geophysical Research: Oceans DOI:10.1002/2016JC012669.

Journal Article20181039Eutrophication

Denslow, N., K. Kroll, S. Jayasinghe, O. Adeyemo, C. Lavelle, E. Li, A.C. Mehinto, S.M. Bay, K.A. Maruya. 2017. Linkage of In Vitro Assay Results With In Vivo Endpoints Final Report - Phase 1 and 2. Technical Report 983. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Richmond, CA.

Technical Report20170983Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

SCCWRP Staff. 2017. SCCWRP 2017 Annual Report. in: S.B. Weisberg, S. Martindale (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2017 Annual ReportSouthern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20172017.01

Stein, E.D., A. Sengupta, R.D. Mazor, K. McCune, B.P. Bledsoe, K. McCune, S. Adams. 2017. Application of regional flow-ecology relationships to inform watershed management decisions: Application of the ELOHA framework in the San Diego River watershed, California, USA. Ecohydrology 10:1869.

Journal Article20170992Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown, R.D. Mazor. 2017. Transferability of bioassessment indices among water body types and ecoregions: A California experiment in wetland assessment. Ecological Indicators 81:65-73.

Journal Article20170988Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Sarman, E.T., B. Owens, R.F. Ambrose, M.H. Carr, J.C. Field, S.N. Murray, K.J. Nielsen, S.B. Weisberg. 2017. A Framework for Informing Permitting Decisions on Scientific Activities in Marine Protected Areas. Technical Report 991. Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20170991Regional Monitoring

Gillett, D.J., L.L. Lovell, K.C. Schiff. 2017. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume VI. Benthic Infauna. Technical Report 971. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170971Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Steele, J.A., J.F. Griffith, R. Noble, K.C. Schiff. 2017. Tracking Human Fecal Sources in an Urban Watershed During Wet Weather. Technical Report 1002. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20171002Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Soller, J.A., M. Schoen, J.A. Steele, J.F. Griffith, K.C. Schiff. 2017. Incidence of gastrointestinal illness following wet weather recreational exposures: Harmonization of quantitative microbial risk assessment with an epidemiologic investigation of surfers. Water Research 121:280-289.

Journal Article20170994Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Safran, S., S. Baumgarten, E. Beller, J. Crooks, R. Grossinger, J. Lorda, T. Longcore, D. Bram, S. Dark, E.D. Stein, T. McIntosh. 2017. Tijuana River Valley Historical Ecology Investigation. Technical Report 967. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Richmond, CA.

Technical Report20170967Climate Change, Sea Level Rise

Fong, L.S., E.D. Stein, R.F. Ambrose. 2017. Development of Restoration Performance Curves for Streams in Southern California Using an Integrative Condition Index. Wetlands 37:289-299.

Journal Article20170962Ecohydrology

Howard, M.D.A., R.M. Kudela, K. McLaughlin. 2017. New insights into impacts of anthropogenic nutrients on urban ecosystem processes on the Southern California coastal shelf: Introduction and synthesis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 186:163-170.

Journal Article20170964Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Kudela, R.M., A.J. Lucas, K. Hayashi, M.D.A. Howard, K. McLaughlin. 2017. Death from below: Investigation of inhibitory factors in bloom development during a wastewater effluent diversion. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 186:209-222.

Journal Article20170980Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Bednarsek, N., R.A. Feely, N. Tolimieri, A.J. Hermann, S.A. Siedlecki, G.G. Waldbusser, P. McElhany, S.R. Alin, T. Klinger, B. Moore-Maley, H.O. Portner. 2017. Exposure history determines pteropod vulnerability to ocean acidification along the US West Coast. Scientific Reports 3:4526.

Journal Article20171004Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Alonso, M.B., K.A. Maruya, N.G. Dodder, J. Lailson-Brito Jr, A. Azevedo, E. Santos-Neto, J.P.M. Torres, O. Malm, E. Hoh. 2017. Nontargeted Screening of Halogenated Organic Compounds in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Environmental Science and Technology 51:1176-1185.

Journal Article20170965Emerging Contaminants

Howard, M.D.A., C. Nagoda, R.M. Kudela, K. Hayashi, A. Tatters, D.A. Caron, L. Busse, J.S. Brown, M. Sutula, E.D. Stein. 2017. Microcystin Prevalence throughout Lentic Waterbodies in Coastal Southern California. Toxins 9:231.

Journal Article20170997Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Pyne, M.I., D.M. Carlisle, C.P. Konrad, E.D. Stein. 2017. Classification of California streams using combined deductive and inductive approaches: Setting the foundation for analysis of hydrologic alteration. Ecohydrology 10:e1802.

Journal Article20170969Ecohydrology

Caron, D.A., A.G. Gellene, J. Smith, E.L. Seubert, V. Campbell, G.S. Suhatme, B. Seegers, B.H. Jones, A.A.Y. Lie, R. Terrado, M.D.A. Howard, R.M. Kudela, K. Hayashi, J. Ryan, J. Birch, E. Demir-Hilton, K. Yamahara, C. Scholin, M. Mengel, G. Robertson. 2017. Response of phytoplankton and bacterial biomass during a wastewater effluent diversion into nearshore coastal waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 186:223-236.

Journal Article20170982Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

McLaughlin, K., N.P. Nezlin, S.B. Weisberg, A.G. Dickson, J.A. Booth, C.L. Cash, A. Feit, J.R. Gully, S. Johnson, A. Latker, M.J. Mengel, G.L. Robertson, A. Steele, L. Terriquez. 2017. An evaluation of potentiometric pH sensors in coastal monitoring applications. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 15:679-689.

Journal Article20171009Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Mazor, R.D., E.D. Stein. 2017. 2015 Report on the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Regional Stream Survey. Technical Report 963. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170963Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Mazor, R.D., P.R. Ode, A.C. Rehn, E.D. Stein. 2017. Spatial statistical network models to estimate the spatial representativeness of bioassessment samples. Technical Report 979. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170979Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Walther, S.M., J.P. Williams, A.M. Latker, D.B. Cadien, D.W. Diehl, K. Wisenbaker, E. Miller, R. Gartman, C. Stransky, K.C. Schiff. 2017. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume VII. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates. Technical Report 972. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170972Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Brooks, B.W., J.M. Lazorchak, M.D.A. Howard, M.V. Johnson, S.L. Morton, D.A.K. Perkins, E.D. Reavie, G.D. Scott, S.A. Smith, J.A. Stevens. 2017. In Some Places, In Some Cases, And At Some Times, Harmful Algal Blooms Are The Greatest Threat To Inland Water Quality. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36:1125-1127.

Journal Article20171003Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Zimmer-Faust, A.G., V. Thulsiraj, C. Marambio-Jones, Y. Cao, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden, J.A. Jay. 2017. Effect of freshwater sediment characteristics on the persistence of fecal indicator bacteria and genetic markers within a Southern California watershed. Water Research 119:1-11.

Journal Article20170984Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Steinberg, S.J., S.L. Moore. 2017. San Diego Bay Fish Consumption Study. Technical Report 976. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170976Sediment Quality

Lin, K., W. Lao, Z. Lu, F. Jia, K.A. Maruya, J. Gan. 2017. Measuring freely dissolved DDT and metabolites in seawater using solid-phase microextraction with performance reference compounds. Science of the Total Environment 599-600:364-371.

Journal Article20170985Sediment Quality

Nezlin, N.P., K. McLaughlin, A.T. Booth, C.L. Cash, D.W. Diehl, K. Davis, A. Feit, R. Goericke, J.R. Gully, M.D.A. Howard, S. Johnson, A. Latker, M.J. Mengel, G.L. Robertson, A. Steele, L. Terriquez, L.i.b.e. Washburn, S.B. Weisberg. 2017. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Chlorophyll Concentration in the Southern California Bight. Technical Report 998. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170998Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

McLaughlin, K., A. Dickson, S.B. Weisberg, K. Coale, V. Elrod, C. Hunter, K.S. Johnson, S. Kram, R. Kudela, T. Martz, K. Negrey, U. Passow, F. Shaughnessy, J.E. Smith, D. Tadesse, L. Washburn, K.R. Weis. 2017. An evaluation of ISFET sensors for coastal pH monitoring applications. Regional Studies in Marine Science 12:11-18.

Journal Article20170975Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Sutula, M., D. Senn. 2017. Scientific Basis to Assess the Effects of Nutrients on San Francisco Bay Beneficial Uses. Technical Report 864. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170864Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Sutula, M., R. Kudela, J.D. Hagy III, L.W. Harding Jr, D. Senn, J.E. Cloern, S. Bricker, G.M. Berg, M. Beck. 2017. Novel analyses of long-term data provide a scientific basis for chlorophyll-a thresholds in San Francisco Bay. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 197:107-118.

Journal Article20171001Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Kudela, R.M., M.D.A. Howard, K. Hayashi, C. Beck. 2017. Evaluation of uptake kinetics during a wastewater diversion into nearshore coastal waters in southern California. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 186:237-249.

Journal Article20170981Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Cao, Y., M. Sivaganesan, C.A. Kelty, D. Wang, A. Boehm, J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg, O.C. Shanks. 2017. A human fecal contamination score for ranking recreational sites using the HF183/BacR287 quantitative real-time PCR method. Water Research 128:148-156.

Journal Article20171008Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Mazdiyasni, O., A. AghaKouchak, S.J. Davis, S. Madadgar, A. Mehran, E. Ragno, M. Sadegh, A. Sengupta, S. Ghosh, C.T. Dhanya, M. Niknejad. 2017. Increasing probability of mortality during Indian heat waves. Science Advances 3:e1700066.

Journal Article20170990Climate Change

Chen, C., M.O. Gribble, J. Bartroff, S.M. Bay, L. Goldstein. 2017. The Sequential Probability Ratio Test: An efficient alternative to exact binomial testing for Clean Water Act 303(d) evaluation. Journal of Environmental Management 192:89-93.

Journal Article20170968Sediment Quality

Benjamin-Chung, J., B.F. Arnold, T.J. Wade, K.C. Schiff, J.F. Griffith, A.P. Dufour, S.B. Weisberg, J.M. Colford Jr. 2017. Coliphages and gastrointestinal illness in recreational waters: pooled analysis of six coastal beach cohorts. Epidemiology 28:644-652.

Journal Article20170987Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Beck, M., R.D. Mazor, E.D. Stein, R. Maas, D.D. Mello, D. Bram. 2017. Mapping of Non-Perennial and Ephemeral Streams in the Santa Ana Region. Technical Report 1012. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20171012Bioassessment

Stein, E.D., K.B. Lunde, J.S. Brown. 2017. Assessment of the condition of San Francisco Bay Area depressional wetlands. Technical Report 940. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20170940

Bay, S.M., A.N. Parks, A.R. Melwani, B.K. Greenfield. 2017. Development of a Sediment Quality Assessment Framework for Human Health Effects. Technical Report 1000. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20171000Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Martinovic-Weigelt, D., A.C. Mehinto, G.T. Ankley, J.P. Berninger, T.W. Collette, J.M. Davis, N.D. Denslow, E.J. Durhan, E. Eid, D.R. Ekman, K.M. Jensen, M.D. Kahl, C.A. LaLone, Q. Teng, D.L. Villeneuve. 2017. Derivation and Evaluation of Putative Adverse Outcome Pathways for the Effects of Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors on Reproductive Processes in Female Fish. Toxicological Sciences 156:344-61.

Journal Article20170996Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Bednarsek, N., T. Klinger, C.J. Harvey, S.B. Weisberg, R.M. McCabe, R.A. Feely, J. Newton, N. Tolimieri. 2017. New ocean, new needs: Application of pteropod shell dissolution as a biological indicator for marine resource management. Ecological Indicators 76:240-244.

Journal Article20170966Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Phelps, L., J. Adelson, S. Arms, D. Speis. 2017. Progress Assessment and Final Recommendations by the Expert Review Panel for the State of California's Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program: Year Two Final Report. Technical Report 977. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170977

Arnold, B.F., K.C. Schiff, A. Ercumen, J. Benjamin-Chung, J.A. Steele, J.F. Griffith, S.J. Steinberg, P.D. Smith, C.D. McGee, R. Wilson, C. Nelsen, S.B. Weisberg, J.M. Colford Jr. 2017. Acute Illness Among Surfers After Exposure to Seawater in Dry- and Wet-Weather Conditions. American Journal of Epidemiology 186:866-875.

Journal Article20170986Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Cao, Y., G.L. Andersen, A.A. Boehm, P. Holden, J.A. Jay, J.F. Griffith. 2017. Determination of DNA-based Fecal Marker Aging Characteristics for Use in Quantitative Microbial Source Tracking. Technical Report 978. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170978Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Tatters, A.O., M.D.A. Howard, C. Nagoda, L. Busse, A.G. Gellene, D.A. Caron. 2017. Multiple Stressors at the Land-Sea Interface: Cyanotoxins at the Land-Sea Interface in the Southern California Bight. Toxins 9:95.

Journal Article20170989Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Stein, E.D., R.D. Mazor, A. Sengupta, K. McCune, B. Bledsoe, S. Adams, S. Eberhart, M. Pyne, P. Ode, A. Rehn. 2017. Development of Recommended Flow Targets to Support Biological Integrity Based on Regional Flow-ecology Relationships for Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Southern California Streams. Technical Report 974. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170974Bioassessment, Ecohydrology, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Cao, Y., M.R. Raith, P.D. Smith, J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg, A. Schriewer, A. Sheldon, C. Crompton, G.G. Amenu, J. Gregory, J. Guzman, K.D. Goodwin, L. Othman, M. Manasjan, S. Choi, S. Rapaport, S. Steele, T. Nguyen, X. Yu. 2017. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IX. Shoreline Microbiology. Technical Report 1005. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20171005Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Cao, Y., M.R. Raith, P.D. Smith, J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg, A. Schriewer, A. Sheldon, C. Crompton, G.G. Amenu, J. Gregory, J. Guzman, K.D. Goodwin, L. Othman, M. Manasjan, S. Choi, S. Rapoport, S. Steele, T. Nguyen, X. Yu. 2017. Regional Assessment of Human Fecal Contamination in Southern California Coastal Drainages. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14:874.

Journal Article20170999Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Chiu, M.C., C. Leigh, R.D. Mazor, N. Cid, V. Resh. 2017. Anthropogenic Threats to Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams. in: T. Datry, N. Bonada, A. Boulton (eds.), Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: Ecology and Management pp. 433-454. Academic Press. London, UK.

Book Chapter20170993Bioassessment, Ecohydrology, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

DeFlorio-Barker, S., B.F. Arnold, E.A. Sams, A.P. Dufour, J.M. Colford Jr, S.B. Weisberg, K.C. Schiff, T.J. Wade. 2017. Child environmental exposures to water and sand at the beach: Findings from studies of over 68,000 subjects at 12 beaches. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology DOI:10.1038/jes.2017.23.

Journal Article20171007Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Mazor, R.D., J.S. Brown, E.D. Stein, J.R. Olson, M.D. Robinson, T. Clark. 2017. Assessment of Episodic Streams in the San Diego Region. Technical Report 1011. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20171011Bioassessment

Mehinto, A.C., D.R. VanDervort, W. Lao, G. He, M.S. Denison, S.M. Vliet, D.C. Volz, R.D. Mazor, K.A. Maruya. 2017. High throughput in vitro and in vivo screening of inland waters of Southern California. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts 19:1142-1149.

Journal Article20170995Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

McLaughlin, K., N.P. Nezlin, M.D.A. Howard, C.D.A. Beck, R.I.M. Kudela, M.J. Mengel, G.L. Robertson. 2017. Rapid nitrification of wastewater ammonium near coastal ocean outfalls, Southern California, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 186:263-375.

Journal Article20170952Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Bight '13 Contaminant Impact Assessment Planning Committee. 2017. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume VIII. Contaminant Impact Assessment Synthesis Report. Technical Report 973. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170973Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program Contaminant Impact Assessment Planning Committee. 2017. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program Contaminant Impact Assessment Synthesis Report Executive Summary. Technical Report 970. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170970Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

SCCWRP Staff. 2016. SCCWRP 2016 Annual Report. in: S.B. Weisberg, S. Martindale (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2016 Annual ReportSouthern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20162016.01

Davis, J.A., J.R.M. Ross, S. Bezalel, L. Sim, A. Bonnema, G. Ichikawa, W.A. Heim, K.C. Schiff, C.A. Eagles-Smith, J.T. Ackerman. 2016. Hg concentrations in fish from coastal waters of California and Western North America. Science of the Total Environment 568:1146-1156.

Journal Article20160947Sediment Quality

Clatterbuck, C.A., R.A. Lewison, N. Dodder, C. Zeeman, K.C. Schiff. 2016. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume V. Contaminant Bioaccumulation in Seabird Eggs of the Southern California Bight. Technical Report 944. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160944Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Stein, E.D., A. Sengupta, R.D. Mazor, K. McCune. 2016. Application of Regional Flow-ecology to Inform Management Decision in the San Diego River Watershed. Technical Report 948. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160948Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Brooks, B.W., J.M. Lazorchak, M.D.A. Howard, M.V.V. Johnson, S.L. Morton, D.A.K. Perkins, E.D. Reavie, G.I. Scott, S.A. Smith, J.A. Steevens. 2016. Are Harmful Algal Blooms Becoming the Greatest Inland Water Quality Threat to Public Health and Aquatic Ecosystems. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35:6-13.

Journal Article20160900Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Schiff, K.C., J.F. Griffith, J.A. Steele, B. Arnold, A. Ercumen, J. Benjamin-Chung, J.M. Colford Jr, J. Soller, R. Wilson, C. McGee. 2016. The Surfer Health Study: A Three-Year Study Examining Illness Rates Associated with Surfing During Wet Weather. Technical Report 943. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160943Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Sato, K.N., L.A. Levin, K.C. Schiff. 2016. Habitat compression and expansion of sea urchins in response to changing climate conditions on the California continental shelf and slope (1994-2013). Deep-Sea Research II 137:377-389.

Journal Article20160946Climate Change

Nezlin, N.P., J.A.T. Booth, C. Beegan, C.L. Cash, J.R. Gully, A. Latker, M.J. Mengel, G.L. Robertson, A. Steele, S.B. Weisberg. 2016. Assessment of wastewater impact on dissolved oxygen around southern California's submerged ocean outfalls. Regional Studies in Marine Science 7:177-184.

Journal Article20160945Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Maruya, K.A., N.G. Dodder, A. Sengupta, D.J. Smith, J.M. Lyons, A.T. Heil, J.E. Drewes. 2016. Multi-media screening of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in coastal urban watersheds in southern California (USA). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35:1986-1994.

Journal Article20160902Emerging Contaminants

Mackintosh, S.A., N.G. Dodder, N.J. Shaul, L.I. Aluwihare, K.A. Maruya, S.J. Chivers, K. Danil, D.W. Weller, E. Hoh. 2016. Newly Identified DDT-Related Compounds Accumulating in Southern California Bottlenose Dolphins. Environmental Science and Technology 50:12129-12137.

Journal Article20160954Emerging Contaminants

Brown, J.S., E.D. Stein, C. Solek, A.E. Fetscher. 2016. Assessment of the Condition of Southern California Depressional Wetlands: Application of Macroinvertebrate, Diatom and Overall Condition Indices for Assessing Southern California Depressional Wetlands. Technical Report 921. State Water Resources Control Board Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20160921Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Cao, Y., J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2016. The Next-Generation PCR-Based Quantification Method for Ambient Waters: Digital PCR. in: S.J. Bourlat (ed.), Marine Genomics: Methods and Protocols pp. 113-130. Springer. New York, NY.

Book Chapter20160951Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Schiff, K.C., P.R. Trowbridge, E.T. Sherwood, P. Tango, R.A. Batiuk. 2016. Regional monitoring programs in the United States: Synthesis of four case studies from Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf Coasts. Regional Studies in Marine Science 4:A1-A7.

Journal Article20160931Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Saintilan, N., K. Rogers, C. Toms, E.D. Stein, D. Jacobs. 2016. Intermittent Estuaries: Linking Hydro-geomorphic Context to Climate Change Resilience. Journal of Coastal Research 75:133-137.

Journal Article20160959Climate Change, Ecohydrology, Sea Level Rise

Sutula, M., J. Butcher, C. Boschen, M. Molina. 2016. Application of Watershed Loading and Estuary Water Quality Models to Inform Nutrient Management in the Santa Margarita River Watershed. Technical Report 933. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160933Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Moore, S.L., M. Sutula, T.V. Bitner, G. Lattin, K.C. Schiff. 2016. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume III. Trash and Marine Debris. Technical Report 928. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160928Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program, Trash Pollution

Anderson-Abbs, B., M.D.A. Howard, K. Taberski, K. Worcester. 2016. California Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms Assessment and Support Strategy. Technical Report 925. State Water Resources Control Board Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20160925Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Graham, E.B., J.E. Knelman, A. Schindlbacher, S. Siciliano, M. Breulmann, A. Yannarell, J.M. Beman, G. Abell, L. Philippot, J. Prosser, A. Foulquier, J.C. Yuste, H.C. Glanville, D.L. Jones, R. Angel, J. Salminen, R.J. Newton, H. Burgmann, L.J. Ingram, U. Hamer, H.M.P. Siljanen, K. Peltoniemi, K. Potthast, L. Baneras, M. Hartmann, S. Banerjee, R. Yu, G. Nogaro, A. Richter, M. Koranda, S.C. Castle, M. Goberna, B. Song, A. Chatterjee, O.C. Nunes, A.R. Lopes, Y. Cao, A. Kaisermann, S. Hallin, M.S. Strickland, J. Garcia-Pausas, J. Barba, H. Kang, K. Isobe, S. Papaspyrou, R. Pastorelli, A. Lagomarsino, E.S. Lindstrom, N. Basiliko, D.R. Nemergut. 2016. Microbes as Engines of Ecosystem Function: When Does Community Structure Enhance Predictions of Ecosystem Processes?. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:214.

Journal Article20160915Microbial Water Quality

Crago, J., E.G. Xu, A. Kupsco, F. Jia, A.C. Mehinto, W. Lao, K.A. Maruya, J. Gan, D. Schlenk. 2016. Trophic transfer and effects of DDT in male hornyhead turbot (Pleuronichthys verticalis) from Palos Verdes Superfund site, CA (USA) and comparisons to field monitoring. Environmental Pollution 213:940-948.

Journal Article20160923Sediment Quality

Wu, J., Y. Cao, B. Young, Y. Yuen, S. Jiang, D. Melendez, J.F. Griffith, J.R. Stewart. 2016. Decay of Coliphages in Sewage-Contaminated Freshwater: Uncertainty and Seasonal Effects. Environmental Science and Technology 50:11593-11601.

Journal Article20160949Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Ferguson, D.M., G.N. Talavera, L.A.R. Hernandez, S.B. Weisberg, R.F. Ambrose, J.A. Jay. 2016. Virulence Genes among Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium Isolated from Coastal Beaches and Human and Nonhuman Sources in Southern California and Puerto Rico. Journal of Pathogens 2016:1-7.

Journal Article20160919Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Ferguson, D.M., S.B. Weisberg, C. Hagedorn, K. De Leon, V. Mofidi, J. Wolfe, M. Zimmerman, J.A. Jay. 2016. Enterococcus growth on eelgrass (Zostera marina); implications for water quality. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92:1-7.

Journal Article20160929Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Aminzadeh, S., M. Armsby, N. Bednarsek, J. Bishop, A. Boehm, C. Braby, F. Chan, R. Dunbar, R. Feely, B. Gaylord, L. Jewett, C. Krembs, K. Kroeker, R. Labiosa, T. Maloney, J. Phillips, B. Rappoli, M. Sakashita, D. Sivas, G. Somero, M. Sutula, D. Thomas, G. Waldbusser, S.B. Weisberg. 2016. Ocean Acidification: Setting Water Quality Goals. Technical Report 961. Stanford University. Stanford, CA.

Technical Report20160961Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Howard, M.D.A., B. Fetscher, C. Nagoda. 2016. The Prevalence of Cyanotoxins in Southern California Waterbodies Based on Screen Assessments and Regional Monitoring Programs. Technical Report 930. State Water Resources Control Board Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20160930Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Lao, W., Y. Hong, D. Tsukada, K.A. Maruya, J. Gan. 2016. A New Film-Based Passive Sampler for Moderately Hydrophobic Organic Compounds. Environmental Science and Technology 50:13470-13476.

Journal Article20160960Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Vidal-Dorsch, D.E., S.M. Bay, S.L. Moore, B. Layton, A.C. Mehinto, C.D. Vulpe, M. Brown-Augustine, A. Loguinov, H. Poynton, N. Garcia-Reyero, E.J. Perkins, L. Escalon, N.D. Denslow, C.R. Colli-Dula, T. Doan, S. Shukradas, J. Bruno, L. Brown, G. Van Agglen, P. Jackman, M. Bauer. 2016. Ecotoxicogenomics: Microarray interlaboratory comparability. Chemosphere 144:193-200.

Journal Article20160893Sediment Quality

Weisberg, S.B., N. Bednarsek, R.A. Feely, F. Chan, A.B. Boehm, M. Sutula, J.L. Ruesink, B. Hales, J.L. Largier, J.A. Newton. 2016. Water quality criteria for an acidifying ocean: Challenges and opportunities for improvement. Ocean and Coastal Management 126:31-41.

Journal Article20160924Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Cloern, J.E., P.J. Barnard, E. Beller, J.C. Callaway, L. Grenier, E.D. Grosholz, R. Grossinger, K. Hieb, J.T. Hollibaugh, N. Knowles, M. Sutula, S. Veloz, K. Wasson, A. Whipple. 2016. Estuaries: Life on the edge. in: H. Mooney, E. Zavaleta (eds.), Ecosystems of California pp. 133-137. University of California Press. Berkeley, CA.

Book Chapter20161024Ecohydrology

Sutula, M., D.J. Gillett, A. Jones. 2016. Status of Eutrophication in San Elijo Lagoon and its Relevance for Restoration. Technical Report 938. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160938Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Haugland, R.A., S. Siefring, M. Varma, K.H. Oshima, M. Sivaganesan, Y. Cao, M.R. Raith, J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg, R.T. Noble, A.D. Blackwood, J. Kinzelman, T. Anan'eva, R.N. Bushon, E.A. Stelzer, V.J. Harwood, K.V. Gordon, C. Sinigalliano. 2016. Multi-laboratory survey of qPCR enterococci analysis method performance in U.S. coastal and inland surface waters. Journal of Microbiological Methods 123:114-125.

Journal Article20160917Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Arnold, B.F., T.J. Wade, J. Benjamin-Chung, K.C. Schiff, J.F. Griffith, A.P. Dufour, S.B. Weisberg, J.M. Colford Jr. 2016. Acute Gastroenteritis and Recreational Water: Highest Burden Among Young US Children. American Journal of Public Health 9:1690-1697.

Journal Article20160937Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Griffith, J.F., S.B. Weisberg, B.F. Arnold, Y. Cao, K.C. Schiff, J.M. Colford Jr. 2016. Epidemiologic evaluation of multiple alternate microbial water quality monitoring indicators at three California beaches. Water Research 94:371-381.

Journal Article20160918Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Wang, D., K.M. Yamahara, Y. Cao, A.B. Boehm. 2016. Absolute Quantification of Enterococcal 23S rRNA Gene Using Digital PCR. Environmental Science and Technology 50:399-408.

Journal Article20160920Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Maraccini, P.A., M.C.M. Mattioli, L.M. Sassoubre, Y. Cao, J.F. Griffith, J.S. Ervin, L.C. Van De Werfhorst, A.B. Boehm. 2016. Solar Inactivation of Enterococci and Escherichia coli in Natural Waters: Effects of Water Absorbance and Depth. Environmental Science and Technology 50:5068-5076.

Journal Article20160950Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Peng, J., Y. Cao, M.A. Rippy, A.R.M.N. Afrooz, S.B. Grant. 2016. Indicator and Pathogen Removal by Low Impact Development Best Management Practices. Water 8:600.

Journal Article20160958Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Dodder, N., K.C. Schiff, A. Latker, C.L. Tang. 2016. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Sediment Chemistry. Technical Report 922. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160922Emerging Contaminants, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Boehm, A., F. Chan, J. Barth, E. Chornesky, A. Dickson, R. Feely, B. Hales, T. Hill, G. Hofmann, D. Ianson, T. Klinger, J. Largier, J. Newton, T. Pedersen, G. Somero, M. Sutula, W. Wakefield, G. Waldbusser, S.B. Weisberg, E. Whiteman. 2016. The West Coast Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Science Panel: Major Findings, Recommendations, and Actions. Technical Report 926. California Ocean Science Trust. Oakland, CA.

Technical Report20160926Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Greenstein. 2016. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Toxicity Testing Laboratory Guidance Document. Technical Report 956. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160956Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Schiff, K.C., L.L. Tiefenthaler, S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein. 2016. Effects of Rainfall Intensity and Duration on the First Flush from Parking Lots. Water 8:320.

Journal Article20160941Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Scott, G.I., D.E. Porter, R.S. Norman, C.H. Scott, M.I. Uyaguari-Diaz, K.A. Maruya, S.B. Weisberg, M.H. Fulton, E.F. Wirth, J. Moore, P.L. Pennington, D. Schlenk, G.P. Cobb, N.D. Denslow. 2016. Antibiotics as CECs: An Overview of the Hazards Posed by Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance. Frontiers in Marine Science 3:1-15.

Journal Article20160939Emerging Contaminants, Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, A.N. Parks, C.Q.T. Zeeman. 2016. Assessment of Bioaccumulation in San Diego Bay. Technical Report 953. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160953Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Ode, P.R., A.E. Fetscher, L.B. Busse. 2016. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Collection of Field Data for Bioassessments of California Wadeable Streams: Benthic Macroinvertebrates, Algae, and Physical Habitat. Technical Report 835. State Water Resources Control Board Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20160835Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Cao, Y., M.R. Raith, J.F. Griffith. 2016. A Duplex Digital PCR Assay for Simultaneous Quantification of the Enterococcus spp. and the Human Fecal-associated HF183 Marker in Waters. Journal of Visualized Experiments 109:e53611.

Journal Article20160916Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Tiefenthaler, L.L., M. Sutula, J.F. Griffith, M.R. Raith. 2016. Microbiological Water Quality at Reference Beaches and an Adjoining Estuary in Southern California during a Prolonged Drought. Technical Report 936. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160936Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Denslow, N.D., K.A. Maruya, F.D.L. Leusch. 2016. Bioanalytical Approaches in Assessing Transformation Products. in: J.E. Drewes, T. Letzel (eds.), Assessing Transformation Products of Chemicals by Non-Target and Suspect Screening - Strategies and Workflows, Volume 2 pp. 73-87. American Chemical Society. Washington, DC.

Book Chapter20160957Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Brooks, R.P., D. Faber-Langendoen, G. Serenbetz, J. Rocchio, E.D. Stein, K. Walz. 2016. Towards Creating a National Reference Wetlands Registry. National Wetlands Newsletter 38:7-11.

Journal Article20160927

Schiff, K.C., J.S. Brown, S. Trump, D. Hardin. 2016. Near-Coastal Water Quality at Reference Sites Following Storm Events. Marine Pollution Bulletin 103:294-300.

Journal Article20160914Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Mehinto, A.C., B.S. Jayasinghe, D.R. Vandervort, N.D. Denslow, K.A. Maruya. 2016. Screening for Endocrine Activity in Water Using Commercially-available In Vitro Transactivation Bioassays. Journal of Visualized Experiments 118:e54725.

Journal Article20160955Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Pondella II, D.J., K.C. Schiff, R.A. Schaffner, A. Zellmer, J. Coates. 2016. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume II. Rocky Reefs. Technical Report 932. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160932Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Ode, P.R., A.C. Rehn, R.D. Mazor, K.C. Schiff, E.D. Stein, J.T. May, L.R. Brown, D.B. Herbst, D.J. Gillett, K. Lunde, C.P. Hawkins. 2016. Evaluating the adequacy of a reference-site pool for ecological assessments in environmentally complex regions. Freshwater Science 35:237-248.

Journal Article20160886Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Mazor, R.D., A.C. Rehn, P.R. Ode, M. Engeln, K.C. Schiff, E.D. Stein, D.J. Gillett, D.B. Herbst, C.P. Hawkins. 2016. Bioassessment in complex environments: designing an index for consistent meaning in different settings. Freshwater Science 35:249-271.

Journal Article20160889Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Alonso, M.B., J. Lailson-Brito, A. Azevedo, E. Santos-Neto, J.P.M. Torres, O. Malm, E. Hoh, N. Dodder, K.A. Maruya. 2015. A Comprehensive Non-Targeted Screening of Halogenated Organic Compounds in Dolphins from Brazil. Organohalogen Compounds 77:337-340.

Journal Article20150903Emerging Contaminants

Dodder, N.G., A.C. Mehinto, K.A. Maruya. 2015. Monitoring of Constituents of Emerging Concern (CECs) in California's Aquatic Ecosystems - Pilot Study Design and QA/QC Guidance. Technical Report 854. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150854Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Johnston, K., I. Medel, S. Anderson, E.D. Stein, C. Whitcraft, J. Crooks. 2015. Estuarine Wetland Monitoring Manual: Application and Assessment of USEPA Three-Tiered Monitoring Strategy to Southern California Coastal Wetlands. Technical Report 880. The Bay Foundation. Los Angeles, CA.

Technical Report20150880

Bay, S.M., R. Hoenicke, K.A. Maruya. 2015. Water Resources: Contaminants of Emerging Concern. Urban Coast 5:35-40.

Journal Article20150907Emerging Contaminants, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

SCCWRP Staff. 2015. SCCWRP 2015 Annual Report. in: S.B. Weisberg, S. Martindale (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2015 Annual ReportSouthern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20152015.01

Mazor, R.D. 2015. Bioassessment of Perennial Streams in Southern California: A Report on the First Five Years of the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition's Regional Stream Survey. Technical Report 844. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150844Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Mazor, R.D. 2015. Bioassessment Survey of the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition: Workplan for Years 2015 through 2019 Version 1.0. Technical Report 849. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150849Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Pondella II, D.J., J.P. Williams, J. Claisse, R.A. Schaffner, K. Ritter, K.C. Schiff. 2015. The Physical Characteristics of Nearshore Rocky Reefs in The Southern California Bight. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 114:105-122.

Journal Article20150942Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Gillett, D.J., S.B. Weisberg, T. Grayson, A. Hamilton, V. Hansen, E.W. Leppo, M.C. Pelletier, A. Borja, D. Cadien, D. Dauer, R. Diaz, M. Dutch, J.L. Hyland, M. Kellogg, P.F. Larsen, J.S. Levinton, R. Llanso, L.L. Lovell, P.A. Montagna, D. Pasko, C.A. Phillips, C. Rakocinski, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.M. Sanger, H. Teixeira, R.F. Van Dolah, R.G. Velarde, K.I. Welch. 2015. Effect of ecological group classification schemes on performance of the AMBI benthic index in US coastal waters. Ecological Indicators 50:99-107.

Journal Article20150839Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Maruya, K.A., W. Lao, D. Tsukada, D.W. Diehl. 2015. A passive sampler based on solid phase microextraction (SPME) for sediment-associated organic pollutants: Comparing freely-dissolved concentration with bioaccumulation. Chemosphere 137:192-197.

Journal Article20150879Sediment Quality

May, J.T., L.R. Brown, A.C. Rehn, I.R. Waite, P.R. Ode, R.D. Mazor, K.C. Schiff. 2015. Correspondence of biological condition models of California streams at statewide and regional scales. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187:4086.

Journal Article20150845Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Maruya, K.A., N.G. Dodder, A.C. Mehinto, N.D. Denslow, D. Schlenk, S.A. Snyder, S.B. Weisberg. 2015. A Tiered, Integrated Biological and Chemical Monitoring Framework for Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Aquatic Ecosystems. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 12:540-547.

Journal Article20150896Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Love, M.S., J.K. Passarelli, C. Okamoto, D.W. Diehl. 2015. The Bigeye Scad, Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch, 1793) (Family Carangidae), New to the California Marine Fauna, with a List to and Keys for All California Carangids. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 114:141-148.

Journal Article20150901

Cox, H., E.D. Stein, L. Protopapadakis, M. Dojiri. 2015. Water Resources: Water Supply and Use from a Water Quality Perspective. Urban Coast 5:3-10.

Journal Article20150904

Magrann, T., M.D.A. Howard, M. Sutula, D.S. Boskovic, W.K. Hayes, S.G. Dunbar. 2015. Screening Assessment of Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Southern California Lentic Habitats. Macrothink Institute Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 4:91-111.

Journal Article20150891Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Stein, E.D. 2015. Habitat Highlights: Regional Stream Monitoring in Southern California. Urban Coast 5:128-129.

Journal Article20150911Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Millow, C.J., S.A. Mackintos, R.L. Lewison, N.G. Dodder, E. Hoh. 2015. Identifying Bioaccumulative Halogenated Organic Compounds Using a Nontargeted Analytical Approach: Seabirds as Sentinels. PLoS ONE 10:e0127205.

Journal Article20150876Emerging Contaminants

McLaughlin, K., S.B. Weisberg, A.G. Dickson, G.E. Hofmann, J.A. Newton, D. Aseltine-Neilson, A. Barton, S. Cudd, R.A. Feely, I.W. Jefferds, E.B. Jewett, T. King, C.J. Langdon, S. McAfee, D. Pleschner-Steele, B. Steele. 2015. Core principles of the California Current Acidification Network: Linking chemistry, physics, and ecological effects. Oceanography 28:160-169.

Journal Article20150866Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Shaul, N.J., N.G. Dodder, L.I. Aluwihare, S.A. Mackintosh, K.A. Maruya, S.J. Chivers, K. Danil, D.W. Weller, E. Hoh. 2015. Nontargeted Biomonitoring of Halogenated Organic Compounds in Two Ecotypes of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Southern California Bight. Environmental Science and Technology 49:1329-1338.

Journal Article20150847Emerging Contaminants

Compton Renick, V., K. Weinersmith, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, T.W. Anderson. 2015. Effects of a pesticide and a parasite on neurological, endocrine, and behavioral responses of an estuarine fish. Aquatic Toxicology 170:335-343.

Journal Article20150894Emerging Contaminants

Dodder, N., K.C. Schiff. 2015. Areas of Special Biological Significance: Northern California Bioaccumulation Monitoring. Technical Report 857. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150857Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Feldman, D.L., A. Sengupta, L. Stuvick, E.D. Stein, V. Pettigrove, M. Arora. 2015. Governance issues in developing and implementing offsets for water management benefits: Can preliminary evaluation guide implementation effectiveness?. WIREs Water 2:121-130.

Journal Article20150843Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Cooley, S.R., E.B. Jewett, J. Reichert, L. Robbins, G. Shrestha, D. Wieczorek, S.B. Weisberg. 2015. Getting ocean acidification on decision makers' to-do lists: Dissecting the process through case studies. Oceanography 28:198-211.

Journal Article20150868Climate Change, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Martz, T., K. McLaughlin, S.B. Weisberg. 2015. Best Practices for autonomous measurement of seawater pH with the Honeywell Durafet pH sensor. Technical Report 861. California Current Acidification Network. Santa Barbara, CA.

Technical Report20150861Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Fetscher, A.E., E.D. Stein, M.D.A. Howard. 2015. Looking Ahead: Preliminary Examination of Stream Cyanotoxins in Santa Monica Bay and California Watersheds. Urban Coast 5:198-200.

Journal Article20150913Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Ambrose, R.F., J.H. Dorsey, K. Johnston, E.D. Stein. 2015. Habitat Conditions: Coastal Wetlands. Urban Coast 5:59-68.

Journal Article20150910

Dagit, R., F. Federico, L. Kats, E.D. Stein. 2015. Habitat Conditions: Freshwater Aquatic and Riparian Habitats. Urban Coast 5:48-58.

Journal Article20150908Bioassessment

Murray, S.N., S.B. Weisberg, P.T. Raimondi, R.F. Ambrose, C.A. Bell, C.A. Blanchette, J.L. Burnaford, M.N. Dethier, J.M. Engle, M.S. Foster, C.M. Miner, K.J. Nielsen, J.S. Pearse, D.V. Richards, J.R. Smith. 2015. Evaluating ecological states of rocky intertidal communities: A Best Professional Judgment exercise. Ecological Indicators 60:802-814.

Journal Article20150881

Schaffner, R.A., S.J. Steinberg, K.C. Schiff. 2015. A GIS Tool to Compute a Pollutant Exposure Index for the Southern California Bight. in: D.J. Wright (ed.), Earth Solutions, Ocean Solutions pp. 109-133. Esri Press. Redlands, CA.

Book Chapter20150874Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Boehm, A.B., M.Z. Jacobson, M.J. O'Donnell, M. Sutula, W.W. Wakefield, S.B. Weisberg, E. Whiteman. 2015. Ocean acidification science needs for natural resource managers of the North American west coast. Oceanography 28:170-181.

Journal Article20150867Climate Change, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Greenfield, B.K., A.R. Melwani, S.M. Bay. 2015. A tiered assessment framework to evaluate human health risk of contaminated sediment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 11:459-473.

Journal Article20150842Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Bay, S.M., L. Wiborg, D.J. Greenstein, N. Haring, C. Pottios, C. Stransky, K.C. Schiff. 2015. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program. Volume I - Sediment Toxicity Report. Technical Report 899. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150899Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Raimondi, P.T., M. George, M. Redfield, S. Worden, R. Williams, N. Fletcher, L. Anderson, D. Lohse, R. Gaddam. 2015. Characterization of the rocky intertidal ecological communities associated with Northern California Areas of Special Biological Significance. Technical Report 855. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150855Regional Monitoring

Judd, N., Y. Lowney, P. Anderson, S. Baird, S.M. Bay, J. Breidt, M. Buonanduci, Z. Dong, D. Essig, M.R. Garry, R.C. Jim, G. Kirkwood, S.L. Moore, C. Niemi, R. O'Rourke, B. Ruffle, L.A. Schaider, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch. 2015. Fish Consumption as a Driver of Risk-Management Decisions and Human Health-Based Water Quality Criteria. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34:2427-2436.

Journal Article20150892Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Bay, S.M. 2015. Water Resources: Toxics TMDLs. Urban Coast 5:22-28.

Journal Article20150905Sediment Quality

Fetscher, A.E., M.D.A. Howard, R. Stancheva, R.M. Kudela, E.D. Stein, M. Sutula, L.B. Busse, R.G. Sheath. 2015. Wadeable streams as widespread sources of benthic cyanotoxins in California, USA. Harmful Algae 49:105-116.

Journal Article20150888Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Greenstein, N. Dodder, D.J. Gillett. 2015. Southern California Bight regional monitoring. Regional Studies in Marine Science 4:34-46.

Journal Article20150890Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Seegers, B.N., J.M. Birch, R. Marin III, C.A. Scholin, D.A. Caron, E.L. Seubert, M.D.A. Howard, G.L. Robertson, B.H. Jones. 2015. Subsurface seeding of surface harmful algal blooms observed through the integration of autonomous gliders, moored environmental sample processors, and satellite remote sensing in southern California. Limnology and Oceanography 60:754-764.

Journal Article20150897Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Rehn, A.C., R.D. Mazor, P.R. Ode. 2015. The California Stream Condition Index (CSCI): A New Statewide Biological Scoring Tool for Assessing the Health of Freshwater Streams. Technical Report 883. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150883Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Stein, E.D., P. Pendleton, K. O'Connor, C. Endris, J. Adalaars, M. Salomon, K. Cayce, A. Jong. 2015. Demonstrating the California Wetland Status and Trends Program: A Probabilistic Approach for Estimating Statewide Aquatic Resource Extent, Distribution and Change over Time. Technical Report 859. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150859

Boyer, K., M. Sutula. 2015. Factors Controlling Submersed and Floating Macrophytes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Technical Report 870. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150870Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Mehinto, A.C., A. Jia, S.A. Snyder, B. Sumith Jayasinghe, N.D. Denslow, J. Crago, D. Schlenk, C. Menzie, S.D. Westerheide, F.D.L. Leusch, K.A. Maruya. 2015. Interlaboratory comparison of in vitro bioassays for screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals in recycled water. Water Research 83:303-309.

Journal Article20150873Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Berg, M., M. Sutula. 2015. Factors Affecting Growth of Cyanobacteria With Special Emphasis on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Technical Report 869. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150869Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Rehn, M. Paul. 2015. Causal Assessment Evaluation and Guidance for California. Technical Report 750. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150750Bioassessment

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Rehn, M. Paul. 2015. Causal Assessment Evaluation and Guidance for California (Appendix A). Technical Report 750.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150750.ABioassessment

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Rehn, M. Paul. 2015. Causal Assessment Evaluation and Guidance for California (Appendix B). Technical Report 750.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150750.BBioassessment

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Rehn, M. Paul. 2015. Causal Assessment Evaluation and Guidance for California (Appendix C). Technical Report 750.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150750.CBioassessment

Tiefenthaler, L.L., M. Sutula, Y. Cao, J.F. Griffith, M.R. Raith, C. Beck, R. Christoph, J. Shrake. 2015. Wet and Dry Weather Natural Background Concentrations of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in San Diego, Orange, and Ventura County, California Streams. Technical Report 862. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150862Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Rehn, M. Paul. 2015. Causal Assessment Evaluation and Guidance for California (Appendix D). Technical Report 750.D. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150750.DBioassessment

Tiefenthaler, L.L., M. Sutula, Y. Cao, J.F. Griffith, M.R. Raith, C. Beck, R. Christoph, J. Shrake. 2015. Wet and Dry Weather Natural Background Concentrations of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in San Diego, Orange, and Ventura County, California Streams (Appendix A). Technical Report 862.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150862.AMicrobial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Tiefenthaler, L.L., M. Sutula, Y. Cao, J.F. Griffith, M.R. Raith, C. Beck, R. Christoph, J. Shrake. 2015. Wet and Dry Weather Natural Background Concentrations of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in San Diego, Orange, and Ventura County, California Streams (Appendix B). Technical Report 862.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150862.BMicrobial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Tiefenthaler, L.L., M. Sutula, Y. Cao, J.F. Griffith, M.R. Raith, C. Beck, R. Christoph, J. Shrake. 2015. Wet and Dry Weather Natural Background Concentrations of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in San Diego, Orange, and Ventura County, California Streams (Appendix C). Technical Report 862.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150862.CMicrobial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Tiefenthaler, L.L., M. Sutula, Y. Cao, J.F. Griffith, M.R. Raith, C. Beck, R. Christoph, J. Shrake. 2015. Wet and Dry Weather Natural Background Concentrations of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in San Diego, Orange, and Ventura County, California Streams (Appendix D). Technical Report 862.D. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150862.DMicrobial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Fetscher, A.E., K. Lunde, E.D. Stein, J.S. Brown. 2015. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Collection of Macroinvertebrates, Benthic Algae, and Associated Physical Habitat Data in California Depressional Wetlands. Technical Report 832. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150832Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Barton, A., G.G. Waldbusser, R.A. Feely, S.B. Weisberg, J.A. Newton, B. Hales, S. Cudd, B. Eudeline, C.J. Langdon, I. Jefferds, T. King, A. Suhrbier, K. McLaughlin. 2015. Impacts of coastal acidification on the Pacific Northwest shellfish industry and adaptation strategies implemented in response. Oceanography 28:146-159.

Journal Article20150865Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Stein, E.D., L.G. Lackey, J.S. Brown. 2015. How accurate are probability-based estimates of wetland extent? Results of a California validation study. Wetlands Ecology and Management 24:347-356.

Journal Article20150882

Schiff, K.C., J.S. Brown. 2015. North Coast Areas of Special Biological Significance Regional Monitoring Program: First Year Results. Technical Report 856. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150856Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Von Bitner, T., E.D. Stein, L. Protopapadakis, K. Thorsen. 2015. Water Resources: Trash and Debris. Urban Coast 5:29-34.

Journal Article20150906Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Trash Pollution

Schiff, K.C., J.S. Brown. 2015. Proposition 84 Grant Evaluation Report: Assessing Pollutant Reductions to Areas of Biological Significance. Technical Report 858. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150858Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Schiff, K.C., J.S. Brown. 2015. South Coast Areas of Special Biological Significance Regional Monitoring Program Year 2 Results. Technical Report 852. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150852Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Azimi-Gaylon, S., S. Fong, P. Goodwin, T. Hale, G. Isaac, A. Osti, F. Shilling, T. Slawecki, S.J. Steinberg, M. Tompkins, L. Videmsky. 2015. Enhancing the Vision for Managing California's Environmental Information. Technical Report 884. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150884Regional Monitoring

Phelps, L., J. Adelson, S. Arms, M. Miller, D. Speis. 2015. Findings and Recommendations by the Expert Review Panel for the State of California's Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Year One Final Report. Technical Report 887. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150887

Schiff, K.C., B. Luk, D. Gregorio. 2015. Impact of Stormwater Discharges on Water Quality in Coastal Marine Protected Areas. Water Environment Research 87:772-782.

Journal Article20150885Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Hallenbeck, T., T. Welch, S.J. Steinberg, A. Lanier. 2015. Extending Esri Geoportal Server to Meet the Needs of the West Coast Ocean Data Network and Inform Regional Ocean Management. in: D.J. Wright (ed.), Earth Solutions, Ocean Solutions pp. 171-184. Esri Press. Redlands, CA.

Book Chapter20150875Regional Monitoring

Layton, B.A., M.R. Raith, J.F. Griffith. 2015. Use of dye tracers and qPCR to identify human fecal contamination at Doheny State Beach, Dana Point, CA. Technical Report 860. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150860Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Griffith, J.F. 2015. Looking Ahead: New Development in Beach Water Quality Monitoring and Bacterial Source Identification. Urban Coast 5:180-184.

Journal Article20150912Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Cao, Y., M.R. Raith, J.F. Griffith. 2015. Droplet digital PCR for simultaneous quantification of general and human-associated fecal indicators for water quality assessment. Water Research 70:337-349.

Journal Article20150841Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Bay, S.M., M. Dojiri, J. Gully. 2015. Habitat Conditions: Soft-Bottom Benthos. Urban Coast 5:108-115.

Journal Article20150909Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Gibson, J.F., E.D. Stein, D.J. Baird, C.M. Finlayson, X. Zhang, M. Hajibabaei. 2015. Wetland Ecogenomics - The Next Generation of Wetland Biodiversity and Functional Assessment. Wetland Science and Practice 32:27-32.

Journal Article20150851Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding

Steinberg, S.J., M.M. Hanken. 2015. San Diego Integrated Regional Water Management Data Management System Basic Design Recommendations. Technical Report 878. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150878

Schiff, K.C., J.S. Brown, S. Trump, D. Hardin. 2015. Near-Coastal Water Quality at Reference Sites Following Storm Events. Technical Report 853. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150853Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Joyce, A.S., M.S. Pirogovsky, R.G. Adams, W. Lao, D. Tsukada, C.L. Cash, J.F. Hawa, K.A. Maruya. 2015. Using performance reference compound-corrected polyethylene passive samplers and caged bivalves to measure hydrophobic contaminants of concern in urban coastal seawaters. Chemosphere 127:10-17.

Journal Article20150848Emerging Contaminants

Kudela, R.M., A. Bickel, M.L. Carter, M.D.A. Howard, L. Rosenfeld. 2015. The Monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms through Ocean Observing: The Development of the California Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Alert Program. in: Y. Liu, H. Kerkering, R.H. Weisbert (eds.), Coastal Ocean Observing Systems pp. 58-75. Academic Press. Boston, MA.

Book Chapter20150898Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

SCCWRP Staff. 2014. SCCWRP 2014 Annual Report. in: S.B. Weisberg, S. Martindale (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2014 Annual ReportSouthern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20142014.01

Booth, J.A.T., C.B. Woodson, M. Sutula, F. Micheli, S.B. Weisberg, S.J. Bograd, A. Steele, J. Schoen, L.B. Crowder. 2014. Patterns and potential drivers of declining oxygen content along the Southern California coast. Limnology and Oceanography 59:1127-1138.

Journal Article20140827Climate Change, Eutrophication, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

White, B.P., E.M. Pilgrim, L.M. Boykin, E.D. Stein, R.D. Mazor. 2014. Comparison of four species-delimitation methods applied to a DNA barcode data set of insect larvae for use in routine bioassessment. Freshwater Science 33:338-348.

Journal Article20140808Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding

Stein, E.D., K. Cayce, M. Salomon, D.L. Bram, D. De Mello, R. Grossinger, S. Dark. 2014. Wetlands of the Southern California Coast: Historical Extent and Change Over Time. Technical Report 826. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140826

Sutula, M., M.D.A. Howard, L. Crowder, S. McAfee. 2014. Modeling in Support of Management of Coastal Hypoxia and Acidification in the California Current Ecosystem. Technical Report 829. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140829Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Mehinto, A.C., M.S. Prucha, R.C. Colli-Dula, K.J. Kroll, C.M. Lavelle, D.S. Barber, C.D. Vulpe, N.D. Denslow. 2014. Gene networks and toxicity pathways induced by acute cadmium exposure in adult largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Aquatic Toxicology 152:186-194.

Journal Article20140821Sediment Quality

Fetscher, E., M. Sutula, A. Sengupta, N. Detenbeck. 2014. Linking Nutrients to Alterations in Aquatic Life in California Wadeable Streams. Technical Report 834. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140834Bioassessment, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Beller, E., S. Baumgarten, R. Grossinger, T. Longcore, E.D. Stein, S. Dark, S. Dusterhoff. 2014. Northern San Diego County Lagoons: Historical Ecology Investigation. Technical Report 831. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Richmond, CA.

Technical Report20140831

Dodder, N., W. Lao, D. Tsukada, D.W. Diehl, K.C. Schiff. 2014. Areas of Special Biological Significance: Bioaccumulation Monitoring. Technical Report 816. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140816Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Lackey, L.G., E.D. Stein. 2014. Evaluating Alternative Temporal Survey Designs For Monitoring Wetland Area And Detecting Changes Over Time In California. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51:388-399.

Journal Article20140836

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown, K. Cayce, M. Klatt, M. Salomon, P. Pendleton, S. Dark, K. O'Connor, C. Endris. 2014. California Aquatic Resources Status and Trends Program: Mapping Methodology. Technical Report 833. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140833

Rogowski, P., E. Terrill, L. Hazard, K.C. Schiff. 2014. Assessing Areas of Special Biological Significance Exposure to Stormwater Plumes Using a Surface Transport Model. Technical Report 817. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140817Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Lackey, L.G., E.D. Stein. 2014. Selecting the optimum plot size for a California design-based stream and wetland mapping program. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186:2599-2608.

Journal Article20140800

Mazor, R.D., E.D. Stein, P.R. Ode, K.C. Schiff. 2014. Integrating intermittent streams into watershed assessments: applicability of an index of biotic integrity. Freshwater Science 33:459-474.

Journal Article20140813Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Escher, B.I., M. Allinson, R. Altenburger, P.A. Bain, P. Balaguer, W. Busch, J. Crago, N.D. Denslow, E. Dopp, K. Hilscherova, A.R. Humpage, A. Kumar, M. Grimaldi, B.S. Jayasinghe, B. Jarosova, A. Jia, S. Makarov, K.A. Maruya, A. Medvedev, A.C. Mehinto, J.E. Mendez, A. Poulsen, E. Prochazka, J. Richard, A. Schifferli, D. Schlenk, S. Scholz, F. Shiraishi, S. Snyder, G. Su, J.Y.M. Tang, B. van der Burg, S.C. van der Linden, I. Werner, S.D. Westerheide, C.K.C. Wong, M. Yang, B.H.Y. Yeung, X. Zhang, F.D.L. Leusch. 2014. Benchmarking organic micropollutants in wastewater, recycled water and drinking water with in vitro bioassays. Environmental Science and Technology 48:1940-1956.

Journal Article20140805Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Christiansen, H.E., A.C. Mehinto, F. Yuc, R.W. Perry, N.D. Denslow, A.G. Maule, M.G. Mesa. 2014. Correlation of gene expression and contaminant concentrations in wild largescale suckers: A field-based study. Science of the Total Environment 484:379-389.

Journal Article20140846Emerging Contaminants

Sutula, M., L. Green, G. Cicchetti, N. Detenbeck, P. Fong. 2014. Thresholds of Adverse Effects of Macroalgal Abundance and Sediment Organic Matter on Benthic Habitat Quality in Estuarine Intertidal Flats. Estuaries and Coasts 37:1532-1548.

Journal Article20140895Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Vidal- Dorsch, D.E., S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein, M.E. Baker, G. Hardiman, J.A. Reyes, K.M. Kelley, D. Schlenk. 2014. Biological responses of marine flatfish exposed to municipal wastewater effluent. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33:583-591.

Journal Article20140822Emerging Contaminants

Riedel, T.E., A.G. Zimmer-Faust, V. Thulsiraj, T. Madi, K.T. Hanley, D.L. Ebentier, M. Byappanahalli, B. Layton, M.R. Raith, A.B. Boehm, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden, O.C. Shanks, S.B. Weisberg, J.A. Jay. 2014. Detection limits and cost comparisons of human-and gull-associated conventional and quantitative PCR assays in artificial and environmental waters. Journal of Environmental Management 136:112-120.

Journal Article20140814Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Howard, M.D.A., M. Sutula, D.A. Caron, Y. Chao, J.D. Farrara, H. Frenzel, B. Jones, G. Robertson, K. McLaughlin, A. Sengupta. 2014. Anthropogenic nutrient sources rival natural sources on small scales in the coastal waters of the Southern California Bight. Limnology and Oceanography 59:285-297.

Journal Article20140810Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, L. Busse, S. Anderson, J. Crooks, R. Dagit, D. Gibson, K. Johnston, L. Stratton. 2014. A regional survey of the extent and magnitude of eutrophication in Mediterranean estuaries of Southern California, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 37:259-278.

Journal Article20140794Eutrophication

Yau, V.M., K.C. Schiff, B.F. Arnold, J.F. Griffith, J.S. Gruber, C.C. Wright, T.J. Wade, S. Burns, J.M. Hayes, C. McGee, M. Gold, Y. Cao, A.B. Boehm, S.B. Weisberg, J.M. Colford Jr. 2014. Effect of submarine groundwater discharge on bacterial indicators and swimmer health at Avalon Beach, CA, USA. Water Research 59:23-36.

Journal Article20140825Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Bailey, H., C. Curran, S. Poucher, M. Sutula. 2014. Science Supporting Dissolved Oxygen Objectives for Suisun Marsh. Technical Report 830. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140830Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula. 2014. Estimating Wet and Dry Deposition of Nitrogen to Southern California Streams. Technical Report 837. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140837Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Green, L., P. Fong, M. Sutula. 2014. How much is too much? Identifying benchmarks of adverse effects of macroalgae on the macrofauna in intertidal flats. Ecological Applications 24:300-314.

Journal Article20140782Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Stein, E.D., B.P. White, R.D. Mazor, J.K. Jackson, J.M. Battle, P.E. Miller, E.M. Pilgrim, B.W. Sweeney. 2014. Does DNA barcoding improve performance of traditional stream bioassessment metrics?. Freshwater Science 33:302-311.

Journal Article20140803Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Jackson, J.K., J.M. Battle, B.P. White, E.M. Pilgrim, E.D. Stein, P.E. Miller, B.W. Sweeney. 2014. Cryptic biodiversity in streams: a comparison of macroinvertebrate communities based on morphological and DNA barcode identifications. Freshwater Science 33:312-324.

Journal Article20140811Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Rippy, M.A., R. Stein, B.F. Sanders, K. Davis, K. McLaughlin, J.F. Skinner, J. Kappeler, S.B. Grant. 2014. Small Drains, Big Problems: The Impact of Dry Weather Runoff on Shoreline Water Quality at Enclosed Beaches. Environmental Science and Technology 48:14168-14177.

Journal Article20140838Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Rogowski, P.A., E. Terrill, K.C. Schiff, S.Y. Kim. 2014. An assessment of the transport of southern California stormwater ocean discharges. Marine Pollution Bulletin 90:135-142.

Journal Article20140840Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Alvarez, D.A., K.A. Maruya, N.G. Dodder, W. Lao, E.T. Furlong, K.L. Smalling. 2014. Occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern along the California coast (2009-10) using passive sampling devices. Marine Pollution Bulletin 81:347-354.

Journal Article20140768Emerging Contaminants, Runoff Water Quality

Schiff, K.C., E.D. Stein, S. Aminzadeh, A. Boehm, G. Hildebrand, L. Honeybourne, I. Nasseri, P. Ode, S. Taylor, D. Senn, J. Smith, C. Sommers, E. Strecker. 2014. Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition 2014 Research Agenda. Technical Report 828. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140828Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Stein, E.D., M.C. Martinez, S. Stiles, P.E. Miller, E.V. Zakharov. 2014. Is DNA Barcoding Actually Cheaper and Faster than Traditional Morphological Methods? Results from a Survey of Freshwater Bioassessment Efforts in the United States. PLoS ONE 9:e95525.

Journal Article20140823Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Fernandez, L.A., W. Lao, K.A. Maruya, R.M. Burgess. 2014. Calculating the diffusive flux of persistent organic pollutants between sediments and the water column on the Palos Verdes Shelf Superfund Site using polymeric passive samplers. Environmental Science and Technology 48:3925-3934.

Journal Article20140819Sediment Quality

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay, D.L. Young, S. Asato, K.A. Maruya, W. Lao. 2014. The use of sediment toxicity identification evaluation methods to evaluate clean up targets in an urban estuary. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 10:260-268.

Journal Article20140807Sediment Quality

Maruya, K.A., N.G. Dodder, C.L. Tang, W. Lao, D. Tsukada. 2014. Which coastal and marine environmental contaminants are truly emerging?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22:1644-1652.

Journal Article20140824Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Maruya, K.A., N.G. Dodder, S.B. Weisberg, D. Gregorio, J.S. Bishop, S. Klosterhaus, D.A. Alvarez, E.T. Furlong, S. Bricker, K.L. Kimbrough, G.G. Lauenstein. 2014. The mussel watch California pilot study on contaminants of emerging concern (CECs): Synthesis and next steps. Marine Pollution Bulletin 81:355-363.

Journal Article20140769Emerging Contaminants, Runoff Water Quality

Raimondi, P. 2014. Characterization of the Rocky Intertidal Ecological Communities Associated with Southern California Areas of Special Biological Significance: Phase II. Technical Report 818. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140818Regional Monitoring

Dodder, N.G., K.A. Maruya, P.L. Ferguson, R. Grace, S. Klosterhaus, M.J. La Guardia, G.G. Lauenstein, J. Ramirez. 2014. Occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern in mussels (Mytilus spp.) along the California coast and the influence of land use, storm water discharge, and treated wastewater effluent. Marine Pollution Bulletin 81:340-346.

Journal Article20140770Emerging Contaminants, Runoff Water Quality

Seubert, E.L., M.D.A. Howard, R.M. Kudela, T.N. Stewart, R.W. Litaker, R. Evans, D.A. Caron. 2014. Development, Comparison, and Validation Using ELISAs for the Determination of Domoic Acid in California Sea Lion Body Fluids. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists 97:345-355.

Journal Article20140820Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Martinovic-Weigelt, D., A.C. Mehinto, G.T. Ankley, N.D. Denslow, L.B. Barber, K.E. Lee, R.J. King, H.L. Schoenfuss, A.L. Schroeder, D.L. Villeneuve. 2014. Transcriptomic Effects-Based Monitoring for Endocrine Active Chemicals: Assessing Relative Contribution of Treated Wastewater to Downstream Pollution. Environmental Science and Technology 48:2385-2394.

Journal Article20140850Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants, Runoff Water Quality

Maruya, K.A., N.G. Dodder, R.A. Schaffner, S.B. Weisberg, D. Gregorio, S. Klosterhaus, D.A. Alvarez, E.T. Furlong, K.L. Kimbrough, G.G. Lauenstein, J.D. Christensen. 2014. Refocusing mussel watch on contaminants of emerging concern (CECs): The California pilot study (2009-10). Marine Pollution Bulletin 81:334-339.

Journal Article20140767Emerging Contaminants, Runoff Water Quality

Schiff, K.C., A.E. Fetscher, M.M. Hanken. 2014. Newport Bay Watershed Monitoring Evaluation. Technical Report 815. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20140815Regional Monitoring

Lee, R.F., K.A. Maruya, U. Warttinger, K. Bulski, A.N. Walker. 2014. Emulsions Produced After Oil Spills: Their Fate In Estuaries And Effects On The Grass Shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio And Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus. in: C. Valenti (ed.), Crude Oils: Production, Environmental Impacts and Global Market Challenges pp. 1-22. Novinka Science Publishers. New York, NY.

Book Chapter20140877Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Parkerton, T.F., K.A. Maruya. 2013. Passive sampling in contaminated sediment assessment: Building consensus to improve decision-making. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 10:163-166.

Journal Article20130796Sediment Quality

Thompson, B., J.A. Ranasinghe, S. Lowe, A. Melwani, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Benthic macrofaunal assemblages of the San Francisco Estuary and Delta, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185:2281-2295.

Journal Article20130751Eutrophication

White, B.P., E.M. Pilgrim, L.M. Boykin, E.D. Stein, R.D. Mazor. 2013. Comparison of four species-delimitation methods applied to a DNA barcode data set of insect larvae for use in routine bioassessment. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 323-335. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.21

Day, J., F. Sklar, J. Cable, D. Childers, C. Coronado-Molina, S. Davis, S. Kelly, C. Madden, B. Perez, E. Reyez, D. Rudnick, M. Sutula. 2013. The salinity transition zone between the Southern Everglades and Florida Bay. in: J.W. Day, A. Yanez-Arancibia (eds.), Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota - Volume 4: Ecosystem-Based Management pp. 1-24. Texas A&M University Press. College Station, TX.

Book Chapter20130787

Griffith, J.F., B.A. Layton, A.B. Boehm, P.A. Holden, J.A. Jay, C. Hagedorn, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. The California Microbial Source Identification Manual: A Tiered Approach to Identifying Fecal Pollution Sources to Beaches. Technical Report 804. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130804Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Dorsch, D.E., R.C. Colli-Dula, S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein, L. Wilborg, D. Petschauer, N.D. Denslow. 2013. Gene expression of fathead minnows exposed to two types of treated municipal wastewater effluents. Environmental Science and Technology 47:11268-11277.

Journal Article20130784Emerging Contaminants

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay, M. Jacobe, C. Barton, K. Sakamoto, D. Young, K. Ritter, K.C. Schiff. 2013. Regional assessment of marine and estuarine sediment toxicity in Southern California, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185:2055-2065.

Journal Article20130746Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Vidal-Dorsch, D.E., R.C. Colli-Dula, S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein, L. Wiborg, D. Petschauer, N.D. Denslow. 2013. Gene expression of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) exposed to two types of treated municipal wastewater effluents. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 137-151. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.10

Fetscher, A.E., M. Sutula, L.B. Busse, E.D. Stein. 2013. Condition of California perennial wadeable streams based on algal indicators. Technical Report 781. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130781Bioassessment, Eutrophication, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Stewart, J.R., A.B. Boehm, E.A. Dubinsky, T.T. Fong, K.D. Goodwin, J.F. Griffith, R.T. Noble, O.C. Shanks, K. Vijayavel, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Recommendations following a multi-laboratory comparison of microbial source tracking methods. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 581-593. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.37

Stewart, J.R., A.B. Boehm, E.A. Dubinsky, T.-T. Fong, K.D. Goodwin, J.F. Griffith, R.T. Noble, O.C. Shanks, K. Vijayavel, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Recommendations following a multi-laboratory comparison of microbial source tracking methods. Water Research 47:6829-6838.

Journal Article20130774Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Layton, B.A., Y. Cao, D.L. Ebentier, K. Hanley, E. Balleste, J. Brandao, M. Byappanahalli, R. Converse, A.H. Farnleitner, J. Gentry- Shields and. 2013. Performance of human fecal anaerobe-associated PCR-based assays in a multi-laboratory method evaluation study. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 445-459. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.28

Sinigalliano, C.D., J. Ervin, L.C. Van De Werfhorst, B.D. Badgley, E. Balleste, J. Bartkowiak, A.B. Boehm, M. Byappanahalli, K.D. Goodwin, M. Gourmelon, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden, J.A. Jay, B.A. Layton, C. Lee, J. Lee, W.G. Meijer, R. Noble, M.R. Raith, H. Ryu, M.J. Sadowsky, A. Schriewer, D. Wang, D. Wanless, R.L. Whitman, S. Wuertz, J.W. Santo Domingo. 2013. Multi-laboratory evaluations of the performance of Catellicoccus marimammalium PCR assays developed to target gull fecal sources. Water Research 47:6883-6896.

Journal Article20130790Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Raith, M.R., D.L. Ebentier, Y. Cao, J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Factors affecting the relationship between quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and culture-based enumeration of Enterococcus in environmental waters. Journal of Applied Microbiology 116:737-746.

Journal Article20130801Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Stein, E.D. 2013. Using regional stormwater monitoring programs to provide reference data for wetland mitigation performance evaluation. National Wetlands Newsletter 35:13-14.

Journal Article20130785Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Raith, M.R., C.A. Kelty, J.F. Griffith, A. Schriewer, S. Wuertz, S. Mieszkin, M. Gourmelon, G.H. Reischer, A.H. Farnleitner, J.S. Ervin, P.A. Holden, D.L. Ebentier, J.A. Jay, D. Wang, A.B. Boehm, T. Gim Aw, J.B. Rose, E. Balleste, W.G. Meijer, M. Sivaganesan, O.C. Shanks. 2013. Comparison of PCR and quantitative real-time PCR methods for the characterization of ruminant and cattle fecal pollution sources. Water Research 47:6921-6928.

Journal Article20130773Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Raith, M.R., C.A. Kelty, J.F. Griffith, A. Schriewer, S. Wuertz, S. Mieszkin, M. Gourmelon, G.H. Reischer, A.H. Farnleitner, J.S. Ervin, P.A. Holden, D.L. Ebentier, J.A. Jay, D. Wang, A.B. Boehm, T.G. Aw, J.B. Rose, E. Balleste, W.G. Meijer, M. Sivaganesan, O.C. Shanks. 2013. Comparison of PCR and quantitative real-time PCR methods for the characterization of ruminant and cattle fecal pollution sources. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 491-500. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.31

Ervin, J.S., T.L. Russell, B.A. Layton, K.M. Yamahara, D. Wang, L.M. Sassoubre, Y. Cao, C.A. Kelty, M. Sivaganesan, A.B. Boehm, P.A. Holden, S.B. Weisberg, O.C. Shanks. 2013. Characterization of fecal concentrations in human and other animal sources by physical, culture-based, and quantitative real-time PCR methods. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 555-566. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.35

Ervin, J.S., T.L. Russell, B.A. Layton, K.M. Yamahara, D. Wang, L.M. Sassoubre, Y. Cao, C.A. Kelty, M. Sivaganesan, A.B. Boehm, P.A. Holden, S.B. Weisberg, O.C. Shanks. 2013. Characterization of fecal concentrations in human and other animal sources by physical, culture-based, and quantitative real-time PCR methods. Water Research 47:6873-6882.

Journal Article20130793Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Lackey, L.G., E.D. Stein. 2013. Evaluation of design-based sampling options for monitoring stream and wetland extent and distribution in California. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 377-388. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.24

Lackey, L.G., E.D. Stein. 2013. Evaluation of design-based sampling options for monitoring stream and wetland extent and distribution in California. Wetlands 33:717-725.

Journal Article20130759

Cao, Y., L.C. Van De Werfhorst, E.A. Dubinsky, B.D. Badgley, M.J. Sadowsky, G.L. Andersen, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden. 2013. Evaluation of molecular community analysis methods for discerning fecal sources and human waste. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 461-474. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.29

Cao, Y., L.C. Van De Werfhorst, E.A. Dubinsky, B.D. Badgley, M.J. Sadowsky, G.L. Andersen, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden. 2013. Evaluation of molecular community analysis methods for discerning fecal sources and human waste. Water Research 47:6862-6872.

Journal Article20130771Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Burke, M.P., T.S. Hogue, A. Kinoshita, J. Barco, C. Wessel, E.D. Stein. 2013. Pre- and post-fire pollutant loads in an urban fringe watershed in Southern California. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185:10131-10145.

Journal Article20130795Runoff Water Quality

Mazor, R.D., E.D. Stein, P.R. Ode, K.C. Schiff. 2013. Integrating intermittent streams into watershed assessments: Applicability of an index of biotic integrity. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 357-375. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.23

Cao, Y., C. Hagedorn, O.C. Shanks, D. Wang, J. Ervin, J.F. Griffith, B.A. Layton, C.D. McGee, T.E. Riedel, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Towards establishing a human fecal contamination index for microbial source tracking. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 567-579. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.36

Fetscher, A.E. 2013. Development of Algal Indices of Biotic Integrity for Southern California Wadeable Streams and Recommendations for their Applications, v3. Technical Report 730. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130730Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Cao, Y., C. Hagedorn, O.C. Shanks, D. Wang, J. Ervin, J.F. Griffith, B.A. Layton, C.D. McGee, T.E. Riedel, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Towards establishing a human fecal contamination index in microbial source tracking. International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Systems 4:46-58.

Journal Article20130812Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Stancheva, R., R.G. Sheath, B.A. Read, K.D. McArthur, C. Schroepfer, J.P. Kociolek, A.E. Fetscher. 2013. Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (free living and diatom endosymbionts): Their use in southern California stream bioassessment. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 205-222. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.14

Stancheva, R., R.G. Sheath, B.A. Read, K.D. McArthur, C. Schroepfer, J.P. Kociolek, A.E. Fetscher. 2013. Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (free-living and diatom endosymbionts): their use in southern California stream bioassessment. Hydrobiologia 720:111-127.

Journal Article20130778Bioassessment, Eutrophication, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Cao, Y., M. Sivaganesan, J. Kinzelman, A.D. Blackwood, R.T. Noble, R.A. Haugland, J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Effect of platform, reference material, and quantification model on enumeration of Enterococcus by quantitative PCR methods. Water Research 47:233-241.

Journal Article20130742Microbial Water Quality

Lopez, S.R., T.S. Hogue, E.D. Stein. 2013. A framework for evaluating regional hydrologic sensitivity to climate change using archetypal watershed modeling. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 389-408. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.25

Harwood, V.J., A.B. Boehm, L.M. Sassoubre, K. Vijayavel, J.R. Stewart, T.-T. Fong, M.P. Caprais, R.R. Converse, D. Diston, J. Ebdon, J.A. Fuhrman, M. Gourmelon, J. Gentry-Shields, J.F. Griffith, D.R. Kashian, R.T. Noble, H. Taylor, M. Wicki. 2013. Performance of viruses and bacteriophages for fecal source determination in a multi-laboratory, comparative study. Water Research 47:6929-6943.

Journal Article20130791Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Vidal-Dorsch, D.E., S.M. Bay, C. Ribecco, L.J. Sprague, M. Angert, C. Ludka, O. Carnevali, D.J. Greenstein, D. Schlenk, K.M. Kelley, J.A. Reyes, S. Snyder, B. Vanderford, L.C. Wiborg, D. Petschauer, R. Sasik, M. Baker, G. Hardiman. 2013. Genomic and phenotypic response of hornyhead turbot exposed to municipal wastewater effluents. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 153-168. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.11

Layton, B.A., Y. Cao, D.L. Ebentier, K. Hanley, E. Balleste, J. Brandao, M. Byappanahalli, R. Converse, A. Farnleitner, J. Gentry-Shields, M.L. Gidley, M. Gourmelon, C. Soo Lee, J. Lee, S. Lozach, T. Madi, W.G. Meijer, R. Noble, L. Peed, G.H. Reischer, R. Rodrigues, J.B. Rose, A. Schriewer, C. Sinigalliano, S. Srinivasan, J. Stewart, L.C. Van De Werfhorst, D. Wang, R. Whitman, S. Wuertz, J. Jay, P.A. Holden, A.B. Boehm, O. Shanks, J.F. Griffith. 2013. Performance of human fecal anaerobe-associated PCR-based assays in a multi-laboratory method evaluation study. Water Research 47:6897-6908.

Journal Article20130779Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, J. Cable, P. Fong. 2013. Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycling in Santa Margarita River Estuary: A Summary of Baseline Studies for Monitoring Order R9-2006-0076. Technical Report 635. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130635Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Harwood, V.J., A.B. Boehm, L.M. Sassoubre, K. Vijayavel, J.R. Stewart, T.T. Fong, M.P. Caprais, R.R. Converse, D. Diston, J. Ebdon, J.A. Fuhrman, M. Gourmelon, J. Gentry- Shields, J.F. Griffith, D.R. Kashian, R.T. Noble, H. Taylor, M. Wicki. 2013. Performance of viruses and bacteriophages for fecal source determination in a multi-laboratory, comparative study. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 501-521. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.32

Howard, M.D.A., G. Robertson, M. Sutula, B.H. Jones, N.P. Nezlin, Y. Chao, H. Frenzel, M.J. Mengel, D.A. Caron, B. Seegers, A. Sengupta, E. Seubert, D.W. Diehl, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VII. Water Quality. Technical Report 710. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130710Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Howard, M.D.A., G. Robertson, M. Sutula, B.H. Jones, N.P. Nezlin, Y. Chao, H. Frenzel, M.J. Mengel, D.A. Caron, B. Seegers, A. Sengupta, E. Seubert, D.W. Diehl, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VII. Water Quality (Appendix A). Technical Report 710.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130710.AEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Howard, M.D.A., G. Robertson, M. Sutula, B.H. Jones, N.P. Nezlin, Y. Chao, H. Frenzel, M.J. Mengel, D.A. Caron, B. Seegers, A. Sengupta, E. Seubert, D.W. Diehl, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VII. Water Quality (Appendix B). Technical Report 710.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130710.BEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Sapozhnikova, Y., E. Wirth, K.C. Schiff, M. Fulton. 2013. Antifouling biocides in water and sediments from California marinas. Marine Pollution Bulletin 69:189-194.

Journal Article20130756Sediment Quality

Howard, M.D.A., G. Robertson, M. Sutula, B.H. Jones, N.P. Nezlin, Y. Chao, H. Frenzel, M.J. Mengel, D.A. Caron, B. Seegers, A. Sengupta, E. Seubert, D.W. Diehl, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VII. Water Quality (Appendix C). Technical Report 710.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130710.CEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Howard, M.D.A., G. Robertson, M. Sutula, B.H. Jones, N.P. Nezlin, Y. Chao, H. Frenzel, M.J. Mengel, D.A. Caron, B. Seegers, A. Sengupta, E. Seubert, D.W. Diehl, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VII. Water Quality (Appendix D). Technical Report 710.D. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130710.DEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Ghosh, U., S.K. Driscoll, R.M. Burgess, M.T.O. Jonker, D. Reible, F. Gobas, Y. Choi, S.E. Apitz, K.A. Maruya, W.R. Gala, M. Mortimer, C. Beegan. 2013. Passive Sampling Methods for Contaminated Sediments: Practical Guidance for Selection, Calibration, and Implementation. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 10:210-223.

Journal Article20130806Sediment Quality

Howard, M.D.A., G. Robertson, M. Sutula, B.H. Jones, N.P. Nezlin, Y. Chao, H. Frenzel, M.J. Mengel, D.A. Caron, B. Seegers, A. Sengupta, E. Seubert, D.W. Diehl, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VII. Water Quality (Appendix E). Technical Report 710.E. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130710.EEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, L. Busse, S. Anderson, J. Crooks, R. Dagit, D. Gibson, K. Johnston, L. Stratton. 2013. A regional survey of the extent and magnitude of eutrophication in Mediterranean estuaries of southern California, USA. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 223-244. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.15

Schriewer, A., K.D. Goodwin, C.D. Sinigalliano, A.M. Cox, D. Wanless, J. Bartkowiak, D.L. Ebentier, K.T. Hanley, J. Ervin, L.A. Deering, O.C. Shanks, L.A. Peed, W.G. Meijer, J.F. Griffith, J. SantoDomingo, J.A. Jay, P.A. Holden, S. Wuertz. 2013. Performance evaluation of canine-associated Bacteroidales assays in a multi-laboratory comparison study. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 541-553. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.34

Schriewer, A., K.D. Goodwin, C.D. Sinigalliano, A.M. Cox, D. Wanless, J. Bartkowiak, D.L. Ebentier, K.T. Hanley, J. Ervin, L.A. Deering, O.C. Shanks, L.A. Peed, W.G. Meijer, J.F. Griffith, J. SantoDomingo, J.A. Jay, P.A. Holden, S. Wuertz. 2013. Performance evaluation of canine-associated Bacteroidales assays in a multi-laboratory comparison study. Water Research 47:6909-6920.

Journal Article20130792Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Ranasinghe, J.A., E.D. Stein, M.R. Frazier, D.J. Gillett. 2013. Development of Puget Sound Benthic Indicators. Technical Report 755. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130755Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Bourlat, S.J., A. Borja, J. Gilbert, M.I. Taylor, N. Davies, S.B. Weisberg, J.F. Griffith, T. Lettieri, D. Field, J. Benzie, F.O. Glockner, N. Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, D.P. Faith, T.P. Bean, M. Obst. 2013. Genomics in marine monitoring: New opportunities for assessing marine health status. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 115-135. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.09

Bourlat, S.J., A. Borja, J. Gilbert, M.I. Taylor, N. Davies, S.B. Weisberg, J.F. Griffith, T. Lettieri, D. Field, J. Benzie, F.O. Glockner, N. Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, D.P. Faith, T.P. Bean, M. Obst. 2013. Genomics in marine monitoring: New opportunities for assessing marine health status. Marine Pollution Bulletin 74:19-31.

Journal Article20130762DNA Barcoding, Regional Monitoring

Sengupta, A., M. Sutula, K. McLaughlin, M.D.A. Howard, L.L. Tiefenthaler, T. Von Bitner. 2013. Terrestrial nutrient loads and fluxes to the Southern California Bight, USA. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 245-258. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.16

Arnold, B.F., K.C. Schiff, J.F. Griffith, J.S. Gruber, V. Yau, C.C. Wright, T.J. Wade, S. Burns, J.M. Hayes, C. McGee, M. Gold, Y. Cao, S.B. Weisberg, J.M. Colford Jr. 2013. Swimmer illness associated with marine water exposure and water quality indicators: Impact of widely used assumptions. Epidemiology 24:845-853.

Journal Article20130780Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Arnold, B.F., K.C. Schiff, J.F. Griffith, J.S. Gruber, V. Yau, C.C. Wright, T.J. Wade, S. Burns, J.M. Hayes, C. McGee, M. Gold, Y. Cao, S.B. Weisberg, J.M. Colford Jr. 2013. Swimmer illness associated with marine water exposure and water quality indicators: Impact of widely used assumptions. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 611-624. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.39

Stein, E.D., B. Bledsoe. 2013. Framework for Developing Hydromodification Monitoring Programs. Technical Report 752. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130752Ecohydrology

Baker, M.E., D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, C. Ribecco, L.J. Sprague, M. Angert, N. Lekmine, C. Ludka, A. Martella, E. Ricciardelli, S.M. Bay, J.R. Gully, K.M. Kelley, C. Schlenk, O. Carnevali, R. Sasik, G. Hardiman. 2013. Molecular analysis of endocrine disruption in hornyhead turbot at wastewater outfalls in southern California using a second generation multi-species microarray. PLoS ONE 8:e75553.

Journal Article20130783Emerging Contaminants

Stein, E.D., B. Bledsoe. 2013. Modeling and Managing Hydromodification Effects: Summary of Available Tools and Decision-Making Approach. Technical Report 753. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130753Ecohydrology

Stein, E.D., B.P. White, R.D. Mazor, J.K. Jackson, J.M. Battle, P.E. Miller, E.M. Pilgrim, B.W. Sweeney. 2013. Does DNA barcoding improve performance of traditional stream bioassessment metrics?. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 309-321. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.20

Ebentier, D.L., K.T. Hanley, Y. Cao, B.D. Badgley, A.B. Boehm, J.S. Ervin, K.D. Goodwin, M. Gourmelon, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden, C.A. Kelty, S. Lozach, C. McGee, L.A. Peed, M.R. Raith, H. Ryu, M.J. Sadowsky, E.A. Scott, J. Santo Domingo, A. Schriewer, C.D. Sinigalliano, O.C. Shanks, L.C. Van De Werfhorst, D. Wang, S. Wuertz, J.A. Jay. 2013. Evaluation of the repeatability and reproducibility of a suite of qPCR-based microbial source tracking methods. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 433-444. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.27

Ebentier, D.L., K.T. Hanley, Y. Cao, B.D. Badgley, A.B. Boehm, J.S. Ervin, K.D. Goodwin, M. Gourmelon, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden, C.A. Kelty, S. Lozach, C.M.c.G.e.e. , L.A. Peed, M.R. Raith, H. Ryu, M.J. Sadowsky, E.A. Scott, J.S. Domingo, A. Schriewer, C.D. Sinigalliano, O.C. Shanks, L.C. Van De Werfhorst, D. Wang, S. Wuertz, J.A. Jay. 2013. Evaluation of the repeatability and reproducibility of a suite of qPCR-based microbial source tracking methods. Water Research 47:6839-6848.

Journal Article20130789Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Sinigalliano, C.D., J. Ervin, L.C. Van De Werfhorst, B. Badgley, E. Ballest?, J. Bartkowiak, A.B. Boehm, M. Byappanahalli, K.D. Goodwin, M. Gourmelon. 2013. Multi-laboratory evaluations of the performance of Catellicoccus marimammalium PCR assays developed to target gull fecal sources. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 523-539. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.33

Panteleev, G., V. Luchin, N.P. Nezlin, T. Kikuchi. 2013. Seasonal climatologies of oxygen and phosphates in the Bering Sea reconstructed by variational data assimilation approach. Polar Science 7:214-232.

Journal Article20130809

McLaughlin, K., J.A. Sohm, G.A. Cutter, M.W. Lomas, A. Paytan. 2013. Phosphorus cycling in the Sargasso Sea: Investigation using the oxygen isotopic composition of phosphate, enzyme-labeled fluorescence, and turnover times. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27:375-387.

Journal Article20130758Eutrophication

Alvarez, D., K.A. Maruya, N.G. Dodder, W. Lao, E. Furlong, K. Smalling. 2013. Occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern along the California coast (2009-10) using passive sampling devices. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 49-59. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.05

Vidal-Dorsch, D.E., S.M. Bay, C. Ribecco, L.J. Sprague, M. Angert, C. Ludka, E. Ricciardelli, O. Carnevali, D.J. Greenstein, D. Schlenk, K.M. Kelley, J.A. Reyes, S. Snyder, B. Vanderford, L.C. Wiborg, D. Petschauer, R. Sasik, M. Baker, G. Hardiman. 2013. Genomic and phenotypic response of hornyhead turbot exposed to municipal wastewater effluents. Aquatic Research 140-141:174-184.

Journal Article20130772Emerging Contaminants

Maruya, K.A., D. Schlenk, P.D. Anderson, N.D. Denslow, J.E. Drewes, A.W. Olivieri, G.I. Scott, S.A. Snyder. 2013. An adaptive, comprehensive monitoring strategy for chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in California's aquatic ecosystems. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 1-12. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.01

Stein, E.D., B.P. White, R.D. Mazor, P.E. Miller, E.M. Pilgrim. 2013. Evaluating ethanol-based sample preservation to facilitate use of DNA barcoding in routine freshwater biomonitoring programs using benthic macroinvertebrates. PLoS ONE 8:e51273.

Journal Article20130741Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding

Maruya, K.A., D. Schlenk, P.D. Anderson, N.D. Denslow, J.E. Drewes, A.W. Olivieri, G.I. Scott, S.A. Snyder. 2013. An adaptive, comprehensive monitoring strategy for chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in California's aquatic ecosystems. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 10:69-77.

Journal Article20130797Bioanalytical Cell Screening Assays, Emerging Contaminants

Sutula, M., H. Bailey, S. Poucher. 2013. Science Supporting Dissolved Oxygen Objectives in California Estuaries. Technical Report 684. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130684Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Love, D.C., R.A. Rodriguez, C.D. Gibbons, J.F. Griffith, Q. Yu, J. Stewart, M.D. Sobsey. 2013. Human viruses and viral indicators in marine water at two beaches in southern California, USA. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 595-610. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.38

Stein, E.D., M.R. Cover, A.E. Fetscher, C. O'Reilly, R. Guardado, C.W. Solek. 2013. Reach-scale geomorphic and biological effects of localized streambank armoring. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 49:780-792.

Journal Article20130754Ecohydrology

Fetscher, A.E., R. Stancheva, J.P. Kociolek, R.G. Sheath, E.D. Stein, R.D. Mazor, P.R. Ode, L.B. Busse. 2013. Development and comparison of stream indices of biotic integrity using diatoms vs. non-diatom algae vs. a combination. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 183-204. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.13

Fetscher, A.E., R. Stancheva, J.P. Kociolek, R.G. Sheath, E.D. Stein, R.D. Mazor, P.R. Ode, L.B. Busse. 2013. Development and comparison of stream indices of biotic integrity using diatoms vs. non-diatom algae vs. a combination. Journal of Applied Phycology 26:433-450.

Journal Article20130776Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay, D. Young, S. Asato, K.A. Maruya, W. Lao. 2013. The use of sediment toxicity identification evaluation methods to evaluate clean-up targets in an urban estuary. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 169-181. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.12

Tunis, L., K. Lunde, R. Payne, G. Sibbald, C. Clark, K. O'Connor, R. Clark, A. Solomesheh, C. Witham, M. Denn, C. Roberts, M. Stevens, C. Grosso, J. Collins, S. Pearce, C. Solek, E.D. Stein, C. Harvey, D. Weixelman, P. Jones, M. Scianni. 2013. California Rapid Assessment Method for Wetlands User's Manual Version 6.1. Technical Report 788. California Wetlands Monitoring Workgroup. Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20130788Bioassessment

Cao, Y., L.C. Van De Werfhorst, E.A. Scott, M.R. Raith, P.A. Holden, J.F. Griffith. 2013. Bacteroidales terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) for fecal source differentiation in comparison to and in combination with universal bacteria TRFLP. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 475-490. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.30

Cao, Y., L.C. Van De Werfhorst, E.A. Scott, M.R. Raith, P.A. Holden, J.F. Griffith. 2013. Bacteroidales terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) for fecal source differentiation in comparison to and in combination with universal bacteria TRFLP. Water Research 47:6944-6955.

Journal Article20130765Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Maruya, K.A., N.G. Dodder, S.B. Weisberg, D. Gregorio, J.S. Bishop, S. Klosterhaus, D.A. Alvarez, E.T. Furlong, S. Bricker, K.L. Kimbrough, G.G. Lauenstein. 2013. The Mussel Watch California Pilot Study on contaminants of emerging concern (CECs): Synthesis and next steps. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 61-73. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.06

Resh, V.H., L.A. Beche, J.E. Lawrence, R.D. Mazor, E.P. McElravy, A.P. O'Dowd, D. Rudnick, S.M. Carlson. 2013. Long-term population and community patterns of benthic macroinvertebrates and fishes in Northern California Mediterranean-climate streams. Hydrobiologia 719:93-118.

Journal Article20130786Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Dodder, N.G., K.A. Maruya, P.L. Ferguson, R. Grace, S. Klosterhaus, a.n.d. MJ La Guardia, G.G. Lauenstein, J. Ramirez. 2013. Occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern in mussels (Mytilus spp.) along the California coast and the influence of land use, stormwater discharge, and treated wastewater effluent. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 37-47. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.04

Schnetzer, A., B.H. Jones, R.A. Schaffner, I. Cetinic, E. Fitzpatrick, P.E. Miller, E.L. Seubert, D.A. Caron. 2013. Coastal upwelling linked to toxic Pseudo-nitzschia australis blooms in Los Angeles coastal waters, 2005-2007. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 259-272. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.17

Schnetzer, A., B.H. Jones, R.A. Schaffner, I. Cetinic, E. Fitzpatrick, P.E. Miller, E.L. Seubert, D.A. Caron. 2013. Coastal upwelling linked to toxic Pseudo-nitzschia australis blooms in Los Angeles coastal waters, 2005-2007. Journal of Plankton Research 35:1080-1092.

Journal Article20130799Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Seubert, E.L., A.G. Gellene, M.D.A. Howard, P. Connell, M. Ragan, B.H. Jones, J. Runyan, D.A. Caron. 2013. Seasonal and annual dynamics of harmful algae and algal toxins revealed through weekly monitoring at two coastal ocean sites off southern California, USA. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 273-291. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.18

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, S.L. Moore, K.J. Ritter, J.A. Ranasinghe. 2013. Evaluation of Sediment Condition Using California's Sediment Quality Objectives Assessment Framework. Technical Report 764. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130764Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Seubert, E.L., A.G. Gellene, M.D.A. Howard, P. Connell, M. Ragan, B.H. Jones, J. Runyan, D.A. Caron. 2013. Seasonal and annual dynamics of harmful algae and algal toxins revealed through weekly monitoring at two coastal ocean sites off southern California, USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20:6878-6895.

Journal Article20130763Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Seubert, E.L., M.D.A. Howard, R.M. Kudela, T.N. Stewart, R.W. Litaker, R. Evans, D.A. Caron. 2013. Development, comparison and validation using ELISAs for the analysis of domoic acid in California sea lion body fluids. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 293-308. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.19

Brown, J.S., E.D. Stein, D. Ackerman, J.H. Dorsey, J. Lyon, P.M. Carters. 2013. Metals and bacteria partitioning to various size particles in Ballona Creek storm water runoff. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32:320-328.

Journal Article20130749Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Lydy, M.J., P.F. Landrum, A.M.P. Oen, M. Allinson, F. Smedes, A.D. Harwood, H. Li, K.A. Maruya, J. Liu. 2013. Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: State of the science for organic contaminants. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 75-94. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.07

Lydy, M.J., P.F. Landrum, A.M.P. Oen, M. Allinson, F. Smedes, A.D. Harwood, H. Li, K.A. Maruya, J. Liu. 2013. Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: State of the science for organic contaminants. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 10:167-178.

Journal Article20130798Sediment Quality

Lunde, K.B., M.R. Cover, R.D. Mazor, C.A. Sommers, V.H. Resh. 2013. Identifying reference conditions and quantifying biological variability within benthic macroinvertebrate communities in perennial and non-perennial northern California streams. Environmental Management 51:1262-1273.

Journal Article20130766Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Ferguson, D.M., J.F. Griffith, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg, C. Hagedorn. 2013. Comparison of Enterococcus species diversity in marine water and wastewater using enterolert and EPA method 1600. Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2013:11-16.

Journal Article20130761Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Wang, P.F., M. Sutula, B. Chadwick, W. Choi. 2013. Watershed Loading, Hydrodynamic, and Water Quality Modeling in Support of the Loma Alta Slough Bacteria and Nutrient TMDL. Technical Report 666. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130666Ecohydrology, Eutrophication

Maruya, K.A., N.G. Dodder, R.A. Schaffner, S.B. Weisberg, D. Gregorio, S. Klosterhaus, D.A. Alvarez, E.T. Furlong, K.L. Kimbrough, G.G. Lauenstein, J.D. Christensen. 2013. Refocusing Mussel Watch on contaminants of emerging concern (CECs): The California Pilot Study (2009-10). in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 27-35. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.03

Ghosh, U., S. Kane-Driscoll, R.M. Burgess, M.T.O. Jonker, D. Reible, F. Gobas, Y. Choi, S.E. Apitz, K.A. Maruya, W.R. Gala, M. Mortimer, C. Beegan. 2013. Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: Practical guidance for selection, calibration and implementation. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 95-114. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.08

Sengupta, A., J.M. Lyons, D.J. Smith, J.E. Drewes, S.A. Snyder, A. Heil, K.A. Maruya. 2013. The occurrence and fate of chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in coastal urban rivers receiving discharge of treated municipal wastewater effluent. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 13-25. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.02

Sengupta, A., M.J. Lyons, D.J. Smith, J.E. Drewes, S.A. Snyder, A. Heil, K.A. Maruya. 2013. The occurrence and fate of chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in coastal urban rivers receiving discharge of treated municipal wastewater effluent. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33:350-358.

Journal Article20130802Emerging Contaminants, Runoff Water Quality

Ode, P., A. Rehn, R.D. Mazor, K.C. Schiff, E.D. Stein, J. May, L. Brown, D. Herbst, D.J. Gillett, K. Lunde, C.P. Hawkins. 2013. Evaluating the adequacy of a reference-site pool for the ecological assessment of streams in environmentally complex regions. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 337-355. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.22

Boehm, A.B., L.C. Van De Werfhorst, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden, J.A. Jay, O.C. Shanks, D. Wanga, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Performance of forty-one microbial source tracking methods: A twenty-seven lab evaluation study. Water Research 47:6812-6828.

Journal Article20130775Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Boehm, A.B., L.C. Van De Werfhorst, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden, J.A. Jay, O.C. Shanks, D. Wang, S.B. Weisberg. 2013. Performance of forty-three microbial source tracking methods: A twenty-seven laboratory evaluation study. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 409-431. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.26

Lao, W., D. Tsukada, K.A. Maruya. 2012. The effect of co-occurring polychlorinated biphenyls on quantitation of toxaphene in fish tissue samples by gas chromatography negative ion mass spectrometry. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 61-72. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.05

Lao, W., D. Tsukada, K.A. Maruya. 2012. The effect of co-occurring polychlorinated biphenyls on quantitation of toxaphene in fish tissue samples by gas chromatography negative ion mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1270:262-268.

Journal Article20120739Emerging Contaminants

Ebentier, D.L., M.R. Raith, Y. Cao, J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Factors affecting the relationship between qPCR and culture-based enumeration of Enterococcus. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 253-260. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.17

Gillett, D.J., D.J. Pondella II, J. Freiwald, K.C. Schiff, J.E. Caselle, C. Shuman, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Comparing volunteer and professionally collected monitoring data from the rocky subtidal reefs of Southern California, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184:3239-3257.

Journal Article20120702Regional Monitoring

Piontkovski, S.A., N.P. Nezlin, A. Al-Azri, K. Al-Hashmi. 2012. Mesoscale eddies and variability of chlorophyll-a in the Sea of Oman. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33:5341-5346.

Journal Article20120732Eutrophication

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.I. Welch, P.N. Slattery, D.E. Montagne, D.D. Huff, H. Lee II, J.L. Hyland, B. Thompson, S.B. Weisberg, J.M. Oakden, D.B. Cadien, R.G. Velarde. 2012. Habitat-related benthic macrofaunal assemblages of bays and estuaries of the western United States. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8:638-648.

Journal Article20120724Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Pondella II, D.J., J. Williams, J. Claisse, R.A. Schaffner, K. Ritter, K.C. Schiff. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: V. Rocky Reefs. Technical Report 685. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120685Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Miller, E.F., K.C. Schiff. 2012. Descriptive trends in SCB demersal fish assemblages since 1994. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 53:107-131.

Journal Article20120736Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Miller, E.F., K.C. Schiff. 2012. Descriptive trends in Southern California Bight demersal fish assemblages, 1994-2008. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 129-144. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.10

Ranasinghe, J.A., E.D. Stein, P.E. Miller, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Performance of two southern California benthic community condition indices using species abundance and presence-only data: Relevance to DNA barcoding. PLoS ONE 7:e40875.

Journal Article20120713Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Solek, C.W., E.D. Stein. 2012. An Evaluation of Wetland Restoration Projects in Southern California using the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM): A Final Report to the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project. Technical Report 659. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120659Bioassessment

Setty, K., K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Forty Years after the Clean Water Act: A Retrospective Look at the Southern California Coastal Ocean. Technical Report 727. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120727Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Shanks, O.C., M. Sivaganesan, L. Peed, C.A. Kelty, A.D. Blackwood, M.R. Greene, R.T. Noble, R.N. Bushon, E.A. Stelzer, J. Kinzelman, T. Anan'eva, C. Sinigalliano, D. Wanless, J.F. Griffith, Y. Cao, S.B. Weisberg, V.J. Harwood, C. Staley, K.H. Oshima, M. Varma, R.A. Haugland. 2012. Interlaboratory comparison of real-time PCR protocols for quantification of general fecal indicator bacteria. Environmental Science and Technology 46:945-953.

Journal Article20120689Microbial Water Quality

Shanks, O.C., M. Sivaganesan, L.i.n.d.s.a.y. Peed, C.A. Kelty, A.D. Blackwood, M.R. Greene, R.T. Noble, R.N. Bushon, E.A. Stelzer, J. Kinzelman, T. Anan'eva, C. Sinigalliano, D. Wanless, J.F. Griffith, Y. Cao, S.B. Weisberg, V.J. Harwood, C. Staley, K.H. Oshima, M. Varma, R.A. Haugland. 2012. Inter-laboratory comparison of real-time PCR protocols for quantification of general fecal indicator bacteria. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 273-286. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.19

Ryu, H., J.F. Griffith, I.U.H. Khan, S. Hill, T.A. Edge, C. Toledo-Hernandez, J. Gonzalez-Nieves, J. Santo Domingo. 2012. Comparison of gull feces-specific assays targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Catellicoccus marimammalium and Streptococcus spp. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 309-322. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.22

Ryu, H., J.F. Griffith, I.U.H. Khan, S. Hill, T.A. Edge, C. Toledo-Hernandez, J. Gonzalez-Nieves, J. Santo Domingo. 2012. Comparison of gull feces-specific assays targeting the 16S rRNA genes of Catellicoccus marimammalium and Streptococcus spp. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78:1909-1916.

Journal Article20120693Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Ryu, H., M. Henson, M. Elk, C. Toledo-Hernandez, J.F. Griffith, D. Blackwood, R. Noble, M. Gourmelon, S. Glassmeyer, J. Santo Domingo. 2012. Development of quantitative PCR assays targeting 16S rRNA gene of Enterococcus spp. and their application to the identification of Enterococcus species in environmental samples. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 341-356. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.24

Converse, R.R., J.F. Griffith, R.T. Noble, R.A. Haugland, K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Correlation between quantitative polymerase chain reaction and culture-based methods for measuring Enterococcus over various temporal scales and three California marine beaches. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78:1237-1242.

Journal Article20120731Microbial Water Quality

Brown, J.S., D. Ackerman, E.D. Stein. 2012. Continuous in situ characterization of particulate sizes in urban stormwater: Method testing and refinement. Journal of Environmental Engineering 138:673-679.

Journal Article20120704Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Bay, S.M., C.D. Vulpe, A.V. Loguinov, A. Arai. 2012. Application of Gene Expression Analysis for Sediment Toxicity Stressor Identification. Technical Report 660. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120660Sediment Quality

Dodder, N.G., K.A. Maruya, G.G. Lauenstein, J. Ramirez, K.J. Ritter, K.C. Schiff. 2012. Distribution and sources of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the southern California Bight. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:2239-2245.

Journal Article20120717Emerging Contaminants, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bay, S.M., C.D. Vulpe, A.V. Loguinov, A. Arai. 2012. Application of Gene Expression Analysis for Sediment Toxicity Stressor Identification (Appendices B-D). Technical Report 660.Z. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120660.ZSediment Quality

Bay, S.M., S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Framework for interpreting sediment quality triad data. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8:589-596.

Journal Article20120720Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Maruya, K.A., D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, S.M. Bay, J.W. Kwon, K. Xia, K.L. Armbrust. 2012. Organic contaminants of emerging concern in sediments and flatfish collected near outfalls discharging treated wastewater effluent to the southern California Bight. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:2683-2688.

Journal Article20120737Sediment Quality

Cao, Y., L.C. Van De Werfhorst, B. Sercu, J.L.S. Murray, P.A. Holden. 2012. Application of an integrated community analysis approach for microbial source tracking in a coastal creek. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 299-308. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.21

Cao, Y., J.F. Griffith, S. Dorevitch, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Effectiveness of qPCR permutations, internal controls and dilution as means for minimizing the impact of inhibition while measuring Enterococcus in environmental waters. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 287-298. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.20

Cao, Y., J.F. Griffith, S. Dorevitch, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Effectiveness of qPCR permutations, internal controls and dilution as means for minimizing the impact of inhibition while measuring Enterococcus in environmental waters. Journal of Applied Microbiology 113:66-75.

Journal Article20120712Microbial Water Quality

Cao, Y., M. Sivaganesan, J. Kinzelman, A.D. Blackwood, R.T. Noble, R.A. Haugland, J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Effect of platform, reference material, and quantification model on enumeration of Enterococcus by quantitative PCR methods. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 261-272. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.18

Ritter, K.J., S.M. Bay, R.W. Smith, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, L.J. Field. 2012. Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines based on benthic macrofauna responses. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8:610-624.

Journal Article20120722Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff, P. Ode, E.D. Stein. 2012. Final Report on Bioassessment in Nonperennial Streams - Report to the State Water Resources Control Board. Technical Report 695. Southern California Coastal Water Research Projec. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120695Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Bay, S.M., K.J. Ritter, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, L.J. Field. 2012. Comparison of national and regional sediment quality guidelines for classifying sediment toxicity in California. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8:597-609.

Journal Article20120721Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Lopez, S.R., T.S. Hogue, E.D. Stein. 2012. A framework for evaluating regional hydrologic sensitivity to climate change using archetypal watershed modeling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 9:13729-13771.

Journal Article20120740Climate Change, Ecohydrology

Beegan, C., S.M. Bay. 2012. Transitioning sediment quality assessment into regulations: Challenges and solutions in implementing California's sediment quality objectives. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8:586-588.

Journal Article20120719Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Thompson, B., S.B. Weisberg, A. Melwani, S. Lowe, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.B. Cadien, D.M. Dauer, R.J. Diaz, W. Fields, M. Kellogg, D.E. Montagne, P.R. Ode, D.J. Reish, P.N. Slattery. 2012. Low levels of agreement among experts using best professional judgment to assess benthic condition in the San Francisco Estuary and Delta. Ecological Indicators 12:167-173.

Journal Article20120663Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Green, L., M. Sutula, P. Fong. 2012. How much is too much? Identifying benchmarks of adverse effects of macroalgae on the macrobenthic community in estuarine intertidal flats. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 171-188. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.12

Sutula, M., L. Green, G. Cicchetti, N. Detenbeck, P. Fong. 2012. Thresholds of adverse effects of macroalgal abundance and sediment organic matter on benthic habitat quality in estuarine intertidal flats. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 189-210. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.13

Lao, W., L.L. Tiefenthaler, D.J. Greenstein, K.A. Maruya, S.M. Bay, K. Ritter, K.C. Schiff. 2012. Pyrethroids in southern California coastal sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:1649-1656.

Journal Article20120705Emerging Contaminants, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay. 2012. Selection of methods for assessing sediment toxicity in California bays and estuaries. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8:625-637.

Journal Article20120723Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Forsgren, K.L., S.M. Bay, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, X. Deng, G. Lu, J. Armstrong, J.R. Gully, D. Schlenk. 2012. Annual and seasonal evaluation of reproductive status of hornyhead turbot at municipal wastewater outfalls in the Southern California Bight. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:2701-2710.

Journal Article20120744Emerging Contaminants

Sapozhnikova, Y., E. Wirth, K.C. Schiff, M. Fulton. 2012. Antifouling biocides in water and sediments from California marinas. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 1-10. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.01

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, L. Busse, S. Anderson, J. Crooks, R. Dagit, D. Gibson, K. Johnston, N.P. Nezlin, L. Stratton. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VIII. Estuarine Eutrophication. Technical Report 711. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120711Eutrophication, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Stein, E.D., F. Federico, D.B. Booth, B.P. Bledsoe, C. Bowles, Z. Rubin, G.M. Kondolf, A. Sengupta. 2012. Hydromodification Assessment and Management in California. Technical Report 667. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120667Ecohydrology

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, L. Busse, S. Anderson, J. Crooks, R. Dagit, D. Gibson, K. Johnston, N.P. Nezlin, L. Stratton. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VIII. Estuarine Eutrophication (Appendix A). Technical Report 711.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120711.AEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Howard, M.D.A., M. Sutula, D. Caron, Y. Chao, J.D. Farrara, H. Frenzel, B. Jones, G. Robertson, K. McLaughlin, A. Sengupta. 2012. Comparison of natural and anthropogenic nutrient sources in the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 29-48. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.03

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, L. Busse, S. Anderson, J. Crooks, R. Dagit, D. Gibson, K. Johnston, N.P. Nezlin, L. Stratton. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VIII. Estuarine Eutrophication (Appendix B). Technical Report 711.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120711.BEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, L. Busse, S. Anderson, J. Crooks, R. Dagit, D. Gibson, K. Johnston, N.P. Nezlin, L. Stratton. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VIII. Estuarine Eutrophication (Appendix C). Technical Report 711.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120711.CEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, L. Busse, S. Anderson, J. Crooks, R. Dagit, D. Gibson, K. Johnston, N.P. Nezlin, L. Stratton. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VIII. Estuarine Eutrophication (Appendix D). Technical Report 711.D. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120711.DEutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Nezlin, N.P., M. Sutula, R.P. Stumpf, A. Sengupta. 2012. Phytoplankton blooms detected by SeaWiFS along the central and southern California coast. Journal of Geophysical Research 117:C07004.

Journal Article20120708Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.C. Schiff, C.A. Brantley, L.L. Lovell, D.B. Cadien, T.K. Mikel, R.G. Velarde, S. Holt, S.C. Johnson. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VI. Benthic Macrofauna. Technical Report 665. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120665Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Lao, W., J. Gan. 2012. Enantioselective degradation of warfarin in soils. Chirality 24:54-59.

Journal Article20120687Emerging Contaminants

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.C. Schiff, C.A. Brantley, L.L. Lovell, D.B. Cadien, T.K. Mikel, R.G. Velarde, S. Holt, S.C. Johnson. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VI. Benthic Macrofauna (Appendix A). Technical Report 665.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120665.ABioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Setty, K. 2012. Adapting and Adopting Rapid Molecular Methods for Beach Water Quality Monitoring. Urban Coast 3:48-53.

Journal Article20120698Microbial Water Quality

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.C. Schiff, C.A. Brantley, L.L. Lovell, D.B. Cadien, T.K. Mikel, R.G. Velarde, S. Holt, S.C. Johnson. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VI. Benthic Macrofauna (Appendix B). Technical Report 665.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120665.BBioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Weisberg, S.B., K.E. Setty. 2012. Oceanic pollution. in: R.H. Friis (ed.), The Praeger Handbook of Environmental Health - Volume 1: Foundations of the Field pp. 133-154. ABC-CLIO, LLC. Santa Barbara, CA.

Book Chapter20120738Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program, Trash Pollution

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.C. Schiff, C.A. Brantley, L.L. Lovell, D.B. Cadien, T.K. Mikel, R.G. Velarde, S. Holt, S.C. Johnson. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VI. Benthic Macrofauna (Appendix C). Technical Report 665.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120665.CBioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.C. Schiff, C.A. Brantley, L.L. Lovell, D.B. Cadien, T.K. Mikel, R.G. Velarde, S. Holt, S.C. Johnson. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VI. Benthic Macrofauna (Appendix D). Technical Report 665.D. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120665.DBioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.C. Schiff, C.A. Brantley, L.L. Lovell, D.B. Cadien, T.K. Mikel, R.G. Velarde, S. Holt, S.C. Johnson. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VI. Benthic Macrofauna (Appendix E). Technical Report 665.E. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120665.EBioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.C. Schiff, C.A. Brantley, L.L. Lovell, D.B. Cadien, T.K. Mikel, R.G. Velarde, S. Holt, S.C. Johnson. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VI. Benthic Macrofauna (Appendix F). Technical Report 665.F. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120665.FBioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.C. Schiff, C.A. Brantley, L.L. Lovell, D.B. Cadien, T.K. Mikel, R.G. Velarde, S. Holt, S.C. Johnson. 2012. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: VI. Benthic Macrofauna (Appendix G). Technical Report 665.G. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120665.GBioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Stancheva, R., A.E. Fetscher, R.G. Sheath. 2012. A novel quantification method for stream-inhabiting, non-diatom benthic algae, and its application in bioassessment. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 211-226. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.14

Stancheva, R., A.E. Fetscher, R.G. Sheath. 2012. A novel quantification method for stream-inhabiting, non-diatom benthic algae, and its application in bioassessment. Hydrobiologia 684:225-239.

Journal Article20120691Bioassessment

Hammerstrom, K.K., J.A. Ranasinghe, S.B. Weisberg, J.S. Oliver, W.R. Fairey, P.N. Slattery, J.M. Oakden. 2012. Effect of sample area and sieve size on benthic macrofaunal community condition assessments in California enclosed bays and estuaries. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8:649-658.

Journal Article20120725Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Maraccini, P.A., D.M. Ferguson, A.B. Boehm. 2012. Diurnal variation in Enterococcus species composition in polluted ocean water and a potential role for the enterococcal carotenoid in protection against photoinactivation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78:305-310.

Journal Article20120707Microbial Water Quality

Dark, S., E.D. Stein, D. Bram, J. Osuna. 2012. Historical Ecology as a Living Resource for Informing Urban Wetland Restoration. Urban Coast 3:54-60.

Journal Article20120697

Bledsoe, B.P., E.D. Stein, R.J. Hawley, D. Booth. 2012. Framework and tool for rapid assessment of stream susceptibility to hydromodification. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 48:788-808.

Journal Article20120715Ecohydrology

Maruya, K.A., P.F. Landrum, R.M. Burgess, J.P. Shine. 2012. Incorporating contaminant bioavailability into sediment quality assessment frameworks. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8:659-673.

Journal Article20120726Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown, T.S. Hogue, M.P. Burke, A. Kinoshita. 2012. Stormwater contaminant loading following southern California wildfires. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:2625-2638.

Journal Article20120733Runoff Water Quality

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown, T.S. Hogue, M.P. Burke, A. Kinoshita. 2012. Stormwater contaminant loading following wildfires. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 11-28. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.02

Reyes, J.A., D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, D. Schlenk, S.M. Bay, J.L. Armstrong, J.R. Gully, C. Cash, M. Baker, T.D. Stebbins, G. Hardiman, K.M. Kelley. 2012. Evaluation of reproductive endocrine status in hornyhead turbot sampled from southern California's urbanized coastal environments. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 227-242. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.15

Reyes, J.A., D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, D. Schlenk, S.M. Bay, J.L. Armstrong, J.R. Gully, C. Cash, M. Baker, T.D. Stebbins, G. Hardiman, K.M. Kelley. 2012. Evaluation of reproductive endocrine status in hornyhead turbot sampled from southern California's urbanized coastal environments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:2689-2700.

Journal Article20120745Emerging Contaminants

Stein, E.D., B.P. White, R.D. Mazor, P.E. Miller, E.M. Pilgrim. 2012. Optimizing ethanol-based sample preservation to facilitate use of DNA barcoding in routine freshwater biomonitoring programs using benthic macroinvertebrates. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 243-252. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.16

Anderson, P.D., N.D. Denslow, J.E. Drewes, A.W. Olivieri, D. Schlenk, G.I. Scott, S.A. Snyder. 2012. Monitoring Strategies for Chemicals of Emerging Concern (CECs) in California's Aquatic Ecosystems: Recommendations of a Science Advisory Panel. Technical Report 692. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120692Emerging Contaminants

Stein, E.D., M.R. Cover, A.E. Fetscher, C. O'Reilly, R. Guardado, C.W. Solek. 2012. Reach-scale geomorphic and biological effects of localized stream bank armoring. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 113-128. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.09

Fernandez, L.A., W. Lao, K.A. Maruya, C. White, R.M. Burgess. 2012. Passive sampling to measure background dissolved persistent organic pollutant concentrations in the water column of the Palos Verdes Shelf Superfund site. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 49-60. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.04

Fernandez, L.A., W. Lao, K.A. Maruya, C. White, R.M. Burgess. 2012. Passive sampling to measure baseline dissolved persistent organic pollutant concentrations in the water column of the Palos Verdes shelf superfund site. Environmental Science and Technology 46:11937-11947.

Journal Article20120735Emerging Contaminants

Stein, E.D., L.G. Lackey. 2012. Technical Design for a Status & Trends Monitoring Program to Evaluate Extent and Distribution of Aquatic Resources in California. Technical Report 706. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120706

Raimondi, P., K.C. Schiff, D. Gregorio. 2012. Characterization of the Rocky Intertidal Ecological Communities Associated with Southern California Areas of Special Biological Significance. Technical Report 703. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120703Regional Monitoring

Goodwin, K.D., M. McNay, Y. Cao, D. Ebentier, M. Madison, J.F. Griffith. 2012. A multi-beach study of Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, and enterococci in seawater and beach sand. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 357-373. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.25

Colford Jr, J.M., K.C. Schiff, J.F. Griffith, V. Yau, B.F. Arnold, C.C. Wright, J.S. Gruber, T.J. Wade, S. Burns, J. Hayes, C. McGee, M. Gold, Y. Cao, R.T. Noble, R. Haugland, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Using rapid indicators for Enterococcus to assess the risk of illness after exposure to urban runoff contaminated marine water. Water Research 46:2176-2186.

Journal Article20120699Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Goodwin, K.D., M. McNay, Y. Cao, D. Ebentier, M. Madison, J.F. Griffith. 2012. A multi-beach study of Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, and enterococci in seawater and beach sand. Water Research 46:4195-4207.

Journal Article20120709Microbial Water Quality

Lao, W., K.A. Maruya, D. Tsukada. 2012. A two-component mass balance model for calibration of solid-phase microextraction fibers for pyrethroids in seawater. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 85-98. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.07

Lao, W., K.A. Maruya, D. Tsukada. 2012. A two-component mass balance model for calibration of solid-phase microextraction fibers for pyrethroids in seawater. Analytical Chemistry 84:9362-9369.

Journal Article20120734Emerging Contaminants

Bao, L.J., K.A. Maruya, S.A. Snyder, E.Y. Zeng. 2012. China's water pollution by persistent organic pollutants. Environmental Pollution 163:100-108.

Journal Article20120696

Resh, V.H., L.A. Beche, J.E. Lawrence, R.D. Mazor, E.P. McElravy, A.P. O'Dowd, D. Rudnick, S.M. Carlson. 2012. Long-term population and community patterns of benthic macroinvertebrates and fishes in northern California Mediterranean-climate streams. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 145-170. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.11

Vidal-Dorsch, D.E., S.M. Bay, K.A. Maruya, S.A. Snyder, R.A. Trenholm, B.J. Vanderford. 2012. Contaminants of emerging concern in municipal wastewater effluents and marine receiving water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:2674-2682.

Journal Article20120743Emerging Contaminants

Bay, S.M., D.E. Vidal-Dorsch. 2012. Determining the impacts of contaminants of emerging concern in marine ecosystems. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:2672-2673.

Journal Article20120748Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, D. Schlenk, K.M. Kelley, K.A. Maruya, J.R. Gully. 2012. Integrated coastal effects study: synthesis of findings. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:2711-2722.

Journal Article20120747Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Teixeira, H., S.B. Weisberg, A. Borja, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.B. Cadien, R.G. Velarde, L.L. Lovell, D. Pasko, C.A. Phillips, D.E. Montagne, K.J. Ritter, F. Salas, J.C. Marques. 2012. Calibration and validation of the AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) for Southern California marine bays. Ecological Indicators 12:84-95.

Journal Article20120653Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Hawley, R.J., B.P. Bledsoe, E.D. Stein, B.E. Haines. 2012. Channel evolution model of semiarid stream response to urban-induced hydromodification. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 48:722-744.

Journal Article20120714Ecohydrology

Solek, C.W., M. Sutula, E.D. Stein, C. Roberts, R. Clark, K. O'Connor, K.J. Ritter. 2012. Determining the health of California's coastal salt marshes using rapid assessment. Wetland Science and Practice 29:8-28.

Journal Article20120701

Vidal-Dorsch, D.E., S.M. Bay, M.A. Mays, D.J. Greenstein, D. Young, J.C. Wolf, D. Pham, A.V. Loguinov, C. Vulpe. 2012. Using gene expression to assess the status of fish from anthropogenically influenced estuarine wetlands. Environmental Science and Technology 46:69-77.

Journal Article20120688Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

McQuaig, S., J.F. Griffith, V.J. Harwood. 2012. The association of fecal indicator bacteria with human viruses and microbial source tracking markers at coastal beaches impacted by nonpoint source pollution. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 323-340. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.23

Hoh, E., N.G. Dodder, S.J. Lehotay, K.C. Pangallo, C.M. Reddy, K.A. Maruya. 2012. Nontargeted comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry method and software for inventorying persistent and bioaccumulative contaminants in marine environments. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 73-84. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.06

McQuaig, S., J.F. Griffith, V.J. Harwood. 2012. Association of fecal indicator bacteria with human viruses and microbial source tracking markers at coastal beaches impacted by nonpoint source pollution. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78:6423-6432.

Journal Article20120718Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Hoh, E., N.G. Dodder, S.J. Lehotay, K.C. Pangallo, C.M. Reddy, K.A. Maruya. 2012. Nontargeted comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry method and software for inventorying persistent and bioaccumulative contaminants in marine environments. Environmental Science and Technology 46:8001-8008.

Journal Article20120716Emerging Contaminants

Sengupta, A., E.D. Stein, R.J. Hawley. 2012. General regression neural networks to estimate hydromodification response in semi-arid southern California streams. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2012 Annual Report pp. 99-112. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20122012.08

Jenkins, S., J. Paduan, P. Roberts, D. Schlenk, J. Weis. 2012. Management of Brine Discharges to Coastal Waters: Recommendations of a Science Advisory Panel. Technical Report 694. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20120694

Schiff, K.C., R. Gossett, K. Ritter, L.L. Tiefenthaler, N. Dodder, W. Lao, K.A. Maruya. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: III. Sediment Chemistry (Appendix E). Technical Report 661.E. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110661.ERegional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Thompson, B., J.A. Ranasinghe, S. Lowe, A. Melwani, S.B. Weisberg. 2011. Benthic macrofaunal assemblages of the San Francisco Estuary and Delta. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 163-176. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.11

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay, M. Jacobe, C. Barton, K. Sakamoto, D. Young, K. Ritter, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Regional assessment of marine and estuarine sediment toxicity in southern California. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 237-247. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.18

Miller, E.F., K.C. Schiff. 2011. Spatial distribution of Southern California Bight demersal fishes in 2008. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 271-284. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.21

Griffith, J.F., S.B. Weisberg. 2011. Challenges in implementing new technology for beach water quality monitoring: Lessons from a California demonstration project. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 177-186. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.12

Griffith, J.F., S.B. Weisberg. 2011. Challenges in implementing new technology for beach water quality monitoring: Lessons from a California demonstration project. Marine Technology Society Journal 45:65-73.

Journal Article20110647Microbial Water Quality

Ranasinghe, J.A., E.D. Stein, P.E. Miller, S.B. Weisberg. 2011. Relative performance of the Southern California Benthic Response Index using species abundance and presence-only data: Relevance to DNA Barcoding. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 297-303. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.23

Tiefenthaler, L.L., E.D. Stein, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Levels and patterns of fecal indicator bacteria in stormwater runoff from homogenous land use sites and urban watersheds. Journal of Water and Health 9:279-290.

Journal Article20110649Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Converse, R.R., J.F. Griffith, R.T. Noble, R.A. Haugland, K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg. 2011. Correlation between quantitative polymerase chain reaction and culture-based methods for measuring Enterococcus over various temporal scales and three California marine beaches. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 187-196. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.13

Allen, M.J., D. Cadien, D.W. Diehl, K. Ritter, S.L. Moore, C. Cash, D.J. Pondella II, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, R. Gartman, W. Power, A.K. Latker, J. Williams, J.L. Armstrong, E. Miller, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates. Technical Report 655. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110655Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Allen, M.J., D. Cadien, D.W. Diehl, K. Ritter, S.L. Moore, C. Cash, D.J. Pondella II, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, R. Gartman, W. Power, A.K. Latker, J. Williams, J.L. Armstrong, E. Miller, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates (Appendix B). Technical Report 655.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110655.BRegional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Allen, M.J., D. Cadien, D.W. Diehl, K. Ritter, S.L. Moore, C. Cash, D.J. Pondella II, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, R. Gartman, W. Power, A.K. Latker, J. Williams, J.L. Armstrong, E. Miller, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates (Appendix D). Technical Report 655.D. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110655.DRegional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Allen, M.J., D. Cadien, D.W. Diehl, K. Ritter, S.L. Moore, C. Cash, D.J. Pondella II, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, R. Gartman, W. Power, A.K. Latker, J. Williams, J.L. Armstrong, E. Miller, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates (Appendix A). Technical Report 655.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110655.ARegional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Allen, M.J., D. Cadien, D.W. Diehl, K. Ritter, S.L. Moore, C. Cash, D.J. Pondella II, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, R. Gartman, W. Power, A.K. Latker, J. Williams, J.L. Armstrong, E. Miller, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates (Appendix C). Technical Report 655.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110655.CRegional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Allen, M.J., D. Cadien, D.W. Diehl, K. Ritter, S.L. Moore, C. Cash, D.J. Pondella II, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, R. Gartman, W. Power, A.K. Latker, J. Williams, J.L. Armstrong, E. Miller, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates (Appendix E). Technical Report 655.E. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110655.ERegional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Allen, M.J., D. Cadien, D.W. Diehl, K. Ritter, S.L. Moore, C. Cash, D.J. Pondella II, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, R. Gartman, W. Power, A.K. Latker, J. Williams, J.L. Armstrong, E. Miller, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates (Appendix F). Technical Report 655.F. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110655.FRegional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Allen, M.J., D. Cadien, D.W. Diehl, K. Ritter, S.L. Moore, C. Cash, D.J. Pondella II, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, R. Gartman, W. Power, A.K. Latker, J. Williams, J.L. Armstrong, E. Miller, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates (Appendix G). Technical Report 655.G. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110655.GRegional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Sabin, L.D., K.A. Maruya, W. Lao, D.W. Diehl, D. Tsukada, K.D. Stolzenbach, K.C. Schiff. 2011. A pilot study of air-water exchange of organochlorine compounds at three coastal estuaries in southern California. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 71-82. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.05

Allen, M.J., D. Cadien, D.W. Diehl, K. Ritter, S.L. Moore, C. Cash, D.J. Pondella II, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, R. Gartman, W. Power, A.K. Latker, J. Williams, J.L. Armstrong, E. Miller, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates (Appendix H). Technical Report 655.H. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110655.HRegional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Dodder, N.G., K.A. Maruya, G.G. Lauenstein, J. Ramirez, K.J. Ritter, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Distribution and sources of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the Southern California Bight. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 261-270. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.20

Cao, Y., C.H. Wu, G.L. Andersen, P.A. Holden. 2011. Community analysis-based methods. in: C. Hagedorn, A. Blanch, V. Harwood (eds.), Microbial Source Tracking: Methods, Applications, and Case Studies pp. 251-282. Springer. New York, NY.

Book Chapter20110728Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Maruya, K.A., D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, S.M. Bay, J.W. Kwon, K. Xia, K.L. Armbrust. 2011. Organic contaminants of emerging concern in sediments and flatfish collected near outfalls discharging treated municipal wastewater effluent to the Southern California Bight. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 365-373. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.28

Cao, Y., L.C. Van De Werfhorst, B. Sercu, J.L.S. Murray, P.A. Holden. 2011. Application of an integrated community analysis approach for microbial source tracking in a coastal creek. Environmental Science and Technology 45:7195-7201.

Journal Article20110690Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Burke, M.P., T.S. Hogue, J. Barco, C. Wessel, A.Y. Kinoshita, E.D. Stein. 2011. Dynamics of pre- and post-fire pollutant loads in an urban fringe watershed. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 61-70. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.04

Cao, Y., C.D. McGee, J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2011. Method repeatability for measuring Enterococcus in southern California beach sands. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 207-211. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.15

Lu, J., H. Ryu, J.S. Domingo, J.F. Griffith, N. Ashbolt. 2011. Molecular detection of Campylobacter spp. in California Gull (Larus Californicus) excreta. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 213-221. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.16

Cao, Y., C.D. McGee, J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2011. Method repeatability for measuring Enterococcus in southern California beach sands. Letters in Applied Microbiology 53:656-659.

Journal Article20110729Microbial Water Quality

Lu, J., H. Ryu, J.W. Santo Domingo, J.F. Griffith, N. Ashbolt. 2011. Molecular detection of Campylobacter spp. in California gull (Larus californicus) excreta. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77:5034-5039.

Journal Article20110651Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Beller, E., R. Grossinger, M. Salomon, S. Dark, E.D. Stein, B. Orr, P. Downs, T. Longcore, G. Coffman, A. Whipple, R. Askevold, B. Stanford, J. Beagle. 2011. Historical ecology of the lower Santa Clara River, Ventura River, and Oxnard Plain: an analysis of terrestrial, riverine, and coastal habitats. Technical Report 662. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Oakland, CA.

Technical Report20110662

Liu, S., T. Hogue, E.D. Stein, J. Barco. 2011. Contemporary and Historical Hydrologic Analysis of the Ballona Creek Watershed. Technical Report 683. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110683Ecohydrology

Hawley, R.J., B.P. Bledsoe, E.D. Stein. 2011. Hydromodification Effects on Flow Peaks and Durations in Southern California Urbanizing Watersheds. Technical Report 654. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110654Ecohydrology

Mazor, R.D., D.J. Gillett, K.C. Schiff, K. Ritter, E.D. Stein. 2011. Ecological Condition of Watersheds in Coastal Southern California: Progress Report of the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition's Stream Monitoring Program First Year (2009). Technical Report 639. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110639Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Borja, A., A. Basset, S. Bricker, J.-C. Dauvin, M. Elliott, T. Harrison, J.-C. Marques, S.B. Weisberg, R. West. 2011. Classifying ecological quality and integrity of estuaries. in: E. Wolanski, D.S. McLusky (eds.), Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science: Volume 1 pp. 125-162. Academic Press. Waltham, MA.

Book Chapter20110700

McKee, L., M. Sutula, A. Gilbreath, J. Beagle, D. Gluchowski, J. Hunt. 2011. Numeric Nutrient Endpoint Development for San Francisco Bay Estuary: Literature Review and Data Gaps Analysis. Technical Report 644. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110644Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Grossinger, R., E.D. Stein, K. Cayce, R. Askevold, S. Dark, A. Whipple. 2011. Historical Wetlands of the Southern California Coast: An Atlas of US Coast Survey T-sheets, 1851-1889. Technical Report 589. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Richmond, CA.

Technical Report20110589

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, M. Jacobe, C. Barton, K. Sakamoto, D. Young, K.J. Ritter, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: I. Sediment Toxicity. Technical Report 640. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110640Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, J. Cable, P. Fong. 2011. Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycling in Buena Vista Lagoon, Carlsbad, California. Technical Report 638. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110638Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, J. Cable, P. Fong. 2011. Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycling in Loma Alta Slough, Oceanside, California. Technical Report 630. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110630Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, J. Cable, P. Fong. 2011. Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycling in San Elijo Lagoon, Encinitas, California. Technical Report 636. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110636Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Ross, M.S., E.L. Pulster, M.B. Ejsmont, E.A. Chow, C.M. Hessel, K.A. Maruya, C. Wong. 2011. Enantioselectivity of polychlorinated biphenyl atropisomers in sediment and biota from the Turtle/Brunswick River estuary, Georgia, USA. Marine Pollution Bulletin 63:548-55.

Journal Article20110656Sediment Quality

Lao, W., L.L. Tiefenthaler, D.J. Greenstein, K.A. Maruya, S.M. Bay, K. Ritter, K.C. Schiff. 2011. Pyrethroids in southern California coastal sediments. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 249-260. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.19

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay. 2011. Selection of methods for assessing sediment toxicity in California bays and estuaries. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 119-136. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.08

Stein, E.D., K. Vyverberg, G.M. Kondolf, K. Janes. 2011. Episodic Stream Channels: Imperatives for Assessment and Environmental Planning in California - Proceedings of a Special Technical Workshop. Technical Report 645. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110645Ecohydrology

Forsgren, K.L., S.M. Bay, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, X. Deng, G. Lu, J. Armstrong, J.R. Gully, D. Schlenk. 2011. Annual and seasonal evaluation of reproductive status in hornyhead turbot at municipal wastewater outfalls in the Southern California Bight. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 375-388. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.29

Gregory, J.B., L.F. Webster, J.F. Griffith, J.R. Stewart. 2011. Improved detection and quantitation of norovirus from water. Journal of Virological Methods 172:38-45.

Journal Article20110648Microbial Water Quality

Brown, J.S., S.M. Bay. 2011. Temporal Assessment of Chemistry, Toxicity and Benthic Communities in Sediments at the Mouths of Chollas Creek and Paleta Creek, San Diego Bay. Technical Report 668. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110668Sediment Quality

Nezlin, N.P., M. Sutula, R.P. Stumpf, A. Sengupta. 2011. Phytoplankton blooms detected by SeaWiFS along the central and southern California coast. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 305-322. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.24

Dark, S., E.D. Stein, D. Bram, J. Osuna, J. Monteferante, T. Longcore, R. Grossinger, E. Beller. 2011. Historical Ecology of the Ballona Creek Watershed. Technical Report 671. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110671Ecohydrology

Bernstein, B., K. Merkel, B. Chesney, M. Sutula. 2011. Recommendations for a Southern California Regional Eelgrass Monitoring Program. Technical Report 632. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110632Regional Monitoring

Solek, C.W., E.D. Stein, M. Sutula. 2011. Demonstration of an integrated watershed assessment using a three-tiered assessment framework. Wetlands Ecology and Management 19:459-474.

Journal Article20110664

Lyon, G.S., M. Sutula. 2011. Effluent discharges to the Southern California Bight from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities from 2005 to 2009. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 223-236. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.17

Maraccini, P.A., D.M. Ferguson, A.B. Boehm. 2011. Diurnal variation in Enterococcus species composition in polluted ocean water: A potential role for the enterococcal carotenoid in protection against photoinactivation. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 197-206. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.14

Sutula, M. 2011. Review of Indicators for Development of Nutrient Numeric Endpoints in California Estuaries. Technical Report 646. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110646Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Bledsoe, B.P., E.D. Stein, R.J. Hawley, D. Booth. 2011. Framework and tool for rapid assessment of stream susceptibility to hydromodification. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 25-47. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.02

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay, D. Young. 2011. Sediment Toxicity Identification Evaluation for the Mouths of Chollas and Paleta Creeks, San Diego. Technical Report 669. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110669Sediment Quality

McLaughlin, K., J.A. Sohm, G.A. Cutter, M.W. Lomas, A. Paytan. 2011. Phosphorus cycling in the Sargasso Sea: Investigation using the oxygen isotopic composition of phosphate, enzyme labeled fluorescence, and turnover times. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 323-334. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.25

Schiff, K.C., L.L. Tiefenthaler. 2011. Seasonal flushing of pollutant concentrations and loads in urban stormwater. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47:136-142.

Journal Article20110642Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Schiff, K.C., B. Luk, D. Gregorio. 2011. Impact of stormwater discharges to water quality in California's areas of special biological significance. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 285-295. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.22

Stein, E.D., M. Cover, C. O'Reilly, J.J. Hayes, A.E. Fetscher, R. Ambrose, L.S. Fong, R. Guardado, C. Solek, G.M. Kondolf, C. Alford, C. Zuri. 2011. Evaluation of Stream Condition Indicators for Determining Effects of Direct Hydromodification via Stream Bank Armoring. Technical Report 643. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110643Ecohydrology

Vidal-Dorsch, D.E., S.M. Bay, K.A. Maruya, S.A. Snyder, R.A. Trenholm, B.J. Vanderford. 2011. Contaminants of emerging concern in municipal wastewater effluents and marine receiving water. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 351-364. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.27

Bay, S.M., J.R. Gully, D.J. Greenstein, P.J. Markle, J.A. Ranasinghe. 2011. Relationship of sediment toxicity to benthic community impacts and water body management decisions. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 137-148. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.09

Schiff, K.C., B. Luk, D. Gregorio, S. Gruber. 2011. Assessing water quality in Marine Protected Areas from Southern California, USA. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62:2780-2786.

Journal Article20110672Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Brown, J.S., E.D. Stein, D. Ackerman, J.H. Dorsey, J. Lyon, P.M. Carter. 2011. Metals and bacteria partitioning to various size particles in Ballona Creek stormwater runoff. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 48-60. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.03

Schiff, K.C., B. Luk, D. Gregorio, S. Gruber. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: II. Areas of Special Biological Significance. Technical Report 641. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110641Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bay, S.M., D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, D. Schlenk, K.M. Kelley, K.A. Maruya, J.R. Gully. 2011. Integrated coastal effects study: Synthesis of findings. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 335-350. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.26

Bay, S.M., D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, D. Schlenk, K.M. Kelley, M.E. Baker, K.A. Maruya, J.R. Gully. 2011. Sources and Effects of Endocrine Disruptors and other Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Southern California Bight Coastal Ecosystem. Technical Report 650. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110650Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Jacobs, D.K., E.D. Stein, T. Longcore. 2011. Classification of California estuaries based on natural closure patterns: Templates for restoration and management (Revised). Technical Report 619.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110619.AClimate Change, Sea Level Rise

Teixeira, H., S.B. Weisberg, A. Borja, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.B. Cadien, R.G. Velarde, L.L. Lovell, D. Pasko, C.A. Phillips, D.E. Montagne, K.J. Ritter, F. Salas, J.C. Marques. 2011. Calibration and validation of the AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) for southern California marine bays. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 99-118. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.07

Hawley, R.J., B.P. Bledsoe, E.D. Stein, B.E. Haines. 2011. Channel evolution model of response to urbanization in southern California. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 1-24. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.01

Solek, C.W., M. Sutula, E.D. Stein, C. Roberts, R. Clark, K. O'Connor, K.J. Ritter. 2011. Determining the health of California's coastal salt marshes using rapid assessment. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 83-97. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.06

Vidal-Dorsch, D.E., S.M. Bay, M.A. Mays, D.J. Greenstein, D. Young, J. Wolf, D. Pham, A.V. Loguinov, C. Vulpe. 2011. Using gene expression to assess the status of fish from anthropogenically influenced estuarine wetlands. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2011 Annual Report pp. 149-162. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20112011.10

Ackerman, D., E.D. Stein, K.J. Ritter. 2011. Evaluating performance of stormwater sampling approaches using a dynamic watershed model. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 180:283-302.

Journal Article20110657Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Hagedorn, C., S.B. Weisberg. 2011. Chemical-Based Fecal Source Tracking Methods. in: C. Hagedorn, A.R. Blanch, V.J. Harwood (eds.), Microbial Source Tracking: Methods, Applications, and Case Studies pp. 189-206. Springer. Basingstoke, UK.

Book Chapter20110652Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Boehm, A.B., K.M. Yamahara, S.P. Walters, B.A. Layton, D.P. Keymer, R.S. Thompson, K.L. Knee, M. Rosener. 2011. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen, soluble reactive phosphorous, and microbial pollutant loading from tropical rural watersheds in Hawai'i to the coastal ocean during non-storm conditions. Estuaries and Coasts 34:925-936.

Journal Article20110658Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Schiff, K.C., R. Gossett, K. Ritter, L.L. Tiefenthaler, N. Dodder, W. Lao, K.A. Maruya. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: III. Sediment Chemistry. Technical Report 661. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110661Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., R. Gossett, K. Ritter, L.L. Tiefenthaler, N. Dodder, W. Lao, K.A. Maruya. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: III. Sediment Chemistry (Appendix A). Technical Report 661.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110661.ARegional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., R. Gossett, K. Ritter, L.L. Tiefenthaler, N. Dodder, W. Lao, K.A. Maruya. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: III. Sediment Chemistry (Appendix B). Technical Report 661.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110661.BRegional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., R. Gossett, K. Ritter, L.L. Tiefenthaler, N. Dodder, W. Lao, K.A. Maruya. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: III. Sediment Chemistry (Appendix C). Technical Report 661.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110661.CRegional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., R. Gossett, K. Ritter, L.L. Tiefenthaler, N. Dodder, W. Lao, K.A. Maruya. 2011. Southern California Bight 2008 Regional Monitoring Program: III. Sediment Chemistry (Appendix D). Technical Report 661.D. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110661.DRegional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Hamilton, M.J., A.Z. Hadi, J.F. Griffith, S. Ishii, M.J. Sadowsky. 2010. Large scale analysis of virulence genes in Escherichia coli strains isolated from Avalon Bay, CA. Water Research 44:5463-5473.

Journal Article20100681Microbial Water Quality

Lao, W., D. Tsukada, D.J. Greenstein, S.M. Bay, K.A. Maruya. 2010. Analysis, occurrence, and toxic potential of pyrethroids, and fibronil in sediments from an urban estuary. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:843-851.

Journal Article20100609Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Dickson, A., R. Gossett, D. Gregorio, B. Jones, S. Murray, B. Posthumus, K.C. Schiff. 2010. Summation of Findings Natural Water Quality Committee 2006-2009. Technical Report 625. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100625

Ferguson, D.M., J.F. Griffith, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg. 2010. Comparison of Enterococcus species selectivity using Enterolert and EPA Method 1600. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 67-73. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.06

Gillett, D.J., D.J. Pondella II, K.C. Schiff, J. Freiwald, J.E. Casselle, C. Shuman, S.B. Weisberg. 2010. Comparing volunteer and professionally collected monitoring data from subtidal rocky reefs in southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 219-237. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.17

Setty, K.E., K.C. Schiff, J.R. Gully, S.B. Weisberg. 2010. Evolution of monitoring program design for marine outfalls in the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 1-13. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.01

Thompson, B., S.B. Weisberg, A.M.e.l.w.a.n.i. , S. Lowe, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.B. Cadien, D.M. Dauer, R.J. Diaz, W. Fields, M. Kellogg, D.E. Montagne, P.R. Ode, D.J. Reish, P.N. Slattery. 2010. Levels of agreement among experts using Best Professional Judgment to assess mesohaline and tidal freshwater benthic macrofaunal condition in the San Francisco Estuary and Delta. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 177-185. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.14

Mika, K.B., G. Imamura, C. Chang, V. Conway, G. Fernandez, J.F. Griffith, R.A. Kampalath, a.n.d. CM Lee, C.-C. Lin, R. Moreno, S. Thompson, R.L. Whitman, J.A. Jay. 2010. Pilot- and bench-scale testing of fecal indicator bacteria survival in marine beach sand near point sources. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 87-101. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.08

Noble, R.T., A.D. Blackwood, J.F. Griffith, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg. 2010. Comparison of rapid quantitative PCR-based and conventional culture-based methods for enumeration of Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli in recreational waters. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76:7437-7443.

Journal Article20100627Microbial Water Quality

Sabin, L.D., K.A. Maruya, W. Lao, D.W. Diehl, D. Tsukada, K.D. Stolzenbach, K.C. Schiff. 2010. Exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among the atmosphere, water, and sediment in coastal embayments of southern California, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:265-274.

Journal Article20100608Sediment Quality

Lyon, G.S., E.D. Stein. 2010. Effluent discharges from offshore oil platforms to the outer continental shelf of southern California in 2005. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 29-43. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.03

Lyon, G.S., E.D. Stein. 2010. Effluent discharges to the Southern California Bight from power generating stations in 2005. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 15-28. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.02

Gossett, R., K.C. Schiff. 2010. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Laboratory Guidance Document (Third Edition). Technical Report 615. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100615Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Teixeira, H., A. Borja, S.B. Weisberg, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.B. Cadien, D.M. Dauer, J.-C. Dauvin, S. Degraer, R.J. Diaz, A. Gremare, I. Karakassis, R.J. Llanso, L.L. Lovell, J.C. Marques, D.E. Montagne, A. Occhipinti-Ambrogi, R. Rosenberg, R. Sarda, L.C. Schaffner, R.G. Velarde. 2010. Assessing coastal benthic macrofauna community condition using best professional judgement - Developing consensus across North America and Europe. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60:589-600.

Journal Article20100612Bioassessment

Nezlin, N.P., I.G. Polikarpov, F.Y. Al-Yamani, D.V. Subba Rao, A.M. Ignatov. 2010. Satellite monitoring of climatic factors regulating phytoplankton variability in the Arabian (Persian) Gulf. Journal of Marine Systems 82:47-60.

Journal Article20100633Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula, J. Cable, P. Fong. 2010. Eutrophication and Nutrient Cycling in Famosa Slough: A Summary of Baseline Data for Monitoring Order R9-2006-0076. Technical Report 629. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100629Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Boerger, C.M., G.L. Lattin, S.L. Moore, C.J. Moore. 2010. Plastic ingestion by planktivorous fishes in the North Pacific Central Gyre. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 281-285. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.21

Boerger, C.M., G.L. Lattin, S.L. Moore, C.J. Moore. 2010. Plastic ingestion by planktivorous fishes in the North Pacific Gyre. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60:2275-2278.

Journal Article20100637Trash Pollution

Johnston, C., J.A. Unfar, J.F. Griffith, J.A. Gooch, J.R. Stewart. 2010. A real-time qPCR assay for the detection of the nifH gene of Methanobrevibater smithii, a potential indicator of sewage pollution. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 127-138. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.11

Johnston, C., J.A. Ufnar, J.F. Griffith, J.A. Gooch, J.R. Stewart. 2010. A real-time qPCR assay for the detection of the nifH gene of Methanobrevibater smithii, a potential indicator of sewage pollution. Journal of Applied Microbiology 109:1946-1956.

Journal Article20100680Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Gregory, J.B., L.F. Webster, J.F. Griffith, J.R. Stewart. 2010. Improved detection and quantification of norovirus from water. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 139-152. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.12

Lee, C.M., J.F. Griffith, W. Kaiser, J.A. Jay. 2010. Covalently-linked immunomagnetic separation/adenosine triphosphate technique (Cov-IMS/ATP) enables rapid, in-field detection and quantification of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. in freshwater and marine environments. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 75-85. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.07

Griffith, J.F., K.C. Schiff, G.S. Lyon, J.A. Fuhrman. 2010. Microbiological water quality at non-human influenced reference beaches in southern California during wet weather. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60:500-508.

Journal Article20100610Microbial Water Quality

Lee, C.M., J.F. Griffith, W. Kaiser, J.A. Jay. 2010. Covalently-linked immunomagnetic separation/adenosine triphosphate technique (Cov-IMS/ATP) enables rapid, in-field detection and quantification of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. in freshwater and marine environments. Journal of Applied Microbiology 109:324-333.

Journal Article20100682Microbial Water Quality

Lao, W., J. Gan. 2010. Characterization of warfarin unusual peak profiles on oligoproline chiral high performance liquid chromatography columns. Journal of Chromatography A 1217:6545-6554.

Journal Article20100623Emerging Contaminants

Lao, W., J. Gan. 2010. Temperature effects on a doubly tethered diproline chiral stationary phase: Hold-up volume, enantioselectivity and robustness. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 57-66. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.05

Lao, W., J. Gan. 2010. Temperature effects on a doubly tethered diproline chiral stationary phase: Hold-up volume, enantioselectivity and robustness. Journal of Separation Science 33:3052-3059.

Journal Article20100622

Fetscher, A.E., M. Sutula, J.C. Callaway, V.T. Parker, M.C. Vasey, J.N. Collins, W.G. Nelson. 2010. Patterns in estuarine vegetation communities in two regions of California: Insights from a probabilistic survey. Wetlands 30:833-846.

Journal Article20100626

Stein, E.D., S. Dark, T. Longcore, R. Grossinger, N. Hall, M. Beland. 2010. Historical ecology as a tool for assessing landscape change and informing wetland restoration priorities. Wetlands 30:589-601.

Journal Article20100617Ecohydrology

Halliday, E., J.F. Griffith, R.J. Gast. 2010. Use of an exogenous plasmid standard and quantitative PCR to monitor spatial and temporal distribution of Enterococcus spp. in beach sands. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 103-112. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.09

Halliday, E., J.F. Griffith, R.J. Gast. 2010. Use of an exogenous plasmid standard and quantitative PCR to monitor spatial and temporal distribution of Enterococcus spp. in beach sands. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 8:146-154.

Journal Article20100614Microbial Water Quality

Hammerstrom, K.K., J.A. Ranasinghe, S.B. Weisberg, J.S. Oliver, W.R. Fairey, P.N. Slattery, J.M. Oakden. 2010. The effect of sample area and sieve size on benthic macrofaunal community condition assessments in California enclosed bays and estuaries. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 187-198. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.15

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff, K. Ritter, A. Rehn, P. Ode. 2010. Bioassessment tools in novel habitats: An evaluation of indices and sampling methods in low-gradient streams in California. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 167:91-104.

Journal Article20100618Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Booth, D.B., S.R. Dusterhoff, E.D. Stein, B.P. Bledsoe. 2010. Hydromodification Screening Tools: GIS-based catchment analyses of potential changes in runoff and sediment discharge. Technical Report 605. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100605Ecohydrology

Bledsoe, B.P., R.J. Hawley, E.D. Stein, D.B. Booth. 2010. Hydromodification Screening Tools: Field Manual (Appendix A). Technical Report 606.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100606.AEcohydrology

Bledsoe, B.P., R.J. Hawley, E.D. Stein, D.B. Booth. 2010. Hydromodification Screening Tools: Field Manual (Appendix B). Technical Report 606.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100606.BEcohydrology

Vidal-Dorsch, D.E., S.M. Bay, M.A. Mays, D.J. Greenstein, D. Young, D. Schlenk, K.M. Kelley. 2010. Biological responses of marine flatfish exposed to effluent. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 239-250. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.18

Bledsoe, B.P., R.J. Hawley, E.D. Stein, D.B. Booth. 2010. Hydromodification Screening Tools: Field manual for assessing channel susceptibility. Technical Report 606. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100606Ecohydrology

Bledsoe, B.P., R.J. Hawley, E.D. Stein, D.B. Booth. 2010. Hydromodification Screening Tools: Technical Basis (Appendix A). Technical Report 607.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100607.AEcohydrology

Bledsoe, B.P., R.J. Hawley, E.D. Stein, D.B. Booth. 2010. Hydromodification Screening Tools: Technical Basis (Appendix B). Technical Report 607.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100607.BEcohydrology

Maruya, K.A., P.F. Landrum, R.M. Burgess, J.P. Shine. 2010. Incorporating contaminant bioavailability into sediment quality assessment frameworks. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 153-175. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.13

Bledsoe, B.P., R.J. Hawley, E.D. Stein, D.B. Booth. 2010. Hydromodification Screening Tools: Technical Basis (Appendix C). Technical Report 607.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100607.CEcohydrology

Bledsoe, B.P., R.J. Hawley, E.D. Stein, D.B. Booth. 2010. Hydromodification Screening Tools: Technical basis for development of a field screening tool for assessing channel susceptibility to hydromodification. Technical Report 607. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100607Ecohydrology

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.C. Schiff, D.E. Montagne, T.K. Mikel, D.B. Cadien, R.G. Velarde, C.A. Brantley. 2010. Benthic macrofaunal community condition in the Southern California Bight, 1994-2003. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60:827-833.

Journal Article20100616Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Svejkovsky, J., N.P. Nezlin, N.M. Mustain, J.B. Kum. 2010. Tracking stormwater discharge plumes and water quality of the Tijuana River with multispectral aerial imagery. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 261-280. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.20

Svejkovsky, J., N.P. Nezlin, N.M. Mustain, J.B. Kum. 2010. Tracking stormwater discharge plumes and water quality of the Tijuana River with multispectral aerial imagery. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 87:387-398.

Journal Article20100611Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Ramezani, M.K., D.P. Oliver, R.S. Kookana, W. Lao, G. Gill, C. Preston. 2010. Faster degradation of herbicidally-active enantiomer of imidazolinones in soils. Chemosphere 79:1040-1045.

Journal Article20100677Emerging Contaminants

Schiff, K.C., B. Luk, D. Gregorio. 2010. Status of California's Marine Water Quality Protected Areas. Technical Report 631. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100631Regional Monitoring

Brown, J.S., M. Sutula, C. Stransky, J. Rudolph, E. Byron. 2010. Sediment contaminant chemistry and toxicity of freshwater in urban wetlands in southern California. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 46:367-384.

Journal Article20100678Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, K.A. Maruya, W. Lao. 2010. Toxicity Identification Evaluation of Sediment (Sediment TIE) in Ballona Creek Estuary: Final Report. Technical Report 634. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100634Sediment Quality

Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Alert Program (HABMAP) Working Group. 2010. The Second Regional Workshop for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in California Coastal Waters. Technical Report 620. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100620Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Schiff, K.C., B. Luk, D. Gregorio, S. Gruber. 2010. Assessing water quality conditions in southern California's areas of special biological significance. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 251-260. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.19

Lawrence, J.E., K.B. Lunde, R.D. Mazor, L.A. Beche, E.P. McElravy, V.H. Resh. 2010. Long-term macroinvertebrate responses to climate change: Implications for biological assessment in Mediterranean-climate streams. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 199-217. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.16

Jacobs, D., E.D. Stein, T. Longcore. 2010. Classification of California estuaries based on natural closure patterns: Templates for restoration and management. Technical Report 619. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100619Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Integrated Ocean Observing Systems and California Sea Grant and USC Sea Grant and Oregon Sea Grant and Washington Sea Grant and California Ocean Science Trust and Southern California Coastal Water. 2010. Ocean Acidification Impacts on Shellfish Workshop: Findings and Recommendations. Technical Report 624. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20100624Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Sayre, J.M., R.G. Adams, W. Lao, K.A. Maruya. 2010. Comparing solid phase microextraction and polyethylene passive samplers for measuring ultra-low aqueous concentrations of regulated organic pollutants. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 45-56. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.04

Hamilton, M.J., A.Z. Hadi, J.F. Griffith, M.J. Sadowsky. 2010. Large scale analysis of virulence genes in Escherichia coli strains isolated from Avalon Bay, CA. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 113-125. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.10

2009. Assessing coastal benthic macrofauna community condition using best professional judgement: Developing consensus across North America and Europe. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 43-59. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.04

2009. Bioassessment tools in novel habitats: An evaluation of indices and sampling methods in low-gradient streams in California. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 61-74. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.05

Lao, W., D. Tsukada, D.J. Greenstein, S.M. Bay, K.A. Maruya. 2009. Analysis, occurrence, and toxic potential of pyrethroids and fipronil in sediments from the Ballona Creek estuary. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 277-289. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.19

Hagedorn, C., S.B. Weisberg. 2009. Chemical-based fecal source tracking methods: current status and guidelines for evaluation. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 8:275-287.

Journal Article20090601Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Meng, X.Z., M.E. Blasius, R.W. Gossett, K.A. Maruya. 2009. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in pinnipeds stranded along the southern California coast. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 263-276. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.18

Meng, X.-Z., M.E. Blasius, R.W. Gossett, K.A. Maruya. 2009. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in pinnipeds stranded along the southern California coast. Environmental Pollution 157:2731.

Journal Article20090597Emerging Contaminants

Schiff, K.C., J. Diamond. 2009. Identifying barriers to Tiered Aquatic Life Uses (TALU) in southern California. Technical Report 590. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20090590

Griffith, J.F., Y. Cao, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg. 2009. Evaluation of rapid methods and novel indicators for assessing microbiological beach water quality. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 223-233. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.15

Griffith, J.F., Y. Cao, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg. 2009. Evaluation of rapid methods and novel indicators for assessing microbiological beach water quality. Water Research 43:4900-4907.

Journal Article20090603Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Boehm, A.B., N.J. Ashbolt, J.M. Colford, J.r. , L.E. Dunbar, L.E. Fleming, M.A. Gold, J.A. Hansel, P.R. Hunter, A.M. Ichida, C.D. McGee, J.A. Soller, S.B. Weisberg. 2009. A sea change ahead for recreational water quality criteria. Journal of Water and Health 7:9-20.

Journal Article20090621Microbial Water Quality

Maruya, K.A., K.C. Schiff. 2009. The extent and magnitude of sediment contamination in the Southern California Bight. The Geological Society of America 454:399-412.

Journal Article20090591Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Noble, R.T., A.D. Blackwood, J.F. Griffith, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg. 2009. Comparison of rapid QPCR-based and culture-based methods for enumeration of Enterococcus sp. and Escherichia coli in recreational waters. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 211-221. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.14

Lyon, G.S., E.D. Stein. 2009. Effluent discharges to the Southern California Bight from industrial facilities in 2005. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 15-29. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.02

Lyon, G.S., E.D. Stein. 2009. How effective has the Clean Water Act been at reducing pollutant mass emissions to the Southern California Bight over the past 35 years?. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 154:413-426.

Journal Article20090593Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Brown, J.S., D. Ackerman, E.D. Stein. 2009. Continuous in situ characterization of particulate sizes in urban stormwater: Method testing and refinement. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 183-193. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.12

Ode, P., K.C. Schiff. 2009. Recommendations for the development and maintenance of a reference condition management program (RCMP) to support biological assessment of California. Technical Report 581. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20090581Bioassessment

Cao, Y., J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2009. Evaluation of optical brightener photodecay characteristics for detection of human fecal contamination. Water Research 43:2273-2279.

Journal Article20090584Microbial Water Quality

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.W. Diehl, A.E. Fetscher. 2009. Sediment quality assessment draft technical support manual. Technical Report 582. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20090582Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.W. Diehl, A.E. Fetscher. 2009. Sediment quality assessment draft technical support manual (Appendix A). Technical Report 582.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20090582.ASediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Nezlin, N.P., K. Kamer, J. Hyde, E.D. Stein. 2009. Dissolved oxygen dynamics in a eutrophic estuary, Upper Newport Bay, California. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 82:139-151.

Journal Article20090579Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.W. Diehl, A.E. Fetscher. 2009. Sediment quality assessment draft technical support manual (Appendix B). Technical Report 582.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20090582.BSediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.W. Diehl, A.E. Fetscher. 2009. Sediment quality assessment draft technical support manual (Appendix C). Technical Report 582.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20090582.CSediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.W. Diehl, A.E. Fetscher. 2009. Sediment quality assessment draft technical support manual (Appendix D). Technical Report 582.D. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20090582.DSediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Maruya, K.A., E.Y. Zeng, D. Tsukada, S.M. Bay. 2009. A passive sampler based on solid-phase microextraction for quantifying hydrophobic organic contaminants in sediment pore water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28:733-740.

Journal Article20090580Sediment Quality

Lao, W., J. Gan. 2009. Doubly tethered tertiary amide linked and ionically bonded diproline chiral stationary phases. Journal of Separation Science 32:2359-2368.

Journal Article20090596

Lao, W., J. Gan. 2009. Evaluation of triproline and tri-a-methylproline chiral stationary phases retention and enantioseparation associated with hydrogen bonding. Journal of Chromatography A 1216:5020-5029.

Journal Article20090676

Fetscher, A.E., M. Sutula, J.C. Callaway, V.T. Parker, M. Vasey, J.N. Collins, W.G. Nelson. 2009. Patterns in vegetation communities of estuarine wetlands in two California regions: Insights from a probabilistic survey. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 127-144. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.09

Stein, E.D., S. Dark, T. Longcore, R. Grossinger, N. Hall, M. Beland. 2009. Historical ecology as a tool for assessing landscape change and wetland restoration priorities. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 145-160. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.10

Ackerman, D., N.P. Nezlin. 2009. Suspended particle dynamics in a southern California urban estuary during the dry season. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 97-108. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.07

Kwon, J.W., K.L. Armbrust, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, S.M. Bay, K. Xia. 2009. Determination of 17α-ethynylestradiol, carbamazepine, diazepam, simvastatin, and oxybenzone in fish livers. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 291-303. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.20

Kwon, J.-W., K.L. Armbrust, D. Vidal-Dorsch, S.M. Bay, K. Xia. 2009. Determination of 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol, carbamazepine, diazepam, simvastatin, and oxybenzone in fish livers. Journal of AOAC International 92:359-369.

Journal Article20090583Emerging Contaminants

Converse, R.R., A.D. Blackwood, M. Kirs, J.F. Griffith, R.T. Noble. 2009. Rapid qPCR-based assay for fecal Bacteroides spp. as a tool for assessing fecal contamination in recreational waters. Water Research 43:4828-4837.

Journal Article20090679Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Solek, C.W., E.D. Stein, M. Sutula. 2009. Demonstration of an integrated watershed assessment using a three-tiered assessment framework. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 109-126. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.08

Reifel, K.M., S.C. Johnson, P.M. DiGiacomo, M.J. Mengel, N.P. Nezlin, J.A. Warrick, B.H. Jones. 2009. Impacts of stormwater runoff in the Southern California Bight: Relationships among plume constituents. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 161-181. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.11

Reifel, K.M., S.C. Johnson, P.M. DiGiacomo, M.J. Mengel, N.P. Nezlin, J.A. Warrick, B.H. Jones. 2009. Impacts of stormwater runoff in the Southern California Bight: Relationships among plume constituents. Continental Shelf Research 29:1821-1835.

Journal Article20090599Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Fetscher, A.E., L. Busse, P.R. Ode. 2009. Standard Operating Procedures for Collecting Stream Algae Samples and Associated Physical Habitat and Chemical Data for Ambient Bioassessments in California. Technical Report 602. California State Water Resources Control Board Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP). Sacramento, CA.

Technical Report20090602Bioassessment

Boehm, A.B., J.F. Griffith, C.D. McGee, T.A. Edge, H.M. Solo-Gabriele, R. Whitman, Y. Cao, M. Getrich, J.A. Jay, D. Ferguson, K.D. Goodwin, C.M. Lee, M. Madison, S.B. Weisberg. 2009. Fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) enumeration in beach sand: A comparison study of FIB extraction methods in medium to coarse sands. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 249-261. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.17

Boehm, A.B., J.F. Griffith, C.D. McGee, T.A. Edge, H.M. Solo-Gabriele, R. Whitman, Y. Cao, M. Getrich, J.A. Jay, D. Ferguson, K.D. Goodwin, C.M. Lee, M. Madison, S.B. Weisberg. 2009. Fecal indicator bacteria enumeration in beach sand: A comparison study of FIB extraction methods in medium to coarse sands. Journal of Applied Microbiology 107:1740-1750.

Journal Article20090628Microbial Water Quality

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.C. Schiff, D.E. Montagne, T.K. Mikel, D.B. Cadien, R.G. Velarde, C.A. Brantley. 2009. Benthic macrofaunal community condition in the Southern California Bight, 1994-2003. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 31-42. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.03

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown. 2009. Effects of post-fire runoff on surface water quality: Development of a southern California regional monitoring program with management questions and implementation recommendations. Technical Report 598. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20090598Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Stein, E.D., J.S. Brown. 2009. Effects of post-fire runoff on surface water quality: Development of a southern California regional monitoring program with management questions and implementation recommendations (Appendix A). Technical Report 598.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20090598.ARegional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Lea, R.N., M.J. Allen, W. Power. 2009. Records of the Pacific Bearded Brotula, Brotula clarkae, from Southern California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 108:163-167.

Journal Article20090604

California Ocean Science Trust and National Water Research Institute and San Francisco Estuary Institute and Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. 2009. Workshop Report - Managing contaminants of emerging concern in California: Developing processes for prioritizing, monitoring, and determining thresholds of concern. Technical Report 600. National Water Research Institute. Fountain Valley, CA.

Technical Report20090600Emerging Contaminants

Converse, R.R., A.D. Blackwood, M. Kirs, R.T. Noble, J.F. Griffith. 2009. Rapid QPCR-based assay for fecal Bacteroides spp. as a tool for assessing fecal contamination in recreational waters. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 235-247. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.16

Sutula, M., K. Kamer, J. Cable. 2009. The importance of benthic nutrient flux in supporting eutrophication in an intermittently tidal coastal lagoon. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 75-95. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.06

Stein, E.D., D.B. Cadien. 2009. Ecosystem response to regulatory and management actions: The southern California experience in long-term monitoring. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 1-14. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.01

Stein, E.D., D.B. Cadien. 2009. Ecosystem response to regulatory and management actions: The southern California experience in long-term monitoring. Marine Pollution Bulletin 59:91-100.

Journal Article20090594Regional Monitoring

Stein, E.D., A.E. Fetscher, R.P. Clark, A. Wiskind, J.L. Grenier, M. Sutula, J.N. Collins, C. Grosso. 2009. Validation of a wetland rapid assessment method: Use of EPA's Level 1-2-3 Framework for method testing and refinement. Wetlands 29:648-665.

Journal Article20090588Bioassessment

Baker, M.E., B. Ruggeri, L.J. Sprague, C. Eckhardt-Ludka, J. Lapira, I. Wick, L. Soverchia, M. Ubaldi, A.M. Polzonetti-Magni, D. Vidal-Dorsch, M. Bay, J.R. Gullye, J.A. Reyes, K.M. Kelley, D. Schlenk, E.C. Breen, R. Sasik, G. Hardiman. 2009. Analysis of endocrine disruption in southern California coastal fish using an aquatic multispecies microarray. Environmental Health Perspectives 117:223-230.

Journal Article20090673Emerging Contaminants

Mazor, R.D., A.H. Purcell, V.H. Resh. 2009. Long-term variability in bioassessments: A twenty-year study from two northern California streams. Environmental Management 43:1269-1286.

Journal Article20090586Bioassessment

Ackerman, D., E.D. Stein, K.J. Ritter. 2009. Evaluating stormwater sampling approaches using a dynamic watershed model. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2009 Annual Report pp. 195-210. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20092009.13

Tiefenthaler, L.L., E.D. Stein, G.S. Lyon. 2009. Fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) levels during dry weather from southern California reference streams. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 155:477-492.

Journal Article20090595Microbial Water Quality

Ranasinghe, J.A., S.B. Weisberg, R.W. Smith, D.E. Montagne, B. Thompson, J.M. Oakden, D.D. Huff, D.B. Cadien, R.G. Velarde, K.J. Ritter. 2009. Calibration and evaluation of five indicators of benthic community condition in two California bay and estuary habitats. Marine Pollution Bulletin 59:5-13.

Journal Article20090577Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Pulster, E.L., K.L. Smalling, E. Zolman, L. Schwacke, K.A. Maruya. 2009. Persistent organochlorine pollutants and toxaphene congener profiles in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates) frequenting the Turtle/Brunswick River Estuary, Georgia, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28:1390-1399.

Journal Article20090592Emerging Contaminants

Elsbury, K.E., A. Paytan, N.E. Ostrom, C. Kendall, M.B. Young, K. McLaughlin, M.E. Rollog, S. Watson. 2009. Using oxygen isotopes of phosphate to trace phosphorus sources and cycling in Lake Erie. Environmental Science and Technology 43:3108-3114.

Journal Article20090585Eutrophication

Borja, A., A. Ranasinghe, S.B. Weisberg. 2009. Assessing ecological integrity in marine waters, using multiple indices and ecosystem components: Challenges for the future. Marine Pollution Bulletin 59:1-4.

Journal Article20090578Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Mika, K.B., G. Imamura, C. Chang, V. Conway, G. Fernandez, J.F. Griffith, R.A. Kampalath, C.M. Lee, C.-C. Lin, R. Moreno, S. Thompson, R.L. Whitman, J.A. Jay. 2009. Pilot- and bench-scale testing of faecal indicator bacteria survival in marine beach sand near point sources. Journal of Apllied Microbiology 107:72-84.

Journal Article20090587Microbial Water Quality

Barnett, A.M., S.M. Bay, K.J. Ritter, S.L. Moore, S.B. Weisberg. 2008. Sediment quality in California bays and estuaries. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 187-198. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.15

Sutula, M., J.N. Collins, A. Wiskind, C. Roberts, C. Solek, S. Pearce, R. Clark, A.E. Fetscher, C. Grosso, K. O'Connor, A. Robinson, C. Clark, K. Rey, S. Morrissette, A. Eicher, R. Pasquinelli, M. May, K. Ritter. 2008. Status of perennial estuarine wetlands in the state of California: Final Report to the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program and State Water Resources Control Board. Technical Report 571. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080571

Ode, P.R., C.P. Hawkins, R.D. Mazor. 2008. Comparability of biological assessments derived from predictive models and multimetric indices of increasing geographic scope. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 123-143. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.10

Ode, P.R., C.P. Hawkins, R.D. Mazor. 2008. Comparability of biological assessments derived from predictive models and multimetric indices of increasing geographic scope. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27:967-985.

Journal Article20080575Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Ranasinghe, J.A., K.I. Welch, P.N. Slattery, D.E. Montagne, D.D. Huff, H. Lee II, J.L. Hyland, B. Thompson, S.B. Weisberg, J.M. Oakden, D.B. Cadien, R.G. Velarde. 2008. Habitat related benthic macrofaunal assemblages of bays and estuaries of the western United States. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 199-210. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.16

Stein, E.D., L.L. Tiefenthaler, K.C. Schiff. 2008. Comparison of stormwater pollutant loading by land use type. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 15-27. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.02

Bledsoe, B., R. Hawley, E.D. Stein. 2008. Stream channel classification and mapping systems: implications for assessing susceptibility to hydromodification effects in southern California. Technical Report 562. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080562Ecohydrology

Allen, M.J. 2008. Bathymetric responses in functional structure of southern California demersal fish communities to Pacific Decadal Oscillation regimes and an El Niño. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 211-228. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.17

Fetscher, A.E., K. McLaughlin. 2008. Incorporating bioassessment using freshwater algae into California's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP). Technical Report 563. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080563Bioassessment

Ackerman, D., E.D. Stein. 2008. Estimating the variability and confidence of land use and imperviousness relationships at a regional scale. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44:996-1008.

Journal Article20080566Ecohydrology

Ackerman, D., E.D. Stein. 2008. Evaluating the effectiveness of best management practices using dynamic modeling. Journal of Environmental Engineering 134:628-639.

Journal Article20080568Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Baker, M.E., B. Ruggeri, J. Sprague, C. Eckhardt, J. Lapira, I. Wick, L. Soverchia, M. Ubaldi, A.M. Polzonetti-Magni, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, S.M. Bay, J.R. Gully, J.A. Reyes, K.M. Kelley, D. Schlenk, E.C. Breen, R. Sasik, G. Hardiman. 2008. Analysis of endocrine disruption in southern California coastal fish using an aquatic multi-species microarray. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 65-78. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.06

Sabin, L.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Dry atmospheric deposition rates of metals along a coastal transect in southern California. Atmospheric Environment 42:6606-6613.

Journal Article20080570Sediment Quality

Sutula, M., J.N. Collins, R. Clark, C. Roberts, E.D. Stein, C. Grosso, A. Wiskind, C. Solek, M. May, K. O'Connor, E. Fetscher, J.L. Grenier, S. Pearce, A. Robinson, C. Clark, K. Rey, S. Morrissette, A. Eicher, R. Pasquinelli, K. Ritter. 2008. California's Wetland Demonstration Program Pilot - A Final Project Report to the California Resources Agency. Technical Report 572. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080572

Sabin, L.D., K.A. Maruya, W. Lao, D.W. Diehl, D. Tsukada, K.D. Stolzenbach, K.C. Schiff. 2008. Exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons between the atmosphere, water, and sediment in southern California coastal embayments. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 51-64. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.05

Lyon, G.S., E.D. Stein. 2008. Effluent discharges to the Southern California Bight from small municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 2005. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 1-14. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.01

Sutula, M., J.N. Collins, R. Clark, C. Roberts, E.D. Stein, C. Grosso, A. Wiskind, C. Solek, M. May, K. O'Connor, E. Fetscher, J.L. Grenier, S. Pearce, A. Robinson, C. Clark, K. Rey, S. Morrissette, A. Eicher, R. Pasquinelli, K. Ritter. 2008. California's Wetland Demonstration Program Pilot - A Final Project Report to the California Resources Agency (Appendix 1). Technical Report 572.1. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080572.A

Sutula, M., J.N. Collins, R. Clark, C. Roberts, E.D. Stein, C. Grosso, A. Wiskind, C. Solek, M. May, K. O'Connor, E. Fetscher, J.L. Grenier, S. Pearce, A. Robinson, C. Clark, K. Rey, S. Morrissette, A. Eicher, R. Pasquinelli, K. Ritter. 2008. California's Wetland Demonstration Program Pilot - A Final Project Report to the California Resources Agency (Appendix 2). Technical Report 572.2. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080572.B

Tiefenthaler, L.L., E.D. Stein, K.C. Schiff. 2008. Origins and mechanisms of watershed and land use based sources of fecal indicator bacteria in urban stormwater. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 153-161. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.12

Tiefenthaler, L.L., E.D. Stein, K.C. Schiff. 2008. Watershed and land use-based sources of trace metals in urban stormwater. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27:277-287.

Journal Article20080556Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Bay, S.M., S.B. Weisberg. 2008. A framework for interpreting sediment quality triad data. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 175-185. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.14

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.04. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.04Bioassessment

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the Los Penasquitos Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.06. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.06Bioassessment

Cao, Y., J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2008. Evaluation of optical brightener photodecay characteristics for the detection of human fecal contamination. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 145-152. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.11

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the Otay Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.1. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.10Bioassessment

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the Pueblo San Diego Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.08. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.08Bioassessment

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the San Diego River Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.07. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.07Bioassessment

Nezlin, N.P., K. Kamer, J. Hyde, E.D. Stein. 2008. Dissolved oxygen dynamics in a eutrophic estuary, Upper Newport Bay, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 229-245. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.18

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the San Dieguito Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.05. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.05Bioassessment

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the San Juan Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.01. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.01Bioassessment

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the San Luis Rey Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.03. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.03Bioassessment

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the Santa Margarita Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.02. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.02Bioassessment

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the Sweetwater Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.09. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.09Bioassessment

Ritter, K.J., S.M. Bay, R.W. Smith, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, L.J. Field. 2008. Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines based on benthic macrofauna responses. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 91-105. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.08

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Report on the Tijuana Hydrologic Unit. Technical Report 527.11. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527.11Bioassessment

Mazor, R.D., K.C. Schiff. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) synthesis report on stream assessment in the San Diego Region. Technical Report 527. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080527Bioassessment

Bay, S.M., K.J. Ritter, D.E. Vidal-Dorsch, L.J. Field. 2008. Comparison of national and regional sediment quality guidelines for classifying sediment toxicity in California. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 79-90. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.07

Yoon, V.K., E.D. Stein. 2008. Natural catchments as sources of background levels of storm-water metals, nutrients, and solids. Journal of Environmental Engineering 134:961-973.

Journal Article20080576Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Kayhanian, M., C. Stransky, S.M. Bay, S.-L. Lau, M.K. Stenstrom. 2008. Toxicity of urban highway runoff with respect to storm duration. Science of the Total Environment 389:386-406.

Journal Article20080564Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Maruya, K.A., E.Y. Zeng, D. Tsukada, S.M. Bay. 2008. A passive sampler based on solid phase microextraction (SPME) for quantifying hydrophobic organic contaminants in sediment porewater. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 39-49. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.04

Sutula, M., J.S. Brown, E. Fetscher, M. Mattson, S. Madon, G. Santolo, E. Byron, C. Stransky. 2008. Habitat value and treatment effectiveness of freshwater urban wetlands. Technical Report 559. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080559Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Lao, W., J. Gan. 2008. Characterization of column hold-up volume with static and dynamic methods on an immobilized polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phase. Chromatographia 67:3-7.

Journal Article20080675

Weisberg, S.B., B. Thompson, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.E. Montagne, D.B. Cadien, D.M. Dauer, D. Diener, J. Oliver, D.J. Reish, R.G. Velarde, J.Q. Word. 2008. The level of agreement among experts applying best professional judgment to assess the condition of benthic infaunal communities. Ecological Indicators 8:389-394.

Journal Article20080557Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Stein, E.D., V.K. Yoon. 2008. Dry weather flow contribution of metals, nutrients, and solids from natural catchments. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 190:183-195.

Journal Article20080560Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Stein, E.D., B. Bernstein. 2008. Integrating probabalistic and targeted compliance monitoring for comprehensive watershed assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 144:117-129.

Journal Article20080569

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay, B. Anderson, G.T. Chandler, J.D. Farrar, C. Keppler, B. Phillips, A. Ringwood, D. Young. 2008. Comparison of methods for evaluating acute and chronic toxicity in marine sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27:933-944.

Journal Article20080558Sediment Quality

California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) Review Panel. 2008. Final report of the California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) Review Panel. Technical Report 561. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080561

Allen, M.J., E.T. Jarvis, V. Raco-Rands, G. Lyon, J.A. Reyes, D.M. Petschauer. 2008. Extent of fishing and fish consumption by fishers in Ventura and Los Angeles County watersheds in 2005. Technical Report 574. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080574Sediment Quality

Allen, M.J., E.T. Jarvis, V. Raco-Rands, G. Lyon, J.A. Reyes, D.M. Petschauer. 2008. Extent of fishing and fish consumption by fishers in Ventura and Los Angeles County watersheds in 2005 (Appendix A). Technical Report 574.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080574.ASediment Quality

Allen, M.J., E.T. Jarvis, V. Raco-Rands, G. Lyon, J.A. Reyes, D.M. Petschauer. 2008. Extent of fishing and fish consumption by fishers in Ventura and Los Angeles County watersheds in 2005 (Appendix B). Technical Report 574.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080574.BSediment Quality

Allen, M.J., E.T. Jarvis, V. Raco-Rands, G. Lyon, J.A. Reyes, D.M. Petschauer. 2008. Extent of fishing and fish consumption by fishers in Ventura and Los Angeles County watersheds in 2005 (Appendix C). Technical Report 574.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080574.CSediment Quality

Allen, M.J., E.T. Jarvis, V. Raco-Rands, G. Lyon, J.A. Reyes, D.M. Petschauer. 2008. Extent of fishing and fish consumption by fishers in Ventura and Los Angeles County watersheds in 2005 (Appendix D). Technical Report 574.D. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080574.DSediment Quality

Allen, M.J., E.T. Jarvis, V. Raco-Rands, G. Lyon, J.A. Reyes, D.M. Petschauer. 2008. Extent of fishing and fish consumption by fishers in Ventura and Los Angeles County watersheds in 2005 (Appendix E). Technical Report 574.E. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080574.ESediment Quality

Allen, M.J., E.T. Jarvis, V. Raco-Rands, G. Lyon, J.A. Reyes, D.M. Petschauer. 2008. Extent of fishing and fish consumption by fishers in Ventura and Los Angeles County watersheds in 2005 (Appendix F). Technical Report 574.F. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080574.FSediment Quality

Yang, Z.Y., K.A. Maruya, D.J. Greenstein, D. Tsukada, E.Y. Zeng. 2008. Experimental verification of a model describing solid phase microextraction (SPME) of freely dissolved organic pollutants in sediment porewater. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 29-38. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.03

Yang, Z.Y., K.A. Maruya, D.J. Greenstein, D. Tsukada, E.Y. Zeng. 2008. Experimental verification of a model describing solid phase microextraction (SPME) of freely dissolved organic pollutants in sediment porewater. Chemosphere 72:1435-1440.

Journal Article20080567Sediment Quality

Stein, E.D., A.E. Fetscher, R.P. Clark, A. Wiskind, J.L. Grenier, M. Sutula, J.N. Collins, C. Grosso. 2008. Validation of a Wetlands Rapid Assessment Method: Application of the EPA's Level 1-2-3 Framework for method testing and refinement. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 247-269. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.19

Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Alert Program (HABMAP) Working Group. 2008. The regional workshop for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in California coastal waters. Technical Report 565. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080565Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Tiefenthaler, L.L., E.D. Stein, G.S. Lyon. 2008. Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB) levels during dry weather from southern California reference streams. Technical Report 542. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20080542Microbial Water Quality

Tiefenthaler, L.L., E.D. Stein, G.S. Lyon. 2008. Fecal indicator bacteria levels during dry weather in southern California reference streams. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 163-174. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.13

Ranasinghe, J.A., S.B. Weisberg, R.W. Smith, D.E. Montagne, B. Thompson, J.M. Oakden, D.D. Huff, D.B. Cadien, R.G. Velarde, K.J. Ritter. 2008. Calibration and evaluation of five indicators of benthic community condition in two California bay and estuary habitats. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 107-121. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.09

Nezlin, N.P., P.M. DiGiacomo, D.W. Diehl, B.H. Jones, S.C. Johnson, M.J. Mengel, K.M. Reifel, J.A. Warrick, M. Wang. 2008. Stormwater plume detection by MODIS imagery in the southern California coastal ocean. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 289-304. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.21

Nezlin, N.P., P.M. DiGiacomo, D.W. Diehl, B.H. Jones, S.C. Johnson, M.J. Mengel, K.M. Reifel, J.A. Warrick, M. Wang. 2008. Stormwater plume detection by MODIS imagery in the southern California coastal ocean. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80:141-152.

Journal Article20080573Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Rose, J.B., E.A. Dreelin, S.B. Weisberg. 2008. Transboundary Monitoring of International Waters: Critical Questions for Microbial Water Quality. in: J.B. Rose, E.A. Dreelin (eds.), Effective Cross-Border Monitoring Systems for Waterborne Microbial Pathogens: A Plan for Action pp. 1-22. IWA Publishing. London, UK.

Book Chapter20080554Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring

Brown, J.S., M. Sutula, C. Stransky, J. Rudolph. 2008. Sediment contaminant chemistry and toxicity of freshwater urban wetlands. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2008 Annual Report pp. 271-287. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20082008.20

Nezlin, N.P., P.M. DiGiacomo, B.H. Jones, K.M. Reifel, J.A. Warrick, S.C. Johnson, M.J. Mengel. 2007. MODIS imagery as a tool for synoptic water quality assessments in the southern California coastal ocean. Coastal Ocean Remote Sensing pp. 66800T-1-66800T-11. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. Bellingham, WA.

Book Chapter20070548Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality

Barnett, A.M., S.M. Bay, K.J. Ritter, S.L. Moore, S.B. Weisberg. 2007. Sediment quality in California bays and estuaries. Technical Report 522. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070522Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Yang, Z.Y., D.J. Greenstein, E.Y. Zeng, K.A. Maruya. 2007. Determination of poly(dimethyl)siloxanewater partition coefficients for selected hydrophobic organic chemicals using 14C-labeled analogs. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 269-279. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.20

Stein, E.D., D. Ackerman. 2007. Dry weather water quality loadings in arid, urban watersheds of the Los Angeles basin, California, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43:398-413.

Journal Article20070508Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Yang, Z.Y., D.J. Greenstein, E.Y. Zeng, K.A. Maruya. 2007. Determination of poly(dimethyl)siloxane-water partition coefficients for selected hydrophobic organic chemicals using 14C-labeled analogs. Journal of Chromatography A 1148:23-30.

Journal Article20070515Sediment Quality

Stein, E.D., D. Ackerman. 2007. Hydrodynamic modeling of the San Gabriel River estuary. Technical Report 511. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070511Ecohydrology

Colford Jr, J.M., T.J. Wade, K.C. Schiff, C.C. Wright, J.F. Griffith, S.K. Sandhu, S. Burns, M. Sobsey, G. Lovelace, S.B. Weisberg. 2007. Water quality indicators and the risk of illness at beaches with nonpoint sources of fecal contamination. Epidemiology 18:27-35.

Journal Article20070498Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Griffith, J.F., D. Moore, C. McGee, S.B. Weisberg. 2007. Beta testing of rapid methods for measuring beach water quality. Technical Report 506. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070506Microbial Water Quality

Jarvis, E., K.C. Schiff, L. Sabin, M.J. Allen. 2007. Chlorinated hydrocarbons in pelagic forage fishes and squid of the Southern California Bight. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26:2290-2298.

Journal Article20070532Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Jarvis, E., K.C. Schiff, L. Sabin, M.J. Allen. 2007. Chlorinated hydrocarbons in pelagic forage fishes and squid of the Southern California Bight, USA. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 245-258. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.18

Stein, E.D., L.L. Tiefenthaler, K.C. Schiff. 2007. Sources, patterns and mechanisms of storm water pollutant loading from watersheds and land uses of the greater Los Angeles area, California, USA. Technical Report 510. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070510Ecohydrology, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Ackerman, D., E.D. Stein. 2007. Estimating the variability and confidence of land use and imperviousness relationships at a regional scale. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 157-170. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.12

Ackerman, D., E.D. Stein. 2007. Evaluating the effectiveness of Best Management Practices using dynamic modeling. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 183-196. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.14

Nezlin, N.P., S.B. Weisberg, D.W. Diehl. 2007. Relative availability of satellite imagery and ship-based sampling for assessment of stormwater runoff plumes in coastal southern California. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 71:250-258.

Journal Article20070497Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Sabin, L.D., K.C. Schiff. 2007. Metal dry deposition rates along a coastal transect in southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 61-71. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.05

Sabin, L.D., K.C. Schiff. 2007. Metal dry deposition rates along a coastal transect in southern California. Technical Report 509. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070509Sediment Quality

Lyon, G.S., E.D. Stein. 2007. How effective has the Clean Water Act been at reducing pollutant mass emissions to the Southern California Bight over the past 35 years?. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 1-12. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.01

Tiefenthaler, L.L., E.D. Stein, K.C. Schiff. 2007. Watershed and land use-based sources of trace metals in urban stormwater. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 13-29. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.02

Bay, S.M., W. Berry, P. Chapman, R. Fairey, T. Gries, E. Long, D. MacDonald, S.B. Weisberg. 2007. Evaluating consistency of best professional judgment in the application of a multiple lines of evidence sediment quality triad. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 259-267. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.19

Bay, S.M., W. Berry, P.M. Chapman, R. Fairey, T. Gries, E. Long, D. MacDonald, S.B. Weisberg. 2007. Evaluating consistency of best professional judgment in the application of a multiple lines of evidence sediment quality triad. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 3:491-497.

Journal Article20070525Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Gosset, R., K.C. Schiff. 2007. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition laboratory guidance document (Second Edition). Technical Report 521. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070521Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Warrick, J.A., P.M. DiGiacomo, S.B. Weisberg, N.P. Nezlin, M.J. Mengel, B.H. Jones, J.C. Ohlmann, L. Washburn, E.J. Terrill, K.L. Farnsworth. 2007. River plume patterns and dynamics within the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 215-236. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.16

Warrick, J.A., P.M. DiGiacomo, S.B. Weisberg, N.P. Nezlin, M. Mengel, B.H. Jones, J.C. Ohlmann, L. Washburn, E.J. Terrill, K.L. Farnsworth. 2007. River plume patterns and dynamics within the Southern California Bight. Continental Shelf Research 27:2427-2448.

Journal Article20070531Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Nezlin, N.P., K. Kamer, E.D. Stein. 2007. Application of color infrared aerial photography to assess macroalgal distribution in an eutrophic estuary, upper Newport Bay, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 139-155. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.11

Nezlin, N.P., K. Kamer, E.D. Stein. 2007. Application of color infrared aerial photography to assess macroalgal distribution in an eutrophic estuary, upper Newport Bay, California. Estuaries and Coasts 30:855-868.

Journal Article20070534Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Ranasinghe, J.A., A.M. Barnett, K.C. Schiff, D.E. Montagne, C. Brantley, C. Beegan, D.B. Cadien, C. Cash, G.B. Deets, D.R. Diener, T.K. Mikel, R.W. Smith, R.G. Velarde, S.D. Watts, S.B. Weisberg. 2007. Southern California Bight 2003 Regional Monitoring Program: III. Benthic Macrofauna. Technical Report 529. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070529Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Yoon, V.K., E.D. Stein. 2007. Contribution of natural catchments to levels of metals, nutrients, and solids in stormwater. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 45-59. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.04

Kayhanian, M., C. Stransky, S.M. Bay, S. Lau, M.K. Stenstrom. 2007. Toxicity of urban highway runoff with respect to storm duration. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 109-128. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.09

Sapozhnikova, Y., E. Wirth, K.C. Schiff, J.S. Brown, M. Fulton. 2007. Antifouling pesticides in the coastal waters of southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 93-101. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.07

Hartel, P.G., S.P. Myoda, K.J. Ritter, R.L. Kuntz, K. Rodgers, J.A. Entry, S.A. Ver Wey, E.C. Schr, J. Calle, M. Lacourt, J.E. Thies, J.P. Reilly, J.J. Fuhrmann. 2007. Geographic sharing of ribotype patterns in Enterococcus faecalis for bacterial source tracking. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 299-309. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.22

Sapozhnikova, Y., E. Wirth, K.C. Schiff, J.S. Brown, M. Fulton. 2007. Antifouling pesticides in the coastal waters of southern California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54:1972-1978.

Journal Article20070533Emerging Contaminants

Weisberg, S.B., B. Thompson, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.E. Montagne, D.B. Cadien, D.M. Dauer, D. Diener, J. Oliver, D.J. Reish, R.G. Velarde, J.Q. Word. 2007. The level of agreement among experts applying best professional judgment to assess the condition of benthic infaunal communities. Technical Report 523. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070523Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Sutula, M., C. Creager, G. Wortham. 2007. Technical approach to develop nutrient numeric endpoints for California estuaries. Technical Report 516. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070516Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Schiff, K.C., B. Bax, P. Markle, T. Fleming, J. Newman. 2007. Wet and dry weather toxicity in the San Gabriel River. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 129-138. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.10

Schiff, K.C., B. Bax, P. Markle, T. Fleming, J. Newman. 2007. Wet and dry weather toxicity in the San Gabriel River. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 160:179-192.

Journal Article20070541Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Rosenberger, K.J., J. Xu, E.D. Stein, M.A. Noble, A.L. Gartner. 2007. Circulation and physical processes within the San Gabriel River estuary during summer 2005. Technical Report 501. U.S. Geological Survey. Reston, VA.

Technical Report20070501Ecohydrology

Stein, E.D., V.K. Yoon. 2007. Assessment of water quality concentrations and loads from natural landscapes. Technical Report 500. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070500Ecohydrology

Stein, E.D., V.K. Yoon. 2007. Dry-weather flow contribution of metals, nutrients, and solids from natural catchments. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 31-44. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.03

Stein, E.D., B. Bernstein. 2007. Integrating probabalistic and targeted compliance monitoring for comprehensive watershed assessment. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 171-181. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.13

Stein, E.D., S. Dark, T. Longcore, N. Hall, M. Beland, R. Grossinger, J. Casanova, M. Sutula. 2007. Historical ecology and landscape change of the San Gabriel River and floodplain. Technical Report 499. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070499

Stein, E.D., S. Dark, T. Longcore, N. Hall, M. Beland, R. Grossinger, J. Casanova, M. Sutula. 2007. Historical ecology and landscape change of the San Gabriel River and floodplain (Appendices A-C). Technical Report 499.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070499.A

McLaughlin, K., M. Sutula. 2007. Developing nutrient numeric endpoints and TMDL tools for California estuaries: An implementation plan. Technical Report 540. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070540Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) Review Panel. 2007. Preliminary report of the California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) Review Panel. Technical Report 517. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070517

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, D. Young. 2007. Evaluation of methods for measuring sediment toxicity in California bays and estuaries. Technical Report 503. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070503Sediment Quality

Schiff, K.C., J.S. Brown, D.W. Diehl, D.J. Greenstein. 2007. Extent and magnitude of copper contamination in marinas of the San Diego region, California, USA. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54:322-328.

Journal Article20070504Sediment Quality

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. 2007. Model monitoring for small publicly-owned treatment works in the San Diego region. Technical Report 518. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070518Sediment Quality

Peng, J., E.Y. Zeng. 2007. An integrated geochemical and hydrodynamic model for tidal coastal environments. Marine Chemistry 103:15-29.

Journal Article20070496Sediment Quality

Peng, J., K.A. Maruya, K.C. Schiff, D. Tsukada, D.W. Diehl, W. Lao, J. Gan, E. Zeng. 2007. Organochlorine pesticides and other trace organic contaminants in the Upper Newport Bay watershed. Technical Report 512. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070512Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program, Stormwater BMPs

Clarke, L.B., D. Ackerman, J. Largier. 2007. Dye dispersion in the surf zone: measurements and simple models. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 73-92. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.06

Clarke, L.B., D. Ackerman, J. Largier. 2007. Dye dispersion in the surf zone: measurements and simple models. Continental Shelf Research 27:650-669.

Journal Article20070507Microbial Water Quality

Schnetzer, A., P.E. Miller, R.A. Schaffner, B.A. Stauffer, B.H. Jones, S.B. Weisberg, P.M. DiGiacomo, W.M. Berelson, D.A. Caron. 2007. Blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia and domoic acid in the San Pedro Channel and Los Angeles Harbor areas of the Southern California Bight, 2003-2004. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 197-213. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.15

Schnetzer, A., P.E. Miller, R.A. Schaffner, B.A. Stauffer, B.H. Jones, S.B. Weisberg, P.M. DiGiacomo, W.M. Berelson, D.A. Caron. 2007. Blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia and domoic acid in the San Pedro Channel and Los Angeles Harbor areas of the Southern California Bight, 2003-2004. Harmful Algae 6:372-387.

Journal Article20070514Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Ritter, K.J., M. Leecaster. 2007. Multi-lag cluster designs for estimating the semivariogram for sediments affected by effluent discharges offshore in San Diego. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 14:41-53.

Journal Article20070530Sediment Quality

Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Bioassessment Working Group. 2007. Regional monitoring of Southern California's coastal watersheds. Technical Report 539. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070539Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Schiff, K.C., S. Carter. 2007. Monitoring and modeling of Chollas, Paleta, and Switzer Creeks. Technical Report 513. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070513Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Schiff, K.C., D. Ackerman, E. Strecker, M. Leisenring. 2007. Concept development: design storm for water quality in the Los Angeles region. Technical Report 520. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070520Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Allen, M.J., T. Mikel, D. Cadien, J.E. Kalman, E.T. Jarvis, K.C. Schiff, D.W. Diehl, S.L. Moore, S. Walther, G. Deets, C. Cash, S. Watts, D.J. Pondella II, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, R. Gartman, L. Sabin, W. Power, A.K. Groce, J.L. Armstrong. 2007. Southern California Bight 2003 Regional Monitoring Program: IV. Demersal Fishes and Megabenthic Invertebrates. Technical Report 505. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070505Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Ranasinghe, J.A., S.B. Weisberg, R.W. Smith, D.E. Montagne, B. Thompson, J.M. Oakden, D.D. Huff, D.B. Cadien, R.G. Velarde, K.J. Ritter. 2007. Evaluation of five indicators of benthic community condition in two California bay and estuary habitats. Technical Report 524. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070524Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Weisberg, S.B., R.T. Noble, J.F. Griffith. 2007. Microbial Indicators of Marine Recreational Water Quality. in: C.J. Hurst, R.L. Crawford, A.L. Mills, J.L. Garland, L.D. Stetzenbach, D.A. Lipson (eds.), Manual of Environmental Microbiology pp. 280-289. ASM Press. Washington, D.C..

Book Chapter20070552Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Griffith, J.F., K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg, C.D. McGee, C. Clifton. 2007. Efficacy of shallow water sampling to determine exposure of surfers to indicator bacteria at marine beaches. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 237-244. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.17

Weisberg, S.B. 2007. A management context for the statistical design of recreational contact water quality monitoring programs. in: L.J. Wymer (ed.), Statistical Framework for Recreational Water Quality Criteria and Monitoring pp. 13-18. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. West Sussex, England.

Book Chapter20070553.AMicrobial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Griffith, J.F., K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg, C. McGee, C. Clifton. 2007. Southern California Bight 2003 Regional Monitoring Program: VI. Shoreline Microbiology. Technical Report 526. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070526Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Boehm, A.B., R.L. Whitman, M.B. Nevers, D. Hou, S.B. Weisberg. 2007. Nowcasting recreational water quality. in: L.J. Wymer (ed.), Statistical Framework for Recreational Water Quality Criteria and Monitoring pp. 179-210. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. West Sussex, England.

Book Chapter20070553.BMicrobial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Hartel, P.G., C. Hagedorn, J.L. McDonald, J.A. Fisher, M.A. Saluta, J.W. Dickerson Jr, L.C. Gentit, S.L. Smith, N.S. Mantripragada, K.J. Ritter, C.N. Belcher. 2007. Exposing water samples to ultraviolet light improves fluorometry for detecting human fecal contamination. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 281-298. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.21

Feng, Y., P.G. Hartel, J.A. Fisher, K. Rodgers, B. Liu, B. Liu, K.J. Ritter. 2007. Differences in survival among Enterococcus faecalis subspecies in two freshwater creek sediments. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2007 Annual Report pp. 103-107. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20072007.08

Stein, E.D., M. Sutula, R. Clark, A. Wiskind, J. Collins. 2007. Improving monitoring and assessment of wetland and riparian areas in California through implementation of a Level 1, 2, 3 framework. Technical Report 555. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070555

Nezlin, N.P., P.M. DiGiacomo, S.B. Weisberg, D.W. Diehl, J.A. Warrick, M.J. Mengel, B.H. Jones, K.M. Reifel, S.C. Johnson, J.C. Ohlmann, L. Washburn, E.J. Terrill. 2007. Southern California Bight 2003 Regional Monitoring Program: V. Water Quality. Technical Report 528. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070528Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bight '03 Steering Committee. 2007. Southern California Bight 2003 Regional Monitoring Program: Executive Summary. Technical Report 538. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20070538Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Boehm, A.B., S.B. Weisberg. 2006. Tidal forcing of enterococci at marine recreational beaches at fortnightly and semi-diurnal frequencies. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 263-275. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.20

Colford Jr, J.M., T.J. Wade, K.C. Schiff, C.C. Wright, J.F. Griffith, S.K. Sandhu, S. Burns, J. Hayes, M. Sobsey, G. Lovelace, S.B. Weisberg. 2006. Water quality indicators and the risk of illness in non-point source impacted recreational waters. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 141-153. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.11

Collis, H., J. Cable, M. Sutula. 2006. Evaluating Sediment Depositional Patterns Using Be-7 in Upper Newport Estuary, California. in: V.P. Singh, Y.H. Xu (eds.), Coastal Hydrology and Processes pp. 369-382. Water Resources Publications. Lone Tree, CO.

Book Chapter20060547Sediment Quality

Stein, E.D., D. Ackerman. 2006. Dry weather water quality loadings in arid, urban watersheds of the Los Angeles Basin, California, USA. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 17-31. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.02

Yang, Z.Y., E.Y. Zeng, H. Xia, J. Wang, B. Mai, K.A. Maruya. 2006. Application of a static solid-phase microextraction procedure combined with liquid-liquid extraction to determine poly(dimethyl)siloxane-water partition coefficients for selected polychlorinated biphenyls. Journal of Chromatography 1116:240-247.

Journal Article20060487Sediment Quality

Ackerman, D., S.B. Weisberg. 2006. Evaluating HSPF runoff and water quality predictions at multiple time and spatial scales. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 293-303. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.22

Nezlin, N.P., P.M. DiGiacomo, E.D. Stein, D. Ackerman. 2006. Stormwater runoff plumes observed by SeaWiFS radiometer in the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 87-105. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.07

Griffith, J.F., L.A. Aumand, I.M. Lee, C.D. McGEE, L.L. Othman, K.J. Ritter, K.O. Walker, S.B. Weisberg. 2006. Comparison and verification of bacterial water quality indicator measurement methods using ambient coastal water samples. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 116:335-344.

Journal Article20060491Microbial Water Quality

Griffith, J.F., S.B. Weisberg. 2006. Evaluation of Rapid Microbiological Methods for Measuring Recreational Water Quality. Technical Report 485. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20060485Microbial Water Quality

Stein, E.D., L.L. Tiefenthaler, K.C. Schiff. 2006. Watershed-based sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban storm water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25:373-385.

Journal Article20060478Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Stein, E.D., L.L. Tiefenthaler, K.C. Schiff. 2006. Watershed-based sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban stormwater. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 33-50. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.03

Ritter, K.J., B.H. Jones, S.B. Weisberg, D.W. Diehl. 2006. A two-stage multivariate approach to identifying ocean outfall plumes based on temperature and salinity profiles. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 133-139. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.10

Schiff, K.C., J.S. Brown, D.W. Diehl. 2006. Extent and magnitude of copper contamination in marinas of the San Diego region, CA USA. Technical Report 483. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20060483Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Allen, M.J. 2006. Continental shelf and upper slope. in: L.G. Allen, D.J. Pondella, M.H. Horn (eds.), The Ecology of Marine Fishes: California and Adjacent Waters pp. 167-202. University of California Press. Berkeley, CA.

Book Chapter20060488Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Allen, M.J. 2006. Pollution. in: L.G. Allen, D.J. Pondella, M.H. Horn (eds.), The Ecology of Marine Fishes: California and Adjacent Waters pp. 595-610. University of California Press. Berkeley, CA.

Book Chapter20060489Sediment Quality

Nezlin, N.P., S.B. Weisberg, D.W. Diehl. 2006. Relative availability of satellite imagery and ship-based sampling for assessment of stormwater runoff plumes in coastal southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 305-314. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.23

Zeidberg, L.D., W.M. Hamner, N.P. Nezlin, A. Henry. 2006. The fishery for California market squid (Loligo opalescens) (Cephalopoda: Myopsida), from 1981 through 2003. Fishery Bulletin 104:46-59.

Journal Article20060476Bioassessment

Zeidberg, L.D., W.M. Hamner, N.P. Nezlin, A. Henry. 2006. The fishery for California market squid, Loligo opalescens (Cephalopoda: Myopsida), from 1981-2003. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 247-261. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.19

Caldeira, R.M.A., P. Marchesiello, N.P. Nezlin, P.M. DiGiacomo, J.C. McWilliams. 2006. Island wakes in the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 227-246. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.18

Sabin, L.D., J.H. Lim, K.D. Stolzenbach, K.C. Schiff. 2006. Atmospheric dry deposition of trace metals in the coastal region of Los Angeles, California, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25:2334-2341.

Journal Article20060535Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Sabin, L.D., J.H. Lim, K.D. Stolzenbach, K.C. Schiff. 2006. Contribution of trace metals from atmospheric deposition to stormwater runoff in a small impervious urban catchment. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 67-76. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.05

Lyon, G.S., D. Petschauer, E.D. Stein. 2006. Effluent discharges to the Southern California Bight from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 2003 and 2004. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 1-15. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.01

Robinson, B.J., K.J. Ritter, R.D. Ellender. 2006. A statistical appraisal of disproportional versus proportional microbial source tracking libraries. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 327-332. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.25

Sutula, M., K. Kamer, J. Cable, H. Colis, W. Berelson, J. Mendez. 2006. Sediments as an internal source of nutrients to Upper Newport Bay, California. Technical Report 482. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20060482Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Nezlin, N.P., K. Kamer, E.D. Stein, A. Carr, J. Hyde. 2006. Relationship between dissolved oxygen and macroalgal distribution in Upper Newport Bay. Technical Report 494. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20060494Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Sutula, M., E.D. Stein, E. Inlander. 2006. Evaluation of a method to cost-effectively map riparian areas in southern California Coastal Watersheds. Technical Report 480. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20060480Regional Monitoring

Noble, R.T., J.F. Griffith, A.D. Blackwood, J.A. Fuhrman, J.B. Gregory, X. Hernandez, X. Liang, A.A. Bera, K.C. Schiff. 2006. Multitiered approach using quantitative PCR to track sources of fecal pollution affecting Santa Monica Bay, California. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72:1604-1612.

Journal Article20060484Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Noble, R.T., J.F. Griffith, A.D. Blackwood, J.A. Fuhrman, J.B. Gregory, X. Hernandez, X. Liang, A.A. Bera, K.C. Schiff. 2006. Multi-tiered approach using quantitative polymerase chain reaction for tracking sources of fecal pollution to Santa Monica Bay, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 181-193. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.15

Vidal, D., S.M. Bay, D. Schlenk. 2006. Effects of dietary Selenomethionine on larval Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 173-179. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.14

Brown, J.S., S.M. Bay. 2006. Assessment of Best Management Practice (BMP) effectiveness for reducing toxicity in urban runoff. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 207-225. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.17

Lim, J.H., L.D. Sabin, K.C. Schiff, K.D. Stolzenbach. 2006. Concentration, size distribution, and dry deposition rate of particle-associated metals in the Los Angeles region. Atmospheric Environment 40:7810-7823.

Journal Article20060536Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Sabin, L.D., J.H. Lim, M.T. Venezia, A.M. Winer, K.C. Schiff, K.D. Stolzenbach. 2006. Dry deposition and resuspension of particle-associated metals near a freeway in Los Angeles. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 77-86. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.06

Sabin, L.D., J.H. Lim, M.T. Venezia, A.M. Winer, K.C. Schiff, K.D. Stolzenbach. 2006. Dry deposition and resuspension of particle-associated metals near a freeway in Los Angeles. Atmospheric Environment 40:7528-7538.

Journal Article20060537Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Weisberg, S.B., B. Thompson, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.E. Montagne, D.B. Cadien, D.M. Dauer, D. Diener, J. Oliver, D.J. Reish, R.G. Velarde, J.Q. Word. 2006. The level of agreement among experts applying best professional judgment to assess the condition of benthic infaunal communities. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 165-171. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.13

Schiff, K.C., B. Bax, P. Markle, T. Fleming, J. Newman. 2006. Wet and dry weather toxicity in the San Gabriel River. Technical Report 493. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20060493Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Sanders, B.F., F. Arega, M. Sutula. 2006. Modeling the dry-weather tidal cycling of fecal indicator bacteria in surface waters of an intertidal wetland. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 51-66. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.04

Dark, S., D.L. Bram, M. Quinones, L.D. Duong, J. Patananan, J. Dooley, M. Antos, F. Bashir, J. Mejia, M. Sutula, E. Blok. 2006. Wetland and riparian mapping within the rivers and mountains conservancy territory: a landscape profile. Technical Report 519. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20060519

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay, B. Anderson, G.T. Chandler, J.D. Farrar, C. Keppler, B. Phillips, A. Ringwood, D. Young. 2006. Comparison of methods for acute and chronic toxicity in marine sediments. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 277-292. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.21

Schiff, K.C., J.S. Brown, D.W. Diehl, D.J. Greenstein. 2006. Extent and magnitude of copper contamination in marinas of the San Diego region, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 155-163. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.12

Stein, E.D., S. Zaleski. 2006. Managing runoff to protect natural streams: the latest developments on investigation and management of hydromodification in California. Technical Report 475. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20060475Ecohydrology, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Peng, J., E.Y. Zeng. 2006. An integrated geochemical and hydrodynamic model for tidal coastal environments. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 117-131. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.09

Collins, J.N., M. Sutula, E.D. Stein, M. Odaya, E. Zhang, K. Larned. 2006. Comparison of methods to map California riparian areas. Technical Report 502. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Oakland, CA.

Technical Report20060502

Ritter, K.J., M. Leecaster. 2006. Multi-lag cluster designs for estimating the semivariogram of sediment contaminants from effluent discharge offshore in San Diego. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 315-325. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.24

Griffith, J.F., K.C. Schiff, G.S. Lyon. 2006. Microbiological water quality at non-human impacted reference beaches in southern California during wet weather. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 195-206. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.16

Griffith, J.F., K.C. Schiff, G.S. Lyon. 2006. Microbiological water quality at non-human impacted reference beaches in southern California during wet weather. Technical Report 495. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20060495Microbial Water Quality

Schiff, K.C., K.A. Maruya, K. Christenson. 2006. Southern California Bight 2003 Regional Monitoring Program: II. Sediment Chemistry. Technical Report 492. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20060492Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Sutula, M., E.D. Stein, J.N. Collins, A.E. Fetscher, R. Clark. 2006. A practical guide for the development of a wetland assessment method: the California experience. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 42:157-175.

Journal Article20060481Regional Monitoring

Zeng, E.Y., D. Tsukada, D.W. Diehl, J. Peng, K.C. Schiff, J.A. Noblett, K.A. Maruya. 2006. Distribution and mass inventory of total dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene in the water column of the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2005-06 Biennial Report pp. 107-116. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20062006.08

Scientific Planning and Review Committee. 2006. Review of California's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP). Technical Report 486. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20060486Regional Monitoring

NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS). 2005. A Biogeographic Assessment of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary: A Review of Boundary Expansion Concepts for NOAA's National Marine Sanctuary Program. Technical Report 490. NCCOS's Biogeography Team in cooperation with the National Marine Sanctuary Program. Silver Spring, MD.

Technical Report20050490Regional Monitoring

Ackerman, D., K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg. 2005. Evaluating HSPF in an arid, urbanized watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 41:477-486.

Journal Article20050452Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Nezlin, N.P., P.M. DiGiacomo, E.D. Stein, D. Ackerman. 2005. Stormwater runoff plumes observed by SeaWiFS radiometer in the Southern California Bight. Remote Sensing of Environment 98:494-510.

Journal Article20050463Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Ranasinghe, J.A., T.K. Mikel, R.G. Velarde, S.B. Weisberg, D.E. Montagne, D.B. Cadien, A. Dalkey. 2005. The prevalence of non-indigenous species in southern California embayments and their effects on benthic macroinvertebrate communities. Biological Invasion 7:679-686.

Journal Article20050466Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Colford Jr, J.M., T.J. Wade, K.C. Schiff, C. Wright, J.F. Griffith, S.K. Sandhu, S.B. Weisberg. 2005. Recreational water contact and illness in Mission Bay, California. Technical Report 449. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050449Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality

Ackerman, D., E.D. Stein, K.C. Schiff. 2005. Dry-season water quality in the San Gabriel River watershed. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 104:125-145.

Journal Article20050477Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Colford Jr, J.M., T.J. Wade, K.C. Schiff, C. Wright, J.F. Griffith, S.K. Sandhu, S.B. Weisberg. 2005. Recreational water contact and illness in Mission Bay, California (Appendices 1-3). Technical Report 449.1-3. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050449.1-3Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Colford Jr, J.M., T.J. Wade, K.C. Schiff, C. Wright, J.F. Griffith, S.K. Sandhu, S.B. Weisberg. 2005. Recreational water contact and illness in Mission Bay, California (Appendices 4-7). Technical Report 449.4-7. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050449.4-7Microbial Risk Assessment, Microbial Water Quality

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams. Technical Report 450. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450Ecohydrology, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix A - Borrego Canyon& Serrano Creek Map). Technical Report 450.A4. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.A4Ecohydrology

Nezlin, N.P., P.M. Digiacomo. 2005. Satellite ocean color observations of stormwater runoff plumes along the San Pedro Shelf (southern California) during 1997-2003. Continental Shelf Research 25:1692-1711.

Journal Article20050460Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Caldeira, R.M.A., P. Marchesiello, N.P. Nezlin, P.M. DiGiacomo, J.C. McWilliams. 2005. Island wakes in the Southern California Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research 110:C11012.

Journal Article20050470

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix A - Dry Canyon Map). Technical Report 450.A6. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.A6Ecohydrology

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix A - Hasley Canyon Map). Technical Report 450.A2. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.A2Ecohydrology

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix A - Hicks Canyon Wash Map). Technical Report 450.A7. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.A7Ecohydrology

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix A - Plum Canyon Map). Technical Report 450.A3. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.A3Ecohydrology

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix A - Santiago Creek Map). Technical Report 450.A5. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.A5Ecohydrology

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix A - Topanga Creek Map). Technical Report 450.A1. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.A1Ecohydrology

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix A). Technical Report 450.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.AEcohydrology

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix B1). Technical Report 450.B1. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.B1Ecohydrology

Sabin, L.D., J.H. Lim, K.D. Stolzenbach, K.C. Schiff. 2005. Contribution of trace metals from atmospheric deposition to stormwater runoff in a small impervious urban catchment. Water Research 39:3929-3937.

Journal Article20050462Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix B2). Technical Report 450.B2. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.B2Ecohydrology

Coleman, D., C. MacRae, E.D. Stein. 2005. Effect of increases in peak flows and imperviousness on the morphology of southern California streams (Appendix C). Technical Report 450.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050450.CEcohydrology

Noble, R.T., S.B. Weisberg. 2005. A review of technologies for rapid detection of bacteria in recreational waters. Journal of Water and Health 3.4:381-392.

Journal Article20050479Microbial Water Quality

Nezlin, N.P., E.D. Stein. 2005. Spatial and temporal patterns of remotely-sensed and field-measured rainfall in southern California. Remote Sensing of Environment 96:228-245.

Journal Article20050455Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Noble, R.T., J.F. Griffith, A.D. Blackwood, J.A. Fuhrman, J.B. Gregory, X. Hernandez, X. Liang, A.A. Bera, K.C. Schiff. 2005. Multi-tiered approach using quantitative polymerase chain reaction for tracking sources of fecal pollution to Santa Monica Bay, California. Technical Report 446. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050446Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Vidal, D., S.M. Bay, D. Schlenk. 2005. Effects of dietary selenomethionine on larval Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 49:71-75.

Journal Article20050456Emerging Contaminants

Vidal, D.E., S.M. Bay. 2005. Comparative sediment quality guideline performance for predicting sediment toxicity in southern California, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24:3173-3182.

Journal Article20050472Sediment Quality

Brown, J.S., S.M. Bay. 2005. Assessment of best management practice (BMP) effectiveness. Technical Report 461. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050461Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Bixian, M., E.Y. Zeng, X. Luo, Q. Yang, G. Zhang, X. Li, G. Sheng, J. Fu. 2005. Abundances, depositional fluxes, and homologue patterns of polychlorinated biphenyls in dated sediment cores from the Pearl River Delta, China. Environmental Science and Technology 39:49-56.

Journal Article20050445Sediment Quality

Ahn, J.H., S.B. Grant, C.Q. Surbeck, P.M. Digiacomo, N.P. Nezlin, S. Jiang. 2005. Coastal water quality impact of stormwater runoff from an urban watershed in southern California. Environmental Science and Technology 39:5940-5953.

Journal Article20050459Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Hsieh, C., C. Reiss, W. Watson, M.J. Allen, J.R. Hunter, R.N. Lea, R.H. Rosenblatt, R.E. Smith, G. Sugihara. 2005. A comparison of long-term trends and variability in populations of larvae of exploited and unexploited fishes in the Southern California region: a community approach. Progress in Oceanography 67:160-185.

Journal Article20050464Bioassessment

Sanders, B.F., F. Arega, M. Sutula. 2005. Modeling the dry-weather tidal cycling of fecal indicator bacteria in surface waters of an intertidal wetland. Water Research 39:3394-3408.

Journal Article20050613Microbial Water Quality

Zeng, E.Y., D. Tsukada, J.A. Noblet, J. Peng. 2005. Determination of polydimethylisiloxane-seawater distribution coefficients for polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated pesticides by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1066:165-175.

Journal Article20050447Sediment Quality

Morozov, A.Y., N.P. Nezlin, S.V. Petrovskii. 2005. Invasion of a top predator into an epipelagic ecosystem can bring a paradoxical top-down trophic control. Biological Invasions 7:845-861.

Journal Article20050458Bioassessment

Jarvis, E.T., M.J. Allen, R.W. Smith. 2005. Comparison of recreational fish catch trends to environment-species relationships and fishery-independent data in the Southern California Bight, 1980-2000. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 45:167-179.

Journal Article20050465Bioassessment

Stein, E.D., L.L. Tiefenthaler. 2005. Dry-weather metals and bacteria loading in an arid, urban watershed: Ballona Creek, California. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 164:367-382.

Journal Article20050457Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Bay, S.M., T. Mikel, K.C. Schiff, S. Mathison, B. Hester, D. Young, D.J. Greenstein. 2005. Southern California Bight 2003 Regional Monitoring Program: I. Sediment Toxicity. Technical Report 451. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050451Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Sutula, M., S.M. Bay, G. Santolo, R. Zembal. 2005. Organochlorine and trace metal contaminants in the food web of the light-footed clapper rail, Upper Newport Bay, California. Technical Report 467. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050467Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Feng, S., Z. Kong, X. Wang, P. Peng, E.Y. Zeng. 2005. Assessing the genotoxicity of imidacloprid and RH-5849 in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro with comet assay and cytogenetic tests. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 61:239-246.

Journal Article20050453Emerging Contaminants

Nezlin, N.P., A.G. Kostianoy, B.L. Li. 2005. Inter-annual variability and interaction of remote-sensed vegetation index and atmospheric precipitation in the Aral Sea region. Journal of Arid Environments 62:677-700.

Journal Article20050454Ecohydrology

Schiff, K.C., J.F. Griffith, G. Lyon. 2005. Microbiological water quality at reference beaches in southern California during wet weather. Technical Report 448. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050448Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Word, J.Q., B.B. Albrecth, M.L. Anghera, R. Baudo, S.M. Bay, D.M. Di Toro, J.L. Hyland, C.G. Ingersoll, P.F. Landrum, E.T. Long, J.P. Meador, D.W. Moore, T.P. O'Connor, J.P. Shine. 2005. Predictive Ability of Sediment Quality Guidelines. in: R.J. Wenning, G.E. Batley, C.G. Ingersoll, D.W. Moore (eds.), Use of Sediment Quality Guidelines pp. 121-161. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Pensacola, FL.

Book Chapter20050544Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Zeng, E.Y., D. Tsukada, D.W. Diehl, J. Peng, K.C. Schiff, J. Noblet, K.A. Maruya. 2005. Distribution and mass inventory of total dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene in the water column of the Southern California Bight. Environmental Science and Technology 39:8170-8176.

Journal Article20050471Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Scientific Planning and Review Committee. 2005. A preliminary report from the Scientific Planning and Review Committee (SPARC). Technical Report 473. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20050473Regional Monitoring

Boehm, A.B., S.B. Weisberg. 2005. Tidal forcing of enterococci at marine recreational beaches at fortnightly and semidiurnal frequencies. Environmental Science and Technology 39:5575-5593.

Journal Article20050474Microbial Water Quality

Stein, E.D., M. Mattson, A.E. Fetscher, K.J. Halama. 2004. Influence of Geologic Setting on Slope Wetland Hydrodynamics. Wetlands 24:244-260.

Journal Article20040437Ecohydrology

Schiff, K.C., M. Sutula. 2004. Organophosphorus Pesticides in Storm-Water Runoff from Southern California (USA). Setac Press 23:1815-1821.

Journal Article20040439Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

2004. Organophosphorus pesticides in the Malibu Creek Watershed. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 94-102. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.09

Nezlin, N.P., J.J. Oram, P.M. Digiacomo, N. Cruber. 2004. Sub-seasonal to interannual variations of sea surface temperature, salinity, oxygen anomaly, and transmissivity in Santa Monica Bay, California from 1987 to 1997. Continental Shelf Research 24:1053-1082.

Journal Article20040434Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Lattin, G.L., C.J. Moore, A.F. Zellers, S.L. Moore, S.B. Weisberg. 2004. A comparison of neustonic plastic and zooplankton at different depths near the southern California shore. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 103-106. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.10

Ackerman, D., E.D. Stein, K.C. Schiff. 2004. Dry-season water quality in the San Gabriel River Watershed. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 192-205. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.17

Griffith, J.F., L.A. Aumand, I.M. Lee, C.D. McGee, L.L. Othman, K.J. Ritter, K.O. Walker, S.B. Weisberg. 2004. Comparison and verification of bacterial water quality indicator measurement methods using ambient coastal water samples. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 350-356. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.29

Zeng, E.Y., D. Tsukada, D.W. Diehl. 2004. Development of a solid-phase microextraction-based method for sampling of persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons in an urbanized coastal environment. Environmental Science and Technology 38:5737-5743.

Journal Article20040443Emerging Contaminants, Sediment Quality

Zeng, E.Y., D. Tsukada, D.W. Diehl. 2004. Development of a solid-phase microextraction-based method for sampling of persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons in oceanic environments. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 84-93. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.08

Steinberger, A., E.D. Stein. 2004. Characteristics of effluents from power generating stations in the Southern California Bight in 2000. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 31-40. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.03

Steinberger, A., E.D. Stein. 2004. Effluent discharges to the Southern California Bight from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 2001 and 2002. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 1-15. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.01

Griffith, J.F., S.B. Weisberg, C.D. McGee. 2004. Evaluation of microbial source tracking methods using mixed fecal sources in aqueous test samples. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 328-349. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.27

Ranasinghe, J.A., B. Thompson, R.W. Smith, L. Lowe, K.C. Schiff. 2004. Evaluation of benthic assessment methodology in Southern California Bays and San Francisco Bay. Technical Report 432. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20040432Emerging Contaminants, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Griffith, J.F., S.B. Weisberg, C.D. McGee. 2004. Evaluation of new, rapid microbiological methods for measuring recreational water quality. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 357-365. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.30

Nezlin, N.P., P.M. DiGiacomo. 2004. Satellite ocean color observations of stormwater runoff plumes along the San Pedro Shelf (southern California) during 1997 to 2003. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 107-124. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.11

Kamer, K., P. Fong, R. Kennison, K.C. Schiff. 2004. Nutrient limitation of macroalga Enteromorpha intestinalis collected along a resource gradient in a highly eutrophic estuary. Estuaries 27:201-208.

Journal Article20040435Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Nezlin, N.P., G. Lacroix, A.G. Kostianoy, S. Djendi. 2004. Remotely sensed seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton in the Ligurian Sea in 1997-1999. Journal of Geophysical Research 109:C07013.

Journal Article20040442Eutrophication

Kamer, K., P. Fong, R.L. Kennison, K.C. Schiff. 2004. The relative importance of sediment and water column supplies of nutrients to the growth and tissue nutrient content of the green macroalga Enteromorpha intestinalis along an estuarine resource gradient. Aquatic Ecology 38:45-56.

Journal Article20040428Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Runoff Water Quality

Allen, M.J., R.W. Smith, E.T. Jarvis, V. Raco-Rands, B.B. Bernstein, K.T. Herbinson. 2004. Temporal trends in southern California coastal fish populations relative to 30-year trends in oceanic conditions. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 264-285. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.22

Noble, R.T., S.B. Weisberg. 2004. A review of technologies for rapid detection of bacteria in recreational waters. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 316-327. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.26

Noblet, J.A., D.L. Young, E.Y. Zeng, S. Ensari. 2004. Use of chemical markers to identify sources of fecal indicator bacteria in the lower Santa Ana River. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 304-315. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.25

Gossett, R., D. Renfrew, K.C. Schiff. 2004. Stormwater monitoring coalition laboratory guidance document. Technical Report 420. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20040420Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Noblet, J.A., D. Young, E.Y. Zeng, S. Ensari. 2004. Use of fecal steroids to infer the sources of fecal indicator bacteria in the lower Santa Ana River watershed, California: sewage is unlikely a significant source. Environmental Science and Technology 38:6002-6008.

Journal Article20040444Emerging Contaminants, Microbial Water Quality

Nezlin, N.P., E.D. Stein. 2004. Spatial and temporal patterns of remote-sensed and field-measured rainfall in southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 220-236. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.19

Ritter, K.J., E.A. Carruthers, C.A. Carson, R.D. Ellender, V.J. Harwood, K.S. Kingsley, C.H. Nakatsu, M.J. Sadowsky, B.L. Shear, B.R. West, J.E. Whitlock, B.A. Wiggins, J.D. Wilbur. 2004. Assessment of statistical methods used in library-based approaches to microbial source tracking. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 338-349. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.28

Greenstein, D.J., L.L. Tiefenthaler, S.M. Bay. 2004. Toxicity of parking lot runoff after application of simulated rainfall. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 47:199-206.

Journal Article20040440Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Vidal, D.E., S.M. Bay. 2004. Comparison of sediment quality guideline performance for predicting sediment toxicity in southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 125-138. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.12

Gregorio, D., S.L. Moore. 2004. Discharges into state water quality protection areas in southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 286-290. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.23

Kennison, R., K. Kamer, P. Fong. 2004. Nutrient dynamics and macroalgal blooms: A comparison of five southern California estuaries. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 206-219. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.18

Sabin, L.D., K.C. Schiff, J.H. Lim, K.D. Stolzenbach. 2004. Atmospheric concentrations of PAH, pesticides, and other semi-volatile organic compounds in the Los Angeles coastal region. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 61-72. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.06

Sabin, L.D., K.C. Schiff, J.H. Lim, K.D. Stolzenbach. 2004. Atmospheric dry deposition of trace metals in the Los Angeles coastal region. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 50-60. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.05

Lu, R., K.C. Schiff, K.D. Stolzenbach. 2004. Nitrogen deposition on coastal watersheds in the Los Angeles region. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 73-81. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.07

Allen, M.J., A.K. Groce, J.A. Noblet. 2004. Distribution of contamination above predator-risk guidelines in flatfishes on the Southern California Shelf in 1998. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 149-171. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.14

Groce, A.K., M.J. Allen, A. Bolkhovitinov. 2004. Relationships among organochlorines and lipid classes in two demersal fish species from southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 172-178. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.15

Zeng, E.Y., K. Tran, D. Young. 2004. Evaluation of potential molecular markers for urban stormwater runoff. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 90:23-43.

Journal Article20040418Emerging Contaminants, Runoff Water Quality

Zeng, E.Y., D. Tsukada, J.A. Noblet, J. Peng. 2004. Determination of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-seawater distribution coefficients for polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated pesticides by solid-phase microextraction. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 292-303. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.24

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay, J.S. Brown. 2004. Characterization of sediment toxicity in Newport Bay. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 139-148. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.13

Cooper, L., K.C. Schiff, R. Smith. 2004. Standardized data exchange formats for the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition. Technical Report 421. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20040421Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Stein, E.D., L.L. Tiefenthaler. 2004. Characterization and source identification of dry-weather metals and bacteria in Ballona Creek. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 179-191. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.16

Cooper, L., K.C. Schiff, R. Smith. 2004. Stormwater database structure (v1.0 zip file). Technical Report 421.Z. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20040421.ZRegional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Stein, E.D., L.L. Tiefenthaler. 2004. Characterization of dry weather metals and bacteria in Ballona Creek. Technical Report 427. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20040427Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, J.S. Brown. 2004. Newport Bay sediment toxicity studies. Technical Report 433. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20040433Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Steinberger, A., E.D. Stein, V. Raco-Rands. 2004. Offshore oil platform discharges to the Pacific outer continental shelf along the coast of southern California in 1996 and 2000. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 16-30. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.02

Sutula, M., K. Kamer, J. Cable. 2004. Sediments as a non-point source of nutrients to Malibu Lagoon, California. Technical Report 441. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20040441Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Allen, M.J., D.W. Diehl, E.Y. Zeng. 2004. Bioaccumulation of contaminants in recreational and forage fish in Newport Bay, California in 2000-2002. Technical Report 436. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20040436Sediment Quality

Schiff, K.C., D.W. Diehl, A.O. Valkirs. 2004. Copper emissions from antifouling paint on recreational vessels. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 41-49. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.04

Schiff, K.C., D.W. Diehl, A. Valkirs. 2004. Copper emissions from antifouling paint on recreational vessels. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48:371-377.

Journal Article20040430Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Nezlin, N.P., J.J. Oram, P.M. DiGiacomo, N. Gruber. 2004. Subseasonal to interannual variations of sea surface temperature, salinity, oxygen anomaly, and transmissivity in Santa Monica Bay, California from 1987 to 1997. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2003-04 Biennial Report pp. 237-263. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20042004.20

Noble, R.T., M.K. Leecaster, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg, K. Ritter. 2004. Comparison of bacterial indicator analysis methods in stormwater-affected coastal waters. Water Research 38:1183-1188.

Journal Article20040431Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Model Monitoring Technical Committee. 2004. Model monitoring program for municipal separate storm sewer systems in southern California. Technical Report 419. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20040419Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition, Stormwater BMPs

Bernstein, B., S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Southern California's marine monitoring system ten years after the national research council evaluation. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 268-275. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.27

Bernstein, B.B., S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Southern California's marine monitoring system ten years after the National Research Council evaluation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 81:3-14.

Journal Article20030375Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Ackerman, D., K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Evaluating HSPF in an arid, urbanized watershed. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 78-85. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.07

Ackerman, D., S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Relationship between rainfall and beach bacterial concentrations on Santa Monica Bay beaches. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 188-192. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.18

Ackerman, D., S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Relationship between rainfall and beach bacterial concentrations on Santa Monica Bay beaches. Journal of Water and Health 1.2:85-89.

Journal Article20030404Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Steinberger, A., E.D. Stein, K.C. Schiff. 2003. Characteristics of dredged material disposal to the Southern California Bight between 1991 and 1997. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 47-57. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.04

Steinberger, A., K.C. Schiff. 2003. Characteristics of effluents from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities between 1998 and 2000. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 2-13. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.01

Steinberger, A., K.C. Schiff. 2003. Characteristics of effluents from non-power industrial facilities in 2000. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 31-46. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.03

Steinberger, A., K.C. Schiff. 2003. Characteristics of effluents from small municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 2000. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 14-30. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.02

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay, A. Jirik, J.S. Brown, C. Alexander. 2003. Toxicity assessment of sediment cores from Santa Monica Bay, California. Marine Environmental Research 56:277-297.

Journal Article20030399Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Ranasinghe, J.A., D.E. Montagne, R.W. Smith, T.K. Mikel, S.B. Weisberg, D.B. Cadien, R.G. Velarde, A. Dalkey. 2003. Southern California Bight 1998 Regional Monitoring Program: VII. Benthic macrofauna. Technical Report 382. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030382Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bernstein, B., K.C. Schiff. 2003. The stormwater monitoring coalition: Stormwater research needs in southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 310-323. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.31

Smith, R., J.A. Ranasinghe, S.B. Weisberg, D.E. Montagne, D.B. Cadien, T.K. Mikel, R.G. Velarde, A. Dalkey. 2003. Extending the southern California benthic response index to assess benthic condition in bays. Technical Report 410. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030410Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Mikel, T.K., R.G. Velarde, J.A. Ranasinghe, S.B. Weisberg, D.E. Montagne, D.B. Cadien, R.W. Smith, A. Dalkey. 2003. The prevalence of non-indigenous species in southern California embayments and their effects on benthic macroinvertebrate communities. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 246-252. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.25

Bay, S.M., E.Y. Zeng, T.D. Lorenson, K. Tran, C. Alexander. 2003. Temporal and spatial distributions of contaminants in sediments of Santa Monica Bay, California. Marine Environmental Research 56:255-276.

Journal Article20030401Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Ackerman, D., K.C. Schiff. 2003. Modeling storm water mass emissions to the Southern California Bight. Journal of Environmental Engineering 129:308-317.

Journal Article20030390Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Groce, A.K., R.H. Rosenblatt, M.J. Allen. 2003. Addition of blacklip dragonet, Synchiropus atrilabiatus (Garman 1899 (Pisces: Callionymidae) to the California Ichthyofauna. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 335-337. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.34

Ackerman, D., K.C. Schiff. 2003. Modeling stormwater mass emissions to the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 58-71. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.05

Stein, E.D., D. Ackerman, K.C. Schiff. 2003. Watershed-based sources of comtaminants to San Pedro Bay and Marina del Rey: Patterns and trends. Technical Report 413. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030413Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Griffith, J.F., S.B. Weisberg, C.D. McGee. 2003. Evaluation of microbial source tracking methods using mixed fecal sources in aqueous test samples. Journal of Water and Health 1.4:141-151.

Journal Article20030422Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Stewart, J.R., R.D. Ellender, J.A. Gooch, S. Jiang, S.P. Myoda, S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Recommendations for microbial source tracking: lessons from a methods comparison study. Journal of Water and Health 1.4:225-231.

Journal Article20030425Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Schiff, K.C., S.M. Bay, D.W. Diehl. 2003. Stormwater toxicity in Chollas Creek and San Diego Bay, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 224-233. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.23

Schiff, K.C., S.M. Bay, D.W. Diehl. 2003. Stormwater toxicity in Chollas Creek and San Diego Bay, California. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 81:119-132.

Journal Article20030376Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Schiff, K.C., J. Morton, S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Retrospective evaluation of shoreline water quality along Santa Monica Bay beaches. Marine Environmental Research 56:245-253.

Journal Article20030398Microbial Water Quality

Kamer, K., P. Fong, R.L. Kennison, K.C. Schiff. 2003. The relative importance of sediment and water column supplies of nutrients to the growth and tissue nutrient content of the green macroalga Enteromorpha intestinalis across an estuarine resource gradient. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 119-129. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.12

Kamer, K., R.L. Kennison, P. Fong, K.C. Schiff. 2003. Equal loads of nutrients administered to macroalgae via pulses of differing frequency and concentration affect growth and tissue nutrients of Enteromorpha intestinalis and Ulva expansa. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 152-163. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.15

Kamer, K., R.L. Kennison, P. Fong, K.C. Schiff. 2003. Nutrient limitation of the macroalga, Enteromorpha intestinalis, across a range of water column nutrients and initial tissue nutrient status. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 142-151. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.14

Gossett, R., R. Baird, K. Christensen, S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Making performance-based chemistry work: How we created comparable data among laboratories as part of a southern California marine regional assessment. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 380-390. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.38

Gossett, R., R. Baird, K. Christensen, S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Making performance-based chemistry work: how we created comparable data among laboratories as part of a Southern California marine regional assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 81:269-287.

Journal Article20030387Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Noble, R.T., D.F. Moore, M.K. Leecaster, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Comparison of total coliform, fecal coliform, and enterococcus bacterial indicator response for ocean recreational water quality testing. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 302-309. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.30

Noble, R.T., D.F. Moore, M.K. Leecaster, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Comparison of total coliform, fecal coliform, and enterococcus bacterial indicator response for ocean recreational water quality testing. Water Research 37:1637-1643.

Journal Article20030383Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Noble, R.T., M.K. Leecaster, C.D. McGee, S.B. Weisberg. 2003. Comparison of bacterial indicator analysis methods in stormwater-affected coastal waters. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 373-379. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.37

Tiefenthaler, L.L., K.C. Schiff. 2003. Effects of rainfall intensity and duration on first flush of stormwater pollutants. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 209-215. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.21

Kamer, K., E.D. Stein. 2003. Dissolved oxygen concentration as a potential indicator of water quality in Newport Bay: A review of scientific research, historical data, and criteria development. Technical Report 411. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030411Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Busse, L., J. Simpson, S. Cooper, K. Kamer, E.D. Stein. 2003. A survey of algae and nutrients in the Malibu Creek Watershed. Technical Report 412. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030412Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Bay, S.M., A. Jirik, S. Asato. 2003. Interlaboratory variability of amphipod sediment toxicity tests in a cooperative regional monitoring program. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 81:257-268.

Journal Article20030377Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Vidal, D.E., A.J. Horne. 2003. Inheritance of mercury tolerance in the aquatic oligochaete tubifex tubifex. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22:2130-2135.

Journal Article20030409Sediment Quality

Vidal, D.E., A.J. Horne. 2003. Mercury toxicity in the aquatic oligochaete Sparganophilus pearsei: variation in resistance among populations. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 45:184-189.

Journal Article20030408Sediment Quality

Sutula, M., E.D. Stein. 2003. Habitat value of natural and constucted wetlands used to treat urban runoff: A literature review. Technical Report 388. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030388Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Noble, R.T., I.M. Lee, K.C. Schiff. 2003. Inactivation of indicator bacteria from various sources of fecal contamination in seawater and freshwater. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 164-173. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.16

Kamer, K., R.L. Kennison, P. Fong. 2003. Rates of inorganic nitrogen uptake by the estuarine green macroalgae Enteromorpha intestinalis and Ulva expansa. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 130-141. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.13

Ritter, K.J., E. Carruthers, C.A. Carson, R.D. Ellender, V.J. Harwood, K. Kingsley, C. Nakatsu, M. Sadowsky, B. Shear, B. West, J.E. Whitlock, B.A. Wiggins, J.D. Wilbur. 2003. Assessment of statistical methods used in library-based approaches to microbial source tracking. Journal of Water and Health 1:209-233.

Journal Article20030424Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Brown, J.S., S.A. Steinert. 2003. DNA damage and biliary PAH metabilites in flatfish from southern California bays and harbors, and the Channel Islands. Ecological Indicators 3:263-274.

Journal Article20030429Emerging Contaminants, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Brown, J.S., S.A. Steinert. 2003. PAH exposure and DNA damage in flatfish from southern California bays and harbors, and the Channel Islands. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 408-417. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.41

Greenstein, D.J., L.L. Tiefenthaler, S.M. Bay. 2003. Toxicity of parking lot runoff after simulated rainfall. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 199-208. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.20

Kennison, R., K. Kamer, P. Fong. 2003. Nutrient dynamics and macroalgal blooms: A comparison of five southern California estuaries. Technical Report 416. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030416Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Roy, L.A., S. Steinert, S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein, Y. Sapozhnikova, O. Bawardi, I. Leifer, D. Schlenk. 2003. Biochemical effects of petroleum exposure in hornyhead turbot (pleuronichthys verticalis) exposed to a gradient of sediments collected from a natural petroleum seep in California, USA. Aquatic Toxicology 65:159-169.

Journal Article20030417Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, D. Vidal, D. Schlenk. 2003. Investigation of metals toxicity in San Diego Creek. Technical Report 407. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030407Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Schiff, K.C., S.M. Bay. 2003. Impacts of stormwater discharges on the nearshore benthic environment of Santa Monica Bay. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 234-245. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.24

Schiff, K.C., S.M. Bay. 2003. Impacts of stormwater discharges on the nearshore benthic environment of Santa Monica Bay. Marine Environmental Research 56:225-243.

Journal Article20030397Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Ackerman, D., K.C. Schiff, H. Trim, M. Mullin. 2003. A characterization of water quality in the Los Angeles River. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 86-91. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.08

Ackerman, D., K.C. Schiff, H. Trim, M. Mullin. 2003. Characterization of water quality in the Los Angeles River. Bulletin of Southern California Academy of Sciences 102:17-25.

Journal Article20030394Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

McGann, M., C.R. Alexander, S.M. Bay. 2003. Response of benthic foraminifers to sewage discharge and remediation in Santa Monica Bay, California. Marine Environmental Research 56:299-342.

Journal Article20030395Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Hale, S.S., A.H. Miglarese, M.P. Bradley, T.J. Belton, L.D. Cooper, M.T. Frame, C.A. Friel, L.M. Harwell, R.E. King, W.K. Michener, D.T. Nicolson, B.G. Peterjohn. 2003. Managing troubled data: coastal data partnerships smooth data integration. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 81:133-148.

Journal Article20030396Regional Monitoring

Zeng, E.Y., J.A. Noblet. 2003. Theoretical considerations on the use of solid phase microextraction with complex environmental samples. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 354-372. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.36

Noble, R.T., S.B. Weisberg, M.K. Leecaster, C.D. McGee, J.H. Dorsey, P. Vainik, V. Orozco-Borbon. 2003. Storm effects on regional beach water quality along the southern California shoreline. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 276-283. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.28

Noble, R.T., S.B. Weisberg, M.K. Leecaster, C.D. McGee, J.H. Dorsey, P. Vainik, V. Orozco-Borbon. 2003. Storm effects on regional beach water quality along the southern California shoreline. Journal of Water and Health 1:23-31.

Journal Article20030384Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program, Stormwater BMPs

Schiff, K.C., M. Sutula. 2003. Organophosphorous pesticides in stormwater runoff from southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 92-100. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.09

Alliance for Coastal Technologies. 2003. Rapid microbiological indicators methods. Technical Report 426. University of Maryland. Solomons, MD.

Technical Report20030426Microbial Water Quality

Field, K.G., E.C. Chern, L.K. Dick, J. Fuhrman, J.F. Griffith, P.A. Holden, M.G. LaMontagne, M.G. LaMontagne, J. Le, B. Olson, M.T. Simonich. 2003. A comparative study of culture-independent library-independent genotypic methods of fecal source tracking. Journal of Water and Health 1.4:181-194.

Journal Article20030423Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Noblet, J.A., E.Y. Zeng, R. Baird, R.W. Gossett, R.J. Ozretich, C.R. Phillips. 2003. Southern California Bight 1998 Regional Monitoring Program: VI. Sediment chemistry. Technical Report 381. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030381Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., L.L. Tiefenthaler. 2003. Contributions of organophosphorus pesticides from residential land uses during dry and wet weather. Technical Report 406. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030406Emerging Contaminants, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Zeng, E.Y., J. Peng, D. Tsukada, T.-L. Ku. 2003. In-situ measurements of polychlorinated biphenyls in the waters of San Diego Bay. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 110-118. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.11

Zeng, E.Y., C.C. Chou, C. Yu. 2003. Potential application of gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in the measurement of coeluting isomers. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 391-398. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.39

Tiefenthaler, L.L., K.C. Schiff, S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein. 2003. Effect of antecedent dry periods on the accumulation of potential pollutants on parking lot surfaces using simulated rainfall. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 216-223. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.22

Bay, S.M., J.S. Brown. 2003. Chemistry and toxicity in Rhine Channel sediments. Technical Report 391. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030391Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., J.S. Brown. 2003. Organophosphorus pesticides in the Malibu Creek watershed. Technical Report 403. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030403Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Nezlin, N.P., W.M. Hamner, L.D. Zeidberg. 2003. Remote-Sensed Analysis of the Influence of 1997-1998 El Ni. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 284-301. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.29

Moore, C.J., S.L. Moore, S.B. Weisberg, G.L. Lattin, A.F. Zellers. 2003. A comparison of neustonic plastic and zooplankton abundance in southern California's coastal waters. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 72-77. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.06

Ritter, K.J., D.S. Birkes, N.S. Urquhart. 2003. Quantifying taxonomic richness in terms of level of rarity assessed by a fixed count. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 399-407. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.40

Noble, R.T., S.B. Weisberg, M.K. Leecaster, C.D. McGee, K. Ritter, K.O. Walker, P.M. Vainik. 2003. Comparison of beach bacterial water quality indicator measurement methods. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 81:301-312.

Journal Article20030385Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., D.W. Diehl, A. Valkirs. 2003. Copper emissions from antifouling paint on recreational vessels. Technical Report 405. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030405Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Allen, M.J., A.K. Groce. 2003. First occurrence of blackspot wrasse, Decodon melasma Gomon 1974 (pisces: labridae), in California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 324-329. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.32

Dojiri, M., M. Yamaguchi, S.B. Weisberg, H.J. Lee. 2003. Changing anthropogenic influence on the Santa Monica Bay watershed. Marine Environmental Research 56:1-14.

Journal Article20030402Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Cadien, D.B., J.A. Ranasinghe. 2003. Invaders in the open sea: establishment of the New Zealand snail Philine auriformis in southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 253-267. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.26

Allen, M.J., A.K. Groce. 2003. First occurrence of speckletail flounder, Engyophrys sanctilaurentii Jordan & Bollman 1890 (Pisces: Bothidae), in California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 330-334. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.33

Ranasinghe, J.A., D.E. Montagne, S.B. Weisberg, M. Bergen, R.G. Velarde. 2003. Variability in the identification and enumeration of marine benthic invertebrate samples and its effect on benthic assessment measures. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 81:199-206.

Journal Article20030379Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Vidal, D.E. 2003. Adaptation to mercury contamination in an aquatic oligochaete worm. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 193-198. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.19

Peng, J., E.Y. Zeng, T.-L. Ku, S. Luo. 2003. Significance of sediment resuspension and tidal exchange to reduction of polychlorinated biphenyl mass in San Diego Bay, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 101-109. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.10

Stein, E.D., M. Mattson, A.E. Fetscher, K.J. Halama. 2003. Influence of geologic setting on slope wetland classification and hydrodynamics. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 338-353. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.35

Zeng, E.Y., S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein, C. Vista, C. Yu, K. Ritter. 2003. Toxic effects of polychlorinated biphenyl bioaccumulation in sea urchins exposed to contaminated sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22:1065-1074.

Journal Article20030393Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., B.S. Anderson, R.S. Carr. 2003. Relative Performance of Porewater and Solid-Phase Toxicity Tests: Characteristics, Causes, and Consequences. in: R.S. Carr, M. Nipper (eds.), Porewater Toxicity Testing pp. 11-36. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Pensacola, FL.

Book Chapter20030543Sediment Quality

Noblet, J.A., E.Y. Zeng, K.J. Ritter. 2003. Evaluation of PCB bioaccumulation patterns in white sea urchins Lytechinus pictus using multiple approaches. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-02 Biennial Report pp. 174-187. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20032002.17

Noblet, J.A., E.Y. Zeng, K.J. Ritter. 2003. Evaluation of polychlorinated biphenyl bioaccumulation patterns in white sea urchins (Lytechinus pictus) using multiple approaches. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11:2719-2726.

Journal Article20030415Sediment Quality

Washburn, L., K.A. McClure, B.H. Jones, S.M. Bay. 2003. Spatial scales and evolution of stormwater plumes in Santa Monica Bay. Marine Environment Research 56:103-125.

Journal Article20030545Sediment Quality

Mai, B., S. Qi, E.Y. Zeng, Q. Yang, G. Zhang, J. Fu, G. Sheng, P. Peng, Z. Wang. 2003. Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the coastal region off Macao, China: Assessment of input sources and transport pathways using compositional analysis. Environmental Science and Technology 37:4855-4863.

Journal Article20030414Sediment Quality

Lu, R., R.P. Turco, K. Stolzenbach, S.K. Friedlander, C. Xiong, K.C. Schiff, L.L. Tiefenthaler, G. Wang. 2003. Dry deposition of airborne trace metals on the Los Angeles basin and adjacent coastal waters. Journal of Geophysical Research 108:11.1-11.24.

Journal Article20030378Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality

Bay, S.M., B.H. Jones, K.C. Schiff, L. Washburn. 2003. Water quality impacts of stormwater discharges to Santa Monica Bay. Marine Environmental Research 56:205-223.

Journal Article20030400Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Bight '98 Steering Committee. 2003. Southern California Bight 1998 Regional Monitoring Program Executive Summary. Technical Report 386. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20030386Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Vidal, D.E., A.J. Horne. 2002. Mercury Toxicity in the Aquatic Oligochaete Sparganophilus pearsei II: Autonomy as a Novel Form of Protection. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 45:462-467.

Journal Article20020438Bioassessment

Schiff, K.C., S.M. Bay, C. Stransky. 2002. Characterization of stormwater toxicants from an urban watershed to freshwater and marine organisms. Urban Water 4:215-227.

Journal Article20020546Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Bernstein, B., J.F. Griffith, S.B. Weisberg. 2002. Microbiological source tracking workshop: Workgroup findings and recommendations. Technical Report 363. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20020363Microbial Source Tracking, Microbial Water Quality

Bernstein, B., K.C. Schiff. 2002. Stormwater research needs in Southern California. Technical Report 358. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20020358Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Ranasinghe, J.A., J.B. Frithsen, F.W. Kutz, J.F. Paul, D.E. Russell, R.A. Batiuk, J.L. Hyland, J. Scott, D.M. Dauer. 2002. Application of two indices of benthic community condition in Chesapeake Bay. Environmentrics 13:499-511.

Journal Article20020371Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Kamer, K., K.C. Schiff, R.L. Kennison, P. Fong. 2002. Macroalgal nutrient dynamics in Upper Newport Bay. Technical Report 365. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20020365Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Bay, S.M., D. Vidal, D. Schlenk. 2002. Effects of selenium accumulation on larval rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). Technical Report 373. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20020373Sediment Quality

Zeng, E.Y., J.A. Noblet. 2002. Theoretical Considerations on the use of solid-phase microextraction with complex environmental samples. Environmental Management 36:3385-3392.

Journal Article20020369Sediment Quality

Viadero Jr, R.C., J.A. Noblet. 2002. Membrane filtration for removal of fine solids from aquaculture process water. Aquacultural Engineering 26:151-169.

Journal Article20020392

Zeng, E.Y., J.P. Peng, D. Tsukada, T.L. Ku. 2002. In situ measurements of polychlorinated biphenyls in the waters of San Diego Bay, California. Environmental Science and Technology 36:4975-4980.

Journal Article20020374Sediment Quality

Zeng, E.Y., C.C. Chou, C. Yu. 2002. Potential application of gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry in the measurement of coeluting isomers. Analytical Chemistry 74:4513-4518.

Journal Article20020370Sediment Quality

Leecaster, M.K., K.C. Schiff, L.L. Tiefenthaler. 2002. Assessment of efficient sampling designs for urban stormwater monitoring. Water Research 36:1556-1564.

Journal Article20020361Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Moore, C.J., S.L. Moore, S.B. Weisberg, G.L. Lattin, A.F. Zellers. 2002. A comparison of neustonic plastic and zooplankton abundance in southern California's coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44:1035-1038.

Journal Article20020389Trash Pollution

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein. 2002. Preliminary characterization of sediment toxicity in the Chollas Creek Channel. Technical Report 362. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20020362Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Allen, M.J., A.K. Groce, D. Diener, J.S. Brown, S.A. Steinert, G. Deets, J.A. Noblet, S.L. Moore, D.W. Diehl, E.T. Jarvis, V. Raco-Rands, C. Thomas, Y. Ralph, R. Gartman, D. Cadien, S.B. Weisberg, T. Mikel. 2002. Southern California Bight 1998 Regional Monitoring Program: V. Demersal fishes and megabenthic invertebrates. Technical Report 380. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20020380Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program, Trash Pollution

Zeng, E.Y., K. Tran. 2002. Distribution of chlorinated hydrocarbons in overlying water, sediment, polychaete, and hornyhead turbot (pleuronichthys verticalis) in the coastal ocean, southern California, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 21:1600-1608.

Journal Article20020367Sediment Quality

Mai, B.X., J.M. Fu, G.Y. Sheng, Y.H. Kang, Z. Lin, G. Zhang, Y.S. Min, E.Y. Zeng. 2002. Chlorinated and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in riverine and estuarine sediments from Pearl River Delta, China. Environmental Pollution 117:457-474.

Journal Article20020364Sediment Quality

Schiff, K.C., S.B. Weisberg, V. Raco-Rands. 2002. Inventory of ocean monitoring in the Southern California Bight. Environmental Management 29:871-876.

Journal Article20020368Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Allen, M.J., S.L. Moore, S.B. Weisberg, A.K. Groce, M.K. Leecaster. 2002. Comparability of bioaccumulation within the sanddab guild in coastal southern California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44:452-458.

Journal Article20020366Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Alden, R.W., D.M. Dauer, J.A. Ranasinghe, L.C. Scott, R.J. Llanso. 2002. Statistical verification of the Chesapeake Bay benthic index of biotic integrity. Environmentrics 13:479-498.

Journal Article20020372Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Southern California Bight Field Methods Committee. 2002. Field operations manual for marine water-column, benthic, and trawl monitoring in Southern California. Technical Report 359. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20020359Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Baca-Hovey, C., L.D. Cooper. 2001. Reproductive biology of the barred sand bass (Paralabrax nebulifer). in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 164-169. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.15

Moore, C.J., S.L. Moore, M.K. Leecaster, S.B. Weisberg. 2001. A comparison of plastic and plankton in the North Pacific central gyre. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 120-124. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.10

Moore, C.J., S.L. Moore, M.K. Leecaster, S.B. Weisberg. 2001. A comparison of plastic and plankton in the North Pacific Central Gyre. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42:1297-1300.

Journal Article20010354Trash Pollution

Greenstein, D.J., S.M. Bay, A.W. Jirik, J.S. Brown, C. Alexander. 2001. Toxicity assessment of sediment cores from Santa Monica Bay. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 143-153. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.13

Zeng, E.Y., S.M. Bay, K. Tran, C. Alexander. 2001. Temporal and spatial distributions of contaminants in sediments of Santa Monica Bay, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 96-113. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.08

Groce, A.K., R. Rosenblatt, M.J. Allen. 2001. Addition of Blacklip Dragonet, Synchiropus atrilabiatus (Garman, 1899) (Pisces: Callionymidae) to the California ichthyofauna. Bulletin Southern California Academy of Science 100:149-152.

Journal Article20010351Bioassessment

Allen, M.J. 2001. Review of Habitat Information on white croaker (Genyonemus lineatus) and Nearshore Soft and Hard Bottom Fish Assemblages of Southern California. Technical Report 760. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20010760

Schiff, K.C., S.M. Bay, D.W. Diehl. 2001. Stormwater toxicity in Chollas Creek and San Diego Bay. Technical Report 340. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20010340Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Schiff, K.C., S.M. Bay, D.W. Diehl. 2001. Stormwater toxicity in Chollas Creek and San Diego Bay. Technical Report 340.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20010340.ARunoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Schiff, K.C., J.S. Brown, S.B. Weisberg. 2001. Model monitoring program for large ocean discharges in southern California. Technical Report 357. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20010357Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Schiff, K.C., J. Morton, S.B. Weisberg. 2001. Retrospective evaluation of shoreline water quality along Santa Monica Bay beaches. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 248-252. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.23

Leecaster, M., S.B. Weisberg. 2001. Effect of sampling frequency on shoreline microbiology assessments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42:1150-1154.

Journal Article20010349Microbial Water Quality

Leecaster, M.K., S.B. Weisberg. 2001. Effect of temporal sampling frequency on shoreline microbiology assessments. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 274-278. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.26

Schiff, K.C., S.B. Weisberg, J.H. Dorsey. 2001. Microbiological monitoring of marine recreational waters in southern California. Environmental Management 27:149-157.

Journal Article20010334Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Noble, R.T., J.H. Dorsey, M.K. Leecaster, V. Orozco-Borbon, D. Reid, K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg. 2001. A regional survey of the microbiological water quality along the shoreline of the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 218-225. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.19

Noble, R.T., M.K. Leecaster, D.F. Moore, K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg. 2001. Relationships among bacterial indicators during a regional survey of microbiological water quality along the shoreline of the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 241-247. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.22

Jirik, A.W., S.M. Bay, S. Asato. 2001. Interlaboratory comparison of sediment toxicity tests with the amphipod Eohaustorius estuarius. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 296-303. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.29

Kamer, K., P. Fong. 2001. Nitrogen enrichment ameliorates the negative effects of reduced salinity on the green macroalga Enteromorpha intestinalis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 218:87-93.

Journal Article20010347Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Raco-Rands, V., A.n.d.r.e.a. Steinberger. 2001. Characteristics of effluents from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 1997. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 28-44. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.02

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Allen, M.D. Moore. 2001. The Southern California Coastal Water Research Project - 30 years of environmental research in the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 2-26. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.01

Herbinson, K.T., M.J. Allen, S.L. Moore. 2001. Historical trends in nearshore croaker (family Sciaenidae) populations in southern California from 1977 through 1998. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 253-264. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.24

Noble, R.T., J.A. Fuhrman. 2001. Enterovirus detection by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction from the coastal waters of southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 226-233. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.20

Noble, R.T., J.A. Fuhrman. 2001. Enteroviruses detected by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction from the coastal waters of Santa Monica Bay, California: Low correlation to bacterial indicator levels. Hydrobiologia 460:175-184.

Journal Article20010355Microbial Water Quality

Moore, S.L. 2001. Age and growth of white croaker (Genyonemus lineatus) off Palos Verdes and Dana Point, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 154-163. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.14

Schiff, K.C., S.M. Bay, C. Stransky. 2001. Characterization of stormwater toxicants from an urban watershed to freshwater and marine organisms. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 71-84. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.06

Tiefenthaler, L.L., K.C. Schiff, S.M. Bay. 2001. Characteristics of parking lot runoff produced by simulated rain. Technical Report 343. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20010343Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Bay, S.M., J.S. Brown, D.J. Greenstein, A.W. Jirik. 2001. Toxicity of methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) to California marine life. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 136-142. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.12

Noble, R.T. 2001. Enterovirus detection in storm drain-impacted waters along the shoreline of the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 234-240. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.21

Schiff, K.C., M. Sutula. 2001. Organophosphorous pesticides in stormwater runoff from Southern California. Technical Report 356. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20010356Emerging Contaminants, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Stull, J.K., M.J. Allen, S.L. Moore, C.-L. Tang. 2001. Relative abundance and health of megabenthic invertebrate species on the Southern California Shelf in 1994. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 189-209. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.17

Allen, M.J., J.K. Stull, S.L. Moore, C.-L. Tang. 2001. Relative abundance and health of demersal fish species on the Southern California Shelf in 1994. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 170-188. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.16

Schiff, K.C., P. Kinney. 2001. Tracking sources of bacterial contamination in stormwater discharges from Mission Bay, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 85-93. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.07

Schiff, K.C., P. Kinney. 2001. Tracking sources of bacterial contamination in stormwater discharges to Mission Bay, California. Water Environment Research 73:534-542.

Journal Article20010353Microbial Water Quality

Schiff, K.C., L.L. Tiefenthaler. 2001. Anthropogenic versus natural mass emissions from an urban watershed. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 63-70. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.05

Stolzenbach, K., R. Lu, C. Xiong, S. Friedlander, R. Turco, K.C. Schiff, L.L. Tiefenthaler. 2001. Measuring and modeling of atmospheric deposition on Santa Monica Bay and the Santa Monica Bay Watershed. Technical Report 346. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20010346Runoff Water Quality

Leecaster, M.K., K.C. Schiff, L.L. Tiefenthaler. 2001. Assessment of efficient sampling designs for urban stormwater monitoring. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 45-51. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.03

Schiff, K.C., S.B. Weisberg, V. Raco-Rands. 2001. Inventory of ocean monitoring in the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 212-217. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.18

Allen, M.J., R.W. Smith, V. Raco-Rands. 2001. Development of Biointegrity Indices for Marine Demersal Fish and Megabenthic Invertebrate Assemblages of Southern California. Technical Report 469. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20010469Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Tran, K., D.L. Young, E.Y. Zeng. 2001. Molecular markers in urban stormwater runoff. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 279-288. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.27

Allen, M.J., A. Groce. 2001. First occurrence of Blackspot Wrasse, Decodon melasma Gomon 1974 (Pisces: Labridae) in California. Bulletin Southern California Academy of Science 100:131-136.

Journal Article20010350Bioassessment

Allen, M.J., A. Groce. 2001. First occurrence of Speckletail Flounder, Engyophrys sanctilaurentii Jordan & Bollman 1890 (Pisces: Bothidae), in California. Bulletin Southern California Academy of Science 100:137-143.

Journal Article20010352Bioassessment

Dalkey, A., M.K. Leecaster. 2001. Comparison of sediment grain size analysis among two methods and three instruments using environmental samples. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 289-295. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.28

Paul, J.F., K.J. Scott, D.E. Campbell, J.H. Gentile, C.S. Strobel, R.M. Valente, S.B. Weisberg, A.F. Holland, J.A. Ranasinghe. 2001. Developing and applying a benthic index of estuarine condition for the Virginian Biogeographic Province. Ecological Indicators 1:83.

Journal Article20010360Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Bergen, M., S.B. Weisberg, R. Smith, D. Cadien, A. Dalkey, D. Montagne, J. Stull, R. Velarde, J.A. Ranasinghe. 2001. Relationship between depth, sediment, latitude, and the structure of benthic infaunal assemblages on the mainland shelf of southern California. Marine Biology 138:637-647.

Journal Article20010342Bioassessment

Tiefenthaler, L.L., K.C. Schiff, M.K. Leecaster. 2001. Temporal variability patterns of stormwater concentrations in urban stormwater runoff. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 52-62. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.04

Leecaster, M.K. 2001. Spatial analysis of grain size in Santa Monica Bay. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 265-271. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.25

Smith, R.W., M. Bergen, S.B. Weisberg, D. Cadien, A. Dalkey, D. Montagne, J.K. Stull, R.G. Velarde. 2001. Benthic response index for assessing infaunal communities on the Southern California mainland shelf. Ecological Applications 11:1073-1087.

Journal Article20010345Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Moore, S.L., D. Gregorio, M. Carreon, S.B. Weisberg, M.K. Leecaster. 2001. Composition and distribution of beach debris in Orange County, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 114-119. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.09

Brown, J.S., S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein, W.R. Ray. 2001. Concentrations of methyl-tert butyl ether (MTBE) in inputs and receiving waters of southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1999-2000 Annual Report pp. 125-134. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report20012000.11

Moore, S.L., D. Gregorio, M. Carreon, S.B. Weisberg, M. Leecaster. 2001. Composition and distribution of beach debris in Orange County, California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42:241-245.

Journal Article20010341Trash Pollution

Brown, J.S., S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein, W. Ray. 2001. Concentrations of methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in inputs and receiving waters of southern California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42:957-966.

Journal Article20010348Emerging Contaminants

Jiang, S., R. Noble, W. Chu. 2001. Human adenoviruses and coliphages in urban runoff impacted coastal waters of southern California. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67:179-184.

Journal Article20010344Microbial Water Quality, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Kamer, K., P. Fong. 2000. A Fluctuating Salinity Regime Mitigates the Negative Effects of Reduced Salinity on the Estuarine Macroalga, Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) link. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 254:53-69.

Journal Article20000331Bioassessment

Noble, R.T., J.H. Dorsey, M.K. Leecaster, M. Mazur, C.D. McGee, D. Moore, V. Orozco-Borbon, D. Reid, K.C. Schiff, P.M. Vainik, S.B. Weisberg. 2000. Southern California Bight 1998 Regional Monitoring Program: III. Storm event shoreline microbiology. Technical Report 338. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20000338Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., M.J. Allen. 2000. Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in flatfishes from the Southern California, USA, Bight. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 9:1559-1565.

Journal Article20000323Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Moore, S.L., M.J. Allen. 2000. Distribution of Anthropogenic and natural debris on the mainland shelf of Southern California Bight. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40:83-88.

Journal Article20000318Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program, Trash Pollution

Schiff, K.C. 2000. Sediment chemistry on the mainland shelf of the Southern California Bight. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40:268-276.

Journal Article20000320Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bergen, M., D. Cadien, A. Dalkey, D.E. Montagne, R.W. Smith, J.K. Stull, R.G. Velarde, S.B. Weisberg. 2000. Assessment of benthic infaunal condition on the mainland shelf of southern California. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64:421-434.

Journal Article20000325Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Noble, R.T., J.H. Dorsey, M. Leecaster, V. Orozco-Borbon, D. Reid, K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg. 2000. A regional survey of the microbiological water quality along the shoreline of the Southern California Bight. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64:435-447.

Journal Article20000328Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Noble, R.T., J. Dorsey, M. Leecaster, M. Mazur, C. McGee, D. Moore, O. Victoria, D. Reid, K.C. Schiff, P. Vainik, S.B. Weisberg. 2000. Southern California Bight 1998 Regional Monitoring Program, Vol II: Winter shoreline microbiology. Technical Report 337. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20000337Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bay, S.M., D. Lapota, J. Anderson, J. Armstrong, T. Mikel, A. Jirik, S. Asato. 2000. Southern California Bight 1998 Regional Monitoring Program: IV. Sediment Toxicity. Technical Report 339. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20000339Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., M.J. Allen, E.Y. Zeng, S.M. Bay. 2000. Southern California. in: C.R.C. Sheppard (ed.), Seas at the Millenium: An Environmental Evaluation - Volume I: Regional Chapters: Europe, The Americas and West Africa pp. 385-404. Elsevier Science. New York, NY.

Book Chapter20000329Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., M.J. Allen, E.Y. Zeng, S.M. Bay. 2000. Southern California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 41:76-93.

Journal Article20000329Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schweitzer, L.E., S.M. Bay, I.H. Suffet. 2000. Dietary assimilatin of a polychlorinated biphenyl in adult sea urchins (Lytechinus pictus) and maternal transfer to their offspring. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19:1919-1924.

Journal Article20000326Sediment Quality

Weisberg, S.B., H.T. Wilson, D.G. Heimbuch, H.L. Windom, J.K. Summers. 2000. Comparison of sediment metal:aluminum relationships between the eastern and gulf coasts of the United States. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 61:373-385.

Journal Article20000321Sediment Quality

Schiff, K.C., K. Kamer. 2000. Comparison of nutrient inputs, water column concentrations, and macroalgal biomass in upper Newport Bay, California. Technical Report 332. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20000332Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Bay, S.M., J.S. Brown. 2000. Assessment of the MTBE discharge impacts on California marine water quality. Technical Report 319. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20000319Emerging Contaminants

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project and San Francisco Estuary Institute and Moss Landing Marine Laboratory. 2000. Pollutant mass emissions to the coastal ocean of California: Initial estimates and recommendations to improve stormwater emission estimates. Technical Report 335. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project.

Technical Report20000335Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project and San Francisco Estuary Institute and Moss Landing Marine Laboratory. 2000. Pollutant mass emissions to the coastal ocean of California: Initial estimates and recommendations to improve stormwater emission estimates (Appendix A1). Technical Report 335.A1. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20000335.A1Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project and San Francisco Estuary Institute and Moss Landing Marine Laboratory. 2000. Pollutant mass emissions to the coastal ocean of California: Initial estimates and recommendations to improve stormwater emission estimates (Appendix A). Technical Report 335.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20000335.ARunoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project and San Francisco Estuary Institute and Moss Landing Marine Laboratory. 2000. Pollutant mass emissions to the coastal ocean of California: Initial estimates and recommendations to improve stormwater emission estimates (Appendix B). Technical Report 335.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20000335.BRunoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project and San Francisco Estuary Institute and Moss Landing Marine Laboratory. 2000. Pollutant mass emissions to the coastal ocean of California: Initial estimates and recommendations to improve stormwater emission estimates (Appendix C). Technical Report 335.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report20000335.CRunoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Dauer, D.M., S.B. Weisberg, J.A. Ranasinghe. 2000. Relationships between benthic community condition, water quality, sediment quality, nutrient loads, and land use patterns in Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries 23:80-96.

Journal Article20000324Sediment Quality

Weisberg, S.B., T.L. Hayward, M. Cole. 2000. Towards a US GOOS: a synthesis of lessons learned from previous coastal monitoring efforts. Oceanography 13:54-61.

Journal Article20000322Climate Change, Regional Monitoring

McGee, C.D., M.K. Leecaster, P.M. Vainik, R.T. Noble, K.O. Walker, S.B. Weisberg. 1999. Comparison of bacterial indicator measurements among Southern California Marine Monitoring. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 187-198. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.17

Bond, A.B., J.S. Stephens Jr, D.J. Pondella II, M.J. Allen, M. Helvey. 1999. A method for estimating marine habitat values based on fish guilds, with comparisons between sites in the Southern California Bight. Bulletin of Marine Science 64:219-242.

Journal Article19990310Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Moore, S.L., M.J. Allen. 1999. Distribution of anthropogenic and natural debris on the Mainland Shelf of the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 137-142. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.13

Schiff, K.C. 1999. Development of a model publicly owned treatment work (POTW) monitoring program. Technical Report 316. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19990316Regional Monitoring

Schiff, K.C. 1999. Sediment chemistry on the Mainland Shelf of the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 76-88. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.08

Schiff, K.C., S.B. Weisberg. 1999. Iron as a reference element in southern California coastal shelf sediments. Marine Environmental Research 48:161-176.

Journal Article19990313Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bergen, M., D. Cadien, A. Dalkey, D. Montagne, R.W. Smith, J.K. Stull, R.G. Velarde, S.B. Weisberg. 1999. Assessment of benthic infauna on the Mainland Shelf of southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 143-154. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.14

Schiff, K.C., S.B. Weisberg, J.H. Dorsey. 1999. Microbiological monitoring of marine recreational waters in southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 179-186. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.16

Skinner, L., A. de Peyster, K.C. Schiff. 1999. Developmental effects of urban storm water in Medaka (Oryzias latipes) and inland silverside (Menidia beryllina). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 37:227-235.

Journal Article19990330Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Noble, R.T., J. Dorsey, M. Leecaster, M. Mazur, C. McGee, D. Moore, O. Victoria, D. Reid, K.C. Schiff, P. Vainik, S.B. Weisberg. 1999. Southern California Bight 1998 Regional Monitoring Program, Vol I: Summer shoreline microbiology. Technical Report 336. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19990336Microbial Water Quality, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Santangelo, R.V., D.W. Diehl, S.B. Weisberg. 1999. Spatial characterization of four water column parameters on the Mainland Shelf of southern California in July 1994. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 89-100. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.09

Bay, S.M., B.H. Jones, K.C. Schiff. 1999. Study of the impact of stormwater discharge on Santa Monica Bay. Technical Report 317. University of Southern California Sea Grant. Los Angeles, CA.

Technical Report19990317Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Brown, J.S., S.M. Bay. 1999. Biomarkers of contaminant exposure and effect in flatfish from southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 62-67. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.06

Allen, M.J., D. Diener, J. Mubarak, S.B. Weisberg, S.L. Moore. 1999. Demersal fish assemblages of the Mainland Shelf of southern California in 1994. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 101-112. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.10

Allen, M.J., D. Diener, J. Mubarak, S.B. Weisberg, S.L. Moore. 1999. Megabenthic invertebrate assemblages of the Mainland Shelf of southern California in 1994. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 113-124. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.11

Schweitzer, L., S.M. Bay. 1999. Bioaccumulation, maternal transfer, and sublethal effects of a PCB in the sea urchin, Lytechinus pictus. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 68-74. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.07

Anderson, J.W., E.Y. Zeng, J.M. Jones. 1999. Correlation between response of human cell line and distribution of sediment polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls on the Palos Verdes Shelf, California, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18:1506-1510.

Journal Article19990311Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Anderson, J.W., E.Y. Zeng, J.M. Jones. 1999. Correlation between the response of a human cell line (P450 RGS) and the distribution of sediment PAHs and PCBs on the Palos Verdes Shelf, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 54-61. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.05

Zeng, E.Y., C. Yu, K. Tran. 1999. In situ measurements of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the water column off the Palos Verdes Peninsula, California. Environmental Science and Technology 33:392-398.

Journal Article19990303Sediment Quality

Zeng, E.Y., C.C. Yu, K. Tran. 1999. In-situ measurements of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the water column off the Palos Verdes Peninsula, California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 43-52. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.04

Zeng, E.Y., K. Tran. 1999. Response to comment on In situ measurements of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the water column off the Palos Verdes Peninsula, California. Environmental Science & Technology 33:3929-3931.

Journal Article19990315Sediment Quality

Tran, K., E.Y. Zeng. 1999. Use of equilibrium partitioning theory to determine route(s) of chlorinated hydrocarbon uptake in hornyhead turbot. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 32-42. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.03

Raco-Rands, V.. 1999. Characteristics of effluents from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 1996. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 2-17. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.01

Raco-Rands, V.. 1999. Characteristics of effluents from nonpower industrial facilities in 1995. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 18-30. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.02

Bergen, M., S.B. Weisberg, R.W. Smith, D. Cadien, A. Dalkey, D. Montagne, J.K. Stull, R.G. Velarde. 1999. Relationship between depth, latitude and sediment and the structure of benthic infaunal assemblages on the Mainland Shelf of southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 125-136. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.12

Allen, M.J., S.L. Moore, S.B. Weisberg, A.K. Groce, M. Leecaster. 1999. Comparability of bioaccumulation within the Sanddab feeding guild in coastal southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 199-206. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.18

Smith, R.W., M. Bergen, S.B. Weisberg, D. Cadien, A. Dalkey, D. Montagne, J.K. Stull, R.G. Velarde. 1999. Benthic response index for assessing infaunal communities on the Mainland Shelf of southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, D. Elmore (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1997-1998 Annual Report pp. 156-178. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19991998.15

Zeng, E.Y., M.I. Venkatesan. 1999. Dispersion of sediment DDTs in the coastal ocean off southern California. Science of the Total Environment 229:195-208.

Journal Article19990314Sediment Quality

Bernstein, B.B., M.J. Allen, J. Dorsey, M. Gold, M.J. Lyons, G.A. Pollock, D. Smith, J.K. Stull, G.Y. Wang. 1999. Compliance monitoring in a regional context: revising seafood tissue monitoring for risk assessment. Ocean & Coastal Management 42:399-418.

Journal Article19990312Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Hashimoto, J., S.B. Weisberg. 1998. Coordinating site-specific NPDES monitoring to achieve regional monitoring in southern California. Technical Report 304. Environmental Protection Agency. Reno, NV.

Technical Report19980304Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Allen, M.J., S.L. Moore, K.C. Schiff, S.B. Weisberg, D. Diener, J.K. Stull, A. Groce, J. Mubarak, C.L. Tang, R. Gartman. 1998. Southern California Bight 1994 Pilot Project: V. Demersal fishes and megabenthic invertebrates. Technical Report 308. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19980308Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., R.W. Gossett. 1998. Southern California Bight 1994 Pilot Project: III. Sediment Chemistry. Technical Report 306. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19980306Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, A.W. Jirik, J.S. Brown. 1998. Southern California Bight 1994 Pilot Project: VI. Sediment toxicity. Technical Report 309. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19980309Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Jirik, A., S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein, A. Zellers, S.L. Lau. 1998. Application of TIEs in studies of urban stormwater impacts on marine organisms. in: E.E. Little, A.J. DeLonay, B.M. Greenberg (eds.), Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Seventh Volume pp. 284-298. American Society for Testing and Materials. West Conshohocken, PA.

Book Chapter19980302Sediment Quality

Venkatesan, M.I., N. Chalaux, J.M. Bayona, E. Zeng. 1998. Butyltins in sediments from Santa Monica and San Pedro basins, California. Environmental Pollution 99:263-269.

Journal Article19980301Sediment Quality

Bergen, M., S.B. Weisberg, D. Cadien, A. Dalkey, D. Montagne, R.W. Smith, J.K. Stull, R.G. Velarde. 1998. Southern California Bight 1994 Pilot Project: IV. Benthic infauna. Technical Report 307. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19980307Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Zeng, E.Y., D. Cheng, A.R. Khan, C.L. Vista. 1998. Validity of using linear alkylbenzenes as markers of sewage contamination with interference from tetrapropylene-based alkylbenzenes. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17:394-397.

Journal Article19980299Sediment Quality

SCBPP Steering Committee. 1998. Southern California Bight 1994 Pilot Project: I. Executive summary. Technical Report 305. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19980305Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bay, S.M., K.C. Schiff, D.J. Greenstein, L.L. Tiefenthaler. 1997. Stormwater Runoff of Santa Monica Bay: Toxicity, Sediment Quality, and Benthic Community Impacts. in: O.T. Magoon, H. Converse, B. Baird, M. Miller-Henson (eds.), California and the World Ocean '97 pp. 900-921. American Society of Civil Engineers. Reston, VA.

Book Chapter19970468Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Schiff, K.C., M.J. Allen. 1997. Bioaccumulation of chlorinated hydrocarbons in livers of flatfishes from the Southern California Bight. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 57-67. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.05

Schiff, K.C. 1997. Review of existing stormwater monitoring programs for estimating bight-wide mass emissions from urban runoff. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 44-55. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.04

Schiff, K.C., S.B. Weisberg. 1997. Iron as a reference element for determining trace metal enrichment in California coastal shelf sediments. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 68-77. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.06

Bay, S.M., K.C. Schiff. 1997. Impacts of stormwater discharges on the nearshore environment of Santa Monica Bay. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 105-118. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.10

Allen, M.J., S.L. Moore. 1997. Recurrent groups of demersal fishes on the Mainland Shelf of southern California in 1994. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 121-128. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.11

Allen, M.J., S.L. Moore. 1997. Recurrent groups of megabenthic invertebrates on the Mainland Shelf of southern California in 1994. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 129-135. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.12

Schweitzer, L.E., J.E. Hose, I.H. Suffet, S.M. Bay. 1997. Differential toxicity of three polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in developing sea urchin embryos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16:1510-1514.

Journal Article19970298Sediment Quality

Schweitzer, L., S.M. Bay. 1997. Relative toxicity of PCB congeners to sea urchin embryos. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 90-95. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.08

Montagne, D.E., M. Bergen. 1997. Quality control and assessment of infaunal identification and enumeration: the SCBPP experience. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 147-154. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.14

Greenstein, D.J., L.L. Tiefenthaler. 1997. Reproduction and population dynamics of Grandidierella japonica (Stephensen) (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in upper Newport Bay, California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 96:34-42.

Journal Article19970288Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Zeng, E., S.M. Bay, C. Vista, C. Yu, D.J. Greenstein. 1997. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of polychlorinated biphenyls in sea urchins exposed to contaminated sediments. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 79-89. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.07

Bay, S.M., K.C. Schiff, D.J. Greenstein, L.L. Tiefenthaler. 1997. Stormwater runoff effects on Santa Monica Bay: toxicity, sediment quality, and benthic community impacts. Technical Report 300. Conference Proceedings for California and the World Ocean '98.

Technical Report19970300Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Zeng, E.Y., A.R. Khan, K. Tran. 1997. Organic pollutants in the coastal environment off San Diego, California: Using linear alkylbenzenes to trace sewage-derived organic materials. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16:196-201.

Journal Article19970297Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, A. Jirik, A. Zellers. 1997. Toxicity of stormwater from Ballona and Malibu Creeks. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 96-104. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.09

Tran, K., C.C. Yu, E.Y. Zeng. 1997. Organic pollutants in the coastal environment off San Diego, California: Petrogenic and biogenic sources of aliphatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16:189-195.

Journal Article19970296Sediment Quality

Raco-Rands, V.. 1997. Characteristics of effluents from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 1995. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 3-16. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.01

Tran, K., E. Zeng. 1997. Laboratory and field testing on an INFILTREX 100 pump. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 137-146. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.13

Raco-Rands, V.. 1997. Characteristics of effluents from power generating stations in 1995. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 32-43. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.03

Raco-Rands, V.. 1997. Characteristics of effluents from small municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 1995. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 17-31. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.02

Zeng, E.Y., C.L. Vista. 1997. Organic pollutants in the coastal environment off San Diego, California: Source identification and assessment by compositional indices of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16:179-188.

Journal Article19970295Sediment Quality

Zeng, E., D. Cheng, A. Khan, C. Vista. 1997. Validity of using linear alkylbenzenes as markers of sewage contamination with interference from tetrapropylene-based alkylbenzenes. in: S.B. Weisberg, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1996 Annual Report pp. 155-158. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19971996.15

Cooper, L.D. 1996. Age and growth in the hornyhead turbot (Pleuronichthys verticalis) off Orange County, California. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 91-96. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.10

Cross, J.N., S.B. Weisberg. 1996. The Southern California Bight Pilot Project: An overview. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 104-108. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.12

Eganhouse, R.P., T.F. Dorsey, C.S. Phinney, A.M. Westcott. 1996. Processes affecting the fate of monoaromatic hydrocarbons in an aquifer contaminated by crude oil. Environmental Science and Technology 30:3304-3312.

Journal Article19960289

Greenstein, D.J., S. Alzadjali, S.M. Bay. 1996. Toxicity of ammonia to purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) embryos. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 72-77. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.07

Schiff, K.C., M. Stevenson. 1996. San Diego Regional Storm Water Monitoring Program: Contaminant inputs to coastal wetlands and bays. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 95:7-16.

Journal Article19960281Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Allen, M.J., S.L. Moore. 1996. Spatial variability in southern California demersal fish and invertebrate catch parameters in 1994. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 114-127. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.14

Bay, S.M. 1996. Sediment toxicty on the Mainland Shelf of the Southern California Bight in 1994. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 128-136. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.15

Schiff, K.C., M. Bergen. 1996. Impact of wastewater on reproduction of Amphiodia urtica. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 78-84. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.08

Bergen, M. 1996. The Southern California Bight Pilot Project: Sampling design. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 109-113. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.13

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, S.L. Lau, M.K. Stenstrom, C.G. Kelley. 1996. Toxicity of dry weather flow from the Santa Monica Bay watershed. Bulletin of Southern California Academy of Sciences 95:33-45.

Journal Article19960284Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Allen, M.J., P.V. Velez, D.W. Diehl, S.E. McFadden, M. Kelsh. 1996. Demographic variability in seafood consumption rates among recreational anglers of Santa Monica Bay, California, in 1991-1992. Fishery Bulletin 94:597-610.

Journal Article19960285Sediment Quality

Tiefenthaler, L.L., M.A. Skracic. 1996. Development of sediment bioassays using newly settled California halibut (Paralichthys californicus). in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 85-90. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.09

Zeng, E.Y., C.C. Yu. 1996. Measurements of linear alkylbenzenes by GC/MS with interference from tetrapropylene-based alkylbenzenes: Calculation of quantitation errors using a two-component model. Environmental Science and Technology 30:322-328.

Journal Article19960279Sediment Quality

Zeng, E.Y., A.R. Khan, K. Tran. 1996. Using linear alkybenzenes to trace sewage-derived organic materials off San Diego, California. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 63-70. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.06

Raco-Rands, V.. 1996. Characteristics of effluents from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 1994. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 10-20. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.01

Tran, K., C.C. Yu, E.Y. Zeng. 1996. Petrogenic and biogenic sources of n-alkanes off San Diego, California. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 53-62. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.05

Raco-Rands, V.. 1996. Characteristics of effluents from power generating stations in 1994. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 29-36. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.03

Raco-Rands, V.. 1996. Characteristics of effluents from small municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 1994. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 21-28. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.02

Hosaka, L.K., D. Cassell. 1996. Comparison of methods for obtaining group biomass measurements of trawl-caught fishes. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 97-102. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.11

Zeng, E.Y., C.L. Vista. 1996. Compositional indicies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon sources off San Diego, California. in: M.J. Allen, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1994-95 Annual Report pp. 38-52. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19961995.04

Bernstein, B., J. Allen, J. Dorsey, M. Gold, M. Lyons, G.A. Pollock, D. Smith, J.K. Stull, G. Wang. 1996. Rethinking seafood tissue monitoring for regional risk assessment. Technical Report 283. Marine Technology Society. Washington, DC.

Technical Report19960283Sediment Quality

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Characteristics of effluents from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 1993. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 9-17. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.01

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Characteristics of effluents from small municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 1993. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 18-24. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.02

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. A conceptual model of pollutant flux through the coastal ecosystem off Los Angeles. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 71-77. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.08

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Extraction of hydrophobic organics from aqueous samples with 90-mm C-18 bonded disks. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 25-34. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.03

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Growth of brittlestars exposed to sediments from a municipal wastewater outfall gradient off San Diego. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 96-100. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.11

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Measurements of linear alkybenzenes by GC/MS and GC/FID. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 35-41. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.04

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Post-depositional distribution of organic contaminates near the Hyperion 7-mile outfall in Santa Monica Bay. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 43-54. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.05

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Reproduction and population dynamics of Grandidierella japonica in upper Newport Bay. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 101-105. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.12

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Seafood consumption habits of recreational anglers in Santa Monica Bay. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 55-62. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.06

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Sediment grain size: results of an interlaboratory intercalibration experiment. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 63-70. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.07

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Structure of the Amphiodia urtica population near a municipal wastewater outfall off Orange County. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 91-95. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.10

SCCWRP Staff. 1995. Toxicity of sediments on the Palos Verdes Shelf. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1993-94 Annual Report pp. 79-90. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19951994.09

Bergen, M. 1995. Distribution of Brittlestar Amphiodia (Amphispina) spp. in the Southern California Bight in 1956 to 1959. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 94:190-203.

Journal Article19950290Bioassessment

Zeng, E.Y., A.R. Khan. 1995. Extraction of municipal wastewater effluent using 90-mm C-18 bonded disks. Journal of Microcolumn Separations 7:529-539.

Journal Article19950278Sediment Quality

Smith, R.W. 1995. The Reference Envelope Approach to Impact Monitoring. Technical Report 305.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report19950305.ARegional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Aspects of the life history of hornybead turbot, Pleuronichthys verticalis, off southern California. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 154-162. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.15

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Characteristics of effluents from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 1992. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 10-19. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.01

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Congener specific analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls by GC/ECD and GC/MS: characterization of an aroclor mixture. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 35-52. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.03

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Contamination of recreational seafood organisms off southern California. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 100-110. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.08

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Distribution of the Brittlestar, Amphiodia (Amphispina) species, in the Southern California Bight in 1957-59. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 112-120. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.09

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Estimated discharges from offshore oil platforms in the Southern California Bight in 1990. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 20-34. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.02

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Near bottom currents off southern California. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 65-80. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.05

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Population biology of the Brittlestar, Amphiodia urtica. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 121-129. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.10

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Prelimary Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE) of dry weather urban discharge. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 142-148. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.13

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Preliminary study of seasonal variation of carbon and nitrogen in sediments off Point Loma. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 91. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.07

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Response of the Brittlestar, Amphiodia urtica to an outfall gradient. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 136-141. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.12

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. SCCWRP inclinometer current meters. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 54-64. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.04

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Sediment toxicity test methods for the Brittlestar, Amphiodia urtica. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 130-135. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.11

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Temperature variations in the water column off Point Loma. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 81-90. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.06

SCCWRP Staff. 1994. Toxic effects of elevated salinity and desalination waste brine. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco, D. Hallock (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1992-93 Annual Report pp. 149-153. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Annual Report19941993.14

Allen, M.J. 1994. Santa Monica Bay seafood consumption study. Technical Report 273. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19940273Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, J.S. Brown, A. Jirik. 1994. Investigation of toxicity in Palos Verdes sediments. Technical Report 286. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19940286Sediment Quality

Lau, S.-L., M.K. Stenstrom, S.M. Bay. 1994. Assessment of storm drain sources of contaminants to Santa Monica Bay. Volume V, Toxicity of Dry Weather Urban Runoff. Technical Report 282. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19940282Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists. 1994. A Taxonomic listing of soft bottom macroinvertebrates from infaunal monitoring programs in the southern California Bight. Technical Report 271. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19940271Sediment Quality

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. 1994. Sediment grain size: interlaboratory intercalibration experiment. Technical Report 276. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19940276Regional Monitoring

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Extension of Point Loma Outfall. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 70-76. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.07

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Hazardous spills in the Southern California Bight. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 29-38. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.03

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Long term trends in trawl caught fishes off Point Loma, San Diego. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 88-97. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.10

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Response of Dover sole to termination of sludge discharge in Santa Monica Bay. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 78-80. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.08

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Sediment model verification. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 61-69. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.06

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Surface runoff to the Southern California Bight. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 19-28. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.02

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Temporal and spatial changes in sediment toxicity in Santa Monica Bay. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 81-87. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.09

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Total organic carbon and total nitrogen in marine sediments, sediment trap particles, municipal effluents, and surface runoff. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 50-60. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.05

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Toxicity of dry weather flow in Ballona Creek. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 108-112. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.12

SCCWRP, TetraTech, EcoAnalysis, 1993. Analyses of Ambient Monitoring Data for the Southern California Bight. Technical Report 270. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report1993270Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bay, S.M., R. Burgess, D. Nacci. 1993. Status and applications of Echinoid (Phylum echinodermata) Toxicity test methods. in: W.G. Landis, J.S. Hughes, M.A. Lewis (eds.), Environmental Toxicology & Risk Assessment pp. 281-302. American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia, PA.

Book Chapter19930263Sediment Quality

Kaplan, I., L. Shan-Tan. 1993. Contribution of atmospheric contaminants to the southern California Bight water column. Technical Report 280. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Westminster, CA.

Technical Report19930280Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality

Thompson, B., D. Tsukada, D. O'Donohue. 1993. 1990 Reference site survey. Technical Report 269. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19930269Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Bernstein, B., B. Thompson, R. Smith. 1993. A combined science and management framework for developing regional monitoring objectives. Coastal Management 21:185-195.

Journal Article19930272Regional Monitoring

Thompson, B., D. Tsukada, J. Laughlin. 1993. Megabenthic assemblages of coastal shelves, slopes, and basins off southern California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 92:25-42.

Journal Article19930258Sediment Quality

Cross, J.N., L.G. Allen. 1993. Fishes. in: M.D. Dailey, D.J. Reish, J.W. Anderson (eds.), Ecology of the Southern California Bight: A Synthesis and Interpretation pp. 459-540. University of California Press. Berkeley, CA.

Book Chapter19930209.ABioassessment, Regional Monitoring

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. 1990 Reference Survey. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 98-107. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.11

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Characteristics of effluents from large municipal wastewater treatment facilities in 1990 and 1991. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 8-18. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.01

SCCWRP Staff. 1993. Estimates of ocean disposal inputs to the Southern California Bight. in: J.N. Cross, C. Francisco (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1990-91 and 1991-92 Annual Report pp. 39-48. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19931992.04

Thompson, B. 1992. Recovery of Santa Monica Bay from sludge discharge. Technical Report 261. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19920261Sediment Quality

Hendricks, T. 1992. Orange County currents. Phase II. Technical Report 262. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19920262

Anderson, J.W. 1992. Bioaccumulation and sub-lethal effects in marine invertebrates. Technical Report 268. Water Board. Sydney, Australia.

Technical Report19920268Sediment Quality

Hendricks, T.J., R. Eganhouse. 1992. Modification and verification of sediment deposition models. Technical Report 265. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19920265Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R.P., T.F. Dorsey, C.S. Phinney, A.M. Westcott. 1992. Determination of C6-C10 aromatic hydrocarbons in water by purge-and-trap capillary gas chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 628:81-92.

Journal Article19920267Sediment Quality

Cross, J.N., M.J. Allen, W.M. Jarman. 1992. Santa Monica seafood contamination study. Technical Report 264. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19920264Sediment Quality

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Reish, J.W. Anderson, S.M. Bay. 1992. A comparative evaluation of produced water toxicity. in: J.P. Ray, F.R. Engelhart (eds.), Produced Water pp. 199-207. Plenum Press. New York, NY.

Book Chapter19920266Sediment Quality

Thompson, B., H. Stubbs. 1991. Description of sludge field near the Hyperion 7-mile outfall. Technical Report 260. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19910260Sediment Quality

Olmez, I., E. Sholkovitz, D. Hermann, R. Eganhouse. 1991. Rare earth elements in sediments off southern California: a new anthropogenic indicator. Environmental Science and Technology 25:310-316.

Journal Article19910256Sediment Quality

Thompson, B., B. Bernstein, R. Smith, R. Packard. 1991. Assessment of monitoring and data management needs in Santa Monica Bay. Technical Report 255. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19910255

Eganhouse, R., R. Gossett. 1991. Sources and magnitude of bias associated with determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in environmental samples. Analytical Chemistry 63:2130-2137.

Journal Article19910259Sediment Quality

Thompson, B., S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein, J. Laughlin. 1991. Sublethal effects of hydrogen sulfide in sediments on the urchin Lytechinus pictus. Marine Environmental Research 31:309-321.

Journal Article19910257Sediment Quality

Hendricks, T. 1990. Analysis of cross-shore transport off Point Loma. Technical Report 252. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19900252

Hendricks, T.J. 1990. Modification and verification of sediment deposition models: Phase I - Modeling Component. Technical Report 254. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19900254Sediment Quality

Brown, D.A., S.M. Bay, G.P. Hershelman. 1990. Exposure of scorpionfish (Scorpaena guttata) to cadmium: effects of acute and chronic exposures on the cytosolic distribution of cadmium, copper, and zinc. Aquatic Toxicology 16:295-310.

Journal Article19900247Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R., R. Gossett, G.P. Hershelman. 1990. Congener-specific characterization and source identification of PCB input to the Los Angeles Harbor. Technical Report 249. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19900249Sediment Quality

Cozzarelli, I.M., R.P. Eganhouse, M.J. Baedecker. 1990. Transformation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons to organic acids in anoxic groundwater environment. Environmental Geological Science 16:135-141.

Journal Article19900250

Thompson, B., S.M. Bay. 1990. Understanding sediment toxicity off southern California. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2:1048-1050.

Journal Article19900253Sediment Quality

Buchman, M.F., S.M. Bay, R.J. Breteler, R.S. Carr, P.M. Chapman, J.E. Hose, A.L. Lissner, J. Scott, D.A. Wolfe. 1990. Comparative evaluation of five toxicity tests with sediments from San Francisco Bay and Tomales Bay, California. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 9:1193-1214.

Journal Article19900246Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R.P., R.W. Gossett. 1990. Historical deposition and biogeochemical fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments near a major submarine wastewater outfall in southern California. Technical Report 251. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19900251Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, P. Szalay, D.A. Brown. 1990. Exposure of scorpionfish (Scorpaena guttata) to cadmium: biochemical effects of chronic exposure. Aquatic Toxicology 16:311-320.

Journal Article19900248Sediment Quality

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. An assessment of monitoring in Santa Monica Bay. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 94-98. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.11

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. Changes in macrobenthic assemblages after termination of sludge discharge into Santa Monica Bay. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 88-93. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.10

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. Characteristics of effluents from large municipal wastewater treatment plants in 1989. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 8-15. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.01

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. Characteristics of effluents from small municipal wastewater treatntent plants, electrical generating stations, and industrial facilines in 1989. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 16-24. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.02

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. Mass emissions estimates for selected constituents from the Los Angeles River. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 25-36. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.03

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. PCBs in Los Angeles Harbor. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 47-57. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.05

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. Potential applications of waste specific molecular markers. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 38-46. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.04

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. Sources and magnitude of error associated with PCB measurements. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 58-68. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.06

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. Sublethal effects of hydrogen sulfide in marine sediments. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 70-74. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.07

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. Toxicity of surface runoff in southern California. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 83-87. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.09

SCCWRP Staff. 1990. Wastewater toxicity studies. in: J.N. Cross, D.M. Wiley (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1989-90 Annual Report pp. 75-82. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19901990.08

Schafer, H. 1989. Improving southern California's coastal waters. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 61:1395-1401.

Journal Article19890238Sediment Quality

Hose, J.E., J.N. Cross, S.G. Smith, D.W. Diehl. 1989. Reproductive impairment in a fish inhabiting a contaminated coastal environment off southern California. Environmental Pollution 57:139-148.

Journal Article19890242Sediment Quality

Hendricks, T.J. 1989. Special current measurement studies for the Orange County Sanitation Districts. Technical Report 245. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19890245Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, V. Raco-Rands, J.W. Anderson. 1989. Responses of marine organisms to wastewater: comparisons between species and effluent types. Technical Report 0239.

Technical Report19890239

Cross, J.N., J.E. Hose. 1989. Reproductive impairment in two species of fish from contaminated areas off southern California. Technical Report 0243. Marine Technology Society. Washington, DC.

Technical Report19890243

Gossett, R., G. Wilkholm, J. Ljubenkov, D. Steinman. 1989. Human serum DDT levels related to consumption of fish from the coastal waters of Los Angeles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 8:951.

Journal Article19890244Sediment Quality

Nipper, M.G., S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein. 1989. Short-and long-term sediment toxicity test methods with the amphipod Grandidierella japonica. Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 8:1191-1200.

Journal Article19890240Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Thompson, B.E., S.M. Bay, J.W. Anderson, J.D. Laughlin, D.J. Greenstein, D.T. Tsukada. 1989. Chronic effects of contaminated sediments on the urchin Lytechinus pictus. Environmental Toxicology Chemistry 8:629-637.

Journal Article19890237Sediment Quality

Laughlin, J.D. 1989. Coelomocytes of the urchin Lytechinus pictus (Echinoidea). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 54:404-405.

Journal Article19890241Sediment Quality

SCCWRP Staff. 1989. Characteristics and effects of contaminated sediments. in: P.M. Konrad (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1988-89 Annual Report pp. 54-61. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19891989.05

SCCWRP Staff. 1989. Comparative wastewater toxicity tests. in: P.M. Konrad (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1988-89 Annual Report pp. 72-77. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19891989.08

SCCWRP Staff. 1989. Dredge inputs into the Southern California Bight. in: P.M. Konrad (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1988-89 Annual Report pp. 38-43. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19891989.03

SCCWRP Staff. 1989. Influence of sediment type on phenanthrene toxicity. in: P.M. Konrad (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1988-89 Annual Report pp. 62-65. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19891989.06

SCCWRP Staff. 1989. Marine outfalls: 1987 discharges from wastewater treatment plants, power plants, and industrial facilities. in: P.M. Konrad (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1988-89 Annual Report pp. 30-37. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19891989.02

SCCWRP Staff. 1989. Recent changes and long term trends in the combined mass emissions discharged into the Southern California Bight. in: P.M. Konrad (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1988-89 Annual Report pp. 20-29. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19891989.01

SCCWRP Staff. 1989. Recovery of Santa Monica Bay after termination of sludge discharge. in: P.M. Konrad (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1988-89 Annual Report pp. 46-53. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19891989.04

SCCWRP Staff. 1989. Toxicity of stormwater runoff in Los Angeles County. in: P.M. Konrad (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1988-89 Annual Report pp. 66-71. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19891989.07

SCCWRP Staff. 1989. Use of the Brittlestar, Amphiodia urtica, in laboratory studies. in: P.M. Konrad (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1988-89 Annual Report pp. 78-80. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19891989.09

Young, D.R., R.W. Gossett, T.C. Heesen. 1988. Persistence of chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination in a California marine ecosystem. Technical Report 0236. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report19880236Sediment Quality

Anderson, J.W., H.A. Schafer. 1988. Historical review of monitoring in southern California. Technical Report 218. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19880218Regional Monitoring

Cross, J.N. 1988. Aspects of the biology of two scyliorhinid sharks, Apristurus brunneus and Parmaturus xaniurus, from the upper continental slope off southern California. Fishery Bulletin 86:691-702.

Journal Article19880234Bioassessment

Cross, J.N. 1988. Fin erosion and epidermal tumors in demersal fish from southern California. Technical Report 229. Krieger Publishing Company. Malabar, FL.

Technical Report19880229Sediment Quality

Staff, S.C.C.W.R.P. 1988. Development of 301 h monitoring sampling and analysis techniques utilizing a buoyed mussel system. Technical Report 231. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19880231Sediment Quality

Anderson, J.W. 1988. Approaches for evaluating environmental quality: scientific problems and management needs. Aquatic Toxicology 11:313-322.

Journal Article19880222Sediment Quality

Sherblom, P., R.P. Eganhouse. 1988. Correlations between octanol-water partition coefficients and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography capacity factors: Chlorobiphenyls and alkylbenzenes. Journal of Chromatography A 454:37-50.

Journal Article19880228Sediment Quality

Cross, J.N., J.E. Hose. 1988. Determination of assimilative capacity: impact of contaminants on reproduction and micronucleus formation of marine fishes. Technical Report 232. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19880232Sediment Quality

Cross, J.N., J.E. Hose. 1988. Evidence for impaired reproduction in white croaker (Genyonemus lineatus) from contaminated areas off southern California. Marine Environmental Research 24:185-188.

Journal Article19880225Sediment Quality

Cross, J.N., J.E. Hose. 1988. The micronucleus test: a simple genotoxicity screening for marine fishes. Technical Report 220. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19880220Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, J.E. Hose. 1988. Development and testing of sea urchin embryo test methods for use in nationwide monitoring of marine and estuarine environments. Technical Report 219. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19880219Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R.P., B.R. Gould, D.M. Olaguer, C.S. Phinney, P.M. Sherblom. 1988. Congener-specific determination of chlorobiphenyls in biological tissues using an aroclor-based secondary calibration standard. International Environmental Analytical Chemistry 35:175-198.

Journal Article19880235Sediment Quality

Schafer, H., R. Gossett. 1988. Municipal wastewater and runoff inputs to the southern California Bight. Technical Report 230. The Bay Institute. Sausalito, CA.

Technical Report19880230Regional Monitoring

Eaganhouse, R.P., I.R. Kaplan. 1988. Depositional history of recent sediments from San Pedro shelf, California: Reconstruction using elemental abundance, isotopic composition and molecular markers. Marine Chemistry 24:163-191.

Journal Article19880226Sediment Quality

Schafer, H.A., R.W. Gossett. 1988. Storm runoff in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. Technical Report 221. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19880221Runoff Water Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Gossett, R.W. 1988. Measurement of oxygenated metabolites of DDTs and PCBs: a caution. Marine Environmental Research 26:155-159.

Journal Article19880233Sediment Quality

Anderson, J.W., S.M. Bay, B.E. Thompson. 1988. Characteristics and effects of contaminated sediments from southern California. Technical Report 223. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19880223Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R.P., D.P. Olaguer, B.R. Gould, C.S. Phinney. 1988. Use of molecular markers for the detection of municipal sewage sludge at sea. Marine Environmental Research 25:1-22.

Journal Article19880227Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein. 1988. Results of recent wastewater toxicity tests. Technical Report 224. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19880224Sediment Quality

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Characteristics of municipal wastewaters. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 5-12. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.01

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Current flow patterns in the San Diego Bight. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 27-31. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.04

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Effects of contaminated sediments on three benthic invertebrates. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 58-64. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.11

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Flux of organic material and benthic community structure. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 32-34. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.05

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Impaired reproduction in white croaker off southern California. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 48-49. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.08

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Micronuclei in starry flounder from San Francisco Bay. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 43-47. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.07

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in waste effluent and sediments. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 21-26. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.03

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Responses of biota and sediment to the 7-mile outfall termination. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 53-57. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.10

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Sea urchin embryo bioassay methods for use with sediment elutriates. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 70-73. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.13

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Seasonal and spatial variations in sediment resuspension. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 35-39. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.06

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Sediment toxicity to Kelp Bass Larvae. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 50-52. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.09

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Storm runoff in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 13-18. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.02

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Toxicity of contaminated sediments to the amphipod Grandidierella japonica. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 65-69. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.12

SCCWRP Staff. 1988. Wastewater toxicity tests. in: J.M. Nelson (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1987 Annual Report pp. 74-78. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19881987.14

Hendricks, T.J. 1987. Characteristics of the mid-water and near-bottom currents in the vicinity of the Encina outfall and the head of Carlsbad Canyon. Technical Report 198. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870198Ecohydrology

Cross, J.N., J.T. Hardy, J.E. Hose, G.P. Hershelman, L.D. Antrim, R.W. Gossett, E.A. Crecelius. 1987. Contaminant concentrations and toxicity of sea-surface microlayer near Los Angeles, California. Marine Environmental Research 23:307-323.

Journal Article19870216Sediment Quality

Cross, J.N. 1987. Demersal fishes of the upper continental slope off southern California. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 28:155-167.

Journal Article19870209Bioassessment

Hose, J.E., J.N. Cross, S.G. Smith, D.W. Diehl. 1987. Elevated circulating erythrocyte micronuclei in fishes from contaminated sites off southern California. Marine Environmental Research 22:167-176.

Journal Article19870206Sediment Quality

Hendricks, T.J. 1987. Development of methods for estimating the changes in marine sediments as a result of the discharge of sewered municipal wastewaters through submarine outfalls: Part I - Sedimentation flux estimation. Technical Report 212. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870212Sediment Quality

Hendricks, T.J. 1987. Development of methods for estimating the changes in marine sediments as a result of the discharge of sewered municipal wastewaters through submarine outfalls: Part II - Sedimentation simulations. Technical Report 213. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870213Sediment Quality

Hendricks, T.J. 1987. In-situ measurement of initial dilution at an ocean outfall. Technical Report 211. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870211

Hendricks, T.J. 1987. Measurements of the currents in San Gabriel Canyon and the estimation of the sedimentation rates around the proposed Orange County deep outfall. Technical Report 205. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870205

Brown, D.A., R.W. Gossett, S.R. McHugh. 1987. Oxygenated metabolites of DDT and PCBs in marine sediments and organisms. in: J.M. Capuzzo, D.R. Kester (eds.), pp. 61-69. Krieger Publishing Company. Melbourne, FL.

Book Chapter19870196Sediment Quality

Hendricks, T.J. 1987. A study of sediment composition, transport, and deposition off Palos Verdes. Technical Report 208. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870208Sediment Quality

Stubbs, H.H., D.W. Diehl, G.P. Hershelman. 1987. A van veen grab sampling method. Technical Report 204. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870204Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Anderson, J.W., R.W. Gossett, C.R. Ward, A.M. Westcott. 1987. Chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination in Dover Sole from offshore Palos Verdes Peninsula. Technical Report 207. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870207Sediment Quality

Anderson, J., W. Birge, J. Gentile, J. Lake, J. Rodgers Jr, R. Swartz. 1987. Biological effects, bioaccumulation, and ecotoxicology of sediment-associated chemicals. in: K.L. Dickson, A.W. Maki, W.A. Brungs (eds.), Fate and Effects of Sediment-Bound Chemicals in Aquatic Systems pp. 267-296. Pergamon Press. New York, NY.

Book Chapter19870214Sediment Quality

Anderson, J.W., R.W. Gossett. 1987. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in sediments from coastal waters of southern California. Technical Report 199. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870199Sediment Quality

Brown, D.A., S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein, P. Szalay, G.P. Hershelman, C.F. Ward, A.M. Westcott, J.N. Cross. 1987. Municipal wastewater contamination in the southern California Bight. Part II. Cystolic distribution of biochemical effects in fish livers. Marine Environmental Research 21:135-161.

Journal Article19870197Sediment Quality

Jones, G.F., B.E. Thompson. 1987. The distribution and abundance of Chloeia pinnata Moore, 1911 (Polychaeta: Amphinomidae) on the southern California borderland. Pacific Science 41:122-131.

Journal Article19870217Bioassessment

Jones, G.F., B.E. Thompson. 1987. The ecology of Cyclocardia ventricosa (Gould, 1850) (Bivalvia: Carditidae) on the southern California borderland. Velige 29:374-383.

Journal Article19870201Bioassessment

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein. 1987. Evaluation of bioassay methods for red abalone, mysid shirmp and giant kelp. Technical Report 210. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870210Sediment Quality

Thompson, B.E., G.F. Jones, J.D. Laughlin, D.T. Tsukada. 1987. Distribution, abundance, and size composition of echinoids from basin slopes off southern California. Bulletin of Southern California Academy of Sciences 86:113-125.

Journal Article19870215

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Changes in DDT and PCB concentration in white croaker are related to the reproductive cycle. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 43-47. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.17

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Characteristics of municipal wastewater in 1984 and 1985. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 1-5. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.01

Thompson, B.E., J.D. Laughlin, D.T. Tsukada. 1987. 1985 Reference site survey. Technical Report 202. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870202Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Contaminant levels in the sea surface microlayer. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 6-8. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.02

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Contaminants in Los Angeles River storm water runoff. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 9-10. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.03

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Current measurement near outfalls. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 23-25. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.09

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Development of sublethal assays of toxicity: PCB metabolite cytosolic distribution and effects. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 36-37. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.14

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Distribution and abundance of megabenthic invertebrates in southern California coastal waters. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 20-21. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.07

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Environmental conditions of reference sites along the Southern California Coast, 1985. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 17-19. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.06

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Fish collected from outfall-affected coastal waters show subcellular toxic effects. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 33-35. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.13

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Initial dilution. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 11-12. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.04

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Micronuclei, evidence of chromosome aberrations, seen in blood cells of fish from contaminated waters. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 50-51. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.19

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. PCB metabolites similar to parent PCBs in toxicity to sea urchin embryos. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 29-30. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.11

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in sediments from coastal waters of southern California. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 13-16. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.05

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Recovery of Santa Monica Bay from sludge discharge. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 22. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.08

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Reproductive impairment in white croaker from contaminated areas off Los Angeles. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 48-49. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.18

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Review of bioassay techniques. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 52-53. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.20

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Sedimentation, resuspension and transport of particulates. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 26-28. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.10

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Sublethal effects of cadmium on scorpionbsh: cytosolic distribution. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 38-40. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.15

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. Sublethal effects of cadmium on scorpionfish: enzymes and blood chemistry. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 41-42. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.16

SCCWRP Staff. 1987. White sea urchins used in sediment toxicity bioassays. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1986 Annual Report pp. 31-32. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19871986.12

Hendricks, T.J., N. Christensen. 1987. Modeling of flow fields and effluent trajectories in the San Diego Bight, Part D Section 4. Technical Report 203. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19870203

Brown, D.A., R.W. Gossett, G.P. Hershelman, C.G. Word, A.M. Westcott, J.N. Cross. 1986. Municipal wastewater contamination in the Southern California Bight: Part I - Metal and organic contaminants in sediments and organisms. Marine Environmental Research 18:291-310.

Journal Article19860193Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Cross, J.N. 1986. Epidermal tumors in Microstomus pacificus (pleuronectidae) collected near a municipal wastewater outfall in the coastal waters off Los Angeles (1971-1983). California Fish and Game 72:68-77.

Journal Article19860191Sediment Quality

Thompson, B.E., G.P. Hershelman, R.W. Gossett. 1986. Contaminants in sediments of two nearshore basin slopes off southern California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 17:404-409.

Journal Article19860195Sediment Quality

Jones, G.F., B.E. Thompson. 1986. The ecology of Adontorhina cyclia Berry (1947) (Bivalvia: Thyasiridae) on the southern California borderland. Internationale Revue Der Gesamten Hydrobiologie 71:687-700.

Journal Article19860194Bioassessment

Boylls, J.C., T.J. Hendricks. 1985. A Tilting Current Meter for Low Velocity Currents. Oceans '85 Conference: Ocean Engineering and the Environment Marine Technology Society. Washington, D.C..

Book Chapter19850187Regional Monitoring

Hendricks, T.J. 1985. Use of Inclinometer Current Meters in Weak Currents. Oceans '85 Conference: Ocean Engineering and the Environment pp. 742-748. Marine Technology Society. Washington, D.C..

Book Chapter19850186Regional Monitoring

Brown, D.A., R.W. Gossett, G.P. Hershelman, C.F. Ward, J.N. Cross. 1985. Metal and organic contaminants in sediments and animals. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 179-193. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.13

Cross, J.N. 1985. Fin erosion among fishes collected near a southern California municipal wastewater outfall. Fisheries Bulletin 83:1295-206.

Journal Article19850183Sediment Quality

Cross, J.N. 1985. The Newport Dory Fishery. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 69-78. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.04

Cross, J.N. 1985. Tumors in Fish Collected on the Palos Verdes Shelf, 1971-1983. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 81-91. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.05

Schafer, H.A. 1985. Characteristics of municipal wastewater, 1982-1983. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 11-19. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.01

Cross, J.N., V. Raco-Rands, D.W. Diehl. 1985. Fish reproduction around outfalls. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 211-227. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.15

Hendricks, T.J. 1985. Current measurements: city of San Diego dedesignation study. Technical Report 190. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19850190

Hendricks, T.J. 1985. Predicting sediment quality around outfalls. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 127-140. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.09

Hendricks, T.J. 1985. User guide for sedimentation flux model SEDF2D. Technical Report 189. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19850189

Schafer, H.A., R.W. Gossett, C.F. Ward, A.M. Westcott. 1985. Chlorinated hydrocarbons in marine mammals. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 109-114. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.07

Gossett, R.W., D.A. Brown, S.R. McHugh, A.M. Westcott. 1985. Measuring the oxygenated metabolites of chlorinated hydrocarbons. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 155-169. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.11

Bascom, W. 1985. The concept of assimilative capacity. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 171-177. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.12

Bayne, B.L., D.A. Brown, K. Burns, D.r. Dixon, A. Ivanovici, D.R. Livingstone, D.M. Lowe, M.N. Moore, A.R.D. Stebbing, J. Widdows. 1985. The effects of stress and pollution on marine animals. Technical Report 185. Praeger Publishers. New York, NY.

Technical Report19850185Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Hendricks, T.J., H.H. Stubbs. 1985. Currents in San Gabriel Canyon. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 143-153. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.10

Thompson, B.E., G.F. Jones. 1985. Benthic macrofaunal assemblages of slope habitats in the southern California borderland. Occasional papers of the Allan Hancock Foundation, New Series DOI:.

Journal Article19850200Bioassessment

Brown, D.A., S.M. Bay, R.W. Gossett. 1985. Using the natural detoxification capacities of marine organisms to assess assimilative capacity. in: R.D. Cardwell, R. Purdy, R.C. Bahner (eds.), Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: 7th Symposium pp. 364-382. American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia, PA.

Book Chapter19850182

Rosenthal, K.D., D.A. Brown, J.N. Cross, E.M. Perkins, R.W. Gossett. 1985. Histological condition of fish livers. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 229-245. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.16

Bernstein, B.B., R.W. Smith, B.E. Thompson. 1985. Sampling design and replication for benthic monitoring. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 21-35. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.02

Brown, D.A., S.M. Bay, B.E. Thompson. 1985. Review of bioassay/bioaccumulation techniques. Technical Report 188. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19850188Sediment Quality

Cross, J.N., J. Roney, G.S. Kleppel. 1985. Fish food habits along a pollution gradient. California Fish and Game 71:28-39.

Journal Article19850184Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Gossett, R.W., J.N. Cross, K.D. Rosenthal, D.A. Brown. 1985. The influence of chlorinated hydrocarbons on scorpionfish livers. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 117-124. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.08

Brown, D.A., S.M. Bay, P. Szalay, G.P. Hershelman, C.F. Ward, A.M. Westcott, D.J. Greenstein. 1985. Metal and organic detoxification/toxification in fish livers and gonads. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 195-209. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.14

Brown, D.A., S.M. Bay, D.J. Greenstein. 1985. Summary of the cadmium detoxification experiment. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 247-251. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.17

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, P. Szalay, D.A. Brown. 1985. Biological effects of cadmium detoxification. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 269-285. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.19

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, G.P. Hershelman, C.F. Ward, D.A. Brown. 1985. The effectiveness of cadmium detoxification by scorpionfish. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 253-266. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.18

Thompson, B.E., J.D. Laughlin, D.T. Tsukada. 1985. Ingestion and oxygen consumption by slope echinoids. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 93-107. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.06

Thompson, B.E., J.N. Cross, J.D. Laughlin, G.P. Hershelman, R.W. Gossett, D.T. Tsukada. 1985. Sediment and biological conditions on coastal slopes. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 37-67. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.03

Perkins, E.M., K.D. Rosenthal. 1985. Histopathology of cadmium exposed scorpionfish. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1983-84 Biennial Report pp. 287-305. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19851984.20

Gossett, R.W., D.A. Brown, D.R. Young. 1984. Bioaccumulation and Metabolism of Trace Organic Compounds in Marine Sediments and Organisms. Technical Report 171.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19840171.ABioassessment, Sediment Quality

Jones, G.F., B.E. Thompson. 1984. The ecology of Parvilucina tenuisculpta (Carpenter, 1864) (Bivalvia: Lucinidae) on the southern California borderland. Velige 26:188-198.

Journal Article19840181Bioassessment

Jenkins, K.D., D.A. Brown. 1984. Determining the biological significance of contaminant bioaccumulation. in: H.H. White (ed.), Concepts in Marine Pollution Measurements pp. 355-375. Maryland Seagrant College. College Park, MD.

Book Chapter19840177Sediment Quality

Gossett, R.W., S.R. McHugh, P. Szalay, K.D. Rosenthal, D.A. Brown. 1984. Xenobiotic organics and biological effects in scorpionfish caged near a major southern California municipal outfall. Marine Environmental Research 14:449-450.

Journal Article19840179Sediment Quality

SCCWRP Staff. 1984. Pre-discharge studies for deep sludge disposal off Orange County. Technical Report 180. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19840180Sediment Quality

Brown, D.A., S.M. Bay, J.F. Alfafara, G.P. Hershelman, K.D. Rosenthal. 1984. Detoxification/toxification of cadmium in scorpionfish (Scorpaena guttata): acute exposure. Aquatic Toxicology 5:93-107.

Journal Article19840178Sediment Quality

Manzanilla, E., J.N. Cross. 1983. Food habits of demersal fish in Santa Monica Bay. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 119-124. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.13

Cross, J.N. 1983. Evaluation of otter trawl data. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 91-97. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.10

Cross, J.N. 1983. Intertidal fishes of southern California. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 111-117. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.12

Cross, J.N. 1983. Trends in fin erosion among fishes on the Palo Verdes Shelf. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 99-110. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.11

Schafer, H.A. 1983. Characteristics of municipal wastewaters, 1980-1981. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 11-15. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.01

Hendricks, T. 1983. An advanced sediment quality model. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 247-257. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.27

Hendricks, T.J. 1983. Numerical model of sediment quality near an ocean outfall. Technical Report 176. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19830176Sediment Quality

Hendricks, T. 1983. Shelf and slope currents off Newport Beach. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 237-245. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.26

Brown, D.A., K.D. Jenkins, E.M. Perkins, R.W. Gossett, G.P. Hershelman. 1983. Detoxification of metals and organic compounds in white roakers. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 157-172. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.17

Mearns, A.J. 1983. Assigning trophic levels to marine animals. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 125-141. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.14

Schafer, H.A., G.P. Hershelman, D.R. Young, A.J. Mearns. 1983. Contaminants in ocean food webs. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 17-28. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.02

Jenkins, K.D., J.W. Conner, X. Torres, W.C. Meyer. 1983. Characteristics of scorpionfish, Metallothioneins. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 225-230. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.24

Symposium Attendees. 1983. The Effects of Waste Disposal on Kelp Communities. Technical Report 162.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19830162.ASediment Quality

Bascom, W. 1983. A regional ocean monitoring plan. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 39-44. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.04

Wilson, K. 1983. The kelp forests of Palos Verdes Peninsula 1982. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 67-70. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.07

Hose, J.E., H.W. Puffer, P.S. Oshida, S.M. Bay. 1983. Developmental and cytogenetic abnormalities induced in the purple sea urchin by environmental levels of benzo(a) pyrene. Archives of Environmental Contamination Toxicology 12:319-325.

Journal Article19830169Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., P.S. Oshida, K.D. Jenkins. 1983. A simple new bioassay based on echinochrome synthesis by larval sea urchins. Marine Environmental Research 8:29-39.

Journal Article19830170Sediment Quality

Moore, M., W. Bascom, H. Stubbs. 1983. Trawl caught fish and invertebrates. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 85-89. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.09

Bascom, W., J. Mardesich, H. Stubbs. 1983. An improved corer for soft sediments. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 267-271. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.29

Jenkins, K.D., D.A. Brown, P. Oshida. 1983. Detoxification of metals in sea urchins. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 173-178. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.18

Oshida, P.S. 1983. Optimum temperature for tissue cytosol storage. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 201-203. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.21

Puffer, H.W., R.W. Gossett. 1983. PCB, DDT, and benzo(a)pyrene in raw and pan-fried white croaker (Genyonemus lineatus). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 30:65-73.

Journal Article19830172Sediment Quality

Rau, G.H., A.J. Mearns, D.R. Young, R.J. Olson, H.A. Schafer, I.R. Kaplan. 1983. Animal 13C/12C correlates with trophic level in pelagic food webs. Ecology 64:1314-1318.

Journal Article19830174Sediment Quality

Bay, S.M., K.D. Jenkins, P.S. Oshida. 1983. A new bioassay based on echinochrome pigment synthesis. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 205-215. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.22

Szalay, P. 1983. Quantification and confirmation of glutathione. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 231-236. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.25

Gossett, R.W., D.A. Brown, D.R. Young. 1983. Predicting the bioaccumulation and toxicity of organic compounds. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 149-156. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.16

Thompson, B.E. 1983. Survey of the slope off Orange County California: first year report. Technical Report 175. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19830175Bioassessment

Gossett, R.W., D.A. Brown, D.R. Young. 1983. Predicting the bioaccumulation of organic compounds in marine organisms using octanol/water partition coefficients. Marine Pollution Bulletin 14:387-392.

Journal Article19830171Sediment Quality

Thompson, B.E. 1983. Variation in benthic assemblages. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 45-58. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.05

Gossett, R.W., H.W. Puffer, R.H. Arthur Jr, D.R. Young. 1983. DDT, PCB, and benzo(a) pyrene levels in white croaker (Genyonemus lineatus) from southern California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 14:60-65.

Journal Article19830168Sediment Quality

Gossett, R., H.W. Puffer, R.H. Arthur, J.F. Alfafara, D.R. Young. 1983. Levels of trace organic compounds in sportfish from southern California. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 29-37. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.03

Young, D.R., R.W. Gossett, R.B. Baird, D.A. Brown, P.A. Taylor, M.J. Millie. 1983. Wastewater inputs and marine bioaccumulation of priority pollutant organics off southern California. in: R.L. Jolley, W.A. Brungs, J.A. Cotruvo, R.B. Cumming, J.S. Mattice, V.A. Jacobs (eds.), Water Chlorination: Environmental Impact and Health Effects - Book 2: Environment, Health, and Risk pp. 871-884. Fourth Water Chlorination Conference. Pacific Grove, CA.

Book Chapter19830294Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Brown, D.A., R.W. Gossett, G.P. Hershelman, H.A. Schafer, K.D. Jenkins, E.M. Perkins. 1983. Bioaccumulation and detoxification of contaminants in marine organisms from southern California coastal waters. in: D.G. Soule, D. Walsh (eds.), Waste Disposal in the Oceans: Minimizing Impact, Maximizing Benefits pp. 171-193. Westview Press. Boulder, Colorado.

Book Chapter19830173Sediment Quality

Kleppel, G., E. Manzanilla, B. Teter, S. Petrich. 1983. Santa Monica Bay plankton distribution. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 71-84. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.08

Oshida, P.S., S.M. Bay, A. Haeckl, T.K. Goochey, D.J. Greenstein. 1983. Seawater and wastewater toxicity studies. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 217-223. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.23

Brown, D.A., E.M. Perkins, K.D. Jenkins, P.S. Oshida, S.M. Bay, J.F. Alfafara, V. Raco-Rands. 1983. Seasonal changes in mussels. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 179-192. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.19

Laughlin, J.D. 1983. Gut analysis of polychaetes and amphipods. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 59-66. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.06

Rau, G. 1983. The relationship between trophic level and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 143-148. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.15

Hershelman, G.P., P. Szalay, C. Ward. 1983. Metals in surface sediments from Point Dume to Point Hueneme. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 259-265. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.28

Brown, D.A., J.F. Alfafara, S.M. Bay, G.P. Hershelman, K.D. Jenkins, P.S. Oshida, K. Rosenthal. 1983. Metal detoxification and spillover in scorpionfish. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1981-82 Biennial Report pp. 193-199. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19831982.20

Carriker, M.R., J.W. Anderson, W.P. Davis, D.R. Franz, G.F. Mayer, J.B. Pearce, T.K. Sawyer, J.K. Tietjen, J.F. Timoney, D.R. Young. 1982. Effects of Pollutants on Benthos. in: G.F. Mayer (ed.), Ecological Stress and the New York Bight: Science and Management pp. 3-22. Estuarine Research Foundation. Columbia, South Carolina.

Book Chapter19820139.DBioassessment, Eutrophication

McLaughlin, J.J.A., G.S. Kleppel, M.P. Brown, R.J. Ingram, W.B. Samuels. 1982. The Importance of Nutrients to Phytoplankton Production in New York Harbor. in: G.F. Mayer (ed.), Ecological Stress and the New York Bight: Science and Management pp. 469-480. Estuarine Research Foundation. Columbia, South Carolina.

Book Chapter19820139.EBioassessment

Sindermann, C.J., S.C. Esser, E. Gould, B.B. McCain, J.L. McHugh, R.P. Morgan II, R.A. Murchelano, M.J. Sherwood, P.R. Spitzer. 1982. Effects of Pollutants on Fishes. in: G.F. Mayer (ed.), Ecological Stress and the New York Bight: Science and Management pp. 23-38. Estuarine Research Foundation. Columbia, South Carolina.

Book Chapter19820157.BBioassessment

Bascom, W. 1982. The effects of sludge in Santa Monica Bay. in: V.K. Tippie, D.R. Kester (eds.), Impact of Marine Pollution on Society pp. 217-244. Center for Ocean Studies, University of Rhode Island. South Kingstown, Rhode Island.

Book Chapter19820163Sediment Quality

Jenkins, K.D., D.A. Brown, G.P. Hershelman, W.C. Meyer. 1982. Contaminants in white croakers Genyonemus lineatus (Ayres, 1855) from the Southern California Bight: I. Trace metal detoxification/toxification. in: W. Vernberg (ed.), Physiological Mechanisms of Marine Pollutant Toxicity pp. 177-196. Academic Press. New York, NY.

Book Chapter19820158Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Bascom, W. 1982. The effects of waste disposal on the coastal waters off southern California. Environmental Science and Technology 16:226A-236A.

Journal Article19820162Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Bascom, W.N. 1982. The non-toxicity of metals to animals in the sea. Shore and Beach 50:17-20.

Journal Article19820161Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., J.Q. Word. 1982. Forecasting effects of sewage solids on marine benthic communities. Ecological Stress and the New York Bight: Science and Management pp. 495-512. Estuarine Research Foundation. Columbia, SC.

Book Chapter19820139.B

Brown, D.A., R.W. Gossett, K.D. Jenkins. 1982. Contaminants in white croakers Genyonemus lineatus (Ayres, 1855) from the Southern California Bight: II. Chlorinated hydrocarbon detoxification/toxification. in: W. Vernberg (ed.), Physiological Mechanisms of Marine Pollutant Toxicity pp. 197-213. Academic Press. New York, NY.

Book Chapter19820159Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Perkins, E.M., D.A. Brown, K.D. Jenkins. 1982. Contaminants in white croakers Genyonemus lineatus (Ayres, 1855) from the Southern California Bight: III. Histopathylogy. in: W. Vernberg (ed.), Physiological Mechanisms of Marine Pollutant Toxicity pp. 215-231. Academic Press. New York, NY.

Book Chapter19820160Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Oshida, P.S., L.S. Word. 1982. Bioaccumulation of chromium and its effects on reproduction in Neanthes arenaceodentata (Polychaeta). Marine Environmental Research 7:167-174.

Journal Article19820165Sediment Quality

Webber, C.I., D.A. Brown, H.A. Schafer, R. Bastion, B. Boese, D. Phelps, R. Swartz, P. Dammann, J. Ladd, M. Martin, T. Ginn, D. Young. 1982. Methods for use of caged molluscs for in situ biomonitoring of marine sewage discharges. Technical Report 167. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19820167

Reish, D.J., G.G. Geesey, P.S. Oshida, F.G. Wilkes, P.S. Oshida, A.J. Mearns, S.S. Rossi, T.C. Ginn. 1982. Marine and estuarine pollution. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 54:786-812.

Journal Article19820164Sediment Quality

Young, D.R. 1982. Chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in the Southern California and New York Bights. in: G.F. Mayer (ed.), Ecological Stress and the New York Bight: Science and Management pp. 263-276. Estuarine Research Federation. Columbia, SC.

Book Chapter19820156Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Young, D.R. 1982. A comparative study of trace metal contamination in the southern California and New York Bights. in: G.F. Mayer (ed.), Ecological Stress and The New York Bight: Science and Management pp. 249-262. Estuarine Research Federation. Columbia, SC.

Book Chapter19820138Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Sherwood, M. 1982. Fin erosion, liver condition, and trace contaminant exposure in fishes from three coastal regions. in: G.F. Mayer (ed.), Ecological Stress and the New York Bight: Science and Management pp. 359-377. Estuarine Research Federation. Columbia, SC.

Book Chapter19820157Sediment Quality

Jenkins, K.D., D.A. Brown, P.S. Oshida, E.M. Perkins. 1982. Cytosolic metal distribution as an indicator of toxicity in sea urchins from the Southern California Bight. Marine Pollution Bulletin 13:413-421.

Journal Article19820166Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., E. Haines, G.S. Kleppel, R.A. McGrath, J.J.A. McLaughlin, D.A. Segar, J.H. Sharp, J.J. Walsh, J.Q. Word, D.K. Young, M.W. Young. 1982. Effects of nutrients and carbon loadings on communities and ecosystems. in: G.F. Mayer (ed.), Ecological Stress and the New York Bight: Science and Management pp. 53-66. Estuarine Research Foundation. Columbia, South Carolina.

Book Chapter19820139.AEutrophication

Gunnerson, C.G., R. Adamski, P.W. Anderson, R.S. Dewling, D.A. Julius, G.S. Kleppel, D.W. Lear, A.J. Mearns, T.J. Miller, E.P. Myers, J.J. Roswell, S. Schroeder, D.A. Segar, C.J. Sindermann, C.M. Stern. 1982. Management of Domestic Wastes. in: G.F. Mayer (ed.), Ecological Stress and the New York Bight: Science and Management pp. 91-112. Estuarine Research Foundation. Columbia, South Carolina.

Book Chapter19820139.CEutrophication

Mearns, A.J., D.R. Young, R.J. Olsen, H. Schafer. 1981. Trophic structure and the cesium-potassium ratio in pelagic ecosystems. Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 22:99-110.

Journal Article19810149Bioassessment

Schafer, H. 1981. Characteristics of municipal wastewater. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 235-240. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.15

Hendricks, T.J. 1981. Currents in the Los Angeles area. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 243-256. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.16

Hendricks, T.J. 1981. Initial dilution during periods of weak currents. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 257-264. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.17

Hendricks, T. 1981. Oceanographic conditions in the San Diego Bight. November 12, 1980 to January 14, 1981. Technical Report 145. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19810145

W. Bascom and SCCWRP Staff. 1981. The effects of sludge disposal in Santa Monica Bay. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 197-234. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.14

Jan, T.-K., G.P. Hershelman. 1981. Trace metals in surface sediments of Santa Monica Bay. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 171-180. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.12

Mearns, A.J. 1981. Changing coastal conditions: 1979 compared to the past 25 years. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 273-284. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.19

Mearns, A.J. 1981. Ecological effects of ocean sewage outfalls: observations and lessons. Oceanus 24:45-54.

Journal Article19810150Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J. 1981. Effects of municipal discharges on open coastal ecosystems. in: R.A. Geyer (ed.), Marine Environmental Pollution pp. 25-66. Elsevier Press Kidlington.

Book Chapter19810147Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., A.J. Mearns, T.K. Jan, R. Eganhouse. 1981. The cesium-potassium ratio and trace metal biomagnification in two contaminated marine food webs. Oceanus '81 Conference Proceedings pp. 570-574. IEEE Service Center. Piscataway, N J.

Book Chapter19810151Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., M.D. Moore, T.K. Jan, R. Eganhouse. 1981. Metals in seafood organisms near a large California municipal outfall. Marine Pollution Bulletin 12:134-138.

Journal Article19810144Sediment Quality

Moore, M.D., A.J. Mearns. 1981. Changes in bottomfish population off Palos Verdes, 1970-80. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 21-33. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.02

Moore, M.D., A.J. Mearns. 1981. Photographic survey of benthic fish and invertebrates communities in Santa Monica Bay. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 139-147. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.09

Sherwood, M.J., A.J. Mearns. 1981. Fate of post-larval bottom fishes in a highly urbanized coastal zone. Rapp P-v Reun. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 178:104-111.

Journal Article19810146Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Oshida, P.S., L.S. Word, A.J. Mearns. 1981. Effects of hexavalent and trivalent chromium on the reproduction of Neanthes arenaceodentata (Polychaeta). Marine Environmental Research 5:41-49.

Journal Article19810153Sediment Quality

Oshida, P.S., T.K. Goochey, A.J. Mearns. 1981. Effects of municipal wastewater on fertilization, survival, and development of the sea urchin, Strongylocentroutus purpuratus. Technical Report 148. Academic Press. New York, NY.

Technical Report19810148Sediment Quality

Word, J.Q. 1981. Classification of benthic invertebrates into infaunal trophic index feeding groups. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 103-121. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.06

Word, J.Q. 1981. Extension of the infaunal trophic index to a depth of 800 meters. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 95-101. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.05

Word, J.Q., P.L. Striplin. 1981. Benthic microcrustacea and echinoderms on Palos Verdes Shelf. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 13-20. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.01

Reish, D., G. Geesey, P. Oshida, F. Wilkes, A. Mearns, S. Rossi, T. Ginn. 1981. Marine and estuarine pollution. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 53:925-949.

Journal Article19810275Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., D.R. Young. 1981. Trophic structure and pollutant flow in a harbor ecosystem. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 287-308. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.20

Oshida, P.S., T. Goochey. 1981. A new test for measuring seawater toxicity. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 149-159. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.10

Young, D.R., R. Gossett. 1981. Chlorinated benzenes in sediment and organisms. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 181-195. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.13

Young, D.R., T.-K. Jan, R. Gossett. 1981. Trace pollutants in surface runoff. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 163-169. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.11

Sherwood, M. 1981. Fin erosion survey. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 335-337. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.23

Sherwood, M. 1981. Recruitment of nearshore demersal fishes. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 319-333. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.22

Hershelman, G.P., H.A. Schafer, T.K. Jan, D.R. Young. 1981. Metals in marine sediments near a large California municipal outfall. Marine Pollution Bulletin 12:131-134.

Journal Article19810154Sediment Quality

Wilson, K.C., A.J. Mearns, J.J. Grant. 1981. Changes in kelp forests at Palos Verdes. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 77-92. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.04

Liu Hu, T.-C., R. Gossett, D.R. Young. 1981. Mass spectrometry confirmation of PCB and DDT analyses of fish. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 131-138. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.08

Word, J.Q., P.L. Striplin, D. Tsukada. 1981. Effects of screen size and replication on the infaunal trophic index. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 123-130. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.07

Brown, D.A., N. Cutshall, F. Cross, D. Boesch, R. Huggett, R. Lee, V. Noshkin, W. Stickle, J. Uthe. 1981. Review of the Mussel Watch program. Technical Report 155. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19810155Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Kleppel, G.S., E. Manzanilla. 1981. Phytoplankton and abundance and distribution in Santa Monica Bay. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 265-271. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.18

Harris, L. 1981. Changes in intertidal algae at Palos Verdes. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 35-75. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.03

Kleppel, G.S., J.Q. Word, J. Roney. 1981. Demersal fish feeding in Santa Monica Bay and off Palos Verdes. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1979-80 Biennial Report pp. 309-318. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Annual Report19811980.21

SCCWRP Staff. 1980. Irvine Ranch Water District Upper Newport Bay and Stream Augmentation Program. Technical Report 152. Marine Biological Consultants. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report19800152Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Kleppel, G.S., J.J.A. McLaughlin. 1980. PCB toxicity to phytoplankton: effects of dose and density-dependent recovery responses. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 24:696-703.

Journal Article19800143Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., T.K. Jan, G.P. Hershelman. 1980. Cycling of zinc in the nearshore marine environment. in: J.O. Ndagu (ed.), Zinc in the Environment, Part 1: Biological Cycling pp. 298-335. John Wiley & Sons. New York, NY.

Book Chapter19800135Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., E. Haines, G.S. Kleppel, R.A. McGrath, J.J.A. McLaughlin, D.A. Segar, J.H. Sharp, J.J. Walsh, J.Q. Word, D.K. Young, M.W. Young. 1980. Effects of nutrient and carbon loadings on communities and ecosystems in the New York Bight and adjacent waters. Technical Report 139. New York Bight MESA Project. Stony Brook, New York.

Technical Report19800139Eutrophication

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Allen, M.D. Moore, M.J. Sherwood. 1980. Distribution, abundance, and recruitment of soft-bottom rockfishes (Scorpaenidae: sebastes) on the southern California mainland shelf. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 20:180-190.

Journal Article19800136Bioassessment

Young, D.R., A.J. Mearns, T.K. Jan, T.C. Heesen, M.D. Moore, R.P. Eganhouse, G.P. Hershelman, R.W. Gossett. 1980. Trophic structure and pollutant concentrations in marine ecosystems of southern California. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 21:197-206.

Journal Article19800142Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen, R.W. Gossett. 1980. Chlorinated benzenes in southern California municipal wastewaters and submarine discharge zones. in: R.L. Jolley, W.A. Brungs, R.B. Cumming (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Water Chlorination pp. 471-486. Ann Arbor Science. Ann Arbor, MI.

Book Chapter19800293Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Kleppel, G.S. 1980. Nutrients and phytoplankton community composition in southern California coastal waters. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 21:191-196.

Journal Article19800141Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Jan, T.K., D.R. Young. 1980. Determination of cesium and potassium in marine tissues. Technical Report 137. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19800137Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., J.Q. Word. 1979. Forecasting Effects of Sewage Solids on Marine Benthic Communities. Technical Report 128. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19790128Emerging Contaminants

Gustafson, J., M. Gustafson. 1979. A Survey of Fish Ectoparasites off the California Coast for SCCWRP. Technical Report . Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19790127Bioassessment

Schafer, H.A. 1979. Characteristics of municipal wastewater discharges, 1977. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 97-101. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.05

Herring, J.R., A.L. Abati. 1979. Effluent particle dispersion. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 113-125. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.07

Hendricks, T.J. 1979. Forecasting changes in sediments near outfalls. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 127-143. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.08

Hendricks, T.J. 1979. A study to evaluate the dispersion characteristics of waste discharges to the open coastal waters of California. Technical Report 134. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19790134

Word, J.Q., A.J. Mearns. 1979. 60-meter control survey off southern California. Technical Report 133. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19790133Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Young, D.R., G.V. Alexander, D. McDermott-Ehrlich. 1979. Vessel-related contamination of southern California harbours by copper and other metals. Marine Pollution Bulletin 10:50-56.

Journal Article19790123Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J. 1979. Abundance, composition, and recruitment of nearshore fish assemblages on the southern California mainland shelf. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 20:111-119.

Journal Article19790125Bioassessment

Mearns, A.J. 1979. Variations in coastal physical and biological conditions, 1969 1978. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 147-156. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.09

Young, D.R., A.J. Mearns, H.W. Puffer, K. Duncan. 1979. Pollutant flow through the food web of Los Angeles Harbor - A Pilot Study. Technical Report 129. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19790129Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., A.J. Mearns. 1979. Pollutant flow through food webs. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 185-202. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.11

Word, J.Q., A.J. Mearns. 1979. The 60-meter control survey. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 41-56. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.02

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen, G.N. Esra, E.B. Howard. 1979. DDE-Contaminated fish off Los Angeles are suspected cause in deaths of captive marine birds. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 21:584-590.

Journal Article19790122Sediment Quality

Bascom, W. 1979. Life in the bottom: San Pedro and Santa Monica Bays, Palos Verdes and Point Loma Peninsulas. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 57-80. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.03

Young, D.R., T.K. Jan. 1979. Trace metal contamination of rock scallop, Hinnites giganteus, near a large southern California municipal outfall. Fisheries Bulletin 76:936-939.

Journal Article19790121Sediment Quality

Word, J.Q. 1979. The Infaunal trophic index. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 19-39. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.01

Bascom, W., A.J. Mearns, J.Q. Word. 1979. Establishing boundaries between normal, changed, and degraded Areas. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 81-94. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.04

Smokler, P.E., D.R. Young, K.I. Gardi. 1979. Termination of dominant California input: 1970-77. Marine Pollution Bulletin 10:331-334.

Journal Article19790124Regional Monitoring

Mearns, A.J., D.R. Young. 1979. Characteristics and effects of municipal wastewater discharges to the southern California Bight - A case study. Technical Report 126. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19790126Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Young, D.R. 1979. Priority pollutants in municipal wastewaters. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 103-112. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.06

Davis, J.C., G.I. Bresnick, P. Doudoroff, T.R. Doyle, A.J. Mearns, J.B. Pearce, J.J. Peterka, J.G. Robinson, D.L. Swanson. 1979. Dissolved Oxygen. in: M.D. Thurston, R.C. Russo, C.M. Fetterolf, T.A. Edsall, Y.M. Barger (eds.), A review of the EPA Redbook: Quality Criteria for Water pp. 169-174. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD.

Book Chapter19790131Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia, Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Sherwood, M.J. 1979. The Fin Erosion Syndrome. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 203-221. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.12

Smith, L.L., S.J. Broderius, C.L. Ho, A.J. Mearns, J.B. Pearce. 1979. Sulfide-hydrogen sulfide. in: M.D. Thurston, R.C. Russo, C.M. Fetterolf, T.A. Edsall, Y.M. Barger (eds.), Sulfide-Hydrogen Sulfide pp. 272-276. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD.

Book Chapter19790132Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Grigg, R.W. 1979. Long term changes in rocky bottom communities off Palos Verdes. in: W. Bascom (ed.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1978 Annual Report pp. 157-184. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19791978.10

Fromm, P.O., D.A. Benoit, N.H. Cutshall, P.V. Hodson, A.J. Mearns, D.J. Reish. 1979. Chromium. in: M.D. Thurston, R.C. Russo, C.M. Fetterolf, T.A. Edsall, Y.M. Barger (eds.), A review of the EPA Redbook: Quality Criteria for Water pp. 76-81. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD.

Book Chapter19790130Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Word, J.Q. 1978. The infaunal index: a relative abundance measure of the benthic infauna and how it may be applied to fish food habits studies. in: S.J. Lipovsky, C.A. Simenstad (eds.), Gutshop '78 Washington Sea Grant pp. 37-42. University of Washington, Seattle. Seattle, WA.

Book Chapter19780103Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

McDermott-Ehrlich, D.J., D.R. Young, G.V. Alexander, T.K. Jan, G.P. Hershelman. 1978. Chemical Studies of Offshore Oil Platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel. Technical Report 117. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19780117Regional Monitoring

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1978. DDT, PCB and chlorinated benzenes in the marine ecosystem off southern California. Water Chlorination Environmental Impact and Health Effects, Vol. 2 pp. 267-290. Ann Arbor Science. Ann Arbor, MI.

Book Chapter19780111Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., T.K. Jan, T.C. Heesen. 1978. Cycling of trace metal and chlorinated hydrocarbon wastes in the Southern California Bight. in: M.L. Wiley (ed.), Estuarine Interactions pp. 481-496. Academic Press. New York, NY.

Book Chapter19780099Regional Monitoring

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Allen. 1978. Use of small otter trawls in coastal biological surveys. Technical Report 105. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19780105Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Bascom, W.N. 1978. Quantifying man's influence on coastal waters. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 3:112-117.

Journal Article19780118Sediment Quality

Sherwood, M.J., A.J. Mearns, D.R. Young, B.B. McCain, R.A. Murchelano, G. Alexander, T. Heesen, T.-K. Jan. 1978. A comparison of trace contaminants in diseased fishes from three areas. Technical Report 106. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19780106Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R.P., D.R. Young, J.N. Johnson. 1978. Geochemistry of mercury in Palos Verdes sediments. Environmental Science and Technology 12:1151-1157.

Journal Article19780113Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., D.R. Young. 1978. Impact of nearshore development on open coastal resources. in: J.N. Baskin, M.D. Dailey, S.N. Murray, E. Segal (eds.), Proceedings of the First Southern California Ocean Studies Consortium Symposium pp. 23-49. Southern California Ocean Studies Consortium. Long Beach, CA.

Book Chapter19780110

Mearns, A.J., D.R. Young. 1978. Pollutant flow through marine food webs. in: S.J. Lipovsky, C.A. Simenstad (eds.), Gutshop '78: Fish Food Habits Studies: Proceedings of the Second Pacific Northwest Technical Workshop pp. 107-117. Washington Sea Grant. Seattle, WA.

Book Chapter19780119Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Sherwood. 1978. Health, abundance and diversity of bottomfish and shellfish populations at proposed and existing offshore drilling sites in the southern California Bight. Technical Report 120. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19780120Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R.P., D.R. Young. 1978. In situ uptake of mercury by the intertidal mussel, Mytilus californians. Marine Pollution Bulletin 9:214-217.

Journal Article19780107Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R.P., D.R. Young. 1978. Total and organic mercury in benthic organisms near a major submarine wastewater outfall system. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 19:758-766.

Journal Article19780109Sediment Quality

Jan, T.K., D.R. Young. 1978. Chromium speciation in municipal wastewaters and seawater. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 1978:2327-2336.

Journal Article19780108Regional Monitoring

Jan, T.K., D.R. Young. 1978. Determination of microgram amounts of some transition metals in seawater by methyl isobutyl ketone nitric acid successive extraction and flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Analytical Chemistry 50:1250-1253.

Journal Article19780115

Vidal, V.M.V., F.V. Vidal, J.D. Isaacs, D. Young. 1978. Coastal submarine hydrothermal activity off northern Baja California. Journal of Geophysical Research 83:1757-1774.

Journal Article19780116

SCCWRP Staff. 1978. The effects of the ocean disposal of municipal waste. Technical Report 114. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19780114Sediment Quality

Reish, D., T. Kauwling, A. Mearns, P. Oshida, S. Rossi, F. Wilkes, M. Ray. 1978. Marine and estuarine pollution. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 50:1424-1469.

Journal Article19780274Sediment Quality

Bascom, W.N. 1978. Measuring the Effects of Man's Wastes on the Ocean. Technical Report 118.A. American Society of Civil Engineers. Chicago, IL.

Technical Report19780118.ASediment Quality

McDermott-Ehrlich, D.J., D.R. Young, T.C. Heesen. 1978. DDT and PCB in flatfish around southern California municipal outfalls. Chemosphere 6:453-461.

Journal Article19780112Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., D. McDermott-Ehrlich, T.C. Heesen. 1977. Sediments as sources of DDT and PCB. Marine Pollution Bulletin 8:254-257.

Journal Article19770096Sediment Quality

Hershelman, G.P., T.-K. Jan, H.A. Schafer. 1977. Pollutants in sediments off Palos Verdes. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 63-68. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.06

Schafer, H.A. 1977. Characteristics of municipal wastewater discharges, l976. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 19-23. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.01

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1977. Chlorinated benzenes in Palos Verdes flatfish. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 149-152. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.19

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1977. Marine bird deaths at Los Angeles Zoo. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 193-198. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.25

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1977. Polychlorinated biphenyls in the nearshore marine ecosystem off San Diego, CA. Technical Report 102. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19770102Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., G.V. Alexander. 1977. Metals in mussels from harbors and outfall areas. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 159-165. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.21

Hendricks, T.J. 1977. Coastal currents. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 53-62. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.05

Hendricks, T.J. 1977. In situ measurements of initial dilution. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 41-51. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.04

Hendricks, T.J. 1977. Satellite imagery studies. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 75-78. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.08

Word, J.Q., A.J. Mearns, M.J. Allen. 1977. Better control stations the 60 meter survey. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 89-97. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.11

Allen, M.J. 1977. Pollution related alterations of southern California demersal fish communities. in: J. Yoakum, M. Pontrelli, C.M. Ferrel, M. White, D. Lockard, O. Casey (eds.), CAL-NEVA Wildlife 1977 pp. 103-107. CAL-NEVA Wildlife Transactions. Davis, CA.

Book Chapter19770140Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., T.K. Jan, M.D. Moore, G.P. Hershelman. 1977. Trace metals in coastal power plant effluents. Technical Report 100. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19770100Regional Monitoring

Mearns, A.J. 1977. Abundance of bottom fish off Orange County. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 133-142. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.17

Mearns, A.J. 1977. Coastal gradients in sportfish catches. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 127-132. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.16

Mearns, A.J. 1977. Underwater color photography. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 81-83. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.09

McDermott-Ehrlich, D.J., M.J. Sherwood, T.C. Heesen, D.R. Young, A.J. Mearns. 1977. Chlorinated hydrocarbons in dover sole, Microstomus pacificus: local migrations and fin erosion. Fishery Bulletin 75:513-527.

Journal Article19770097Sediment Quality

Word, J.Q., A.J. Mearns. 1977. Bottom invertebrate populations below 200 meters. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 117-120. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.14

Word, J.Q., B.L. Myers, A.J. Mearns. 1977. Animals that are indicators of marine pollution. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 199-206. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.26

Allen, M.J., A.J. Mearns. 1977. Bottom fish populations below 200 meters. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 109-115. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.13

Sherwood, M.J., A.J. Mearns. 1977. Environmental significance of fin erosion in southern California demersal fishes. in: H.F. Kraybill, C.J. Dawe, J.C. Harshbarger, R.G. Tardiff (eds.), Aquatic Pollutants and Biologic Effects with Emphasis on Neoplasia pp. 177-189. Annals of the New York Academy. New York, NY.

Book Chapter19770094Bioassessment

Young, D.R., T.K. Jan. 1977. Fire fallout of metals off California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 8:109-112.

Journal Article19770095Runoff Water Quality

Young, D.R., M.D. Moore. 1977. Trace metals in seafoods. Technical Report 101. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19770101Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., T.-K. Jan, M.D. Moore. 1977. Metals in power plant cooling water discharges. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 25-31. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.02

Word, J.Q. 1977. Taxonomic standardization developments. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 85-87. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.10

Oshida, P.S., J.L. Wright. 1977. Effects of hexavalent chromium on sea urchin embryos and brittle stars. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 181-185. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.23

Mearns, A.J., D.R. Young. 1977. Chromium in the southern California marine environment. in: C.S. Giam (ed.), Pollutant Effects on Marine Organisms pp. 125-141. Lexington Books. Lexington, MA.

Book Chapter19770086Bioassessment

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Sherwood. 1977. Changes in the prevalence of fin erosion off Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 143-145. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.18

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Sherwood. 1977. Distribution of neoplasms and other diseases in marine fishes relative to the discharge of waste water. in: H.F. Kraybill, C.J. Dawe, J.C. Harshbarger, R.G. Tardiff (eds.), Aquatic Pollutants and Biologic Effects with Emphasis on Neoplasia pp. 210-224. Annals of the New York Academy. New York, NY.

Book Chapter19770093Bioassessment

Oshida, P.S. 1977. A safe level of hexavalent chromium for a marine polychaete. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 169-180. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.22

Pierce, K.V., B. McCain, M.J. Sherwood. 1977. Histology of liver tissue from Dover sole. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 207-212. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.27

Oshida, P.S. 1977. Toxicity of a chlorinated benzene to sea urchin embryos. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 187-192. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.24

Sherwood, M.J. 1977. Fin erosion disease and liver chemistry Los Angeles and Seattle. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 213-219. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.28

Sherwood, M.J. 1977. Fin regeneration in Dover sole. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 221-224. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.29

Heesen, T.C., D.R. Young. 1977. Halogenated hydrocarbons in wastewaters knowns and unknowns. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 33-38. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.03

Heesen, T.C., D.R. Young. 1977. Precision of chlorinated hydrocarbon measurements. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 69-74. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.07

Jane, T.-K., M.D. Moore, D.R. Young. 1977. Metals in seafoods near outfalls. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 153-157. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.20

SCCWRP Staff. 1977. Interim report on the effects of sludge in Santa Monica Bay. Technical Report 104. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19770104Sediment Quality

Allen, M.J., R.M. Voglin. 1977. Commercial fish catches. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 121-126. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.15

Mearns, A.J., D.A. Hanan, L. Harris. 1977. Recovery of kelp forest off Palos Verdes. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1977 Annual Report pp. 99-108. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19771977.12

Reish, D.J., T.J. Kauwling, A.J. Mearns, P.S. Oshida, S.S. Rossi. 1977. Marine and estuarine pollution. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 1977:1316-1340.

Journal Article19770098Sediment Quality

Bascom, W., A.J. Mearns, M.D. Moore. 1976. A biological survey of oil platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel. Journal of Petroleum Technology 1976:1280-1284.

Journal Article19760065Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Young, D.R., D.J. McDermott, T.C. Heesen. 1976. DDT in sediments and organisms around southern California outfalls. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 48:1919-1928.

Journal Article19760074Sediment Quality

Schafer, H.A. 1976. Characteristics of municipal wastewater discharges, 1975. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 57-60. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.07

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1976. Inputs of chlorinated benzenes. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 31-37. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.03

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1976. Inputs of DDT and PCB. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 23-30. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.02

McDermott-Ehrlich, D., G.A. Alexander. 1976. Chemical studies of offshore oil platforms. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 129-135. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.18

Hendricks, T. 1976. Current velocities required to move sediments. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 71-76. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.09

Hendricks, T. 1976. Measurements of subthermocline currents. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 63-70. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.08

Sherwood, M.J., B.B. McCain. 1976. Comparison of fin erosion disease: Los Angeles and Seattle. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 143-147. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.20

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen, D.J. McDermott. 1976. An offshore biomonitoring system for chlorinated hydrocarbons. Marine Pollution Bulletin 7:156-159.

Journal Article19760076Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen, D.J. McDermott. 1976. Synoptic survey of chlorinated hydrocarbon inputs to the southern California Bight. Volume I. Technical Report 78. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19760078Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R.P., J.N. Johnson, D.R. Young, D.J. McDermott. 1976. Mercury in southern California waters: inputs, distribution, and fate. Technical Report 92. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19760092Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Allen, M.J. 1976. Addition of Citharichthys fragilis Gilbert to the California fauna. California Fish and Game 62:299-303.

Journal Article19760066Bioassessment

Young, D.R., D. McDermott-Ehrlich. 1976. Sediments as sources of DDT and PCB. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 49-55. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.06

Allen, M.J. 1976. Field methods for sampling demersal fish populations and observing their behavior. in: C.A. Simenstad, S.J. Lipovsky (eds.), Proceedings of the First Pacific Northwest Technical Workshop on Fish Food Habits pp. 56-73. Washington Sea Grant. Seattle, WA.

Book Chapter19760091Sediment Quality

Allen, M.J. 1976. Important aspects of foraging behavior and feeding morphology in resource partitioning studies of fishes. in: C.A. Simenstad, S.J. Lipovsky (eds.), Proceedings of the First Pacific Northwest Technical Workshop on Fish Food Habits pp. 177-180. Washington Sea Grant. Seattle, WA.

Book Chapter19760090Sediment Quality

McDermott, D.J., G.V. Alexander, D.R. Young, A.J. Mearns. 1976. Metal contamination of flatfish around a large submarine outfall. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 48:1913-1918.

Journal Article19760068Sediment Quality

Reish, D.J., T.J. Kauwling, A.J. Mearns. 1976. Marine and estuarine pollution. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 48:1439-1459.

Journal Article19760079Sediment Quality

Allen, M.J., A.J. Mearns. 1976. Life history of the Dover sole. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 223-228. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.33

Sherwood, M.J., A.J. Mearns. 1976. Occurrence of tumor-bearing Dover Sole (Microstomus pacificus) off Point Arguello, California and off Baja California, Mexico. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 105:561-563.

Journal Article19760080Sediment Quality

Schafer, H.A., W. Bascom. 1976. Sludge in Santa Monica Bay. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 77-82. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.10

Bascom, W. 1976. Instruments for studying ocean pollution. Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division 103:1-8.

Journal Article19760071Sediment Quality

Bascom, W. 1976. Underwater color photography. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 175-177. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.25

Bascom, W., D. Young, A. Mearns. 1976. How to develop rational standards for ocean-discharge of metals. The Bulletin 13:74-78.

Journal Article19760070Sediment Quality

Bascom, W. 1976. An underwater television system. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 171-174. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.24

Young, D.R., T.-K. Jan. 1976. Aerial fallout of metals during a brushfire. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 43-47. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.05

Mearns, A.J., M.D. Moore. 1976. Biological study of oil platforms Hilda and Hazel, Santa Barbara Channel, California. Technical Report 82. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19760082Bioassessment

Young, D.R., T.-K. Jan. 1976. Metals in scallops. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 117-121. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.16

Reish, D.J., J.M. Martin, F.M. Piltz, J.Q. Word. 1976. The effect of heavy metals on laboratory populations of two polychaetes with comparisons to the water quality conditions and standards in southern California marine waters. Water Research 10:299-302.

Journal Article19760087Sediment Quality

Word, J.Q. 1976. Biological comparison of grab sampling devices. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 189-194. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.27

Allen, M.J., M.D. Moore. 1976. Fauna of offshore structures. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 179-186. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.26

Word, J.Q. 1976. A comparative field study of benthic sampling devices used in southern California benthic surveys. Technical Report 85. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Long Beach, CA.

Technical Report19760085Sediment Quality

Word, J.Q. 1976. An evaluation of benthic invertebrate sampling devices for investigating feeding habits of fish. in: C.A. Simenstad, S.J. Lipovsky (eds.), Proceedings of the First Pacific Northwest Technical Workshop on Fish Food Habits pp. 43-62. Washington Sea Grant. Seattle, WA.

Book Chapter19760089Sediment Quality

Word, J.Q. 1976. A program for standardizing the identification of marine invertebrates. in: C.A. Simenstad, S.J. Lipovsky (eds.), Fish Food Habits Studies pp. 103-106. Washington Sea Grant. Seattle, WA.

Book Chapter19760088Sediment Quality

Word, J.Q. 1976. A swimming crab, Euphylax dovii Stimpson (1860): new to the marine fauna of California. California Fish and Game 62:161-162.

Journal Article19760067Bioassessment

Allen, M.J., H. Pecorelli, J. Word. 1976. Marine organisms around outfall pipes in Santa Monica Bay. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 48:1881-1893.

Journal Article19760072Bioassessment

Sherwood, M.J., J.L. Wright. 1976. Uptake and effects of chromium on marine fish. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 123-128. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.17

Oshida, P.S., J.L. Wright. 1976. Acute responses of marine invertebrates to chromium. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 155-159. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.22

Heesen, T.C., R.A. Johnson. 1976. Techniques for collecting DDT and PCB in aerial fallout. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 39-41. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.04

Mearns, A.J., J.J. Sherwood. 1976. Ocean wastewater discharge and tumors in a southern California flatfish. Progress in Experimental Tumor Research 20:75-85.

Journal Article19760028Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Sherwood. 1976. Fin erosion prevalence and environmental changes. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 139-142. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.19

Dunn, B.P., D.R. Young. 1976. Baseline levels of benzo(a)pyrene in southern California mussels. Marine Pollution Bulletin 7:231-234.

Journal Article19760081Sediment Quality

Eganhouse Jr, R.P. 1976. Mercury in sediments. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 83-89. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.11

Oshida, P.S. 1976. Effects of chromium on reproduction in polychaetes. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 161-167. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.23

Sherwood, M.J. 1976. Fin erosion disease induced in the laboratory. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 149-153. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.21

Alexander, G.V., D.R. Young. 1976. Trace metals in southern California mussels. Marine Pollution Bulletin 7:7-9.

Journal Article19760069Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R.P., D.R. Young. 1976. Mercury in tissues of mussel off southern California. Marine Pollution Bulletin 7:145-147.

Journal Article19760077Sediment Quality

Eganhouse Jr, R.P., D.R. Young. 1976. Mercury in benthic animals. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 111-115. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.15

Eganhouse Jr, R.P., D.R. Young. 1976. Mercury in mussels. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 105-109. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.14

Mearns, A.J., C.S. Greene. 1976. Comparison of the benthos at several wastewater discharge sites. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 211-216. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.31

Morris, R.L., A.J. Mearns, J. Kim. 1976. Viruses and bacteria in coastal waters and shellfis. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 97-103. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.13

Greene, C.S. 1976. Changes in the grain size of sediments on the Palos Verdes Shelf. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 91-93. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.12

Greene, C.S. 1976. Multivariate analysis of benthic ecosystems at a marine wastewater discharge site. Technical Report 83. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19760083Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Greene, C.S. 1976. Partial recovery of the benthos at Palos Verdes. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 205-210. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.30

Greene, C.S. 1976. Response and recovery of the benthos at Orange County. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 197-203. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.29

Greene, C.S. 1976. Responses of benthic infauna to the initiation and termination of sewage discharge. Technical Report 84. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19760084Sediment Quality

Smith, R.W., C.S. Greene. 1976. Biological communities near submarine outfall. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 48:1894-1912.

Journal Article19760073Bioassessment

Jan, T.-K., D.R. Young. 1976. Chromium speciation in municipal wastewater and seawater. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 15-22. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.01

Mearns, A.J., P.S. Oshida, M.J. Sherwood, D.R. Young, D.J. Reish. 1976. Chromium effects on coastal organisms. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 48:1929-1939.

Journal Article19760075Sediment Quality

Allen, M.J., R. Voglin. 1976. Regional and local variation of bottom fish and invertebrate populations. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 217-221. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.32

Bascom, W., A.J. Mearns, M.D. Moore. 1976. A Biological Survey of Oil Platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel. Journal of Petroleum Technology 1976:1280-1284.

Journal Article19760065Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Mearns, A.J., M.D. Moore. 1976. Biological Study of Oil Platforms. Technical Report 0082. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa.

Technical Report19760082Bioassessment

Word, J.Q., B.L. Myers, L. Harris. 1976. Taxonomic standardization program. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1976 Annual Report pp. 195-196. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19761976.28

McDermott, D.J., D.R. Young, T.C. Heesen. 1975. PCB Contamination of Southern California Marine Organisms. Technical Report 53.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750053.BBioassessment

Sherwood, M.J., A.J. Mearns. 1975. Diseases of southern California coastal fishes. Technical Report 53. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750053.ASediment Quality

McDermott, D.J., D.R. Young, T.C. Heesen. 1975. Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Marine Organisms off Southern California. Technical Report 0061. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report19750061b

Bascom, W., J. Allen, C. Greene, L. Harris, T. Hendricks, D. McDermott-Ehrlich, A. Mearns, R. Morris, M. Sherwood, J. Word, L. Word, D. Young. 1975. Environmental effects of the disposal of municipal wastewaters in open coastal waters. Technical Report 79.b. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report197579.bMicrobial Water Quality

Mearns, A.J. 1975. Responses of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates to Wastewater Discharges. pp. 19-32. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Book Chapter19750048Bioassessment

Young, D.R., D.J. McDermott, T.C. Heesen. 1975. Polychlorinated biphenyl inputs to the southern California Bight. Technical Report 62. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750062Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Mitchell, F.K., H.A. Schafer. 1975. Effects of ocean sludge disposal. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 153-162. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.29

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1975. Inputs of DDT and PCB. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 105-109. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.20

Hendricks, T. 1975. A model of the dispersion of wastewater constituents. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 173-177. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.32

Hendricks, T. 1975. Properties of nearshore currents. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 167-172. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.31

Young, D.R., D.J. McDermott. 1975. Aerial fallout of DDT. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 111-116. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.21

Young, D.R., D.J. McDermott. 1975. Trace element anomalies in marine organisms off southern California. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 18:162-166.

Journal Article19750049Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., D.J. McDermott. 1975. Trace metals in harbor mussels. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 139-142. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.26

Mitchell, F.K., D.J. McDermott. 1975. Characteristics of municipal wastewater discharges, 1974. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 163-165. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.30

Allen, M.J. 1975. Alternative methods for assessing fish populations. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 95-98. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.18

Allen, M.J. 1975. Regional variation in the structure of fish communities. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 99-102. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.19

Heesen, T.C., D.R. Young, D. McDermott-Ehrlich. 1975. Evaluation of a technique for measuring dry aerial deposition rates of DDT and PCB presidues. Technical Report 54. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750054Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J. 1975. Poecilopsis gracilis (Heckel), a newly introduced poeciliid fish in California. California Fish and Game 61:251-253.

Journal Article19750052Bioassessment

Young, D.R., T.R. Folsom, V.F. Hodge. 1975. Cs and K in the flesh of pacific albacore, 1964-1974. Health Physics 29:689-694.

Journal Article19750042Sediment Quality

Reish, D.J., T.J. Kauwling, A.J. Mearns. 1975. Marine and estuarine pollution. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 47:1617-1635.

Journal Article19750044Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Eganhouse, R.P. 1975. The measurement of total and organic mercury in marine sediments, organisms, and waters. Technical Report 59. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750059Sediment Quality

Sherwood, M.J., A.J. Mearns. 1975. Sampling diseased fish populations. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 27-32. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.03

Young, D.R., D.J. McDermott, T.H. Heesen, D.A. Hotchkiss. 1975. DDT persists in southern California ocean sediments and organisms long after industrial source stops. The Bulletin 12:62-66.

Journal Article19750050Sediment Quality

Stephenson, W., R. Smith, C.S. Greene, T.S. Sarason, D.A. Hotchkiss. 1975. Soft bottom benthos from an area of heavy waste discharge: hierarchial classification of data. Technical Report 64. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750064Sediment Quality

Oshida, P.S., A.J. Mearns. 1975. The effects of hexavalent and trivalent chromium on neanthes arenaceodentata (polychaeta: annelida). Technical Report 63. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750063Sediment Quality

Bascom, W. 1975. Instruments for measuring pollution in the sea. pp. 99-111. International Association of Water Pollution Control Agencies. Sorrento, Italy.

Book Chapter19750055Sediment Quality

Mitchell, F.K. 1975. Sediment trap applications in the nearshore region. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 18:159-161.

Journal Article19750046Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., D.J. Mc Dermott, T.C. Heesen, T.K. Jan. 1975. Pollutant inputs and distributions off southern California. in: T.M. Church (ed.), Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment pp. 424-439. American Chemical Society. Washington, DC.

Book Chapter19750047Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., T.-K. Jan. 1975. Chromium in municipal wastewater and seawater. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 147-149. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.28

Young, D.R., T.-K. Jan. 1975. Trace Metals in Nearshore Seawater. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 143-146. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.27

Mearns, A.J., L.S. Word. 1975. Hydrographic and microbiological survey of Santa Monica basin, winter and summer 1974. Technical Report 56. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750056

Mearns, A.J., L.S. Word. 1975. A trawl survey off Laguna Beach and Dana Point. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 89-93. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.17

Word, J.Q. 1975. A comparison of grab samplers. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 63-66. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.12

Word, J.Q. 1975. Invertebrate taxonomy program. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 67-68. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.13

Sherwood, M.J., R.A. Bendele. 1975. Mucus production in Dover sole. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 51-53. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.09

McDermott, D.J., M.J. Sherwood. 1975. DDT and PCB in diseased Dover sole. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 33-35. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.04

McDermott, D.J., M.J. Sherwood. 1975. Metals in diseased Dover sole. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 47-49. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.08

Sherwood, M.J. 1975. Laboratory experiments exposing Dover sole to contaminated sediments. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 41-42. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.06

Sherwood, M.J. 1975. Toxicity of chromium to fish. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 61-62. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.11

Young, D.R., I.S. Szpila. 1975. Decreases of DDT and PCB in mussels. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 123-126. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.23

Kim, J. 1975. Indicative, pathogenic, and marine bacteria in the sea. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 15-22. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.01

Mearns, A.J., C.S. Greene. 1975. Benthic response at Orange County outfalls. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 85-88. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.16

Sherwood, M.J., J. Kim. 1975. Bacteria in diseased Dover Sole. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 37-40. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.05

Morris, R., J. Kim. 1975. Viruses in the marine environment. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 23-25. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.02

Greene, C.S. 1975. A comparison of diversity indices. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 79-83. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.15

Mearns, A.J., L. Smith. 1975. Benthic oceanography and the distribution of bottom fish off Los Angeles. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 18:118-124.

Journal Article19750043

Heesen, T.C., D.R. Young. 1975. A new offshore monitoring system. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 127-131. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.24

Greene, C.S., R.W. Smith. 1975. Numerical analysis of data on a benthic community. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 69-77. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.14

Oshida, P., D.J. Reish. 1975. Effects of chromium on reproduction in polychaetes. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 55-60. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.10

Word, J.Q., D.K. Charwat. 1975. Invertebrates of southern California coastal water. I. Select groups of annelids, arthropods, echinoderms, and molluscs. Technical Report 40. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750040Bioassessment

Word, J.Q., D.K. Charwat. 1975. Invertebrates of southern California coastal waters. II. Natantia. Technical Report 41. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750041Bioassessment

Allen, M.J., J.B. Issacs, R.M. Voglin. 1975. Hook-and-line survey of demersal fishes in Santa Monica Bay. Technical Report 60. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750060Sediment Quality

Alexander, G.V., D.R. Young, D.J. McDermott, M.J. Sherwood, A.J. Mearns, D.R. Lunt. 1975. Marine organisms in Southern California Bight as indicators of pollution. Technical Report 51.

Technical Report19750051Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Rohatgi, N., K.Y. Chen. 1975. Transport of trace metals by suspended particulates on mixing with seawater. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 47:2298-2316.

Journal Article19750045Sediment Quality

Voglin, R.M. 1975. An otter trawl survey off Point Loma. Technical Report 58. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750058Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., L. Harris. 1975. Age, Length, and weight relationships in southern California populations of dover sole. Technical Report 57. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750057Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Mearns, A.J., L. Harris. 1975. Growth in normal and diseased Dover sole populations. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 43-46. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.07

McDermott, D.J., D.R. Young, T.C. Heesen. 1975. Polychlorinated biphenyls in marine organisms off southern California. Technical Report 61. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19750061Sediment Quality

McDermott, D.J., T.C. Heesen. 1975. DDT and PCB in Dover sole around outfalls. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 117-121. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.22

McDermott, D.J., T.C. Heesen. 1975. Inputs of DDT, PCB, and trace metals from harbors. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1975 Annual Report pp. 133-138. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19751975.25

Greene, C.S., T.S. Sarason. 1974. Cluster analysis of benthic communities. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 23-31. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.03

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1974. Contaminants in harbors. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 105-108. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.17

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1974. Inputs and distributions of chlorinated hydrocarbons in three southern California harbors. Technical Report 36. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740036Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1974. Inputs and distributions of chlorinated hydrocarbons in three southern California harbors. Technical Report 26. Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR.

Technical Report19740026Sediment Quality

Mearns (ed), A.J., C.S. Green (ed). 1974. A comparative trawl survey of three areas of heavy waste discharge. Technical Report 37. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740037Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., T.C. Heesen. 1974. Inputs of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 97. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.15

Chen, K., T. Hendricks. 1974. Metals on suspended particulates. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 147-152. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.26

Hendricks, T. 1974. The Fates of metals and particulates. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 141-145. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.25

Hendricks, T. 1974. Measurements of coastal currents. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 153-158. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.27

McDermott, D.J. 1974. Characteristics of municipal wastewaters, 1971 to 1973. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 89-96. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.14

Young, D.R., D.J. McDermott. 1974. DDT in benthic fishes. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 113-115. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.19

Allen, M.J. 1974. Functional structure of fish communities. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 69-73. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.10

Heesen, T.C., D.J. McDermott. 1974. DDT and PCB in benthic crabs. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 109-111. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.18

Mearns, A.J. 1974. Standardizing sampling procedures. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 63-68. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.09

Mearns, A.J. 1974. Toxicity studies of chromium. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 15-18. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.01

de Goeij, J.J.M., V.P. Guinn, D.R. Young, A.J. Mearns. 1974. Neutron activation analysis trace-element studies of Dover Sole liver and marine sediments. Technical Report 23. International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna, Switzerland.

Technical Report19740023Sediment Quality

Sherwood, M.J., A.J. Mearns. 1974. Disease responses in southern California coastal fishes. Technical Report 25. Naval Undersea Center. San Diego, CA.

Technical Report19740025Sediment Quality

Sherwood, M.J., A.J. Mearns. 1974. Tumors in southern California fishes. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 33-38. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.04

Bascom, W. 1974. The disposal of waste in the ocean. Scientific American 231:16-25.

Journal Article19740027Regional Monitoring

Miller, A.C. 1974. Intertidal and shallow subtidal communities. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 75-77. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.11

Young, D.R., J.N. Johnson, A. Soutar, J. Isaacs. 1974. Mercury concentrations in dated varved marine sediments collected off southern California. Nature 244:273-275.

Journal Article19740019Sediment Quality

Mitchell, F.K. 1974. Primary and secondary treatment. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 163-165. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.29

Mitchell, F.K. 1974. Properties of ocean sludge. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 159-162. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.28

Reish, D.J., F. Pilta, J.M. Martin, J.Q. Word. 1974. Induction of abnormal polychaete larvae by heavy metals. Marine Pollution Bulletin 5:125-126.

Journal Article19740022Sediment Quality

Johnson, J.N. 1974. Mercury in sediments. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 129-132. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.22

Mearns, A.J., H.S. Stubbs. 1974. Comparison of otter trawls used in southern California coastal surveys. Technical Report 35. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740035Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Sherwood, M.J., R.A. Bendele. 1974. Fin erosion in southern California fishes. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 39-44. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.05

Berkiniser, E. 1974. Decrease of DDT in mussels. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 101-103. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.16

Mearns, A.J., M. Sherwood. 1974. Environmental aspects of fin erosion and tumors in southern California Dover Sole. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 103:799-310.

Journal Article19740020Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Allen, M.J. Sherwood. 1974. An otter trawl survey of Santa Monica bay, May-June 1972. Technical Report 31. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740031Bioassessment

Young, D.R. 1974. Arsenic, antimony, and selenium in sediments. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 133-134. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.23

Young, D.R. 1974. Cadmium and mercury in the southern California Bight (Summary of findings, 1971 to 1973). Technical Report 38. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740038Sediment Quality

Young, D.R. 1974. DDT and PCB in dated sediments. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 135-137. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.24

McDermott, D.J., D.a.v.i.d. R Young. 1974. Metals in flatfish around outfalls. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 117-121. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.20

Mc Dermott, D.J., T.C. Heesen, D.R. Young. 1974. DDT in bottom sediments around five southern California outfall systems. Technical Report 39. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740039Sediment Quality

Kim, J. 1974. Microorganisms in coastal waters. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 57-62. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.08

Mearns, A., M. Allen, L. Word, J. Word, C. Greene. 1974. Quantitative responses of demersal fish and benthic invertebrate communities to coastal municipal waster. Technical Report 29. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740029Sediment Quality

Greene, C.S. 1974. Grain sizes of Palos Verdes sediments. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 85-86. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.13

Mearns, A.J., C.G. Smith. 1974. Characterizing nearshore benthic waters. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 79-83. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.12

Hendricks, T.J., D.R. Young. 1974. Modeling the fates of metals in ocean-discharged wastewaters. Technical Report 30. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740030Sediment Quality

Word, J.Q., T.C. Heesen, D.J. Mc Dermott, P.E. Smokler. 1974. Marine inputs of polychlorinated biphenyls and copper from vessel antifouling paints. Technical Report 34. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740034Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Hom, W., R.W. Risebrough, A. Soutar, D.R. Young. 1974. Deposition of DDE and polychlorinated biphenyls in dated sediments of the Santa Barbara basin. Science 184:1197-1199.

Journal Article19740024Sediment Quality

SCCWRP Staff. 1974. Observations with a baited movie camera. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 45-52. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.06

Young, D.R., D. Charwat. 1974. Key to shrimp common in southern California trawl catches. Technical Report 33. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740033Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Word, J.Q., D.K. Charwat. 1974. Taxonomic standardization. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 53-56. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.07

Sherwood, M.J., D.K. Charwat. 1974. Wild fish and invertebrates in the laboratory. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 19-21. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.02

Hendricks, T.J., J.M. Harding. 1974. The dispersion and possible biological uptake of ammonia in a wastefield Point Loma, May 1972. Technical Report 32. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19740032Eutrophication

Chen, K.Y., C.S. Young, T.K. Jan, N. Rohatgi. 1974. Trace metals in wastewater effluents. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 46:2663-2675.

Journal Article19740021Regional Monitoring

McDermott, D.J., T.C. Heesen. 1974. Inventory of DDT in sediments. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 1974 Annual Report pp. 123-127. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Annual Report19741974.21

Young, D.R., D.J. McDermott, T.H. Heesen. 1973. Aerial fallout of DDT in southern California. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 16:604-611.

Journal Article19730009Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Allen. 1973. Checklist of inshore demersal fishes from southern and central California. Technical Report 17. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19730017Bioassessment

Mearns, A.J. 1973. Southern California's inshore demersal fishes: diversity, distribution, and disease as responses to environmental quality. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 17:141-148.

Journal Article19730008Bioassessment, Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., C.S. Young, G.E. Hlavka. 1973. Sources of trace metals from highly-urbanized southern California to the adjacent marine ecosystem. Technical Report 7. National Environment Research Center. Cincinnati, OH.

Technical Report19730007Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality

Young, D.R., T.R. Folsom. 1973. Mussels and barnacles as indicators of the variation of 54Mn, 60Co and 65Zn in the marine environment. Proceedings of Radioactive Contamination of the Marine Environment International Atomic Energy Agency. Seattle, WA.

Book Chapter19730006.ASediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., R. Gammon. 1973. Research vessels for marine biological surveys in southern California. Technical Report 13. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19730013

Klontz, G.W., R.A. Bendele. 1973. Histopathological analysis of fin erosion in southern California marine fishes. Technical Report 14. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19730014Sediment Quality

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Allen, M.J. Sherwood. 1973. An otter trawl survey of the central orange county coast. Technical Report 12. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19730012Bioassessment

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Allen, M.J. Sherwood, R. Gammon . 1973. An otter trawl survey off the Palos Verdes Peninsula and Santa Catalina Island November-December 1972. Technical Report 0016. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19730016Regional Monitoring

Mearns, A.J., M.J. Allen, M.J. Sherwood. 1973. An otter trawl survey off the Palos Verdes Peninsula and Santa Catalina Island, May-June 1972. Technical Report 15. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19730015Bioassessment

SCCWRP Staff. 1973. Baited camera observations of demersal fish. Technical Report 18. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19730018Bioassessment

SCCWRP Staff. 1973. The ecology of the Southern California Bight: Implications for water quality management. Technical Report 10. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19730010Bioassessment, Eutrophication, Regional Monitoring, Runoff Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Stormwater BMPs

Mearns, A.J., P.L. Haaker. 1973. Identifying and coding color anomalies in flatfishes. Technical Report 11. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19730011Regional Monitoring

Young, D.R., T.R. Folsom. 1972. Mussels and barnacles as indicators of the variation of manganese-54, cobalt-60, and zinc-65 in the marine environment. Technical Report 0006. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19720006Bioassessment

Hlavka, G.E. 1972. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 16:51-53.

Journal Article19720005

Hlavka, G.E. 1971. Comments on the policy for water quality control proposed by the State Water Resources Control Board. Presented at the State Water Resources Control Board Hearings, San Diego. Technical Report 1. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19710001

Jones, J.H. 1971. General circulation and water characteristics in the southern California Bight. Technical Report 2. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19710002Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Young, C.S. 1971. Thermal discharges into the coastal waters of southern California. Technical Report 3. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19710003Climate Change, Regional Monitoring

Young, D.R. 1971. Mercury in the environment: a summary of information pertinent to the distribution of mercury in the southern California Bight. Technical Report 4. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. El Segundo, CA.

Technical Report19710004Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality